MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 6 Natural waste material 3

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Can't it be, is she able to come to this world, is it related to this bracelet?

Just as Murong was still thinking about it, she suddenly felt a sting in her wrist. I didn't know when, her wrist was stabbed, and the bright red blood flowed out.

What surprised Murong’s face was that the blood did not flow down, but instead was absorbed by the jade bracelet on the hand.

After the jade bracelet absorbed her blood, it slowly changed color, first pink, then became red, and finally became like a **** red.

When Murong had no time to think about what it was all about, she only felt that she was black and immediately lost all her consciousness.

When I woke up again, Murong looked at where she was, and it was no longer the old dilapidated house.

She doesn't know where she is at this time. Looking into the past, there are mountains and water in the distance. She is sitting on a green meadow at this time. Just a short distance from her, there is a small hut.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Murong looked at it without a trace of panic. Although she did not know how she came to this place. She stood up and looked around the environment.

"You used it, you are in the space now."

Just as Murong was thinking and thinking, suddenly a voice sounded. This voice is very vicissitudes, as if it has experienced thousands of years of precipitation. Moreover, when she heard the voice, she felt a burst of pressure on her body. However, Rao is like this, she is still standing proudly there.

"Who are you?" Murong tilted his eyebrows and his eyes flashed a bit of vigilance.

At this time she was in an unknown place, and this body was obviously too weak, and her previous ability could not be fully displayed. In such an unfamiliar environment, even if she is in danger, she does not know whether she is capable of self-protection.

"Me?" The voice of the vicissitudes sounded again. "I am the one who saved you and the guardian of this space."

"Is you saving me?" Murong squinted. "You mean, I am able to cross this era and reborn in Murong's face, is it because of you?"

"Yes. I brought you here." When it came to this, the voice paused. "However, if you can become a strong man of this era, it depends on yourself."

"What?" When he heard this, Murong squinted and didn't quite understand what it meant.

"You will know soon."

As the voice fell, a sigh of breath suddenly came, and Murong only felt that the surrounding aura continued to move from all directions to her body. Unlike before, those rich spiritual powers did not disappear as before, but madly flocked to her Dantian. The violent pain is like tearing up her dantian.

Suddenly, a difficult mouth suddenly appeared in her mind.

Murong pours her face unconsciously, spits out a series of difficult and incomprehensible spells, and her hands are beginning to change with complicated handprints. The golden light is getting more and more beautiful, and she begins to linger around her body, making her look sacred and inviolable.

If someone is there, it will definitely shock the scene. Because, Murong, who is shrouded in the golden light, has a white skin, and the dark purple birthmark on the left half disappears. Murong, who has no birthmark, is so beautiful. The exquisite facial features seem to be the masterpiece of God's eccentricity. It is beautiful and inviolable.

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