MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 487 Fanwai Nine Marriage (5)

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"Very good." Murong nodded and nodded. "However, do you think that you have the qualifications to stay with you?"

When this statement came out, Bai Xueyu, who was still excited, was like a pot of cold water pouring down from the head, and it was completely cold. She didn't know what it meant after the devil. When it was just, wasn't it already interesting to let her enter the magic hall? How can you suddenly say such a thing now?

Suddenly, those envious eyes immediately became the eyes of gloating. They will know, how can this emperor's harem go so well? Moreover, today is the big wedding of the emperor and the queen, this white snow jade is standing out at this time. After the devil is not a fool, how can you let such a person enter the magic hall?

"After the devil, what you mean is-" Bai Xueyu looked up and looked at Murong, and opened the door with difficulty.

She didn't know what it meant by the queen. But she is very clear, now she is standing out. If she can't enter the emperor's harem today, she will become a joke in the eyes of people from all walks of life. Everyone will think of today's things when they see her. Then she really did not see her face in the future.

"The meaning of this post is very simple!" Murong's mouth smirked a smile on the city, and continued to speak. "Even if you want to stay in the back of the room, it is not so simple. You can stay with you." People have their own skills, but I don’t see how much you have. Just, I feel that your dance is good."

This kind of remark makes Bai Xueyu's heart high and low. When she heard the words in front, she thought she had no chance at all. But when she heard the back, her whole person immediately cheered up.

Bai Xueyu quickly said, "The queen, Xue Yu knows that he does not have much advantage. Since the queen appreciates the dance of Xueyu, Xueyu is willing to offer it for the future."

Although she felt that she said this, she really devalued herself. You know, dancing for people anytime, anywhere, that is the behavior of the dancers. However, now she has no other way. Moreover, although it is said to be a performance after the devil, but this is also for the emperor performance!

"Very good." Murong nodded and nodded. "Then you will stay in this magic hall later! However, as a dancer, I don't think you need to have this body."

Bai Xueyu took a moment and did not respond at all.

Not only Bai Xueyu, but even other people can't react. Murong suddenly reveals a beautiful smile. Then he does not hesitate to reach out and gather his mystery. Then he directly plays a mysterious force and moves toward it. Dan Xue of Bai Xueyu attacked the past.

In the face of such a sudden attack, Bai Xueyu just wants to hide, and it is too late. Moreover, compared to Murong's face, her repairs are really far from each other, and she simply can't hide.

The nearest Bai Yufeng, who stood away from Bai Xueyu, was the first time to save his daughter. However, the attack had been directly hit by the snowy Dantian, and did not give him any time.

In this way, the fierce mysterious force, directly hit the snowy Dantian.

Bai Xueyu felt a sharp pain in her own Dantian, and then she felt that the whole Dantian was broken. At this time, she was able to feel that her own cultivation for many years, at this moment, all of them were gone.

Everyone in the main hall watched the scene, and many people felt that there was a chill in their hearts. No one had thought that the devil would actually ruin the repair of Bai Xueyu.

Lost the repair, the face of Bai Xueyu's whole person became very pale. At this point she has been sitting on the ground, the whole person is like losing all the strength of her body. The whole person is embarrassed and cannot accept such facts at all.

For a time, those people in the main hall, when looking at Murong, had a hint of fear and jealiness in their eyes.

Of course, except for Huangfu.

After seeing Murong’s actions, Huangfu would not be surprised at all. If it is not done like that, it is not like a child. Yan Er has never been a person who is willing to grieve.

In his opinion, everything that Murong is doing is right. Even if it is wrong, it is definitely the fault of others.

Bai Yufeng stepped forward and helped the white snow jade sitting on the ground, and then took out a medicinal herb and directly gave it to Bai Xueyu. However, even so, Bai Xueyu's face is not much better.

"What do you mean by the devil?" Bai Yufeng had no way to control his inner anger. "Why are you treating Xueyu like this?"

Even if the devil world wants to make the demon world powerful, it can't do it. This kind of practice after the devil is really deceiving. He really has no way to continue to tolerate it.

"What are you doing afterwards, you see very clearly, aren't you?" Unlike Bai Qifeng's impatience, Murong looked very calm and even lazy. "What's wrong with what I did later?" ?"

After that, Murong looked around for a circle and continued to speak. "If anyone thinks that they have done something wrong in the future, then come up! It is not a careful person. It is very happy to accept criticism." ""

After hearing the words of Murong, everyone suddenly snorted. Although they feel in their hearts, it is too embarrassing for Murong to look at it. However, after all, it is not them who are injured. They don't have to be in the demon world, and they are offending the devil.

Murong squinted at the corner of his mouth and evoked a smile that didn't matter. He spread his hands and opened his mouth. "Demon King, look, you don't think anyone is doing it right!"

Seeing the appearance of Murong's face, Bai Bingfeng was so vomiting blood, he did not try to argue with Murong, but looked at the emperor and said, "The emperor, now this happens, you don't think, Should the devil world give us an account of the demon world?"

This time, Bai Qifeng is directly raising things to between the two interfaces.

"Is it confessed?" Huangfu looked at Bai Yufeng indifferently, and slowly began to speak. "So, now the demon world wants to declare war with the devil world? If so, then we are willing to fight."

When this statement came out, Bai Yufeng suddenly became angry and could not say anything.

Of course he does not want to declare war with the devil. The demon world is simply not the opponent of the devil world. If it is really played, the demon world will definitely lose a lot. For a time, he felt infinitely wronged. It is obvious that they are suffering from the demon world, but they are unable to recover justice.

"The Emperor, my father is not the meaning." At this time, Bai Haotian quickly stood up. "The father is only seeing Xueyu injured, so he will be in a hurry, and there is no offense, please also Don't be angry."

For Bai Haotian's soft behavior, Bai Weifeng is very uncomfortable. But his heart is also clear, this is the best solution now. It is impossible for the demon world to fight the devil world.

"Demon King, please let go of Xue Yuyu." At this time, Murong pours again and again, "You don't forget, now she is not the princess of your demon world."

When Murong pours his face, the anger that Bai Qifeng has suppressed is once again coming up. "After the devil, you should not force too much."

"This is not a joke." Murong looked at Bai Qifeng with a smile and smiled. "Do you remember the words you just said? You want to give this snowy jade to the present." And, she wants to stay in the side of the present, and then she will no longer be the princess of the demon world. She must not be in the name of the demon princess. If you have just finished, you should not tell this. After that, you have forgotten."

After hearing the words of Murong, for a time, Bai Weifeng did not know how to refute. Because of these words, they just said it when they were just. Moreover, he said it by himself. Even Bai Xueyu himself has made a guarantee.

Murong’s face gradually cooled down, and she continued to speak. “How? It’s hard to say what the demon king said, just to talk about it, is it to tease the present? You’re married in the future. On the day of making such a thing, do you look down on this? Or do you look down on our devil?"

At the end of the day, the tone of Murong's face was a bit aggressive. However, although the tone is tough, but what she said is a sentence.

For a time, Bai Weifeng stood there and didn't know how to refute it.

Suddenly, there was silence in the main hall. The quiet atmosphere is so strange, no one dares to say anything first. Of course, no one has said what to say for the demon world. No one wants this fire to burn to himself.

"After the devil, our demon world is absolutely imperative." Bai Haotian stood up and bit his teeth and said, "Bai Xueyu has nothing to do with our demon world."

On the side of Bai Yufeng looked at Bai Haotian, and there was a trace of shock in his eyes, but he had not said anything yet, and he had already been dumbfounded by Bai Yutian’s words. "Father, are you really planning to make Xueyu? And ruined our demon world?"

When this statement came out, Bai Yufeng immediately recovered all the words he wanted to say. Yes, he is really distressed by his daughter, but he is the master of the demon world, he wants to plan for the entire demon world. If this time is really a war, it is definitely a disaster for the demon world. Moreover, he can be sure that people from other interfaces will definitely not help them in the demon world.

Read The Duke's Passion