MTL - I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before-Chapter 129 Man who is disappearing

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Looking at the man in front of him, Chen Shuanghe suddenly trembled.

"Guest, please follow me."

"... wait, you are not a guest."

"Escape ticket !! Hahahaha everyone coming! Someone has evaded the ticket, and finally someone has evaded the ticket !!!"

The crowd of masked people, the blood countdown on the screen, and the eyes that suddenly opened on the screen at the end of the countdown.

Like the two headlights that suddenly lit in the dark, two white lights shot straight, stabbing Chen Shuanghe to close his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he had returned to the past.

"Is it a dream?" Chen Shuanghe murmured, slowly reaching out a hand to Shi Zhongtang.

If it was a dream, his fingers would pass through the mask in front of him, but no, his fingers hit the mask sturdyly, and the texture of warmth and coolness came into his fingers.

Chen Shuanghe retracted his hand momentarily, looking at the other side in surprise and vigilance: "Are you real?"

"What really?"

A woman's voice suddenly sounded behind him. Chen Shuanghe turned his head suddenly. A pale-haired woman stood behind him and looked at him with a smile.

They all say that they cover three ugliness in white, but this woman is white and thin, white is weak, white is not a trace of spirit, like a person outlined on a wall with a pencil, using an eraser to wipe her easily, she can She wiped away from this world.

"Mom ..." Chen Shuanghe murmured, reached out and touched her face, so cautiously, fearing that her fingers would pass through her face.

He felt it.

A pale, rough, dry face.

"What's wrong?" The woman in front of him, his mother Chen Hui wondered, "how did you cry?"

Chen Shuanghe froze, raised his hand and touched his cheek, the tears were wet.

"Poor child, are you lonely?" Chen Hui sighed, hugging him and said, "Your dad said he was going to take us on vacation today, but he changed again temporarily ... Do you know why?"

She led Chen Shuanghe down the stairs. Although it was a villa, the lighting was darker than ordinary houses. Looking around, it turned out that the curtains were all pulled up. She pulled Chen Shuanghe to sit on the sofa, then picked up the remote control and pressed it forward. The TV turned on and Ning Yuren's face appeared on the screen.

"Sicilian Holiday", Ning Yuren staged a foreign love affair with a foreign actor.

"Because of her." Chen Hui stared at Ning Yuren, but said to her son, "She took your dad away again, filmed, filmed, filmed, finished the film, and the lower film. She was there. , Your dad will never come back to us. "

"Turn off the TV." Shi Zhongtang stood behind the sofa and said to Chen Shuanghe, "It's good to watch the TV occasionally. Don't get addicted to treating the TV actress as an imaginary enemy."

Chen Shuanghe glanced at him and asked, "Mom, is there anyone else in the family today?"

"Who are you talking about?" Chen Hui looked back, Ming Ming Shi Zhongtang was standing in front of her, but she turned a blind eye, looked around, and then smiled at Chen Shuanghe, "Who is there, don't scare me, well, Let's watch TV together ... what are you doing? "

The TV was turned off, and Chen Shuanghe turned back and smiled at her: "Mom, dad is not the same as you going on vacation, let me accompany you."

Chen Hui laughed: "But aren't you filming?"

As a well-known child star, and a rare child who has not grown up since growing up, he has become more and more handsome. Chen Shuanghe's recent market is very good. Before he officially entered the Academy of Film and Television, he has received many plays one after another. Recently, I even received a blockbuster costume made entirely of old opera bones, in which I want to play Qin Shihuang as a teenager.

The film "The Emperor Qin Shi Huang" has a very important position in Chen Shuanghe's life, not only allowed him to formally transform from a child star to a strong actor, but also allowed him to form friendships with the older generations who filmed together. His future success, It is indispensable to carry these old predecessors.

"... No more." Chen Shuanghe held Chen Hui's arm and leaned gently on her. "I'll stay with you."

When Chen Hui died on the day of the "Qin Shihuang" killing, she died alone on the sofa in the living room, without her husband and son. She was only accompanied by the remote control in her hand and the Ning Yuren on TV.

He didn't want to make it happen again.

"... But I don't want to go out." Chen Hui slowly turned her head and looked out the window, a look of hope in her almost dead eyes, "What if your dad is back? There must be someone waiting for him at home."

"... It's because you have been waiting for him that you haven't been able to wait for him." Chen Shuanghe forcibly pulled her off the sofa. "Occasionally let him wait for you!"

But even when traveling, Chen Hui still cares about her family. Do n’t even think about foreign travel. Domestic travel is not willing to go a little farther. She only wants to go back and forth in the surrounding cities. She ca n’t even stay long. Tian began to feel restless and kept pushing Chen Shuanghe to book the ticket.

This life lasted for six months.

Then Chen Hui became ill.

"Go back, I want to go back." She was on the sickbed, grabbed Chen Shuanghe's hand and kept telling him, "Hurry up to help me book a return ticket."

Chen Shuanghe felt sad for a while: "No one is waiting for you at home, why are you going back?"

For half a year, Director Chen did not call her on a phone call. She called and took the initiative to report where she was and what she was doing, and then he hung up impatiently.

"Will you chat with a woman?" Shi Zhongtang's voice sounded behind him, with some hippie smiles. "Actually, the woman knows everything. She doesn't need you to explain to her better, she just needs a little comfort."

For half a year, this man who claimed to be Shi Zhongtang floated beside him like a ghost. Chen Shuanghe has become accustomed to turning a blind eye to him. As for the suggestions that Shi Zhongtang keeps making within half a year ... Out of his suspicion for the cinema, Chen Shuanghe None have been adopted.

"Or ..." Chen Shuanghe said to his mother on the sickbed, "Divorce your father."

Chen Hui froze for a moment, then fell silent.

"It seems that she still has no feelings for your father." Shi Zhongtang made an idea in his ear again. "The reason why a woman cannot forget her old love is because she has not encountered a better new love ... Before you advise your mother to divorce, How about introducing her to Uncle Mei first? "

"... What about the remote control?" Chen Hui suddenly looked around, her eyes fixed on the remote control on the table, "give me the remote control."

Chen Shuanghe knew what she wanted to do. She did n’t want to give it to her, but she rolled off the bed and climbed over to get the remote control. Helpless, Chen Shuanghe had to give her the remote control.

She really tuned to the channel where Ning Yuren was, and then she took a sigh of relief, crooked on the sickbed, stared at the other side, her withering face, which set off Ning Yuren's gorgeous flowers.

"I envy her so much," Chen Hui murmured.

"There's nothing to envy." Chen Shuanghe said anxiously. "She's the scenery before the stage! Junior high school education, unmarried children, breadwinners, I don't know how hard it is!"

Chen Hui slowly turned to look at him: "I'm willing to trade with her."

Chen Shuanghe heard his words dumb.

"I'm willing to use my family background and education to change her acting skills." Chen Hui left a line of tears in the corner of her eyes and wet the pillow. "But even if I give her all this, I still can't change it ... I can only rely on you. . "

"Rely on me?" Chen Shuanghe asked.

"Well, it's up to you." Chen Hui reached out and touched his face gently, "You are different from me. You have acting skills. In acting, you are a genius, so please take care of you and be a mother." Please, before I die ... you must make your father look at our mother and son. "

Things went round, and finally came back to the original point.

The last time after Chen Hui's death, Chen Shuanghe vowed to use his acting skills to crush Ning Yuren, so that Chen Dao's eyes returned to him and his mother. Now Chen Hui is not dead, but Chen Shuanghe has returned to his own. old road.

No, it's not old.

"What did you say?" Chen Shuanghe frowned, holding his cell phone. "I was brushed down?"

"Yeah." The agent laughed. "But it doesn't matter. This movie can't be performed. Let's change it. Autumn Entertainment is about to make a youth idol drama" You Are My Ome ". The director thinks your image fits inside. Male lead ... "

"You, the Plum Plum"? I have never heard of it. It is probably a street movie, or an ordinary idol drama that has been forgotten after the performance. How can it be compared to the classic "Qin Shi Huang"? Chen Shuanghe interrupted the agent's words: "Who is the young first emperor of Qin Shihuang?"

The agent was silent and said, "Qu Yan."

Qu Yan? Who is that? Chen Shuanghe thought for a long time and did not find this person in the depths of his memory. Was it a new actor who had risen in the half year since he disappeared?

"... In fact, it is the person who replaced you and starred in the TV drama version of" The First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty "." The agent explained, "He performed well in it. The important thing is that the old opera bones who acted together liked him and recommended him Movie version."

Although Chen Shuanghe felt a little pity in his heart, but this opportunity was given up by himself, and he couldn't blame others, so he said, "Forget it, help me pay attention to other dramas, yes, I heard that Shi Dao is currently preparing a film Police band, help me find out what's going on inside. "

He has made many movies and TV dramas in his life. There are not many roles worthy of acting, and even less impressive. Good plays are always inaccessible. Several of them must be performed. The first "Qin Shihuang", The second "Infernal Hell", the third "after Juliet's death".

"The First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty" took off the coat of Tong Xing and laid the foundation of network. "Infernal Hell" has blossomed into talent and became a recognized genius in the industry. "After Juliet's Death" completely made people across the country remember his name. This is the trilogy of Chen Shuanghe's life. It can be said that without these three films, there is no Chen Shuanghe.

Actors make movies, and movies make actors, and they complement each other.

But half a year later ...

"What?" Chen Shuanghe said angrily, "I have been brushed again? Why?"

"No way," said the agent helplessly, "Qu Yan agreed to pick up the film."

"But Shidao prefers me better?" Chen Shuanghe said anxiously.

"Shi Dao prefers you ... but the upper management of the company prefers the banquet." The agent began to persuade him, "It's really not possible, let's change to another movie. Don't be too picky. In this half year you There is no film in it. It won't work like this! You can't be so lazy anymore! "

"You make me think ..." Chen Shuanghe perfunctoryly hung up.

The shower is still spraying water, and the fog has blurred the mirror in front of me. I can only see a young and fit body faintly from the inside, unlike the beautiful boy by the lake in Greek mythology, but like a hunter who can hunt tigers and leopards .

"I'm not lazy." Chen Shuanghe smiled bitterly. "I'm just preparing for ..." Infernal Hell. "

Six months of hard work wasted, and it wasn't him who starred.

Even when he wanted to step down and play some other TV series or movies in the future, he was also brushed down.

How did that happen?

Six months later, in the summer, Chen Shuanghe walked alone on the street, without sunglasses and masks, but no one came to surround him, took out his notebook or even opened his clothes and let him sign on himself.

The pedestrians passed him as usual, and no one recognized him.

"Why?" Chen Shuanghe couldn't help murmuring, "It's only been half a year ..."

In half a year, he wasn't in a play. He just couldn't get a good show, he couldn't get a good role. Why? He passed by the entrance of a movie theater, with a huge poster on it, with four characters "Infernal Hell", a young face mixed with a group of old drama bones, a handsome and extraordinary young man.

Chen Shuanghe stopped in front of the poster and turned to stare at the young man on the poster.

An audience member came out of the movie theater and passed by him, snoring, stopped and stared at him for a while, and then laughed, "Dude, you look a lot like the actor in that movie."

Chen Shuanghe smiled at him, smiling extremely ugly.

"Take a closer look." The audience came together. "Not only is the temperament, but also the looks a bit, haha, would you like to participate in a parody show?"

"No." Chen Shuanghe bypassed him with great embarrassment, passing by one by one, posters. The poster was a young boy who had almost the same style as his, and even had similar looks. , Is quietly replacing him.

Take what was originally his life.

The scorching sun hangs over Chen Shuanghe's head, and he feels that he is about to get out of breath, but still has to put up with the desire to vomit, and makes a call to Chen.

After a few beeps, the call was connected.

"Dad," said Chen Shuanghe, "mother is ill."

"Well," said Chen Dandan, "is there anything else?"

Chen Shuanghe took a deep breath: "Aren't you coming back to see her? She took a breath and was waiting for you to come back."

"I'm preparing for a new play."

"……What drama?"

"After Juliet's death, haven't I told you?" Chen Dao thought for a while and laughed, "Oh, I don't really seem to tell you."

With his fists clenched and released, Chen Shuanghe asked, "The actor is set?"

"It's set," said Chen Dao, "quyan."

That's the name again! It's this man again ...

"... Can you give me a chance?" Chen Shuanghe said pretentiously, but two lines of tears ran down his eyes. "I haven't been able to play a better show for my mother till now."

The camera slowly zoomed out. In the auditorium of Life Cinema, Ning Ning looked at the crying face on the screen.

The masker next to him held the popcorn one by one and couldn't eat his mouth. He squeezed a sound with his hand to show his joy. The other masked men also talked and laughed, and looked at the life being shown as a comedy.

Ning Ning slowly lowered her head and looked at the coat she was holding.

The coat was Chen Shuanghe's, because it was covered by her head to help protect her from the rain, so it was already a bit wet. She drew a movie theater out of her jacket pocket—an odd number of designated tickets.

When a person wants to change the destiny of another person, then the movie theater will give him an odd number of designated tickets, and designate the crossing as a certain character.

"Ningning, you are a guest." Ningning remembered the words Shi Zhongtang said quietly in her ear, he said, "Unlike the masked person, you can come in with a ticket at any time ... you can choose to join any party. "

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