MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 510 Fan Wai 32 scares away Rong Jie

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Rong Jie's face changed greatly, and there was no **** face. It was very pale at the moment. At the same time, his eyes were full of panic.

What happened on the top of the building, he is sure, it is impossible for a fifth person to know. But today, Murong’s face is like this. Do she really know something?

"Who are you?" Rong Jie stared at Murong, but there was still a trace of confusion in his eyes. "What do you know?"

"Who am I, don't you know?" Murong leaned back and stepped back, and his mouth twitched with a big smile. "As for what I know? It has nothing to do with you! And, I think, you should not think about it." You have to know."

Seeing the smile on the beautiful face of Murong, Yan Jie is like seeing the evil spirits. Because, in the face of Murong's face, he actually saw the existence of the former face.

"I warn you, don't talk nonsense here." Although Rong Jie has tried his best to calm down, his voice still has a trace of trembling. "Don't think that you said these words, I will be afraid of you."

"Of course I know that you are not afraid of anything." Murong's smile at the corner of his mouth became a bit enchanting. "You dare to do something like that. What else you dare not do. Just don't know your family of three." After midnight dreams, can you see the person who has passed away?"

The smile on the face of Murong's face is like the signal of chasing the soul, so that Rong Jie could not help but fight a cold war. At this point, Murong’s face and face are seemingly overlapping. He yelled and then stumbled and ran out.

At this time, he has no such thing as Fang Ruxue. Now that he is full of eyes, he is full of scenes that he wants to jump from the top of the building. He feels that he is about to be driven crazy. If he continues to face Murong, he does not know if he will say something that should not be said next.

This sudden change of Rong Jie has left everyone in the same place. No one can think of it. It seems that Rong Jie, who is obviously normal, suddenly yelled out and even ran away like this. However, everyone is more curious. Just when Murong’s face was said in the ear of Rong Jie, it would actually make Rong Jie have such a move.

At this time, Murong’s face had already returned to Huangfu’s side. She looked at Fang Ruxue, who was still standing there, and her mouth smirked with a satirical smile. “Miss Fang, it seems that in the heart of Dr. Rong, you also It's not very important! Otherwise, he won't leave you like this, then he will run!"

When Murong pours out, Fang Ruxue’s face suddenly becomes green. “This has nothing to do with you. Moreover, between me and Rong Jie is just an ordinary friend. What he wants to do, I have no right to interfere.”

Although this is said in the mouth, but in the heart of Fang Ruxue, now I am afraid that I have hated death. If Rong Jie didn't appear at the beginning, maybe she wouldn't be so upset. But now Rong Jie left her like this, and then she ran away. She felt like a joke.

Hey, when I saw this before, Rong Jie still chased her so tightly. Now it seems that it is nothing but falsehood.

"Oh, Miss Fang, I am leaving." Murong leaned over the packaged clothes that the salesman handed over, and then waved his hand toward Fang Ruxue. "If you still want to continue shopping, then Go shopping! Otherwise, when the things of today are in the ears of Fang Dong, I am afraid that you will not have the mood to go shopping."

After that, Murong leaned into the hands of Huangfu and left the store.

The party that was left in place was like a snow-faced face, and at the same time, her heart also raised a not-good premonition. Although in her heart I really want to deny the words of Murong. However, she vaguely felt that the Murong pour was all true.

At this time, Fang Ruxue, there is no thought of shopping. She took her bag and left the mall. Although she did not believe the words of Murong, she decided to go back and talk to her father.

Otherwise, when Dad hears those words from other people's ears, she will become more passive. Since the matter has become what it is now, she should be more active in taking the initiative.

On the other hand, although there was such a conflict with Fang Ruxue, and Rong Jie was encountered, the mood of Murong’s face was not affected.

She took the imperial concubine and still shuttled through the mall. As long as she sees it, she buys it, whether it is needed or not.

For Murong’s reckless move, Huangfu did not have any opinions, and some simply condoned.

Others have seen the emperor's reluctance to admire Murong's face, and he has to show his envious eyes. You know, the handsome guy is rare, and the more handsome and handsome guy is even rarer. And those who are more handsome, but also like this to the girlfriend's handsome guy, it is simply rare.

Many women shopping in the mall are envious of Murong. Because most men don't like to go shopping, many times, even if they really pull their boyfriend out to go shopping, their men are also unpleasant, and they have to go shopping for a while and then shouted.

Look at the boyfriends of the family, and then look at your boyfriend, this contrast is really not too big. There is no harm without comparison. Now there is contrast, it is 10,000 points of damage!

For the envious and hateful eyes that the women cast, Murong’s face is nothing to see. She can't grieve herself for others, so as long as she feels happy, she doesn't need to look at other people around her.

Finally at noon, Murong and Yan Huang came to a restaurant. This is a western restaurant, and she wants to have a romantic meal for both of them.

Excellent people, no matter where they go, can easily attract others' attention. Even if the imperial concubine exudes a sense of indifference that refuses to be thousands of miles away, there is still no way to block everyone's gaze.

Murong looked for a more remote location. After the two sat down, she smiled and looked at the emperor. She opened her mouth and said, "Hey, let’s have a romantic day. But, you know how to eat. Western food?"

When talking, Murong’s tone of voice was filled with a deep smile, and there was a hint of optimism in the eyes. She is very clear about the cleverness of Huangfu, but it has only been more than a month since she came to the world, and she has already figured out a lot of things in this world.

Therefore, today she will come to the Western restaurant with Huangfu. She would like to see if Huangfu is still able to figure out the rules of these meals.

Of course, if she can see the emperor, she will feel very fun. After all, from the recognition of her, she has never seen the emperor!

Appreciating the evil taste of Murong's heart, Huangfu raised his eyebrows and said with a funny voice, "Yan, it seems that you are looking forward to me not!"

"Nothing." Murong turned his face and looked at him with a straightforward voice. "You are my husband! I am a husband, how can I want to see your joke?" ?"

When I heard Murong’s mouth and said the words of Eve as the sky, Huangfu almost didn’t laugh out. He shook his head with a smile, then looked around the restaurant and looked at Murong. Yan, continue to say, "Just let Yaner disappointed."

When he was looking around the restaurant, he had already observed the rules of the meal. Therefore, he is sure that he will not make a joke like the wish of the face.

Seeing the appearance of Huangfu, Murong knows what is going on, she can't help but feel a little depressed. "Hey, it seems that it is not an easy thing to see your joke!"

She knew that 珏 is definitely not a person who is sitting still. No matter what kind of occasion, you are not a person who can make mistakes.

"Is this not good?" Huangfu looked at Murong and looked at her with a hint of tenderness. "Yaner must know that if I make a mistake, others will laugh at you."

"Well, I just talked about it," Murong said, shaking his head and shaking his head. "However, I also know that you will not let yourself have a chance to make mistakes."

Huangfu nodded and smiled and said, "It seems that Yan is really understanding me!"

Murong squinted and looked at Huangfu, and his eyes were infinite.

Looking at this kind of Murong's face, the eyes of Huangfu flashed a faint glow. If it wasn't for the current situation, he would definitely want to linger with Murong.

It was at this time that a pleasing sound of music rang and interrupted the communication between the two.

Huangfu’s brow could not help but wrinkle.

Murong leaned up and picked up his mobile phone, raised his head and smiled and said, "My mobile phone is ringing."

For the person who called at this moment, Huangfu’s heart is full of dissatisfaction. If this person appears in front of him now, he is afraid that he will not hesitate to take it.

Murong looked at the number displayed on the phone and couldn't help but flash a glimpse of the darkness. "It seems that the news is still quite fast!"

Huangfu picked up his eyebrows and his eyes flashed a little.

Murong also did not avoid anything, and immediately picked up the phone. "Hey, Fang Dong? I don't know if you call me at this time. What is it for?"

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