MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 474 Send things

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"After the devil, I don't know if you are looking for me, is there anything?" Yayiru is there, bowing reverently.

Although she taught Murong to pour a lot of knowledge about the formation, but for Murong to face this demon, her heart has always been respectful and somewhat scared.

Murong looked at Yayiru, who was standing there, and suddenly asked, "Is God innocent? Is he still there with you?"

Since the wounded, God has not left the devil world, but has remained in the devil world. This is also to avoid Ni Yunya's pursuit.

Suddenly asked Murong to face God's innocence, Yayi Ru stunned, but soon returned to God, and replied, "Yes, he still stays in my house. After the devil, yes Isn't there anything?"

She did not know why Murong was suddenly interested in God's innocent things. However, her heart still has a little worry. After getting along with this time, she also knows a lot about God's innocence. As she got along with this time, she didn't know when it started, and she had a glimpse of God's innocence. Moreover, she can feel that God is innocent to her, and perhaps has the same feeling.

Now she is really worried that the queen will not let God continue to stay in the devil world. Therefore, when she spoke, her tone was filled with a hint of tension.

After looking at Yayiru with a thoughtful look, Murong continued to speak. "Nothing, I just asked for it. I am looking for you today to tell you something, your great hatred, probably. I will get the report soon."

“Really?” Yayi Ru looked up sharply with a hint of surprise on his face. “After the devil, are you going to deal with Ni Yunya?”

"Exactly," Murong nodded and nodded, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes. "Ni Yunya, she has touched my bottom line. I didn't intend to shoot so early, but she forced me to shoot." ""

Yayiru suddenly squatted down, with a hint of excitement in his eyes. "After the devil, your great grace, I will never forget. Even if I want to be a cow, I will not have any Complaints."

"I have no plans for you to be a cow." Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth and smiled. "However, I called you today, and there is something for you to do."

After hearing the words of Murong, Yayiru looked up and had a trace of doubts in his eyes. "I don't know what the queen said -"

Murong looked at Yayiru and raised his finger. There was a flash of light on his fingertips. Then she reached out and waved, and the light flew straight in the direction of Yayiru, then directly slammed into Yayiru's body and disappeared.

In the face of Murong's movements, Yayiru did not have a trace of dodge. Even when she saw the light coming to her, she didn't have any movements. Because she knows that Murong will not hurt her. Moreover, even if Murong is really going to take her life, she will not have any complaints.

Murong waved his hand and continued to speak. "Well, Yayiru, you go back and practice now. As for what I want you to do, you will know it later."

For the gesture of Murong's revelation, Yayiru's heart is full of doubts. However, she did not continue to ask, because she knew that everything that Murong had done was justified.

After Yayiru left, Huangfu came out from the inside and came to the side of Murong's face. He sat down. "Have you decided to choose her? Do you really think that she can take on such a big task?" ”

"I think she is quite suitable." Murong leaned down with one hand and screamed at the corner of his mouth. "And, can she take on such a big responsibility, time can tell everything."

"You feel good." Huangfu nodded and continued to speak. "On the other side of the gods, the news is only completely spread."

"Oh, I don't know how Ni Yunya should respond this time?" Murong's smile on his lips was a bit ironic. "She has mastered the power of the gods, but many people are still very dissatisfied with her." ""

"This time, the war between the devil and the gods is afraid that it can't be avoided." Huangfu whispered openly.

His tone is very dull, and it is not like saying that he wants to go to war. The lightness of the clouds is as simple as discussing what to eat this evening.

"When things are going on war, don't worry." Murong looked at the emperor and smiled. "But if you really fight, don't forget, we can have an ally!"

At the beginning, Bai Haotian sent himself to the door and said that he would form an alliance with them. Therefore, if there is any war, the power of the demon world can not be wasted!

After hearing the words of Murong, the emperor’s eyes flashed a trace of pet, then reached out and pinched the little nose of Murong’s face, “You!”

Murong pouted and spit on her tongue, then smiled.

In the realm of the gods, Ni Yunya has no such good mood. Because in these few days, there has been a lot of rumors in the realm of the gods.

The content of the rumor is nothing else, it is that she did not get the inheritance. She did not know how this rumor was produced, but now this rumor has spread throughout the realm of God.

Ni Yunya has a sullen face, sitting there, and the pressure around it is astonishingly low. Everyone who is waiting around is frightened and afraid that he will become the one who is angered. Among them, the best person to be afraid is Rainbow Arts. Because she is Ni Yunya's personal maid. In the past few days, Ni Yunya has sent her temper several times.

"Is God coming?" Ni Yunya looked at the rainbow art standing on the side, and whispered, "Isn't you asking me to find him?"

"The Lord God said, he will come over when he waits." Rainbow art screamed openly.

Looking at the appearance of the rainbow art, Ni Yunya was a sigh of relief. She slammed the table hard and fired at the rainbow art. "What do you like? I am terrible, are you?"

"The slaves don't dare, the slaves absolutely don't have this meaning." Rainbow art slammed and slammed on the ground. "The Holy Lady forgives!"

At this time, Rainbow Art is full of grievances. She does not know what she is doing wrong. In the past few days, the number of times the saints have ignited her more and more. Although the saint did not impose any punishment on her, even if it was, it was enough for her to be afraid.

She feels that what she wants to do now is to leave the saint as soon as possible. Now even if she wants to turn her back and be a minimum waitress, she feels better than being at the side of the saint. She feels that if she continues this way, she will die in the hands of the saints sooner or later.

The more I look at the appearance of Rainbow Art, the more Ni Yunya is. However, at this time, someone came in and said that God has come.

Looking at the rainbow art lying on the ground, Ni Yunya’s eyes flashed a bit of disgust. "I still don't stand up, can't I still want to let me personally lift you up?"

After hearing Ni Yunya's words, Rainbow Art did not dare to have a slight fallacy. He immediately stood up and then returned to Ni Yunya's side to stand up. He could not see what had just happened. However, from her eyes, she can still detect a few dissatisfaction with Ni Yunya.

For the dissatisfaction of Rainbow Arts, Ni Yunya is completely unaware of it. No, to be precise, she simply doesn't care at all. Such a little maid's mind, she has no time to take care of. Of course, she didn't care about her heart.

As soon as God entered the temple, he could feel the repressed atmosphere in the temple. He could probably guess what the sacred woman had been looking for from him this time.

"I have seen the saints under my servitude." God squatted on the ground and bowed reverently.

He can feel that the saint has been very cold to him since this time. However, he did not know what the reason was. He felt that he had not done anything wrong recently.

"Get up!" Looking at the gods who were there, Ni Yunya said coldly.

After hearing Ni Yunya's words, God quickly stood up, and then stood there straight, his head slightly lowered, a respectful and superficial appearance.

Ni Yunya looked at the appearance of God's shackles, his eyes narrowed, and then he said, "God is away from you, you know, I called you today, is it because of something?"

"I don't know." God turned his head and turned back.

Although he can probably guess, the saint called him, it should be because of rumors. However, since the saint has not taken the initiative to open, he naturally will not touch the mold.

"In the recent realm of the gods, there are a lot of rumors, do you know?" Ni Yunya continued to speak. "The contents of those rumors, you must have heard of it."

Listening to Ni Yunya’s rumors, God was shocked by his heart.

He has been with the Virgin for many years, and he still knows about the Virgin's temper. Although the voice of the saint is calm now, it gives him a creepy feeling. He always felt that the words of the saints seemed to be directed at him.

After pondering it, God shouted. "The so-called rumors, but some boring people are saying irresponsible. The rumors stop at the wise, I believe that these rumors will disappear soon."

"Is it?" Ni Yunya's mouth twitched a cold arc. "I think, it shouldn't be that simple! Now almost all the gods are circulating this rumor. As for whether this rumor is true or not, I think, your I should be very clear in my heart!"

After hearing Ni Yunya’s words, God’s heart was stunned. He is not a fool. Naturally, he knows that the saint is suspected on his head. After all, he is one of the insiders in this matter. So, is the saint now suspecting that he betrayed her?

When I think of this, God’s heart is secretly shocked. He feels that his hands and feet are cold. At this moment, he does not know what to say. Because he knows that no matter what he says, he absolutely cannot change the suspicion of the saint. Therefore, he can only remain silent.

Seeing the appearance of God's silence, Ni Yunya's face is even more ugly. She took the cup on the table directly and lost it to God. "Do you have anything you want to defend yourself?" ”

The cup was directly on the forehead of God's departure. But in an instant, the place that was bruised has already begun to bleed.

God ignored the injured forehead and suddenly fell down. "The saint, the subordinates have never done anything."

He doesn't know how to defend himself. However, this matter does not have any relationship with him. However, he knows that no matter what he says, the saint will not believe it. Because the things that the Virgins have identified are not so easy to change. He didn't know what he was about to face.

The rainbow art that has been standing beside Ni Yunya is naturally looking at everything. She did not expect that the Holy Virgin was so ruthless when dealing with God. Now she is a little confused about her future.

However, she also felt that she was standing here today and seemed to have heard a lot of words that should not be heard. For a long time, she thought that the rumors outside were fake. However, from the actions and words of the Virgin, she felt that things were not that simple. It can even be said that those rumors are likely to be true.

The mind of Rainbow Art, Ni Yunya is completely unaware of it. At this moment, all her thoughts are on the body of God. "Do you dare to say that this time, what relationship does you really have with you? Except you, I really can't think of it, and there are other people who know this."

For God's departure, her heart is full of suspicion at the moment. After she returned from God, she was already skeptical. Moreover, she did not get the inheritance, in the realm of the gods, few people know. In addition to God's departure, she also thought that there would be someone who would leak it.

"The saint, this time, and the subordinates really have nothing to do with it," the attitude of God’s deviance is still respectful. "There is a great courage, and dare not do such a thing." The subordinates can make a vow to the heavens. If this time, it is related to the subordinates, then let the subordinates have thousands of knives and not die."

God’s face was full of steadfastness, and when he vowed, there was no hesitation.

Looking at God's appearance, Ni Yunya's suspicions in his heart are a little less. Especially after seeing God’s swearing, she also temporarily put down her doubts.

Because unlike ordinary people, all the immortals will not swear. Because the immortal is originally bound by the heavens. Unless they are able to escape the heavens, those oaths will still be fulfilled.

However, although I know that it is not God's work, but Ni Yunya's heart is not less irritating, she looked at the gods there, and said, "Well, you can get up first!"

After hearing Ni Yunya’s words, God was really relieved. Because the saint now let him stand up, indicating that he is believed to be temporary.

After God stood up, he stood still respectfully and did not say anything.

After Ni Yunya was silent for a while, he said, "God is leaving, you send people to investigate and see how those rumors are transmitted. Also, no matter what method you use, within ten days, let All the rumors disappeared. If not, then I don't know how to punish you."

After hearing the negative test of Ni Yunya, God could not help but fight a cold war, and then immediately opened the door, "Subordinate to obey."

Ni Yunya opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a little maid.

A maid hurried in and went straight to Ni Yunya and said, "The saint, the devil has sent something, indicating that you want the saint to personally accept it."

Originally, I wanted to swear by the rude little maid, but after hearing this, Ni Yunya’s heart sank and then said, “What do you mean? Where did the Devil come over?”

Ni Yunya is almost certain that this is the handwriting of Murong. Although there is no evidence, she just knows that Murong is doing it. However, she really couldn’t guess, and Murong’s face was what was sent.

"Yes." After hearing the question from Ni Yunya, the little maid said reverently. "The people who are sending things are still outside, saying that they are coming to you personally."

Ni Yunya’s eyes were slightly stunned, and then waved her hand and said, “Well, let them come in now!”

Soon, a few men in black came in and they carried a box in their hands. The black man who was headed gave a gesture, and then several people following him put the box directly in front of Ni Yunya.

Looking at the red box in front of him, I don’t know why, Ni Yunya’s heart has raised an unpredictable hunch, but her face is still a puzzled face. “I don’t know, this is What?"

"This is something that our emperor and the devil specially sent us back to the saint." The black-faced man who is headed is all cold, without a trace of respect, just plainly expressing his meaning, "This is what it is." The things in your gods, we naturally want to return to the original owner."

Ni Yunya gestured to stand by the rainbow art beside him to open the box.

The heart of Hongyi is full of fear, but she does not dare to violate the meaning of Ni Yunya. Therefore, she could only move forward with courage, then extended her hand and opened the box.

However, when I saw the things in the box, Rainbow Art screamed involuntarily, "Ah-"

Because there is nothing else in the box, it would be a cold body.

Ni Yunya naturally saw the things inside the box, and her face suddenly became very difficult to read. "What do you mean? Or, what do you want to do in the devil world?"

"The saint does not need to be so angry." In the face of Ni Yunya's anger, the black-headed man who is headed is still unmoved. He continues to speak. "This person is the person of your godland, so the devil and the devil will send us." At the same time, the Emperor also asked me to bring you a sentence, I hope that the hand of the saint will not stretch too long. Otherwise, things will not be solved so well."

After hearing the words of the black man, Ni Yunya took a hard look at the body inside the box. After discovering the identity of the corpse, her whole heart was like falling into a hail.

The black man ignored Ni Yunya and took everyone, so he left the temple directly.

Looking at the backs of those black people, Ni Yunya’s eyes sparkled with a strong murderousness.

If she can, she really wants to kill all of them. But she knew that if she did, then the Devil would definitely send troops to attack the realm. If this is the case, then the gods must have no power to fight.

Therefore, she can only watch these people leave under her eyes, but can't do anything.

God is also natural to see who the body inside the box is. Therefore, his face also has obvious anxiety.

"What is the meaning of the saint, the devil world?" After the black people left, God could not help but open his mouth. "This is the person we have placed in the realm of the gods, but now it has been seen." It is."

"Oh, this thing is definitely Murong's face." Ni Yunya's eyes flashed a murderous murder. "Besides her, no one will do such a thing. She pretends to be the name of the emperor, but just to I am embarrassed."

Although she is not very familiar with Huangfu, she knows that it is impossible to do this according to the temper of the Emperor. Therefore, she is sure that this thing is what Murong is doing.

Murong has already guessed that she has taken the old man. This is to give her a horse!

"What should I do next?" God’s face was a little anxious. "The devil is afraid that it will not be so easy."

"Hey, Murong is now showing that the still body is so bright and straight, it means that this thing, she will not continue to pursue it." Ni Yunya's mouth twitched a cold, "And, she is now I don’t dare to investigate it."

Now that the old man is in her hand, Murong has to pay no matter what he wants to do. Therefore, she is sure that on this matter, Murong will never continue to act rashly.

It seems that she has caught this old man and the effect is quite big! If it was usual, Murong could not just show such a demonstration.

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