MTL - I’ve Possessed the Demon Sovereign’s Body (I Possessed a Demon Sovereign)-Chapter 709 Antiquity

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"Fake fake tiger prestige? Ha, you apprehension, I admire." Hezun said hesitantly.

"But then again, when you and Tianjun both searched for the Palace of Destruction, Tianjun disappeared. Only you came back. Does Tian Shaojun have to see a true chapter with you? I don't ask you, who? "

洛 Chen Luoyang replied calmly in the tone of Mozun: "Ask a few times, the old man's answer is the same."

Wu Yaozun smiled strangely: "You're cleaned up, just wait for your battle with Tian Shaojun later."

He said, the mirror of this azure blue, the mirror light dim.

天 The voice of Tian Buddha was heard in the pure golden mirror: "I wish the two donors wished."

"Xie Daoyou is complete." In the black-and-white mirror, Daojun's tone was calm and there were no waves.

They also left separately, leaving only Chen Luoyang thoughtful, and various thoughts in his mind kept flashing.

He only had a few words. If they were true and credible, he would have answered many of his doubts.

Wu Tianshaojun was obsessed with finding Mozun in order to inquire about the whereabouts of his elder brother Tianjun, while Tianjun disappeared in the past when he visited Mozun together with Mozun.

This time, Dao Daojun calculated the grandmother world and got the King Kong pestle for the so-called two-phase combination instrument. In the final analysis, he was also looking for the Palace of Persecution.

Then, was the demon's desire for Jun Tiange the same purpose?

If this is the case, maybe even the unexpected fall of the Emperor was related to this.

However, what exactly is the so-called Mie Luo Palace? where is it?

Why is the Six Realm Supreme concerned about this place?

Tang Tianhai, the true demon, must have known, but Chen was completely confused.

He stood face to face with Mozun's relic, meditating silently.

Alas ... Chen Chuhua, do you know this?

Chen Luoyang thought for a moment and gave up his intention to contact the other party.

He came out of the central hall where the demon relic was declining, strolled in the dark cave days, and then went outside the residence of Ying Qingqing.

Chen Luoyang didn't push in the door, but just looked at the quiet courtyard in the quiet night, silently.

Suppose that Jun Tiange, the relic of the emperor's memory, is really related to the so-called Mie Luo Palace. What about the girl in the courtyard and the mysterious bright sword?

He Juntian Ge points to two aspects, one is the sword of bright light, and the other is unknown. Will it be the Palace of the Emperor Luo?

究竟 What is that place and should Ying Qingqing be related to it?

Chen Luoyang thoughtfully.

It is not yet clear what the demon statue wants Jun Tiange to do, but he is not busy making a conclusion, but this is undoubtedly an important reference condition and may have an impact on the overall situation in the future.

Chen Luoyang turned and left, out of the dark cave, and came to Luoyang City, which is becoming more and more complete.

He looked at the city from a distance, watching the sunset gradually fall.

Someone came behind him, kneeling on one knee: "See your Majesty."

洛 Chen Luoyang turned around: "Get up, how are you feeling?"

Wu Suwei got up and replied: "The mental state is much better than before, but there are still sounds that suddenly sound from the bottom of my heart, but compared to when it was unknown before, now I can gradually understand the meaning of those bizarre sounds."

洛 Chen Luoyang asked, "What is the specific content?"

"Pieces are fragmentary and incomplete, but it should be derived from the ancient **** candle dragon, no doubt, it seems to be like Su Hui." Su Wei replied.

Chen Luoyang bowed his head slightly, then stretched his sleeves.

黑暗 The darkness in his palm seems to turn into a cosmic starry sky. In this universe, the huge candle dragon relics are dying.

When Su Suwei faced the deceased body, his whole body shook, red light naturally appeared on his body, and then he condensed and manifested the candle dragon light and shadow.

But he was not lost, his eyes remained clear.

In the face of this candle dragon relic, Su Wei showed a similar appearance to that of the day before the grave, and Ji Zhong was in front of Jumang's tomb. He was involuntarily attracted by the relic, like a wanderer returning home.

芒 At the time, the deceased decimation of Jumang in the tomb was still occupied by the ghost **** "Xuan Zhe". When Ji Zhong was close, he was even more afraid to resist. At present, Su Wei did not face the candle dragon, and there was no similar problem.

He looked at Chen Luoyang, who nodded slightly.

Su Wei then stepped forward slowly into the universe in the palm of Chen Luoyang, near the skeleton of the candle dragon.

伟 When the light and shadow of the candle dragon on his body came into contact with the candle dragon's relics, Su Wei shuddered again, and the inexplicable light reappeared in his eyes.

Chen Luoyang's other hand, he immediately gave a pointer to Su Wei's brows.

Wu Suwei's twinkling light dissipated in her pupils, and her eyes returned to clear.

He sat on the relics of Candle Dragon, held Yuan Shouyi, and breathed silently.

陈 Under the supervision of Chen Luoyang, the light and shadow of the candle dragon covering Su Wei's figure, the bamboo slip combined with the candle dragon's remains, and finally turned into one.

But at that last moment, Su Wei changed again, as if there was another powerful consciousness awakening from him, to replace his spirit.

This is the last struggle of the ancient **** candle dragon to gain weight.

Chen Luoyang took a decisive shot on Su Wei's forehead at this moment.

Xu Suwei lay on his back, and the candlelight and shadow that enveloped him separated from the candlestick remnant.

Crimson light and shadow were taken into Su Wei's body. His eyes were closed, his breathing was long, and he seemed to be asleep.

遗 The other side of the candle dragon is also different from the previous one. Although there are still huge red bones, the dim light that flickered from time to time in the two eye sockets of the dragon's head disappeared.

洛 Chen Luoyang nodded slightly, and then put away the remaining remnants, fingers nodded in Su Wei's brows.

Su Weiyou woke up, opened his eyes, his eyes had no focus for a while, as if he was in a daze.

洛 Chen Luoyang did not urge him, but just stood quietly, waiting for him to return to his own spirit.

After a long time, Su Wei's vision gradually regained focus, and he sat up and raised his hands to support his eyes. His eyes were still a little confused.

After a short while, his eyes returned to Qingming, and he rose to salute Chen Luoyang: "Xie Xie."

洛 Chen Luoyang smiled on his face: "Very good."

Su Suwei smiled bitterly: "My mind is chaotic. It has never been so uncomfortable before. It seems like many things have been stuffed into my soul."

"So let's talk, what are they jamming?" Chen Luoyang turned back, looking down at Luoyang City in the distance.

Su Weining replied, "Part of the memory of the ancient candle dragon is still fragmented, with only a few fragments, but it is more complete than before."

After he paused for a moment, he said, "The clearest thing is that Candle Dragon is just before its fall."

"Who died?" Chen Luoyang said calmly.

"Your Majesty, is the ghost god." Su Wei replied in a deep voice: "the ghost god, 'bone'."

洛 Chen Luoyang nodded: "It's no wonder that only the keel is left behind. Speaking of it, the ghost god` `white bone '' today is Xu Peng of Canglong Island.

Although he is still far from the strength when he first killed the candle dragon, it is foreseeable that he has made rapid progress in a short time.

If you want to get revenge on him, you can work hard. "

Wu Suwei looked quietly: "If he obstructs his subordinates, he is an enemy of his subordinates, and if he is willing to obey his subordinates, then he is his subordinate.

I won the attention of your Majesty, I am still me, the ancient **** candle dragon, but a chance, so that his subordinates can better serve His Majesty. "

The memory of his memory was reflected in his eyes: "The Six Realms are so jealous of the rebirth of the Nether God. They must be eradicated when they are still weak. It really is not without reason. In addition to the candle dragon, there are many other ancient gods. It was fallen in the hand of the ghost god, and His Majesty was inevitable. "

洛 Chen Luoyang's complexion was not shocked: "What about the first three respects?"

The ancient gods worship the ancient gods, especially Pangu, Nuwa and Fuxi.

Wu Suwei shook his head gently: "When the candle dragon fell, the first three statues were still there, and the situation was unknown afterwards."

After carefully combing through the fragmentary images in his mind, he hesitated a little bit and said, "Before the candle dragon fell, he heard the first three deities deliberately explore the source of the ghost **** before destroying the existing ghost god. , Cut it off completely, but what happened in the end, the candle dragon died first, and then he did not know. "

Chen Luoyang groaned for a moment, and finally asked: "Do you have any impressions on the Palace of Luo Luo?"

Xu Suwei shook his head: "Your Majesty, there is none at all."

洛 Chen Luoyang waved his hand: "Okay, go down and take care of yourself slowly.

After this, you have the opportunity and the future development is great, but you still need to cultivate carefully. "

"I would like to obey His Majesty's teachings, and I will not lose Your Majesty's gift today." Su Weixing retired.

Chen Luoyang continued to look into the distance and kept thinking.

After a long time, he retracted his gaze and headed to the Red Dust Ancient Deities General Altar.

In the ancient deities' altar, Chen Luoyang strolled among a statue of ancient gods and demon, and looked at them thoughtfully.

After Xun ordered the congregation to prepare a quiet room for himself, Chen Luoyang went to meditate inside.

He took out the Qianhunzhu and the copper plate again ~ ~ and continuously extracted the essence of the collection, and then refined it into himself.

Uh ...

Nu Hongchen is still disturbed by the disturbances. People outside Hongchen are also worried.

"The Red Dust World seems to have completely become the world of the Demon Emperor. Although some places of resistance have not stopped, I believe it is just because the Devil himself dismisses and ignores it and gives it to his servants for cooking, otherwise it will be cleared up soon." The man was holding an oil-paper umbrella under his ribs, and coughing as he said that it was the Zhou master Cheng Shushu who escaped the red dust.

Opposite him, "Huxian" Li Hushuang sighed: "It is said that the demon emperor has already reached the sky. He is a man of magic and he believes that he is stronger than during the battle of the setting sun."

Uncle Wu Chengzhi was worried: "After the sunset in the mountains, Ye Tianmo really fell into the hands of the Demon Emperor. After the Emperor was healed, he repaired and made great progress.

Although it is safer for me to leave Dongzhou, your Majesty cannot be healed here. "

On the side, there is a ball of light consisting of thousands of runes, and the empress Xu Ruotong of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty is still in it.

The place where their eyes fell on their feet was a run-down lotus pond, in a broken cave day, but isolated from the outside void.

Although hidden here, allowing them to settle temporarily, the emperor of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty is still entangled and needs an aura of rich environment to heal, which cannot be satisfied here.

Fortunately, Wan Feng had been recuperating in Dongfeng for a period of time before, letting the empress take a sigh of relief. Now she can barely keep the old injuries from erupting, but she wants to recover completely but dreams.

He and his party were all dignified, thinking hard about the next step.

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