MTL - I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before-Chapter 110 Lost tickets

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The past will change, the reality will change, but at least the cinema of life will never change.

Ningning always thought so.

"It seems to be fighting in front." The driver's tone was a little nervous. "Are you sure you want to get off here?"

As soon as the voice fell, a person was suddenly thrown over and smashed into the car with a loud noise.

Both men screamed, and conditioned reflexively bent to dodge. After a few seconds, Ning Ning slowly raised his head and looked through the cracked window, carefully watching the scene outside the car.

Mess outside the cinema of life.

There are masked people everywhere on the ground. Some are more severely injured and some are lighter, but the lightest are also lying on the ground.

At the same time, more masked men rushed out of the cinema gate.

Rushing towards the man who stood in front of them—Boss Qu.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" They yelled heart-to-heart, waving the legs of a chair detached from the cinema as a weapon, like a dying man, venting his last madness.

The door was suddenly opened, and the person who had been thrown into the car squeezed in from the outside. It was a woman with thick curly hair and a slender-eyed fox mask on her face, panting, "Hurry , Drive fast ... it's you! "

When she saw Ningning, she was surprised first, then ecstatic: "Just catch you, the boss of Qu ..."!

Boss Qu grabbed her hair, dragged her out fiercely, and yelled into the car, "Why are you still doing that? Don't you hurry up?"

A dozen hands stretched out from behind him at the same time, some strangled his neck, some hugged his waist, and others passed by him, running towards Ningning.

Ning Ning was so stupefied that she watched so many hands reach out to her.



One of the arms turned gray.

Boss Qu stood behind him, holding a mask in his hand, the mask just torn from his face, fresh and hot, the maskless body kneeled on the ground with his knees softened, his body turned into gray, clothes and pants Pieces fell to the ground, posing in the shape of a person, and soon the clothes and trousers became gray. When the wind blew, nothing was left.

Ning Ning watched this scene blankly, and the other mask people also stared at this scene blankly.

"Go back." Boss Qu said coldly, "Don't blame me for punishing you ..."

Without finishing their words, he suddenly froze, looking straight behind Ningning.

What did he see?

Ning Ning also turned his head to look at the Cayenne.

Chen Shuanghe? Why is he here? Did she follow her over ... what a mess!

Suddenly the roof was pushed down, and it was Boss Qu's foot that stepped on it, and then rushed in the direction of Cayenne impatiently.

Still rushing in the middle, his mask burned. The red, unwilling flames burned from his face to his shoulders, his arms, and his whole body. He became a fireman from mid-air. I dropped on the ground, rolled a few laps, and climbed towards Cayenne again, screaming cursingly as I climbed, "Why stop me, don't stop me, I have been your watchdog for so long, I've waited for 102 years ... he's right in front of me !!! "

"... Mum! I really want to call the police!" The driver couldn't stand such an unscientific scene. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the tire squeaked, and the car rushed out, driving about three meters, suddenly twisted. After stopping for a moment, the door opened, and Ningning stumbled from the inside, took off his coat, and threw it towards the boss of Qu.

But I can't stop it.

Those fires only burned him, neither clothes nor Ning Ning. At this time Chen Shuanghe came down from Cayenne, grabbed her hand, and hurried back.

"... Where are you going to run?" Boss Qu was burnt a little delusional at this time. He looked through the mask and through the flames and looked at the two figures running away from each other. Their figures became in the flames. Obscured and turned into two others, he murmured, "... don't touch my daughter, I'm here, come to me."

The sounds of people and beasts sounded behind Ningning.

"Let go." She shook Chen Shuanghe's hand and looked back.

There was a fire.

The masked people screamed painfully in the flames. Those who wanted to run outside turned into firemen at halfway. There was no way out, only retreat. They cried and screamed, walking or crawling one by one, and returned to the cinema of life Inside the door, and the moment they entered the door, the fire on their body went out immediately.

Only one person remained.

"It's been 102 years, it's been 102 years ... I can't wait to pull ..." Boss Qu lay on the ground, crawling over them hard, his body was burning, his eyes were crying, "Can't kill, at least let I take a bite, just one ... let me relieve my hate! "

Ningning took a deep breath and rushed towards him.

"Wait!" Chen Shuanghe stretched out his hand, didn't hold it, walked two steps in front of him, and was forced back by the hateful look of Qu Boss. He really couldn't figure it out. He had seen this person before. ? Why is there a look of deep hatred against him?

Ningning walked into the fire tremblingly, and the flames burned her legs, but it was cold, like a gust of wind blowing over her legs, and she was relieved. The fire could only burn the mask, and could not burn her.

She lifted Qu's eldest from the ground, he was too heavy, and let her footsteps.

"Dad, don't be sad," she whispered, "I'm back."

"... Ah." Boss Qu struggled on her shoulder, relaxed again, and called gently, "Ninger ..."

Ning Ning pushed him into the door with difficulty, but originally wanted to go in together, but he reached out and pushed, one forward, one backward, and then the door suddenly closed, with a bang, completely separated them. .

Ning Ning stepped back two steps, then slowly raised his head.

As if the cinema of life never closed, the doors are closed, and a new poster is posted on the wall every night, with a blank poster. Finally, there are two long white lanterns at the door. From the last one, the lanterns are turning red one by one.

When the wind blew, two strings of blood lanterns were shaking at the door.

"... what exactly happened inside?" Ningning murmured.

Suddenly, she put a hand on her shoulder, and she turned her head to Chen Shuanghe's eyes, and he sank, "Give me an explanation."

Explanation? How to explain to him? Tell him that the enemies of your grandpa just now should have been burned to death, but now it seems to be half-dead by the cinema, waiting for you while being a gatekeeper?

She was afraid that as soon as she finished speaking, the car in the mental hospital would come downstairs to pick her up.

"I didn't figure out what was going on." So she smiled reluctantly.

"Really?" Chen Shuanghe stared at her suspiciously. "I think you look familiar to the person just now."

Ningning: "You read wrong."

"If you are unfamiliar, why would you rush into the fire to save him?" Chen Shuanghe asked.

"My life is off, I do good deeds by doing this." Ning Ning raised his arm and looked at it, and then whine, "Strange, so fire, why didn't I burn a corner of my clothes?"

Chen Shuanghe hurriedly grabbed her arm for a look. Sure enough, the clothes and people were all right, and there were no traces left after the fire. How could this be? Is it just a hallucination?

He could n’t explain and could n’t get the answer from Ning Ning. He let go of Ning Ning ’s hand and knocked on the door a few times, but no one answered the door. He looked back at Ning Ning, and Ning Ning revealed an innocent expression.

"Since this movie theater is opened here, I must be able to know who actually opened it." Chen Shuanghe said coldly, "You don't say, I will figure it out myself."

Who runs the cinema? Ning Ning lighted up and took out her mobile phone: "You figured it out, please let me know. How much is your WeChat signal? Let me scan it?"

Chen Shuanghe: "..."

After adding WeChat, Chen Shuanghe sent Ning Ning home.

This time Ning Ning did not plan to continue running around, rubbing the face in the mirror, she took off her coat and was ready to put on her pajamas.

A piece of paper fluttered from his coat pocket.

"Eh?" Ning Ning looked down at the piece of paper and slowly bent down to pick it up.

After looking at the contents of the paper, her face became extremely dignified.

She has many tickets to life movies, but no doubt, the one in her hand is the most delicate in it.

Its texture is a bit hard, not like a normal ticket, fluttering like a piece of straw paper. It was stamped with a stamp, which was a bust, like a woman, with long, slightly curly hair.

Wasn't that the woman who opened the door and almost caught her?

"She secretly stuffed it to me?" Ning Ning hesitated for a moment, threw the ticket in her hand into the toilet, and washed it away with water.

Don't accept the ticket from the staff until it is absolutely necessary-she still remembers her mother's instructions.

"The ticket in the staff can't be collected." Ning Ning murmured, watching the small whirlpool gradually calming down in the toilet. "Not to mention the staff secretly stuffed it to me."

After processing the ticket, she returned to normal life.

The next day, she went to Chen Dao's house again. Chen Shuanghe was also there. It seemed to be because of the impact of the incident yesterday. Both of them had snacks and they were absent. It was Li Shanzhu who was talking to them next, and Chen Dao temporarily extinguished his anger and waved his hand impatiently: "Give you another week, and you go back and think about how to act."

For a week, this was the limit of Chen Dao's patience.

If he fails to meet his requirements, he will really make a substitution.

Ning Ning went home despondent, drew a key when she drew the key at the door, and slowly extended her hand from her pocket.

She had a key in her hand and a movie ticket.

There was a stamp on the ticket, a woman with curly hair.

"How come back?" Ning Ning frowned.

This time she simply burned the ticket with fire and the ashes rushed into the toilet.

As a result, he woke up the next morning, turned his head sleepy, and the movie ticket was still lying on the pillow next to her. The curly woman with the stamp on her side was facing her.

"What?" Ning Ning sat up, holding the movie ticket in his hand, looked at it for a long time, and then groaned, "The reason why he couldn't pick up the ticket in the staff ... Is it because he can't lose it? "

Her guess was fulfilled.

After that, she tried a lot of methods. They were flooded, burned, and air transported to other places. Apart from not giving them away, all the other methods were tried, but all were useless. The next morning, the curly woman was still lying on her pillow, looking at her sideways.

"The last trick." Ning Ning looked down at the ticket in her hand, then slowly looked up, looking at the life cinema in front of her.

In addition to handling the tickets in these days, she studied how to play Xiao Ai, and occasionally took a taxi to the cinema of life, but every time she came, the cinema door was closed, and the poster on the wall was always blank. Instead, the blood on the two strings of red lanterns faded a little, like the blood was dried in the air, not so wet.

How is Boss Qu? What happened to Shi Zhongtang? Ning Ning hesitated at the door, walked over and knocked: "Is anyone there?"

No one responded. She pulled the chain on the door, and unexpectedly, the chain fell to the ground. The door was unlocked.

Ningning held the doorknob and pushed it forward, revealing a small gap.

"Never escape the ticket!"-Ning Yuren's instructions flashed her mind, and she took back the leg that had already been taken out.

Bending down slightly, she stood at the gate and looked into the crack of the door. The black light inside was blind and could not see anything. It took a long time before Yingying Chuo appeared a shadow that looked like Shi Zhongtang. She opened her mouth and was about to shout He was suddenly pushed **** his back ...

"Ah!" Ningning called out and fell into the door.

All the mask people walking inside stopped.

A red light shone on Ning Ning.

She slowly raised her head and saw that the screen was on, but not normal white light, but bright red and red light, like a red lantern at the door. After a while, a number actually appeared on it, which was 10, but the next In a second, it became 9.

The gurgling footsteps from far to near, Qu Lao stood beside her pantingly: "How can you be here? Do you ... have a ticket on your body? Hurry, hurry, any ticket is OK, hurry up I!!"

Ning Ning had never seen him look so anxious, sweating so much that he couldn't even speak clearly.

She hurriedly took out the only ticket on her.

Before she handed it over, Boss Qu grabbed it by himself, and said incessantly, "One person, one vote, enter ... the protagonist?"

The number on the screen has been changed to 3. Boss Qu took a look at the number and shoved off the ticket in his hand: "Into the void ... Ning Ning, who is harming you?"

"I don't know." Ning Ning sat on the ground blankly, "I was pushed forward."

The moment the ticket was ripped off, the number on the screen was exactly one.

1 Stopped on the screen, no longer continue to go down, even the red on the screen gradually began to fade, from left to right, gradually changed from red to white.

The white light sprinkled on Ning Ning, she was relieved, only to find herself sweating coldly. The red light sprinkled on the boss of Qu.

"... pushed forward by someone?" He murmured, suddenly rushing out of the door.

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