MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 452 Re-emergence

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Once again, I came to the realm of the gods, and Murong’s mood was completely different.

The last time I came to the gods was because of the innocent marriage of God and Ni Yunya, and this time I came here because of the succession ceremony of the new God Lord.

However, compared to the excitement of the last time, this time it seems to be a low-key. At least those people in the realm of the gods did not have much expression on their faces, and even with a trace of defeat. It can be seen that after these years, the realm of the gods has indeed declined a lot.

"Hey, you said, is Ni Yunya now happy? Or is it not happy?" Murong looked at the emperor beside him and smiled and said, "Now the power of the gods, but all of them have been concentrated in her. The hand is on. Just, the world of the gods has long been a thing of the past."

Once the gods were still quite powerful. At that time, Ni Yunya, the goddess of the gods, was only able to master most of the power, and a small part was in the hands of the old guys. Now Ni Yunya is holding all the power in his hands. However, the realm of the gods has declined a lot.

"She should be very excited!" Huangfu said faintly. "Even if the gods can't compare with the past, but she has the power, it is already her world."

"Oh, then she is quite easy to meet!" Murong's tone of voice with a hint of ridicule, "However, I think, now that you want to kill me, you can sit back and relax!"

After hearing the words of Murong, the eyes of Huangfu flashed a murderous spirit. "She won't have a chance to hurt you."

"Of course I know." Murong leaned directly to hold Huangfu's arm and said with a smile. "And, you know it too. I am not a weak person. Now she wants to hurt me, but it is not a piece." Easy things."

Now she has long been the little girl who just soared fifty years ago. Although it is only fifty years, her progress is the point that others have to spend thousands, even tens of thousands of years.

"Where are you going now?" Huangfu looked at Murong and asked softly. "Is it going to go directly to the temple, or wait a few days before going in?"

"Go now!" Murong's mouth twitched with a deep smile. "So I have disappeared. I think Ni Yunya should miss me now!"

Speaking of it, she also misses Ni Yunya a little! I haven't seen it for so many years, but if I want to come, the grudges between them should not only kill a few points, but deeper!

After hearing the words of Murong, Huangfu did not have any other opinions.

Murong looked down at Yayiru who stood behind, and smiled and said, "How does it feel to return to the realm again?"

Yayiru was originally a godland, and her family was only a small family in the realm of the gods. Later, Ni Yunya gave up the door. After that, Yayiru has been in the fairyland. Now it is also her many years later, once again return to the realm of the gods!

The look on Yayiru’s face was very complicated. She took a deep breath and smacked a bitter smile. “Although I have lived here for many years, but now I am back again, I feel very strange.”

She grew up in the realm of the gods, but now when she returns to the realm again, she feels so strange. If it wasn't for the familiar atmosphere, she felt that she was just a foreign guest.

"Oh, I believe that you will soon become familiar with it." Murong smiled on his face, his eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and then he said, "We are going to the temple now. When we get there, it is very likely Have you met Ni Yunya, are you ready?"

"I don't have to worry about me after the devil. From the moment I know I want to come to the realm, I am ready." Yayi Ru's mouth evoked a sardonic smile. "And, it has been so many years, it should be It’s time for Ni Yunya to recall the anecdotes she had done before.”

Before, when she received an order from Murong to take her to the realm of the gods, she was shocked. However, after thinking about it, she agreed. The person who made such a cruel thing at the beginning was Ni Yunya, the victim of this, there is no need to hide.

Therefore, she felt that she should stand in front of Ni Yunya in a bright and honest manner. She would like to see what kind of reaction will happen when Ni Yunya knows her identity.

"In this case, there is no need to continue to delay the time." Murong turned his head and took the hand of Huangfu, and went forward.

Yayiru and others followed.

But for a while, they came to the temple.

Sitting inside the guest house, Murong looked around for a circle, and the corner of his mouth could not help but evoke a funny smile. I don't know if it is necessary to completely erase the traces of God's innocence. The temple now seems to have been refurbished again. It can be said that the current shrine, almost fifty years ago, is almost completely different.

However, now God is innocent yet dead, and I don’t know if it will become a thorn in Ni Yunya’s heart!

But for a while, a woman in white came in from the outside. She is in a holy white dress, and her body is accompanied by a warm atmosphere, which makes people feel involuntarily.

Seeing that compared with the past, Ni Yunya, who has almost no change, has a sardonic smile on the corner of Murong’s mouth. It seems that even after so many things, Ni Yunya is as hypocritical as before!

Yayiru stood at the position next to Murong’s face. When she saw the appearance of Ni Yunya, her eyes could not help but send out a strong hatred, even the breath of hatred on her body could not be suppressed.

For so many years, she was so close to her enemies for the first time. It seems that it is such a holy and warm person, but in the back is a scorpion-like existence. She killed all her family without mercy. If she can, she really wants to go straight up and kill Ni Yunya.

However, she still tried to suppress the hatred of her heart. Because she is very clear, she can't do anything at such an occasion. Moreover, even if she really goes forward, I am afraid that there is no way to hurt Ni Yunya, only to put myself in a dangerous place.

Although the hatred of Yayiru is very strong, Ni Yunya did not feel it, because all her thoughts at this moment have been placed on the face of Murong. She did not think that this time the ceremony, Murong will actually come and participate in person.

Speaking of it, it’s only a few decades since I met the last time. However, she can sense that the momentum of Murong’s face has changed dramatically. In particular, Murong’s cultivation at this time was only a little lower than her.

She can't believe what she has sensed. After repeated confirmation, she has confirmed that Murong has already reached the mid-term repair of Xianjun.

But how is this possible? Even people with higher talents can't be made so fast in just a few decades. This is definitely something that she didn't know.

Too much shocked by the change of Murong's cultivation, Ni Yunya also ignored the strong hatred of Yayiru.

"The saint seems to be very interested in me!" Murong poked a smile on his lips. "I don't know, what is there in my body that makes you so interested?"

She naturally knows what Ni Yunya’s performance is now. However, if the average person sees her in just 50 years, there is such an improvement, and it should be the same expression as Ni Yunya!

When Murong pours her face, Ni Yunya, who was already in meditation, wakes up, and her face raises a smile. "It’s just not seen for many years, the style of the queen is still there!"

I have to say that although it has not been seen for 50 years, but Murong has no change at all, and the body still exudes a breath of happiness that is disgusting.

In the past 50 years, she has been very hot. However, it is obvious that Murong’s face is very happy. Seeing that your enemies are better than yourself, few people are able to stand it.

However, she is also very clear that under such circumstances, even if Murong is hated, it must be superficially friendly. Now the Holy One is about to sit on the seat of the Lord. At this time, I can't stand any toss.

"Oh, the saint, you are not a little change!" Murong looked at Ni Yunya, and the eyes flashed a sharp light. "Speaking, today I brought an old friend to the saint! No. Do you know that the Virgin does not recognize it?"

As she said, she turned her head and looked at Yayiru on the side. She continued to speak. "Iru, why don't you come to see the goddess of this godland? You used to be a godland!"

When Yayi Ru came forward and looked up at Ni Yunya, there was no extra expression on his face, only a cold piece.

Looking at the woman who came out, Ni Yunya could not help but frown. Because in her memory, there is no such person. However, she did not doubt Murong’s words, because she felt that Murong’s face would not let her go to see such a person for no reason. And, most importantly, she was able to feel a deep hostility from the woman named Yiru.

For this hostility, it is obvious that the other party did not intend to conceal, and the other party did not care about her.

After a while, Ni Yunya’s mouth smirked and whispered. “After the devil, you brought this person, I have never seen it before! I don’t know what you are. What do you mean?"

"Oh, look at my brain, the memory is really bad!" Murong suddenly took a picture of his head and smiled and said, "How can I forget it? You are a god. Virgin, but still a lot of things, you can't manage it!"

After a pause, Murong looked at Ni Yunya and continued to speak word by word. "Yi Ru's full name is Yayiru. If I would say this, the saint does not know if it is clear?"

After hearing the surname of Ya, Ni Yunya’s action of drinking tea suddenly paused, and the eyes flashed a sharp light. Because, the name of Ya is very familiar to her.

At that time, Yajiao appeared a woman who is likely to become a saint, so it will attract her attention. When she first heard such a message, the first thing she thought of was to scribble the roots. She will never allow anyone who might threaten her status to appear.

Yajia is just a small family. It is not difficult to destroy such a small family. However, I heard that there was a person at the end of Yajia who escaped at the last minute. The one who escaped should be this Yayiru!

I just didn't expect that this Yayiru's life was really big enough. After escaping, I actually ran to rely on Murong to pour out.

Now Murong Yanyan suddenly handed over this person, the purpose should be to make her embarrassed!

"The saint, after hearing the name of Yiru, is it possible to evoke the memory of a certain part of you?" Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth and smirked a satirical smile. "I don't know if these memories are good, or What is bad?"

"There is a joke after the devil, I never knew this Yayiru." Ni Yunya’s mouth evoked a gentle smile. "However, after listening to the devil, was this person also a person in our realm?"

After hearing Ni Yunya's words, Yayiru suddenly looked up and looked at Ni Yunya, his eyes filled with hatred.

I have to say that she really admire Ni Yunya's shameless! This is already the case, and I can still squint and say something here.

"Oh, since the saint has forgotten, then I have nothing to say." For Ni Yunya's remarks, Murong was not surprised. She continued to speak. "However, even if there is no explanation, I think everyone knows it well!"

After hearing the words of Murong, Ni Yunya’s mouth smirked a smile and did not answer the words of Murong.

"Give us the room first!" God on the side said innocently, "We need a break."

The cold words, sharp eyes, let Ni Yunya could not help but chill. After fifty years, when she was once again on the emperor, she still felt a little fear.

Ni Yunya quickly made people take them to rest in the guest room.

As for Yayiru, it is natural to follow Murong. When she left, her eyes full of hate still fell on Ni Yunya's body.

Seeing the hateful eyes that Yayi Ru finally fell on himself, Ni Yunya smiled dismissively.

If we say that her enemies are Murong, then this Yayiru, for her, even the enemy can not be called! Such a general role in the clown, actually wants to be against her, it is simply an idiotic dream.

"The Virgin, the Yayiru-" has been standing in the back of Ni Yunya, and after all the people left, they couldn't help but speak.

She didn't know how many years she had been with the saint. It was natural that the things of the original family were clear. Therefore, when she heard the name of Yayiru, she had a general guess.

"It should be the embers that escaped from the original home!" Ni Yunya said dismissively. "She is now with Murong's face. However, if she thought she could take revenge for me, it would be Being daydreaming."

Miner frowned. "But the saint, now is the key time. If the Yayiru is talking outside, will it affect our plan?"

"Oh, even if she is talking outside, others will not believe her." Ni Yunya sneered and said, "And, Murong is also a smart person, will not let her nonsense on the outside."

After hearing Ni Yunya’s words, Miner beheaded. “It seems that the saints have already considered it.”

"Now is a critical moment in the realm of the gods. I will not let any chances of destruction." Ni Yunya thought about it and continued to speak. "But, just in case, you still find someone to stare at that." Ya Yiru. If she has any change, then kill it directly!"

Although killing Yayiru, there will be some trouble. However, if Yayiru really does not know what to do, what is hard to do, then it is no wonder that her heart is hot.

No matter who it is, as long as it is the one who stopped her way, it will die. The former Yajia is, now Murong is also a face.

"The slave knows." Miner listened to the order and then continued to ask, "The saint, the devil's side -"

"The Emperor and Murong are on the other side, don't worry about them. As for the other people, they still send people to stare in the dark!" After thinking about it, Ni Yunya flashed a hint of darkness and continued to speak. "If When Murong leaned away from the emperor's side, he immediately sent someone to stare at her, did you know?"

The imperial concubine is too unfathomable, so she did not dare to send someone to secretly do something. Because she is very clear, when she has not yet started, she will not find out. At that time, she will not only lose the soldiers, but also enemies with the devil.

As for the Murong face, it seems that often with the devil. However, as long as Murong leans away from the emperor's side, she feels that someone needs to stare as well.

"The slave knows." Miner replied reverently.

It was at this time that a maid came in from the outside, "The saint, the demon world came."

"The demon world?" After hearing the maid's words, Ni Yunya immediately hated to gnash his teeth. "The people in their demon world are really coming early enough! Do you want to see a good show?"

During the speech, Ni Yunya’s tone is full of irony. She did not forget that when she and God were innocent, the demon world gave her a lot of scorpions! It’s coming early, and I don’t know if there are any secrets to tell.

The maid standing there, when he heard the ironic words of Ni Yunya, felt a hint of embarrassment and did not know what to do.

"You take them to the guest house to rest first!" It seems that they also feel the uneasiness of the maid. Ni Yunya waved and said, "As for other things, someone will arrange it."

After hearing that, after the waitress blessed her body, she immediately left as if she had been stunned. She is really afraid that she will stay here and will hear what should not be heard. Too many people who know it are not long-lived. She doesn't want to do the short-lived one.

After the maid left, Ni Yunya thought of something, and suddenly asked, "Min, did God find it?"

After hearing Ni Yunya's words, Miner stunned, but soon he came back. "The saint, the person who sent the demon search, has not heard any news yet, it should have been found." ”

The saint suddenly asked God's innocent things, it should be because the people who heard the demon world came, so they would think of it! However, it is strange to say that God’s innocent traces can’t be found.

"Is it?" Ni Yunya couldn't help but frown, and then he said, "Min, send more people to stare at the demon world."

"The saint, you are worried, God is innocent now in the demon world?" Miner immediately understood the meaning of Ni Yunya, "the demon world, is it so bold?"

"Don't the demon world, is the courage still small?" Ni Yunya's mouth evoked a satirical smile. "In those days, they found me a lot of trouble in the dark!"

This hatred, she has always remembered, and sooner or later will be settled with the demon world.

Miner nodded. "The saint is relieved. I know what to do. I will never let the demon people do anything tricks on this time."

"That's good." Ni Yunya nodded with satisfaction.

In the following time, people from all walks of life came to the temple to continue to live in the temple. After so many years of infighting, this is also the most lively moment of the gods for many years.

However, everyone’s heart is clear that the gods at this time have long since ceased to be strong. Although those who came to congratulate did not say anything, but the attitude above has already indicated everything. For the gods, they have no previous jealousy.

This kind of situation makes Ni Yunya feel extraordinarily arrogant, she can't wait to kill all those who see the dog's eyes low. However, in order for the ceremony to be held smoothly, she can only swallow all these dissatisfaction into her stomach.

However, she secretly vowed in her heart that when the gods were once again strong, the insults they had suffered these days would be returned to those people. She wants these people to pay the price they deserve at all times.