MTL - Into Unscientific-Chapter 423 wind from the east

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  Geneva, where CERN is located, is considered the hinterland of Europe, and it is extremely convenient to travel.

  Therefore, in addition to Lucas, the representatives who came today included many well-known figures from other organizations—at least for the neon show, the amount of "guys" was much higher.

  So be aware of this.

   Naturally, Lucas is not the only one.


  There were many physicists from other institutions or universities at the scene, all showing expressions of amazement.

  Standard right-handed neutrinos.

   No wonder CERN dared to make such a big battle.

  Looking at the surprised eyes of a group of experts in the audience, Carlo Rubia showed a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth.

   Then he continued:

   "As you can see, we are using the NucleonDecay method, and we observe such an unconventional neutrino in the decay process of a neutron."

   "In addition to the high mass to an unconventional level, the spin direction and motion direction of this neutrino are also antiparallel."

   "And its electroweak energy scale is proportional to the decoupling energy scale with a magnification of 11.4514."

   "So I can proudly announce that today, February 1, 2023, we have officially discovered the right-hand neutrino!"


   There was a burst of applause from the audience.

  The applause is not just polite, but also contains a lot of sincere admiration and joy.

  The data reported by Carlo Rubia back and forth are sufficient to prove the authenticity of the right-hand neutrino.

   Don't say anything else.

  Just the research between right-handed neutrinos and symmetry breaking is enough to open a new path for particle physics.

  Although there are many new roads ahead of particle physics, there are also many people who pioneered them.

  There is now a new path.

  How much funding can be declared. Ahem, how many papers can be produced.

   Not to mention there is a more important point.

That is.

   Right-handed neutrinos, are they really inert neutrinos?

   Wait until the applause stops.

  Carlo Rubia took another sip of Laoshan White Flower Snake Grass Water and continued:

   "Of course, everyone may be more concerned about one thing than the discovery of the right-hand neutrino."

   "So is it really a sterile neutrino?"


   Carlo Rubbia paused for a moment before saying again:

   "Not all of them."

   Between speaking.

   The screen behind Carlo Rubia changed again.

  At the same time, Carlo Rubia changed the manuscript paper and continued to introduce:

   "According to our research on this right-handed neutrino, due to the diagonalization of the mass matrix, it only lacks a unitary transformation from the flavor eigenstate to the mass eigenstate."

   "Its properties are more similar to the CKM matrix of quarks. When it is inserted into the existing model as an active neutrino, it will satisfy that the sum of the squared differences of mass is equal to 0."

   Hear this statement.

   There was a sigh of regret from the audience.

  Lucas is the same.

   Mentioned earlier.

  Inert neutrinos are not equal to right-handed neutrinos.

   Otherwise, CERN would not need to mention the discovery of right-handed neutrinos before, but just say that it has discovered inert neutrinos.

  Inert neutrinos may be right-handed neutrinos in structure, or undiscovered left-handed neutrinos—there are three kinds of left-handed neutrinos discovered so far:

   Electron neutrinos νe, Muu neutrinos νμ, and pottery neutrinos.

  So when Baobuqi will discover another left-handed neutrino, although the probability is not high from the perspective of the basic model, at least the probability is not 0.


  There is one and only one concept that is directly linked with the right-hand neutrino, which is the neutrino oscillation mentioned before.

  That is to say, neutrino oscillation is observed → therefore neutrinos have mass → therefore neutrinos have chirality, this recursive logic.

   It’s just that the physics community has never discovered the right-handed neutrino, so it will be associated with the inert neutrino.

   It’s like a reader guessing that a certain writer can generate 50,000 new neutrinos a day (inert neutrinos), and after discussing, he thinks that locking him in a small dark room can achieve this (right-handed neutrinos).

   But this is only a possibility, the two are actually not very relevant.

  The reader finally kidnapped the writer, and after closing the small black room, he found that he could only change 20,000 a day.

  So the small black room (right-handed neutrinos) is not the correct way to update 50,000 (inert neutrinos) every day.

   That is, the right-handed neutrino is not an inert neutrino, and there are other possibilities for the inert neutrino.

   For example, hang the author up and hit him.

All right.

   This is the end of the metaphor, please do not substitute a real writer.

all in all.

  Inert neutrinos have only one core property.

   is exactly what the words mean.


   is lazy.

   How lazy is it?

  So lazy that nothing but gravitational interactions will happen.

  So lazy that the speed is much slower than ordinary neutrinos—ordinary neutrinos approach the speed of light.

  The only property that the inert neutrino possesses is the relativistic effect.

   Abandoned other shackles, so I can change 50,000 a day, lol.

  The right-handed neutrino discovered by CERN will satisfy the state that the sum of squared differences of mass is equal to 0 only when it is inserted into the existing model as an active neutrino.

   Then there is no doubt

   It must not be a sterile neutrino.

  But when you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

  If this right-handed neutrino is really an inert neutrino, then this press conference will discuss whether this neutrino is cold dark matter.

  If so

   It is absolutely impossible for Lars to say something close to 50-50 with Neon.

   Figured this out.

   Lucas couldn't help but sighed.

   When will the physics community really discover dark matter?

   After all, compared with others, the two achievements that caused Lucas to lose the Nobel Prize are related to dark matter.

  Neutrino oscillation needless to say.

  It proves that neutrinos have mass, and denies the possibility that neutrinos are dark matter.

   And gravitational waves.

  Although it has nothing to do with dark matter academically.

  But before 2016, these two concepts belonged to one of the unsolved substances in cosmology, and they were regarded as difficult brothers.

  Now, the elder brother Gravitational Wave has found a girlfriend, but the younger brother Dark Matter is still single.

   Do you think Lucas's mood is not subtle?

  But Carlo Rubia on the stage didn't know what Lucas was thinking, and he was still making a report at this time:

   "Although the right-handed neutrino is not a real inert neutrino, it still retains some theoretical possibilities for us."

   “For example, everyone knows that the neutrino’s left-handed field is a weak isospin left-handed doublet component, so it will participate in the weak interaction.”

   "The right-handed field of the inertial neutrino has no corresponding doublet state to couple, so it does not participate in the weak interaction."

   "As for the right-handed neutrino, in the case of TNCG, it also exhibits the characteristic of not participating in the weak interaction."

   Said here.

  Carlo Rubia opened his hands to both sides, looking at everyone like a 260-jin spherical angel:

   "So everyone, from a qualitative analysis, I insist that our direction is correct."

   "Just like the three classifications of conventional neutrinos, perhaps in an unknown corner, there are other undiscovered right-handed neutrinos."

   "Here today, I solemnly propose a guess, that is, maybe the right-hand neutrino is actually the medium connecting "bright matter" and "dark matter"."

   "As long as we go down this road, maybe within ten years, we will be able to find the real dark matter!"

   What Carlo Rubia said was very firm, because he really thought so.

  After all, the data he said today has not been processed in any way, and it is all true.

   That is, the right-handed neutrino does show certain dark matter characteristics in the case of TNCG.

  Although the manufacturing cost of this condition is as high as half a million dollars each time, and the duration is less than three seconds, it is indeed in one direction.

   If nothing unexpected happens.

   Within ten years, a substantial breakthrough should be achieved.

   It's just that Carlo Rubia isn't sure

  Can I live to that time?

   Now he is 88 years old. Although he is still healthy, no one in this age group can tell what is going on.

  For example, Carlo Rubbia knows a lot of people himself. He was fine the year before, but he aged a lot in the next year.

  Some people even talked about going fishing by the Thames River in the first half of the year, and went to the Wangchuan River to cast poles in the second half of the year.

  Therefore, Carlo Rubia firmly believes that dark matter will eventually be discovered within ten years, but whether he can see it is uncertain.

  After introducing the relevant information of the right-hand neutrino.

  Same as Kamioka press conference.

  CERN entered the media questioning session.

  However, compared to the Kamioka press conference, Carlo Rubia, who is much higher than Suzuki Atsuto in terms of character and status, has not been deliberately targeted.

   The first question was a female reporter from Physical Review Letters.

  However, as the saying goes, women don’t give in to men. This reporter talked about very professional physics problems, and his fluency is not inferior to those experts in the industry:

   "Professor Carlo, since you mentioned the condition of TNCG, it means that you follow the principle of naturalness."

   "But you should be aware that at least two of the mixing angles of the three generations of leptons are large, so the discordant small amount is thus connected with the symmetry breaking.

   "Is it too optimistic?"

   Carlo Rubia gave the other party a thumbs up, indicating that this is a good question, and explained with a smile:

   "Good question, lady, you should know that mass items must be off-diagonal, right?"

  The female reporter thought for a moment, then nodded:


   Carlo Rubia happily snapped his fingers and continued:

   "So in the whole process, the total lepton number L is still conserved, then the off-diagonal matrix element is obviously a destructive behavior."

  “If the non-zero CP phase angle fitted in recent experiments is not included, the quadrant where the CP angle is located determines the overall direction of the neutrino—this property is also observed whether it is a left-handed or a right-handed neutrino.”

   "In this case, these dissonant epsilons are clearly related to CP symmetry."

   "Because in the standard model we can eliminate all relative decay "speeds", but only the CP angle is an absolute direction, do you understand me?"

  The female reporter took a long time to think this time, but finally nodded:

   "I see, thank you Professor Carlo."

   Then Carlo Rubia accepted questions from several other reporters or colleagues, and all of them were successfully completed.

   Then soon.

  The microphone was passed to the last reporter.

   This reporter is tall and bald. When he stood up, he felt that the whole room was much brighter.

  The bald man held the microphone, looked at the recorder in his hand, and asked Carlo Rubia:

  "Professor Carlo Rubbia, since you think that dark matter may be discovered within ten years, which institution do you think is most likely to make the first breakthrough? Is it CERN?"

  Carlo Rubia was slightly taken aback, this question was somewhat beyond his expectation:

   "Mr. Reporter, to be honest, although I really want to answer you that the one who discovered dark matter will be CERN."

   "But nothing in the world will definitely develop according to people's wishes, especially things that have not been discovered."

   "So I can only answer you with a general range, either Europe or America, that's all."

   "Europe or America?"

  The bald man repeated the two areas and asked again:

   "What about Asia?"


   Carlo Rubia raised his eyelids and glanced at him, shook his head and said:

   "At least in my opinion, it is almost impossible for Asia to achieve a breakthrough in dark matter. Although a certain country has achieved remarkable results in neutrinos, it is dark matter"

   Talking and talking.

   Carlo Rubia suddenly had an inexplicable emotion in his heart. The sentimentality he felt about whether he could live until the discovery of dark matter was amplified a lot, as if something had been replaced:

   "Let's put it this way, if Asians can discover dark matter, I'll go and eat the ax on the bronze statue of Maxwell in Cavendish Laboratory on the spot!"

   Carlo Rubia finished speaking.

  There was a sudden burst of laughter from the audience.

   This burst of laughter didn’t mean much to mock Carlo Rubia, it seemed

  Everyone in the audience thought so too.

   On the contrary, Carlo Rubia reacted after speaking.

  The Asia he mentioned is actually mainly aimed at Neon, or to be more precise, it is aimed at Neon’s Kamioka Laboratory.

  Actually next door to Neon, there is a bigger country that is also conducting dark matter experiments.

  There is the Wukong dark matter detection satellite on top of them, and the Jinping Deep Earth Laboratory on the bottom, and breakthroughs are being made every year.

  However, considering that the words had already been spoken, Carlo Rubia chose not to explain much.

  It would be troublesome to explain too much about this kind of thing, besides

  Even considering the country of China, Carlo Rubia does not think that the other party has the ability to discover dark matter first

  Think here.

   Carlo Rubia felt relieved a lot.

   Followed by the routine viewing of video recordings, individual speeches by members, guest comments, etc.

   Lars, the supervisor of the bubble room, also went on stage and beeped for more than ten minutes.

that's it.

   More than two hours later.

  The meeting is officially dissolved.

  Because Lars was going to attend the internal closing meeting, Lucas took two colleagues out of the conference center by himself and was going back to the hotel for a rest.

  While walking, he also took out his mobile phone, intending to confirm the upcoming itinerary with Fermilab.

  He came to Europe with great difficulty. If there is a chance, he would like to meet some old friends or classmates, and visit the graves of some deceased elders.

   As a prospective winner of two Nobel Prizes, Lucas has made this qualification requirement.


  The phone is connected.

   "Hello, Miss Roy."

  After the call was connected, Lucas took the initiative to say:

   "The press conference at CERN is over. I will fax the written report to you within 24 hours. In addition, I would like to apply for a ten-day leave."

   As a result, the words were not finished.

  The second half of Lucas's conversation was interrupted by a deep male voice on the other side of the phone:

   "Mr. Lucas, it's me, Angus."


be honest.

  When Lucas heard the name, the first thought that popped up in Lucas's mind was Angus beef.

  However, he quickly realized that this somewhat unfamiliar name was actually the director-general of URA, the above-mentioned operating organization of Fermilab:

   "Mr. Angus, aren't you in Chicago, how come?"

   "I asked the internal line to transfer your call directly."

   Angus on the other end of the phone explained briefly, and then said quickly:

   "Mr. Lucas, I am sorry to inform you that your vacation may be cancelled."

   "In addition, you have to arrive at Geneva International Airport at 6:50 tomorrow morning, first fly to Paris for a transit, and then fly to China."

   "Go to Huaxia?"

  Lucas was stunned when he heard the words, but he is also a well-known expert, and soon realized something:

   "Mr. Angus, what happened to Huaxia? Did the 59 they made go to heaven?"

  The other side of the phone was silent for a few seconds:

   "It has nothing to do with the 59th reform, we have received a notice, it is said."

   "They found dark matter, really cold dark matter, CDM."