MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 721 Changes caused by the protagonist's halo

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  Chapter 721 Changes Caused by the Protagonist’s Halo

  After the magic weapon was manufactured, Qin Muye also ran away, but the spirits did not let them evacuate for the time being. Natural and man-made disasters are not so easy to deal with, whether it is the environment or the disaster.

  Qin Muye didn't have the heart to deal with it, so he simply let the spirits deal with it.

  He is currently in a subspace, and Ji Shan is using equipment to continuously disintegrate the subspace, expanding it to the specifications in the design diagram Qin Muye gave him.

   Noticing Qin Muye's arrival, he stopped: "Have you finished building the divine weapon?"

   "Well, it's over, throw them all out to find someone who is destined, and now you are so blessed to be bound, when the time comes, the magic weapon will be the number, immortal." Qin Muye said.

   "Then you have to wait, you have finished building, and I haven't finished digging this subspace." Ji Shan complained, and then said: "So you came here to help me dig the subspace this time?"

   "If you do it, I'm afraid you won't be able to dig it out in a day. It won't take three years."

  Earlier Qin Muye told him to finish digging in three years, but that was Ji Shan's own digging time. If Qin Muye did it, it wouldn't take three years at all, and three hours would be too much.

   "Oh, no time!" Qin Muye said decisively.

   "What are you going to do again?" Ji Shan was a little speechless, he was too free to talk to him, how could he be free.

"If you're going to capture the Great Emperor, you have to hold the other party's hand, otherwise something might go wrong." After Qin Muye finished speaking, he glanced at Ji Shan again: "Besides, don't you It was a lot of fun digging.”

Although Ji Shan is digging, he is actually cultivating some space-type innate supernatural powers. After all, he is not a real coolie in this process, and his own strength is not weak now. The space does not need too much brain, as long as the chug is enough.

   "Happiness is a little bit more joyful, but I always feel that if I dig like this, I'm afraid it will be easy." Ji Shan glanced at the equipment and said.

  Don't say it, this thing is really easy to use, no matter what you say, it can smash the space. If you dig it for a long time, you want to smash it for everything.

   "This thing can be easily dug up? I'm afraid he has an occupational disease." Qin Muye disagreed with Ji Shan's statement. How could this thing be easy? Do you really think it is the same as him?

"Okay, you should be busy, go get busy. I'm afraid the emperor is not so easy to find. I have noticed it a few times during this period, but every time there is only breath, and there is no clue at all." Ji Shan still gave Qin Makino reminded.

"If you can catch the Three Officials, you will be a ghost. He is rank 9. Except for your shell that can reach rank 9, how can you compare with him in other places." Qin Muye also reminded, don't grow old court death. The Three Officials beat Jishan just like playing for fun.

   It wasn't that Qin Muye was by his side, if he really met the Three Officials, Ji Shan might be the one who was sealed.

   Ji Shan's shell is very hard, yes, but they also have a lot of means, and the seal alone can make Ji Shan calm down.

   "I won't trouble the other party when you come. I don't think he's always teasing me. It makes me feel itchy if I don't take a look." Ji Shan said that he knew, and he would run away the next time we meet.

   After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Jishan, Qin Muye turned around and left. Qin Muye actually had no idea where to find the Great Emperor.

  Just like the mother **** Gendaya at the beginning, both of them belong to the existence of similar concepts. Let’s say they exist, but they don’t necessarily exist. After all, they are only conceptual and have no substance.

   But it is impossible to say that it does not exist, because whether it is national luck or luck, it is a real existence, even if it is illusory, even Ji Shan has captured the traces left by the other party.

   "Ji Shan can detect it, it's not because he is the Son of Destiny." Qin Muye couldn't help thinking.

  He didn't feel any problems anyway, maybe because the talent of the Son of Destiny itself has a high degree of compatibility with luck, otherwise it would be impossible for Ji Shan to notice it.

   As for the protagonist of this world, Qin Muye is not clear either, there is a high probability that he is sent, otherwise he would have already started fighting with the aliens, and it is unlikely that he would need Qin Muye to rescue him.

   Let him come, it can only show that the world itself can't handle it.

   "So why don't I put on the protagonist's aura and see if I can attract something?"

  Qin Muye thought this would work, otherwise why would the other party tease Ji Shan again and again.

   From the corner of the warehouse in the endless abyss, he quickly pulled out a protagonist halo and put it on for himself. He has a lot of this thing, because it is useless.

  Actually, he also considered giving the spirits a protagonist aura, or more simply let their own luck evolve into a similar ability.

   But then I thought about it, these tens of billions of protagonists were all stuffed into the endless abyss, wouldn't that be a big deal, one protagonist is enough for him, and if there are so many more, he will know what will happen after thinking about it.

  With the blessing of the protagonist's halo, Qin Muye could feel a slight change in the luck around him.

   "Are you attracted by me? No, Huangfu Xing also has the aura of the protagonist on his body. Why doesn't he have such a change?"

   "Although the secondary protagonist's halo on Dagan Sizhu's body is not as good as the real protagonist's halo, at least they have the abilities they should have, but there is no such change around them."

  Qin Muye couldn't help being a little puzzled, he couldn't say that he looked down on the other party, this is a bit nonsense.

   "Strength factor?" Qin Muye compared the differences. Apart from the difference in strength, there should be no difference.

  He and Ji Shan are relatively strong, so they attract luck?

   At first glance, it was indeed possible, but Qin Muye ruled out this possibility after careful identification.

   "I see, it's because of the difference in luck." Qin Muye reacted abruptly.

  According to the normal situation, Huangfu Xing is the national destiny, and the four pillars of the main body are also protected by the national destiny.

  But Qin Muye is different from Ji Shan. The camouflage on the two of them is luck, that is, personal luck, not the national luck belonging to the Daqian Dynasty.

  He is the Supreme Emperor, but he has stripped off the national luck related to Dagan before, and just transplanted an ordinary luck, even occasionally there is no luck.

  It is indeed safer to take the fate of the country, and there will be no accidents anywhere, but it is too ostentatious, so Qin Muye temporarily stripped himself of his identity as the Supreme Emperor.

   "You can try it first." Qin Muye quickly reasserted his identity as the Supreme Emperor, and the next moment, the changes in luck around him stopped immediately.

   "Are you really looking for the protagonist?"

   "It's just that since I found it, why didn't I take any action."

  Qin Muye was skeptical about this. It was precisely because of this slight change that Ji Shan was able to detect the traces, but because of insufficient strength, he did not perceive much.

  Although Ji Shan's outer shell is level 9, his primordial spirit is not strong enough, so he can detect it but cannot trace or investigate the corresponding situation.

   When Qin Muye got started, he noticed the change immediately.

The National Luck was quickly removed, and as soon as the protagonist's halo appeared, coupled with the disguise of luck, the overall change was very obvious. It seemed that he was starting to contact the protagonist's halo on him, and there was a feeling that he wanted Qin Muye to perform a certain task. event guide.

  This guidance is not interfering directly, but indirectly interfering with the grass snake gray line similar to the protagonist.

  If it wasn't for Qin Muye's real-time monitoring of the data, it might not be able to bear it.

The reason why Ji Shan was not affected is also very simple. He is actually a part of the endless abyss and is sheltered by a common destiny. Therefore, these lucks can tease Ji Shan, but they cannot affect Ji Shan. The Three Officials may be very strong , but he can't shake Qin Muye and the endless abyss, not to mention that he can't really do it with all his strength.

   Therefore, the main feature is a drop of water that penetrates a stone. Unfortunately, the common destiny of Ji Shan is not a stone, and the three officials can't penetrate it.

"I'll find out if you are more powerful." Qin Muye complained, the emperor of the three officials was so overwhelmed by Jishan's water dripping stone piercing, that he didn't even monitor the data on the side of the endless abyss, because of the influence It is so small that it is negligible, and even the daily luck changes of the spirits are greater than the influence of the Three Officials on Ji Shan.

   It becomes normal if you don’t notice it. Most people don’t care about the dander on their body. They don’t know how many dandruff fall off every day, so how could they count it seriously.

  (end of this chapter)