MTL - I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before-Chapter 134 Counterfeit goods

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This question is difficult to answer. Ning Ning hesitated for a long time, and was about to open his mouth, but stretched out a hand, the boss Qu said, "Wait ... you want to answer me clearly."

Then quickly walked out of the door, the back, suddenly fled.

It turned out that he was afraid to hear the answer.

Although the murderer was not found, Chen Dao pressed the matter down, saying only that Chen Shuanghe had a bad stomach, and then the movie continued to be filmed.

The main character is absent, and the camera naturally turns to other people. In the following days, I mainly shoot the scene between fake Juliet and her father.

After the previous illness in the negotiating room, although the fake Juliet finally rescued him, but also showed signs.

Father Zhu began to doubt the authenticity of this daughter.


"Father." Ning Ning walked into the room, her eyes dodging a little, "Are you looking for me?"

Qu Yan closed the newspaper: "The weather is good, let's go for a walk."

It was a new face that helped him up. The original secretary had been dealt with by him. Chen Shuanghe couldn't guarantee it himself, let alone keep the secretary. Ning Ning saw him on the street for the last time, and he was wearing a bowl and holding a bowl with People begging.

After the two went out, they sat in the car together. The car drove for a while. Ningning asked, "Dad, where are we going?"

"Go to the hospital," Qu Yan said.

Ning Ning shook his shoulder and smiled strongly: "Did you not go to the hospital for a re-examination yesterday, today?"

Qu Yan looked at her with complex eyes.

The smile slowly disappeared from Ning Ning's face, and she said gently, "... is the paternity test correct?"

The two did not speak again along the way. As the hospital got closer and closer, Qu Yan's chest became more and more violent. Seeing that the car was about to stop at the hospital entrance, he suddenly shouted: "No, go! Go back! Go ! "

Ning Ning turned suddenly and looked at him.

Before he escaped, he was afraid to know the truth.

"Card!" Director Chen shouted, "Very good."

During the break, Ning Ning found Chen Dao: "Chen Dao, they are all here. I want to see Chen Shuanghe opposite."

She pointed to the hospital opposite. Coincidentally, Chen Shuanghe was receiving treatment there.

"You care about him," Chen said with a smile. "Rest assured, I didn't plan to replace him. I called the hospital yesterday. He recovered quite well, and can come back tomorrow to continue filming."

I've only called the hospital, but I didn't visit him personally ...

At that moment, Ningning really suspected that Chen Shuanghe was actually sent by phone.

Later, it was not until the end of the day's filming that Ning Ning had the time to go to Chen Shuanghe. Thanks to the fact that both were now little-known actors, there was only one reporter who squatted, and there were no fans who were enthusiastic about visiting the disease.

Ning Ning sat down in the ward and said to Chen Shuanghe: "From now on, you can't take a step away from me."

Chen Shuanghe was eating an apple. He was stunned by the words, hammered his chest a few times, finally swallowed the apple, coughed twice, and looked at her with red face and ears: "... What did you say suddenly?"

"The mask man behind Qu Yan." Ning Ning was afraid he didn't know the seriousness of the matter and told him straightforwardly, "He is going to kill you."

Chen Shuanghe hesitated for a moment. He was a wise man. After a few thoughts, he asked, "Is he poisoning me?"

Ningning nodded.

"Why?" Mr. Chen Shuanghe was puzzled. "I don't know him ... Did Qu Yan let him do this?"

In his opinion, they didn't recognize each other, and the grievances that came from wherever they came from, but the banquet made him feel irritated ... This man who didn't know where to come out played all the roles he should have played Then, he knew all the people he should have known, and occupied all the places he should have occupied. The counterfeit goods came to the throne, but the Lord was run aside. Speaking of grievances, Chen Shuanghe did have grievances. They said that if Qu Yan was intentional, then they did have grudges.

Kening Ning shook his head, "I'll tell you a story."

This is the end, and she no longer hides herself, and tells him the story that happened after she first stepped into the cinema of life. The thrilling, joyful and joyful separation in the movie came to her lips and turned into a story. Less than half In hours, all is done.

"... When I found myself in a movie, I was so happy. I think this is a place that God gave me to hone my acting skills. I started to play as the lady of the Republic of China I wore, relying on My father's affection, willfulness and arrogance. "Ning Ning smiled helplessly at Chen Shuanghe." Later, I entered the drama. "

"Into the play?" Chen Shuanghe frowned.

"You are also an actor. You know the impact of entering the drama on an actor, especially the first time." Ning Ning nodded. "I was totally another person during that time. Even now, it is still I could n’t completely get rid of the influence of that drama ... No, it was n’t a drama at all. Later I realized that what I was wearing was not a movie at all, the movie was real, and the people in the movie were also real. I went back through the cinema of life and returned past."

Chen Shuanghe wants to return a ridiculous sentence, but her story is ridiculous, what is his story?

Isn't he back to his past through the cinema of life?

"That man is indeed sinful, but I can only send him to surrender and ask me to kill him ... I can't let it go." Ning Ning slowly said, "Same for you, I used to dislike you very much, neither did you Like me, but the relationship between us is so bad, I want to watch you kill him ... I can't bear it. "

Chen Shuanghe lowered his head, his eyes dodging for a moment, and said, "That was before. Now our two relations are not bad."

Ning Ning froze for a moment, before she spoke, a cold voice sounded behind her.

"Is this your choice?"

Ning Ning's face was brushed white, his head turned back, and a sharp scalpel.

"Be careful!" Shi Zhongtang's voice came from the door. He seemed to have just gone outside. When he came back, he saw the situation inside. He picked up the lunch box in the hand of an aunt next to him and threw it forward.

The lunch box smashed into Qu's arm and crooked the scalpel in his hand.

Aunt first looked at the lunchbox she was flying away, and then looked at the scalpel that was slowly drifting away, and yelled, "A ghost!"

After roaring, his eyes fainted.

It wasn't just her who came to the hospital to deliver meals. Several other aunts also saw the scene. Some screamed fancy sopranos, and some ran away after losing their lunch boxes. Seeing the scene getting more and more chaotic, people who came More and more, Boss Qu snorted, lost the scalpel in his hand, and walked out while chaosing.

Shi Zhongtang breathed a sigh of relief, without stopping, let him go sideways, and then looked back at the two behind him.

"Who will explain it to me?" He pointed at the door with his thumb. "What is this guy going crazy about?"

The night hospital was very peaceful. Although the doctors and nurses tried to popularize democracy, science, and science to the patients and their families, the aunty aunt still found a few monks all night and said that he would open up his son's ward.

When the discharge procedure was completed, Ning Ning and Chen Shuanghe ran into this scene when they went out. Chen Shuanghe secretly asked: "Should we ask a few masters for a WeChat signal and turn to them to open a light."

"Play a ball of yarn." Ning Ning returned to him. "Democracy is rich, science is strong, and mask people are not ghosts."

"Then what are they?" Chen Shuanghe asked.

You ask me, who do I ask? Ning Ning turned to look at Shi Zhongtang.

Shi Zhongtang smiled and didn't speak. He reached out and touched Chen Shuanghe's face, warming between his fingers: "I can touch you, touch you, and kill you. What do you say we are?"

Only people can kill, not ghosts.

After returning to the hotel, it was very late. For tomorrow's shooting, Ning Ning said goodbye to Chen Shuanghe soon, and was about to return to his room to sleep, but was stopped by Shi Zhongtang.

He stopped talking for a long time, and then he grinned suddenly, "Otherwise, open a room to study the script tonight."

Ningning: "..."

Chen Shuanghe: "..."

Both eyes read: Dude, are you kidding me?

"I'm kidding." Shi Zhongtang held Chen Shuanghe's shoulder. "Let's go, brother Chen. I still want to go cheap if you want to ..." Oh right. "

Halfway through, he turned his head to look at Ning Ning, converging his cynical body, and said very solemnly, "Ning Ning, please close the door after you return. No matter what sound you hear this evening, don't open the door."

What does he mean? What can be heard at night?

In the middle of the night, Ningning was awakened by a song.

She listened for a moment, lifted the quilt and turned on the light: "... Quan Yan? What the **** are you doing?"

Qu Yan walked in her doorway, and the shadow penetrated through the gap under the door, moving left and right with his pace.

"Is she really my daughter?" He didn't sleep at midnight, but he read a line at her doorstep, which was a one-man show. After returning from the hospital, Juliet's father lost sleep and held a candlestick. , Lingering at the door of her daughter's room, whispered to herself, "Of course she is my daughter, the same looks, the same personality, the same love for me ..."

"What if she isn't? What if she's just a fake?"

The shadow suddenly stopped, and the man outside the door stood still.

Perhaps he was just like Juliet's father, using the master key in his hand to open the door, bloodshot eyes due to lack of sleep, and silently staring at the fake daughter lying on the bed.

"Then she'd better keep posing." The pale candlelight shone on his face, and he sang with a smile, "Don't wear clothes other than red dresses, don't cut hair styles other than long hair, don't love father, Otherwise, otherwise ... "

Ning Ning paused, the song at the door stopped, the shadow in the door gap disappeared, Qu Yan left, but left a warning to warn her: you better continue to be my daughter, otherwise ...

One night passed, and the next day, Ning Ning returned to the crew with a panda eye.

Because of poor sleep, he made several mistakes during the filming, and was ruthlessly sprayed into a dog by Chen Dao. He re-shot several times, and finally passed the level. Ning Ning sat exhausted in a chair. During the break, Shi Zhongtang shook from behind Chen Shuanghe, reached out and stroked her cheek.

"You look good," he said. "Should I contribute my strong body and let you replenish it?"

Ning Ning twitched, holding her head with one hand and lowering her voice to her, "I'm not a nymph, thank you."

"I laughed." Shi Zhongtang asked her softly, "What happened last night?"

Ning Ning was about to answer, suddenly his eyes looked straight across.

Chen Shuanghe was performing a one-man show. The negotiating room failed to kill the banquet, and revenge followed. He was wearing a crumpled suit, his hair was disheveled, his mobile phone was next to his ears, and he anxiously shouted, "What did you say? The restaurant was blocked? Twelve guests were poisoned with food ... Damn, it must be the old **** ... "

Without finishing talking, another call came in. He glanced at the caller ID: old bastard.

He was hesitant to pick it up, and suddenly the wind rushed over to the two of them.

Ning Ning grabbed his left arm, Shi Zhongtang grabbed his right arm, and the two of them pushed hard at the same time and ran away.

With a loud bang, the gorgeous and heavy chandelier fell down and hit the place where Chen Shuanghe just stood.

There was another riot in the crew, and Chen Dao shouted, "Calm down, all calm down ..."

Zizi, Zizi ... In the exclamation of the crowd, the remaining lamps also Zizi twice, and then went out together.

"What the hell!" "Are there a power outage?" "Is it a wicked one who closed the main gate?"

There were no five fingers in the room, and one cell phone after another lit up, and the light was like a firefly fluttering on the grave.

"From now on, neither of you will leave me." Shi Zhongtang solemnly said, "Go."

He led Ningning and Chen Shuanghe, walking slowly and cautiously towards the door.

Darkness has a benefit, I can't see you, you can't see me, I can't hurt you, and you can't hurt me.

But at this moment, Chen Shuanghe's cell phone rang.

He took a look at his phone, and the caller ID: Qu Yan.

At the same time, behind them, a sharp knife slid out of the scabbard silently.

[Afternoon tea time for the ladies]

Little angel: "Are you going to fight?"

Axia: "Well, it's about to fight."

Little angel: "Can you win?"

A: "I count, demon hunter Shi Zhongtang lv89, priest Ningning lv30, mascot three minutes lv10 ... This combination can also be copied, but it is a bit difficult."

Little angel: "I, paladin lv85 can go to support? If I'm not enough ... Lich Ningyuren lv70 [Because I'm dead, so either Lich or Skeleton King], Undead Master Chen lv60 [I want to resurrect Ning Yuren], MT my father Shidao lv55 [thick skinned meat 300 pounds], bard poet Pei Xuan lv88 ... forget the last cross. Oh, dare to ask your occupation is ... ... "

Ah: "Gold clerk in convenience store, hot lunch skills lv999."

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