MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 461 Entering the forest

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During the speech, Murong’s actions under his face were more and more powerful.

Huangfu sat there, enjoying the service and pleasing of Murong, and said nothing, just a faint "hmm--".

"Oh, I know, you must be a very large person, so definitely don't account for the words I just said, right?" Murong sighed and spit out his tongue and continued to smile. "And, You hurt me so much, I am sure I can't give birth to my anger, right?"

Hearing the words of Murong behind him, the words of softness and sorrow, Rao is the heart of the stone, afraid that it can not stand it! In addition, Huangfu was not angry at all. He just intended to tease Murong.

He reached out and grabbed the hand of Murong's face behind him. Then he turned his body and took Murong and sat down on his lap. Then he shouted helplessly. "You! Nothing else is there." Poor ability is getting worse."

"I am not doing this poorly, but sincerely." Murong leaned out and grabbed the Huangfu's neck, and smiled and said, "I am really sincere to please you! Hey, this opportunity Not much, you should be cherished."

Hearing the grievances that Murong said in his mouth, Huangfu shook his head helplessly. "It seems that I really said you."

Murong leaned and smiled and leaned his head on the chest of Huangfu. "This is because you are petting me!"

"Well, don't say this, will we enter the forest tomorrow?" Huangfu patted Murong's hair and said, "Niv Yunya is here now, she should also enter that as soon as possible." Among the forests."

"Then we will go in tomorrow." Murong nodded and smiled and said, "However, we have such a fate, I am afraid that in the forest, you should also meet!"

Her and Ni Yunya's purpose is the same, plus the forest is not particularly large, encountered in it, is also a certain thing.

"As long as it is what you want to get, it will not fall in the hands of Ni Yunya." Huangfu's tone contained a hint of affirmation.

"Oh, hey, even if you are not, I will definitely get what I want." Murong smiled on his face, but the tone was indeed with a positive meaning. "And, I think, this time. Maybe we will have an unexpected harvest!"

After hearing the words of Murong, Huangfu raised an eyebrow. "Are you discovering something?"

"In fact, there is no." Murong swayed and shook his head gently. "Just, it is not like the lost place that Mingyuexin once said."

"Where is the inheritance of the land, no one knows." Huangfu whispered openly. "And according to the moon, the position of the inheritance has been lost long before several generations of the saints." Therefore, in the forest, whether it is a place of inheritance, no one knows."

"Yeah." Murong nodded and nodded. Then he shook his head again. "Oh, I don't mean this. I mean, this place of inheritance is probably much better than we thought. Even though that one If there is nothing in the holy atmosphere, but you can feel a very strong atmosphere from inside. So, I think, this forest is only very unusual."

"Is there something unusual? After you get in, you can know." Huangfu said without hesitation.

"Or you are right." Murong smiled and nodded. "Then we should rest early! Then, early in the morning, I will go to the forest to hunt for treasure."

After hearing the words of Murong, the emperor said nothing, and immediately took up Murong, and went to the bed.

In the early morning of the next day, Huangfu and Murong retired and left the house. Then they left the inn and walked in the direction of the small forest.

However, Ni Yunya and others are not so early. I used to be on the road before, and Ni Yunya had to rest well before entering the forest. Therefore, it was almost at noon that they retired.

However, at the time of check-out, Ni Yunya learned that the couple who had met yesterday had also checked out in the morning. After hearing the news, her heart could not help but raise a strange feeling. Some thoughts, she always felt that she was caught, but she seemed to be unable to grasp anything.

Thinking of getting into the forest soon, she immediately removed all the extra things in her mind. Now her only and most important purpose is to find a true inheritance in the forest, and then become a holy woman in the realm of the gods.

Moreover, she has a feeling that her strength can be greatly improved as long as she can be passed down. At that time, when dealing with Murong, she had a little more chances.

After leaving the inn, Ni Yunya led the people and set off for the forest.

The rainbow art that has been behind Ni Yunya is full of doubts. She doesn't know where they are going back next, and she doesn't know what to expect next. She doesn't even know that they are here for the purpose. What exactly is it.

It is because I don’t know anything, and I have always been dismissed by Ni Yunya. At this time, the rainbow art heart is full of irritability. However, in front of Ni Yunya, she did not dare to show it.

When Ni Yunya walked toward the forest, Huangfu and Murong had already entered the forest. The two of them have been aimlessly walking in the forest, because they have not been able to feel the breath of yesterday, so they have no direction at all.

However, although there is no direction and clue, but the two faces have no irritability at all. They held hands and walked leisurely in the forest as if they were walking.

"Hey, this forest is not big, but the scenery is really good!" Murong looked at the surrounding environment, took a deep breath, and the mood looked good, "However, really, this forest It seems that there is really no special place besides the air, but there are not many special places here."

In fact, to really say it, she really feels that this forest is a bit strange. It can be said that the aura in this forest is very abundant. Strolling here can feel a very comfortable feeling. However, in this place where there is ample aura, there is no precious spiritual planting, let alone fairy grass. Moreover, there seems to be no such thing as Warcraft.

From just entering, until now, they have only encountered a few World of Warcraft. Moreover, they are also those low-level Warcraft, and even can not be called World of Warcraft, can only be said to be a magic pet. Because those little World of Warcraft have no fighting power, it looks very cute, it is very suitable for pets.

Huangfu glanced at the forest. "It is true that this forest looks strange. However, if the forest is full of precious Lingzhi grass, or World of Warcraft, then those in the nearby towns. It can't be so weak."

As long as it is a good place, it will definitely attract the arrival of the strong. The cultivation of the people above the town is so low that there is no strong person in it. This is also because there is nothing to attract the strong.

"It’s also true." Murong nodded and nodded. "But no matter how you look at it, I feel that this little forest is a little weird. At least, it is not as simple as we seem."

She always feels that this forest has its own secrets. And this secret is definitely related to the sacred atmosphere that she felt yesterday.

"Don't think so much." Huangfu reached out and took a look at Murong's shoulders. He whispered, "Let's go on! Let's try it and see if it can sense the breath of yesterday." ""


During the conversation, Murong closed her eyes again, and then her body and mind completely emptied, and began to feel the atmosphere inside the forest.

After a while, Murong turned her face again, but at this time her face was a little frustrated. "Oh, I can't feel the breath of yesterday."

She really feels very strange, how can that breath be hidden? Yesterday, when she first sensed, she did not find anything wrong.

"Slow down, don't worry too much." Huangfu whispered and calmly said, "This breath is very weak. Sometimes it is normal to feel it. Now let's go around! Maybe you can wait for it." Got that breath!"

He can see that Murong’s emotions seem to be not so good, so he will be so comforted. This time, he came here with Yan, and he hoped that Yan Er could be happy, instead of intending to let Yan Er’s mood down.

"In fact, I am fine, just complain." Murong pours his tongue and smiles. "And, I feel that although this small forest does not look very good, it is full of mystery everywhere. So I am really curious now. What is this so-called inheritance?"

The reason why this small forest has not been discovered by Ni Yunya for so many years is probably because of this reason! The mysterious sacred atmosphere has always been very light, and it is still looming, and it is really not an easy thing to discover.

"Since that mysterious breath is in this forest, it will definitely reappear." Huangfu whispered, "So we don't need to worry, just wait for it."

"Also, anyway, I am anxious and anxious!" Murong smirked and shrugged his shoulders. Then he looked at the emperor and said with a smile. "However, the scenery here is so good, even if nothing can be found here, here. It’s good to have a tour!”

"Then let's go!"

The two held hands and walked in the forest like this, looking relaxed and comfortable.

However, another group of people who entered the forest did not have such a good mood. Of course, this is Ni Yunya, and her mood at the moment is completely different from that of Murong.

After entering the forest, she did not feel any special atmosphere at all. Even in this forest, she did not encounter any danger. Now they are like a headless fly without any destination, and there is no direction at all.

Even she began to have some doubts about whether the news she had received before was wrong. Otherwise, how could there be no strange smell?

Because there is no purpose, Ni Yunya does not know which way to go, they can only go around like this. Her mood has gradually become a bit irritating.

"Women, do we have to take a break first?" Seeing Ni Yunya’s darker face, Hongyi, who has been behind him, said with bold courage. "If you don't know the destination, you should calm down first. Think of another way."

In fact, at such a moment, she does not want to speak. Because she is very clear, if she opens her mouth at this time, she will only touch the mold of the saint. At that time, maybe you still have to find a scold. However, she really can't stand it.

Since entering the forest, they have been walking around so aimlessly, without stopping to rest for a moment. The saints and other holy guards are deep and do not feel any tired at all. However, she is different. She has been poorly trained and has been tired for a long time. If she continues this way, she does not know if she will be tired.

However, one thing she can be sure of. That is, if she is really tired, or something else happens, then the saint will certainly leave her without hesitation.

After hearing the words of Rainbow Art, Ni Yunya, who was already very annoyed, was even worse. However, she also has to admit that it is the best decision now to stop and take a break.

However, her heart is also clear, the reason why Rainbow Arts made such a suggestion at this time is because it is too tired, not really thinking about her.

After a deep look at Rainbow Art, Ni Yunya said, "Now let's take a break here, wait a minute, we will continue on our way."

When Ni Yunya’s eyes fell on her body, Rainbow Art breathed a bit lighter. She felt that the saint seemed to have seen through the ideas in her heart. She is ready to accept the scolding of the saint.

However, what she waited for was not the scolding of the saint, but the command of rest.

When she heard that she was going to take a break, she almost thought she was wrong. When she was really sure, she was relieved. However, she did not dare to go too far from the saint, because she was worried that if something happened, she would find another blame.

As for Ni Yunya, I found a quieter place to sit down, then relaxed and leaned against the tree behind me. Then she closed her eyes and began to glance at the whole forest with her own knowledge.

However, after some time, she did not find anything wrong. Therefore, she can only recover her own knowledge, and then she sinks her heart and begins to feel it with her heart.

Since she has arrived here, she is not going to return empty-handed. She also believes in the strength of those who are themselves. Since it is explored, this forest may be the place of inheritance. It means that there is definitely a strange thing in this forest.

I don't know how long it took, Ni Yunya suddenly felt a very weak breath, and even it could be said that it disappeared in a flash.

Ni Yunya suddenly opened his eyes, with a hint of excitement and joy in his eyes. At the beginning, although the breath disappeared too quickly, she could hardly catch her, but she still felt very happy. Because from the fleeting breath just now, she felt a familiar and comfortable atmosphere.

The breath seems to be constantly attracting the flow of mystery in her body. The mystery in her body is different from other people, with a holy atmosphere. It is also for this reason that the heart of the Ming Dynasty will choose her to become the next saint.

Now there is a breath of sacredness in the breath. Moreover, although only a little bit, but he can feel that the sacred atmosphere, compared to the holy atmosphere in her mysterious power, do not know how many times stronger. Even in that scent of breath, it is like carrying an endless vitality.

This discovery made her feel ecstatic. Because she knows that she has not come to the wrong place, there is a place of inheritance in this small forest.

However, the slight breath of the disappearance was too fast. She didn’t feel anything at all. Even she didn’t know the breath, from which direction.

Thinking of this, Ni Yunya closed her eyes again, then sinked her heart and began to feel it with her heart.

Rainbow Art, who has been not far behind Ni Yunya, has been puzzled by such a series of actions by Ni Yunya. She didn't know what was going on. But I know that when the saint was just, it seemed very happy.

She looked around and found nothing unusual.

However, no matter what, the saint is happy, it is a good thing for her. Because the saint will not blame her any more.

While Ni Yunya felt the faint scent, Murong also felt the existence of that breath. However, compared to Ni Yunya, her feelings are more real. Because she has the power of life in her body, she can feel that the breath is almost the same as her.

"Hey, let's go in that direction!" Murong leaned in the direction of the front. "I can feel the breath that came out in that direction. And, I don't know why, I feel the breath." In my heart, there is always a very comfortable feeling."

"Then let's look at it in the past!" For the decision of Murong's face, Huangfu's unconditional support.

"Wait a minute." Murong pours directly to the imperial concubine, and walks in the opposite direction to the place she just pointed.

No, maybe it is not correct to go, because they are using mysterious power at the moment.

As for the imperial concubine, I did not ask anything about the strange behavior of Murong’s revelation, but let Murong take it away. No matter what Murong is doing, he feels that it makes sense.

But for a moment, they came to the front of a cave.

Later, Murong turned his head and turned to look at the emperor. He smiled and said, "Hey, you will get an enchantment now, and temporarily cover up our breath."

Although I don't know what Murong is going to do, Huangfu did not ask. Because he believes that no matter what he does, he must have his own reason.

Huangfu soon set up an enchantment directly around the two.

After the enchantment was set up, Murong began to condense the mysterious power of the body. In a mysterious force, she also brought a breath of life force. Later, she put the mysterious force directly into the cave.

"Oh, now we have withdrawn the enchantment around us." Murong continued to open his mouth. "Then, a weak enchantment was placed around the cave, so that the breath inside could penetrate a little, but it could not be fully exposed. ""

Seeing a series of actions like Murong's face, Huangfu also understands what Murong is going to do. He raised his eyebrows and then raised his hand and set up an enchantment.

After all the things were done, Murong went to the emperor's side, took his hand and said with a smile. "Hey, we can go in the direction before."

She has already left a ribbon in the cave with the power of life. This kind of breath, and the smell of nothing, feels very similar. Moreover, Ni Yunya's body does not have the holy atmosphere that the moon has passed to her, so when you feel the breath here, you should find it in this direction!

Although Ni Yunya will finally find out that it is fake. However, it is always possible to hold Ni Yunya for a while.

Of course, she is not afraid to confront Ni Yunya, but does not want to get into trouble. Even if she really confronts Ni Yunya, she also believes that she must be the one who will win.

After leaving a counterfeit goods, Murong leaned forward and took the hand of Huangfu, and eagerly walked in the direction she had sensed before.

Ni Yunya, I feel the breath again at this time. Although it seems to be a little different from the time when she was, she can still feel the desire in her body.

After knowing the direction, she immediately got up and took the person and walked straight in the direction she felt.

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