MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 445 White snow heart wakes up

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After Bai Xuexin woke up, he felt the pain of the hot burning fire on his left cheek. She couldn't help but think of what happened before she was in a coma, and then she immediately reached out and put on her face, only to find that her face seemed to be wrapped in thick gauze.

"Ah--" a scream rang.

After hearing such a voice, all the other people in the room were coming up.

"Princess, you woke up." The childlike heart who came to the bed, and quickly helped the white snow heart to lean on the bed. "It's really great."

Bai Xuexin did not pay attention to the child's heart. She directly grasped the child's hand and began to ask, "My face, how is my face now?"

After hearing the words of Bai Xuexin, there was a dilemma in Tong Xin’s face, because she did not know whether she should tell the actual situation. Moreover, before the time, the great emperor also told me that no one would be allowed to reveal a sentence to the princess. However, looking at the princess now seems to be unstoppable.

Seeing that the child's heart was not answering his own question, the unpredictable hunch of Bai Xuexin was even stronger. She opened the child's heart directly and shouted loudly, "Now bring the mirror to me."

She must look at what she is now. She remembered that before she was in a coma, Murong pours her face on her face with a fire. Even if it has already passed, she seems to be able to remember the pain of the heart.

Moreover, now on her left cheek, there is still a sharp pain, just like being burned by fire.

Bai Xuexin’s crazy appearance made the maids in the room startled. Everyone, look at me, I look at you, but no one dares to go to the mirror to give snow. They are really scared. When the princess sees his face at the moment, he will not know what will happen.

"Princess, you still have to take a break!" Tong Xin quickly stepped forward and said, "You have just woke up now, the most important thing you need to do is to rest well. Only in this way can you hurt well." what!"

"Don't tell me some high-sounding words here." Bai Xuexin was not moved at all. Her eyes almost fired. The look was very embarrassing. "I have already said it, take the exquisiteness to me. You Are you both stunned? Didn’t you hear me?”

For a time, everyone looked at each other and no one dared to move around. Of course, no one dared to go forward and bring the mirror to Bai Xuexin.

Seeing such a situation, Bai Xuexin’s eyes were full of murderousness. "My words, no one has heard it, is it? If so, then your ears are useless. Even if I am in my hands now, But for the punishment of you, I still have power."

After hearing the words of Bai Xuexin, many people’s faces showed a struggle, and they did not know what to do.

"Come on, drag them out now, and then cut off their ears for me." Seeing that there was still no one moving, Bai Xuexin shouted directly at the guards outside the door.

"Princess, don't! The princess is alive." All the maids knelt down and asked for mercy.

"Now take the mirror to me." Bai Xuexin's face was covered with gauze, and the bottom of his eyes shone with a chill of chill. The look looked chilling.

The maids couldn’t hold it anymore. Under the guidance of the child’s heart, a little maid took a mirror and handed it to Bai Xuexin.

After the mirror was handed out, the maid’s face was still treacherous, with her head down, and she could not even look at the white snow.

After Bai Xuexin took the mirror, he did not mind to take care of other people. She took it as soon as she got the mirror. When she saw the gauze-faced face in the mirror, she put down the mirror without hesitation and began to remove the gauze from her face.

I noticed the movement of Bai Xuexin, and the child's heart on the side quickly stopped to stop. "Princess, the gauze on your face can't be removed! This has just been applied. If it is taken apart, it will be very unfavorable for the healing of your wound."

"You give me away." Bai Xuexin reached out directly, and he gave the child's heart to the side. "The princess's thing, you can't turn your mouth."

The child's heart was slammed on the ground, and the forehead was better touched by the stool, and suddenly there was a piece of blue-purple on the forehead.

Seeing the end of the child's heart, other maids, even if they want to stop, there is no such courage.

"Ah--" screams came out again, but this time the screams were more violent and more crazy than before.

"This is not me, this is not me!"

Bai Xuexin dropped the mirror on the ground, then held his head and kept shaking his head to deny. How could she not believe that the horrible face that appeared in the mirror would be hers.

At the beginning, when she saw the sly face in the mirror, she could not believe her eyes. The pitted face, covered with brown ointment, looked particularly disgusting. How can it be her face like that? She is the first beauty in the demon world. How can she become such a person who is not a ghost or a ghost?

Seeing the appearance of Bai Xuexin, the maids were scared, and they immediately fell to the ground. "The princess is angry."

"It's you, you are cheating on me, right?" Bai Xuexin shook his head and struggled to get out of bed. "This mirror is your hands and feet, right? You all want to harm me."

During the speech, Bai Xuexin picked up the mirror that had just been thrown on the bed and threw it at the maids.

None of the maids dared to escape. There are two unlucky ones, just in the direction of the white snow heart thrown, and then their foreheads are smashed by the mirror, at this time the blood is flowing.

Seeing such a situation, other people even dare not breathe.

"Give me a mirror, I said, give me a mirror." Bai Xuexin yelled at the maids who were lying on the ground, and shouted, "If this time you give me a mirror with your hands and feet, then I will kill." You guys."

"The princess is forgiving!" One of the maids bravely said, "The slaves have the courage to dare, and they dare not act on the mirror to deceive you!"

"Princess, you will get rid of the gas first," the child is now in the closest position to Bai Xuexin. "The injury on your face will definitely be good. You are so angry now that there is no benefit to the healing of the wound. The pharmacist has already said that the most important thing you need to do now is to rest and recuperate!"

"This princess's business, you don't need to come to control!" In the speech, Bai Xuexin's hand has already condensed a mysterious force, and then waved toward the child's heart. "It's just a beggar, and dare to come to the princess." Things."

The child's heart did not expect that Bai Xuexin would be so hands-on, so there was no defense at all, so he was hit by Xuan Li who was thrown out by Bai Xuexin, and then he vomited blood to the ground.

Although Bai Xue was seriously injured, her injuries have begun to improve after two days of recuperation in a coma. Moreover, at this time, she was in a state of violent state, and she did not have any scruples at all. When she hit the childlike heart, she did not hesitate at all.

Therefore, this time the child's heart is not hurt, and the child has been comatose.

Seeing such a situation, other maids are even more afraid. Even in normal times, the most intriguing childlike hearts of the princess have been treated like this. Not to mention those who have no status in front of the princess.

If they can, they also want to escape. But their hearts are clear. If they escaped at this time, they will face the more cruel revenge of the princess.

When Bai Haotian had not entered the hall of Bai Xuexin’s sleep, he could not help but frowned. Because he had not approached, he had already heard a burst of mourning and screams, and the middle of the snow was filled with the sharp voice. Although I don't know what happened, he knew that it was definitely a snowy heart that was making trouble.

At the thought of this, Bai Haotian’s face could not help but sink. There have been so many things, I didn’t expect that Bai Xuexin has not learned so far until now. When I woke up, I was troubled here again, and it was really annoying.

The maid who led the way, after hearing the sound coming from inside, could not help but numb the scalp.

Just after the princess woke up, she ran out quietly and went to the big emperor to report. Now she couldn't help but feel grateful. If she hadn't rushed out to report, she would have been there.

Bai Haotian’s face ugly went in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that many maids had fallen on the ground. The maids have been contaminated with blood, and it can be seen that they have been injured. Even some of the breathing has become very weak, and I don't know if I am still alive.

Seeing such a situation, the anger of the white chest can no longer be forbeared. "White snow heart, are you having enough trouble? Do you know where it is? You dare to do this?"

Unexpectedly, Bai Xuexin not only did not have a trace of reflection, but also intensified. Now when I wake up, I will punish the maid here. I knew it was like this. At that time, he should not plead with Bai Xue.

He waved his hand and let people take the injured maid down and look for the pharmacist. At the same time, other people in the room were also dismissed.

"Big emperor brother, you are here." Seeing the appearance of Bai Yutian, Bai Xuexin is like seeing a life-saving straw. She quickly gets out of bed and goes forward, and grabs the sleeves of Bai Haotian. "The big emperor, You must help me, now you can only help me. Do you know that they are so embarrassed that they dare to lie to me with the mirror that has been moved. How can I become like that? I am absolutely not It will become that devil."

Seeing the white snow heart madness, Bai Haotian’s face flashed a trace of intolerance. “Snow heart, you should stop making trouble. The injury on your face is a fact, it can’t be changed. What you have to do now. It is to take care of the wounds of the body. In two days, we will set off to return to the demon world."

After hearing Bai Yutian’s words, Bai Xuexin’s whole person was struck by lightning. She widened her eyes. “Big Brother, you are lying to me, right? How can my face become like this? The wound can still be cured. Yes, right?"

She did not want to believe that in the long and eternal years of her life, she could only live with such an ugly face. If so, it would be more difficult for her than death.

Always my own sister, seeing Bai Xuexin’s such a big blow, Bai Haotian still pressed his inner impatience and sighed, then he said, “Snow heart, this time you can get back a life. It’s already a lot of luck. As for the superficial things, don’t care too much. No matter what you look like, you are the most noble princess in the demon world, and this will not change.”

"No--" Bai Xuexin made a scream of screaming. "I don't want to be like this. If you want me to face such a face, it would be better to let me die."

After hearing the words of Bai Xuexin, Bai Haotian did not continue to marry her. He took out a dagger directly and handed it to Bai Xuexin. "If you want to die, I will never stop you. As long as you get your hand, I will Dare to take your body back to see the father."

Looking at the dagger that had been handed over to him, the original mourning of Bai Xuexin also stopped. She stared at the dagger, but there was no way to get the courage to pick up the dagger.

Although she said this on her mouth, there is no courage to find death in her heart. Her lips are licking and her back is all cold sweat.

Seeing the appearance of Bai Xuexin, Bai Haotian collected the dagger. "I have already decided. In two days, we will return to the demon world. During these two days, you will stay in the room and stay in the room. Don't go again. What's wrong with the moth?"

"The big emperor, are you letting the Murong pour out like this?" Bai Xue said with a deep anger and anger. "She treats me like this. You, as a brother, shouldn’t you be fair to me?" ”

"Just?" After hearing the words of Bai Xuexin, Bai Haotian was like a joke. He sneered a few times and said, "White snow heart, this time, what is going on, you know it in your own heart. You Contradictions that you pick yourself up, do you still want to find someone else to settle accounts?"

"It's not like this." Bai Xuexin's face was full of hatred, making her seemingly sly face even more scary. "If it wasn't for her humiliating me before, I wouldn't do anything like this. She just It’s just a plaything around the emperor. Why should I be mad at her?”

Hearing Bai Xuexin’s voice, a plaything object, a white playful brow can not help but wrinkle more tightly. “White snow heart, have you not been awake until now? That Murong’s face is not a plaything, she is the devil’s demon. After that, you are going to provoke her, isn’t it just provoking the whole devil world?”

He really can't figure out what is in the head of Bai Xuexin's head. Everything has reached the point of today. Isn't she still confused, why did she become what she is now? Actually, I still want to go to Murong to revenge, it is just daydreaming.

"After the demon, how could she be a demon?" Bai Xuexin shook his head, absolutely not willing to admit this fact, "The emperor is not yet married, where is the devil? She is just a jade next to the emperor." Hey, a plaything. Is the princess of my demon world still subject to her bullying?"

"Snow heart, she is not a demon, you are you and I have the final say." Bai Hao Tian took a look at Bai Xuexin, "That is the devil's thing. As long as the emperor admits her identity, then she is the devil of the devil. Do you want us to let the demon world and the devil world be right because of you?"

He didn't understand, why did Bai Xuexin always insist that the Murong is not a queen? Retreat 10,000 steps, that Murong will not even be the devil, if the emperor is the heart of the moment! She is going to provoke people and even take the lead. No matter which aspect, it is the party that is losing money.

Bai Xuexin simply did not want to admit this fact. "Impossible, the holy woman said clearly -"

When it came to this, Bai Xuexin suddenly stopped, she did not know if she should say it.

"Saints?" Although Bai Xuexin stopped in the middle of the road, but Bai Haotian still heard very clearly, his eyes flashed a sharp light, then looked at Bai Xuexin, and screamed, "You said the saint, Is it the saint of the gods - Ni Yunya? What did she say to you?"

He remembers that he had warned Bai Xuexin before, so that Bai Xuexin would not go to trouble again. Later, after knowing the identity of Murong’s face, Bai Xuexin has always been self-sufficient. He originally thought that Bai Xuexin had this time with the Murong, because he was impulsive, so he would forget his warning. But now it seems that there are things that he doesn't know.

After hearing the question from Bai Haotian, Bai Xuexin felt a little scared. She snorted and said, "No, she said nothing."

"White snow heart, I am warning you now, you better tell me honestly, what did she say to you?" Bai Yutian’s eyes are full of deterrence. "Otherwise, after returning to the demon world, I will let the father come personally." Interrogate you."

When I heard Bai Haotian mentioning the demon king, Bai Xuexin was really a little scared. She did not dare to have any concealment. She said all the words that Ni Yunya had told her before. At the end, she was able to speak with conviction. Even she didn't think that Murong was the mistress of the devil world, so why should I go to the insult of the face?

At this moment, the innocent day is really trying to kill the idiot of Bai Xuexin. "You idiot, you just go to this way because of Ni Yunya’s few words. Do you have any thoughts? After that, Ni Yunya is likely to be lying?"

"Impossible." Bai Xue’s subconscious mind retorted, “Why is she lying to lie to me for no reason?”

"Yeah!" Bai Haotian glanced at Bai Xuexin. "Why is she going to talk to you for no reason? And she must have known the contradiction between you and Murong." She still said these words in front of you. What do you say she wants to do?"

What happened between Bai Xuexin and Murong was in the garden of the temple. It can be said that this matter is almost universally known. It’s like this time, even if you want to be jealous, you can’t help it.

Ni Yunya knew that Bai Xuexin was hating the face of Murong because of that time, but he still said those words in front of Bai Xuexin. What is the heart?

Thinking of this, Bai Haotian's face can not help but become more gloomy. His eyes flashed a trace of cold light, and there was also a vague guess.

He didn't know if there was any grudge between Ni Yunya and Murong, but it was clear that this time Bai Xuexin should be used.

Ni Yunya obviously wants to deal with Murong by the hands of Bai Xuexin.

That Ni Yunya is too much. Is it really that they can let her play with her demon world?

In the past, Bai Xuexin and Murong were obsessed with things, because he was the first mistake made by Bai Xuexin, so he would be willing to sigh like this. Yes, the devil is indeed stronger than the demon world, but if it is the fault of the devil in the beginning, he can't easily make concessions like this.

Now that Ni Yunya has actually done such a thing, then their demon world will not be so easy to calculate. Although they won't do anything on the bright side, they can't make Ni Yunya always be so proud.

"Great brother, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the white face and the gloomy face, Bai Xuexin’s heart was also a little scared. She didn't know if she said something wrong, it would make the big emperor have such a change.

"Nothing." Bai Haotian waved his hand, then looked at Bai Xuexin, and said with a serious face, "Snow heart, I warn you, in the two days, you give me a good stay in this room, no Take a step forward. As for the revenge of the devil, you don’t even have to think about it."

After hearing the words of Bai Haotian, Bai Xuexin wanted to get angry, but when she saw the ugly face of Bai Haotian, she suddenly died down.

"You obey." Bai Haotian said with patience. "After returning to the demon world, the fathers will definitely find a way to cure the wound on your face."

Although it is impossible to know the injury on the face of Bai Xuexin, he can only lie to appease Bai Xuexin. Otherwise, in the remaining two days, if something happens to Bai Xuexin, then it will definitely be even worse.

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