MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 447 Ni Yunya’s plan

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After two days, the demon people left the realm. Then, not long after, the people of the Devils left the temple.

Because of the infatuation of God and Ni Yunya, the temple that was so lively, after all such excitement, finally calmed down.

After people from all walks of life have left, there is no need for God's innocence and Ni Yunya to continue acting. After those people left the temple, they immediately separated the two sleeping houses. Moreover, they are still in the south and there is a kind of Chu River in the Han Dynasty.

However, after seeing such a situation, the people in the temple did not feel any weirdness. The relationship between God and the Virgin may not be seen by outsiders, but they are clearly visible.

After moving into the new dormitory, Ni Yunya also really breathed a sigh of relief. In the past, in order to hide her eyes and ears, she has been living in a dormitory with God. Therefore, there are many things, and she has no way to do it. In the face of God's innocence, she still has a lot of things that need to be concealed.

After living in the new dormitory, the first thing about Ni Yunya was to transfer the twelve holy sacred guards of the temple and personally guard the sleeping hall where she lived.

She is not convinced of the guards of the temple. The guards of the temple are now innocent people. Since she has already lived in, she will naturally not give the opportunity to let the innocent people have the opportunity to monitor her.

Although she and God innocent have been married, but the two are still the enemy relationship. She wants to take back the lost power from the innocent God, and God is innocent to take away the power left in her hands. It’s amazing how you look at it now.

After sorting out the things in the temple, Miner quickly returned to Ni Yunya's side and said with a gracious manner. "After God, everything has been sorted out."

Now that Ni Yunya has married to God, she is called a god, but she cannot be called a saint as before. Although the position of the goddess of the gods is still done by her.

After hearing the name of Miner, Ni Yunya could not help but frown. "Min, in the future, in private, I will continue to call me a saint."

She doesn't like the name of God, because it sounds like a vassal of God. Although she is already married, she never admits that she is an innocent wife. She is the saint of the gods, even if she is now married, the position of the saint can only be her. In the near future, all power in the realm of God will be concentrated in her hands.

After hearing Ni Yunya’s instructions, Miner stunned, but soon he came back, and then nodded respectfully. “The slave knows. The saint, the twelve holy guards are now placed in the temple. All right."

"That's good." Ni Yunya nodded. "Min, after living in the temple, be careful not to do anything. Now it is on the site of God's innocence. We don't care what we do, we have to hide some. ""

If it is not for the outsiders, she is willing to continue to return to the temple to live. After all, there is where she is most familiar.

"The virgin is relieved. Now all the people in the temple are brought out from the temple." Miner said, "The people who have been assigned over the temple, I have let them all leave." ""

"That's good." Ni Yunya nodded, and there was a glimmer of light under the eyes. "You are going to call St. One now, I have something to tell him to do."

"The slaves will go right away."

Soon Miner came back, behind her, followed by Shengyi. She returned to Ni Yunya's back and stood without any words, just like an invisible person.

"I have seen the saints under my servitude." The holy half squatted on the ground, and looked openly and respectfully.

"Well, you can get up first!" Ni Yunya raised his hand.

Soon, St. One stood up, and stood in front of Ni Yunya, waiting for the order.

"Those people who had been sent to the fairy world have all been withdrawn?" Ni Yunya squinted and asked, "And, when I pulled back, did I leave any traces or suspicions? ?"

After knowing the true identity of Murong’s face, she immediately ordered that all those who went to investigate and pursue Murong’s face would be withdrawn.

Although she has already torn up with Murong, but for the time being, she does not intend to face up with Murong. If you choose to face up at this time, the person who falls in the wind will definitely be her.

"Although the saint is relieved." Shengyi said with confidence, "Everyone has already withdrawn, and the subordinates can guarantee that there will never be any trace of any trace. Even if someone wants to check, Also absolutely can't find anything useful."

After hearing the answer from Shengyi, Ni Yunya’s face eased a bit, and then continued to speak. “In addition to those people, those who were sent to find the place of inheritance, all of them are withdrawn!”

"Is it all back?" After hearing the instructions from Ni Yunya, Shengyi felt a little confused and puzzled. "But before, you were not-"

As the leader of the Twelve Holy Guards, he is the most directly obeyed by the saints, so he probably can guess something about the mind of the saint. Therefore, he is very clear that the most important thing for the saint now is to get rid of Murong and look for the inheritance.

However, due to the relationship between Murong’s current identity and the devil world, they can’t deal with Murong’s face for a while, so it’s understandable to withdraw people.

However, is it too much to withdraw the people who are looking for the inheritance?

"Looking for the place of inheritance is really important for me." Ni Yunya’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light. "But now, for me, there are more important things to do. Now big Some of the staff are transferred back in order to successfully carry out my other plans."

Yes, the place of inheritance is very important to her. However, now that the moon is dead, she will not worry about it for the time being. God’s innocence really knows that she has not been passed down, but she also knows that God is innocent and afraid to say it.

Don't forget, God is innocent, this God Lord is her choice. If she does not get the inheritance, then the position of her saint is not justified. However, in the same way, God's innocent position of God is also in jeopardy.

The current innocence of God is not the same as before. Therefore, she is sure that God is innocent and will not say this thing. In this case, if you look for the place of inheritance, you can temporarily slow down.

Although I couldn't guess Ni Yunya's plan at this time, Shengyi still replied very respectfully. "The subordinates know, and the subordinates will immediately transfer the people back."

"Yeah." Ni Yunya's eyes flashed a glimmer of light. "When they come back, I have more important things to tell you to do."

When it comes to this, the dawn of Ni Yunya’s eyes is even deeper. “It’s enough for God’s innocent sitting on the seat of God in such a long time.”

When this statement came out, whether it was St. One or Miner, his face was shocked. Obviously, they did not think that the Virgin had such an idea. Although they have always known, the contradiction between the Virgin and the Lord is deep. But now that the two talents have just got married, I didn't expect the saint to actually deal with God.

"I was very surprised?" Seeing the expressions on Min's face and Shengyi's face, Ni Yunya knew the thoughts in their hearts. Her mouth twitched with a satirical smile. "The contradiction between me and God is innocent, you are not Already already known?"

"Saint, do you really want to deal with God Lord at this time?" Miner couldn't help but open his mouth. "You have just got married, now is it?"

"What about that?" Ni Yunya’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light. "If he is innocent and has been safe and secure, I will not shoot him. Unfortunately, he is too greedy." With fame, I still want real power."

When God threatened her for the first time, she did not intend to continue to leave this person.

"In this case, why do you still promise to marry the Lord God?" Miner is puzzled. "Isn't this easier to fall into the wrong hand?"

Now the Virgin and the Lord are married. If the saints do something to the Lord at this time, it will certainly damage the reputation of the saint.

"Because I am going to deal with him, I will promise a big marriage!" Ni Yunya’s mouth evoked a deep smile. "If I don't promise to get married, how can I reduce God's innocent war?" If we are not husband and wife, how can I accept all his powers righteously after God’s innocence?”

Originally, she did not have such a plan. When she was married to God innocently, it was indeed a last resort. At that time, her people were sent out to deal with Murong's face and find a place to pass. There are not many people around her, so she will be taken away by God innocently.

After knowing the true identity of Murong, she already has her own plan.

Since I can't cope with Murong's face for a while, and the moon is dead, and she can't threaten her for the time being, why don't she concentrate on all her strengths to deal with God's innocence?

She has been a saint for so many years, not because of luck. How can she get to this step without her own plans and means?

I believe that after this big marriage, God’s innocent vigilance will definitely relax a lot. This is the best opportunity for her.

Moreover, only when she has mastered more power in the realm of the gods can she better deal with Murong.

She and Murong have already completely torn the face between them, even if she does not go to the face of the future, Murong will not let her go. Moreover, she is not likely to let go of the stumbling block of Murong.

Although Murong’s face has not yet become a magical man, she is surrounded by a demon. To better deal with Murong, she must have relative strength.

Thinking of this, Ni Yunya's eyes flashed a glimmer of light, so that Miner and Shengyi could not help but chill.

"The Holy Virgin is relieved, and all the things will be arranged as soon as possible." Sheng Yi said, "I will never delay the great things of the Virgin."

"Yeah." Ni Yunya nodded and continued to speak. "And, let those people withdraw, be careful, don't be innocent and find any clues."

"I understand it."

"The saint, we live in the temple now, will it be of little benefit to us?" Miner frowned at the side. "After all, this is not our own place."

"I have set up an enchantment in this dormitory. Even if God is innocent, I will definitely not be able to eliminate this enchantment." Ni Yunya’s mouth evokes a sardonic smile. "And, although it is not our place for the time being. But in the near future, it will become our place."

Now that you have arrived at the temple, there is no need to go back. Whether it is the temple or the temple, it will be her place.

Seeing Ni Yunya's confident appearance, the hearts of Sheng Yi and Min Er are also calm.

In the days that followed, Ni Yunya stayed in his bedroom, and even went out very little.

Seeing such a situation, God's innocent heart is full of doubts, and he naturally cannot think that Ni Yunya will be so cleverly left in his bedroom. So he immediately sent someone to investigate, but he has not been able to find any clues. However, he did not forget this, but continued to send people to continue to stare at Ni Yunya.

At this time, Murong and Yan Huang, have already returned to the devil world.

Originally, after the big marriage, they did not intend to return to the devil world directly, but continued to hide their whereabouts and remain in the realm of the gods. However, later, Murong turned his attention and changed his mind.

She felt that she did not seem to have much use even if she stayed in the realm of the gods. She has already ripped her face with Ni Yunya, and I believe that Ni Yunya will soon be unable to hold back. That being the case, then she might as well return to the devil world first, and then continue to concentrate on cultivation. In the past, a lot of the mysterious power that she had passed from the heart of the moon was sealed.

She must step up her time to practice and then turn part of her mystery into her own.

After the transaction was completed, when Huangfu returned to the dormitory, he found that Murong was sitting on the bed with his legs and guiding the mystery in his body.

He did not disturb Murong's face, sat down at the side, and then quietly looked at Murong.

I don't know how long it took. Murong opened her eyes and saw the emperor sitting not far from her. She raised a bright smile on her face. "Hey, when are you?" Come back?"

"It’s been back for a while." Huangfu directly picked up Murong and went to the beautiful bed on the bedside. "I saw that you are so focused on cultivation, so you won't bother you."

Murong’s face was in the arms of Huangfu, and he smiled and said, “There is still a large part of my mystery that I can’t use. It’s like a guarding a golden mountain, but there is no way to buy it. Things are the same. This feeling is really not very good."

Hearing the metaphor of Murong's face, Huangfu really didn't know what he should say. He reached out and squeezed the beauty of Murong's face. He said, "I know that you are anxious to change. Strong, but I still hope that you can remember a word, too far."

"I know." Murong bowed his head and smiled. "You are relieved. I am a very talented person. I will never take a joke. I only know after seeing Ni Yunya." The gap between me and her is big. But it will only be my motivation, not pressure."

When she first met Ni Yunya in the realm of the gods, she knew that she is definitely not the opponent of Ni Yunya. Not to mention Ni Yunya, it is Bai Xuexin who is much weaker than Ni Yunya, she can't beat it. Therefore, if it is really against Ni Yunya, it is definitely a spike.

Of course, it was Ni Yunya who killed her.

This also made her see her weakness again. However, she does not have any feeling of inferiority. Although she is not very high at present, she is still young and she still has a lot of time to continue to improve herself. Therefore, she worked harder to improve her strength.

I believe that if she can completely use the mysterious power that Ming Yuexin has given her, then her strength is likely to be comparable to Ni Yunya.

"You can do it yourself." Seeing Murong's appearance, Huangfu did not continue to say anything, but shifted the topic. "There is a storm in the world of God." ""

"What's wrong?" Murong looked up and looked at the emperor. He asked with a puzzled question, "Is Ni Yunya planning to do something?"

"You guessed it right," Huangfu nodded. "I received the news that Ni Yunya intends to get rid of God."

"Get rid of God's innocence?" After hearing the words of Huangfu, Murong was shocked. "I really didn't think that she would have such a bold idea. Then she would succeed?"

After thinking about it, Huangfu still spoke. "Yes, if we don't interfere, then soon, the power of God's innocent hands will fall on Ni Yunya's hand."

"But, did God not take away a lot of power from Ni Yunya's hand?" Murong was a bit puzzled. "In that case, how could Ni Yunya easily remove God's innocence?"

"Ni Yunya is not a simple woman." Huangfu frowned and continued to speak. "She has been a saint for so many years, and even wiped out so many dissidents, it can be seen that her mind is not shallow. God is innocent, though he has the heart to win. The power of the gods, but it can never be a big weapon. He is better than Ni Yunya."

"It seems that I have provoked an incompetent opponent!" Murong sighed and spit out his tongue and smiled. "She is so anxious to regain the power of the gods. I want to come to want it." Deal with me!"

"Then, what are you going to do?" Huangfu asked, "Is it necessary to stop it?"

"It is necessary to stop it." Murong said with a smile. "However, I don't think we have to do something on our own. Moreover, since Ni Yunya has made up his mind, I am afraid that I will use up my power. If you really want to stop her, I am afraid it will lose a lot."

Although there are not many times to meet Ni Yunya, she can see that Ni Yunya is definitely not a simple character, otherwise it is impossible to sit firmly in the position of the saint.

Such a person, if he has what he wants to do, will certainly use his full strength and will not give up until the end. It was as if when she was chasing her, even if the 12th Guardian died, she was still unwilling to give up.

Even now, Ni Yunya’s efforts to fight for power should be also to deal with her.

If you send someone to stop this time, you should pay no small price.

"What do you mean?" Huangfu suddenly understood the meaning of Murong's face. "Do you want to do this by someone else's hand?"

"Yes." Murong nodded and smiled. "Make sure, don't want Ni Yunya to regain power. Besides us, there are others. The demon world should be one of them!"

In the past, Ni Yunya used the moon to deal with her, which has been noticed by Bai Haotian. However, Bai Yutian feels that Ni Yunya’s move is to provoke the relationship between the demon world and the devil world. I believe that the demon king should know these things now. The demon king should not swallow it like this!

Therefore, he should not even want Ni Yunya to regain power now! If Ni Yunya really regained power, then the loss they had eaten before, there would be no way to get it back.

"You have thought of a good way." Huangfu also agreed with this idea. "I will send people to disclose the news of Ni Yunya to the demon king. Just, with the strength of the demon world, I am afraid there is no way to stop it."

"Even if there is no way to stop it, you can add Ni Yunya to block it!" Murong said with a smile. "As long as Ni Yunya loses his strength, the strength is greatly reduced. It is enough. Even if Ni Yunya regains his power, it will definitely Big bleeding."

"Then do what you want!" Huangfu nodded. "You can also take advantage of this time and practice."

"Yeah." Murong nodded and nodded. "I should have practiced it. The strength between me and Ni Yunya is too far. When Ni Yunya regains her power, she has to do something. It should be to deal with me!"

After hearing the words of Murong, the eyes of Huangfu flashed a icy cold light. "She won't chance to hurt you."

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