MTL - I’ve Possessed the Demon Sovereign’s Body (I Possessed a Demon Sovereign)-Chapter 735 Clean portal

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Latest website: The boy in black has a calm tone, but there is no room for vacillation.

The Blood River Swordsman who called the Blood Spirit Peak was finally desperate, shouting: "Don't practice swordsmanship, die in the hands of a strong enemy, practice swords, and you will have to wait for trouble, death is right or left!"

His sword fluttered all over his body, instantly turning into a sea of ​​blood.

His state of mind coincides with the sorrow and repression of the **** sea grief and heavenly tactics. At this moment, all of them erupted. Sadness filled the Quartet, shook people's minds, and fiercely swiftly murderous intentions rushed into the clouds and pointed towards Su Yuan.

Su Yuan looked at each other calmly.

As the sea of ​​blood was about to erupt in front of him, a blood fiercer than him rushed across the sky.

The majestic blood river splits the sea of ​​blood transformed by the sword of Blood Spirit Peak into half!

Xueling Peak looked desperately surrounded by the blood river: "Xue Qinglian, you ..."

In the blood river, a young man with a handsome facial features and a young man in his early twenties looks unshakable: "The supreme ban on killings has already been listed as one of the rules of the door by this door. You violate the ban and do not want to repent , I clean the portal for the division. "

Xueling Feng smiled angrily: "You are also a sword repairer because you are like a pug."

"It is your obsession and instability in the sword." Xue Qinglian was indifferent.

"Ten years ago, from the day when the ban on killings became a door rule, all the descendants in the division's gates swore an oath together to find another way for the sword of my blood.

Swords are dead, people are alive. The ancestors of the first generation can create a bloodstream in the past. My descendants should also have the determination to inherit the division's door and cut a new path.

You repair for a distressed, unstable sword heart, lose self-confidence, and then go back to the old way. As long as the door regulations are in front, today there is no need to say a lot. "

Xueling Feng shouted sharply, "Xue Qinglian, you have a big tone. I'm not as talented as you and not as good as you. I recognize it, but I look down on you!

You are just deceiving yourself, aunt, not to mention other foreign enemies. In the past, Shen Tianzhao did not show up for ten years, occupying the ancestral land of his own blood. His reappearance must be a breakthrough to the world of Wuzun giants.

Have you passed him fast?

Without waiting for you to cut out your new path, my blood sea will be destroyed! "

Many people around the Blood River were worried.

This is what they worry about most.

Xue Qinglian's face didn't have any waves: "The killer is always killed."

"So, what fear of the Supreme Ban?" Xue Lingfeng sneered.

"Extreme does not forbid us to open up new paths and make a living on our own." Xue Qinglian said calmly: "Although it may not be faster than Shen Tianzhao, can you go faster than Shen Tianzhao in the old way?"

Xueling Peak suffocated slightly.

To a certain extent, Shen Tianzhao, who wants to destroy the blood of the blood, is the highest achiever of the blood river heritage in the red dust ...

Xue Qinglian glanced around other fellow doors around her.

Some people can't help lowering their heads. Obviously, they have also shaken and confused on weekdays, but they haven't actually acted like Xueling Peak.

Xue Qinglian no longer talked, the blood river Jianguang twisted and shattered the blood sea of ​​Xueling Peak.

Xueling Feng roared and struggled, but she was not an opponent of Xue Qinglian at all.

He in the sixteenth realm is lower than Xueqinglian in the seventeenth realm, and the opponent's actual combat level is not less than that of the old man in the eighteenth realm in the gate.

In the end, he could only be killed in despair by Xue Qinglian.

People watching this scene from afar, nodded secretly and talked in private.

"Although it is also among the top ten today, I am actually inferior to him."

Under the shroud of purple gas, several Taoists stood side by side.

Zhao Rimian looked at the Blood River from a distance, and frankly lacked.

In fact, he was more clear in his mind. If it had not been for the care of the previous owner of the Xinggong Palace, he would not have achieved such a young achievement in the seventeenth stage, and he would not have been among the top ten.

Speaking of which, the owner of the palace is actually ...

Zhao Rimian stunned for a moment, feeling deep in his heart.

"The younger brother doesn't have to be arrogant." Beside him, stood a very tall Taoist, the first heir to Qingniu Guan, Ye Canmian.

The former Red Dust Top Ten, now one of the Red Dust Top Ten Martial Saints, is only one step away from the Wu Zong giant, which is second only to Daomen who is the master of Yu Qingniu.

Zhao Rimian glanced at the brother.

The other party should be about to prepare to attack the heavens from Wu Sheng to Wu Zun.

On the same day, the Demon Emperor ruled Hongchen, summoned various high-level officials, and dialed the road. Ye Canmian was also fortunate to be present.

After that, Ye Canmian returned to Qingniuguan and broke through to the eighteenth realm on the spot, the top of Wu Sheng.

Over the years, the accumulation has continued, and its cultivation has become deeper and deeper and closer to that nature.

Zhao Rimian sometimes confronted him, and developed the feeling that the other party was no longer the same as Wu Sheng.

"Brother Xie comforted, but my family knows their own family affairs. Although they are not without opportunities, they are more likely to be defeated than others." Lian is likely to be the best kendo genius in Red Dust, but the Blood Spirit Peak is not completely wrong. Shen Tianzhao may go out of the game at any time and enter the realm of Wu Zun. "

At that time, the blood of the river will be hard to resist.

"Ghost Dragon" Su Ye has long disappeared in the red dust. At that time, I don't know anyone who can help the Blood River to stop this disaster.

Ye Canmian looked at Xue Qinglian in the distance, and was somewhat applauded: "Although there is a problem with Shen Tianzhao, Xue Qinglian is still right.

Blood River does not clean up the portal itself. Even if the Supreme is only dealing with Xueling Peak, with this reason, the other holy places are united, and the Blood River is resolved on the spot. They ca n’t wait for Shen Tianzhao to clear the gate.

Now that Blood River has dealt with the Blood Spirit Peak by itself, and has given an explanation to the Supreme Heir, it would be in their favor if they could deal with this Supreme Heir by the influence of the former ghost dragon.

What's more, Xuelingfeng violated the Supreme Ban and also violated the way of Blood River ’s own kendo improvement in the past ten years. If not handled by thunder, other people in Blood River may also be shaken. "

Zhao Rimian nodded gently.

Xue Qinglian cleared the portal, killed Xueling Peak, and Xue Cangsheng waited for the old Xuehe to sigh.

"Extreme edict, dare not violate the upper and lower blood river, this villain under the door, Wanwang supreme forgiveness of sin." Xue Cangsheng saluted to Su Yuan: "I also hope that Mr. Xiaosu will pass a few words in front of him, The door is up and down, grateful. "

Su Yuan looked at the blood river to clean the portal, but his appearance did not change, but he nodded: "Since the Blood Spirit Peak has already fallen down, there is no longer any problem. I only hope that your school can learn from it in the future."

Xue Cangsheng said busyly: "Sure, sure, Mr. Xiao Su is here, and this door is full of vitality. If you have leisure, you might as well go to the island and let me wait for the landlord's friendship."

He made a "please" action: "In the past, Mr. Su Er, who had received orders from his uncle, had no regard for it. Mr. Su Er has not been in the dust for a long time, and he has been nostalgic."

"Uncle used to be a wife-in-law, but now it's too virtual, everything is fine, and seniors worry about it."

Su Yuan shook his head: "You don't have to be a guest, I have other errands to do, and I will have the opportunity to disturb again in the future."

The Blood River crowd was disappointed, but it was not good to continue to stay more.

Xue Cangsheng had no choice but to raise his spirit and said, "Because of this, I dare not delay Mr. Xiao Su, and also ask Mr. Xiao to greet the Supreme Court on behalf of the door, while greeting Lingzun Lingtang and Mr. Su Er."

"My predecessors are polite, and I will bring your greetings to you." Su Yuan nodded to Xue Cangsheng, Xue Qinglian nodded, and then turned and left.

Watching the boy in black disappear, the blood river was relieved.

The other people watching in the distance all clenched their hearts.

Su Yuan has other errands?

What errand?

... refers to someone who also commits crimes like Xueling Peak?

At this time, everyone could not care about the falling water dogs, and began to report to the teachers one after another, and quickly started internal self-examination.

Those present were hesitant to step forward and first meet the new generation of the Supreme Heir.

After seeing the ceremony, everyone from Su Yuan returned to the road again: "There is still an errand in the body, and it is not strange to be rude."

"Where and where ..." Everyone was anxious, and they kept up. They all had fifteen buckets of water in their hearts.

For everyone to follow far away, Su Yuan didn't think that he was embarrassed, but just took care of himself.

"Isn't it the door?" A woman walked in the wind.

The man next to her shook her head: "Just as the news of Supreme Master's accession to the WTO just came out, the mountain gate was checked internally. It should not be the problem of this gate. The direction of the Supreme Master's direction is not our Yanhai Mountain in Beihai. there."

Today's No. 1 master of Yan Ranshan, Wang Zhaoying, the current head of Yan Ranshan after the demon emperor stepped down, nodded slightly: "Don't neglect the meaning, ask Ni Lao to continue their investigation, from the elders to the general service, all over, No one can leak. "

Bai Feng beside her nodded: "I understand."

He looked at the looming figure of the young man in black in the distance: "It looks like it should be the sixteenth state, and the state of cultivation that has not reached the seventeenth state."

"Yes." Wang Zhaoying affirmed the other party's statement: "However, such a young Wu Sheng is worthy of the supremacy."

Bai Feng asked: "Yeah, although it is the 16th state, I think someone in Red Dust 10 Jerry has to be replaced ~ ~ Hehe, maybe it's me."

"You are not far from the eighteenth realm, and it will be good if you abdicate automatically at that time." Wang Zhaoying said.

Today's Red Dust is only limited to martial arts under the eighteenth realm.

"The head teacher looked at me high, and I still need a little time, but the one in the north of Tianchi, and the third in the Wei family. These two guns broke through to the eighteenth level, which should be the nearest." Bai Feng said.

Wang Zhaoying's gaze was faint: "The top ten martial arts gods and the red dust ten heroes immediately shuffled.

The pattern in the red dust world will soon usher in changes again.

Unfortunately, this door is not fully prepared.

Brother Bai, you ’re almost there. Why am I not?

But once this half step is slowed, the results may be far worse. "

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