MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 432 Narrow road

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Inside the temple -

Ni Yunya is sorting out her own things. The wedding period is about to arrive. After the wedding, she will go to the temple. Although the temple is still hers, there are some things that need to be used every day.

At this time, a little maid came in and blessed her body and said with respectful respect, "The Virgin, the Lord God came over."

When he heard that God had no time to come, Ni Yunya frowned at the subconscious, and the corner of his mouth evoked a satirical arc. "He came over this time, I am afraid there is nothing good."

Although she and God are innocent to marry, but the relationship between the two did not have any improvement. Although the two are not as strong as before, but they have not improved. However, in front of outsiders, the two still performed well.

During this time, the number of times God did not come to her temple is not much, but it is nothing to go to the Temple of the Three Treasures. I just don’t know that God’s innocence came over this time, and it’s because of something.

"The Virgin, you and the Lord will soon be married, and he will come to see you." It seems that it is not good to see Ni Yunya's mood, and Miner on the side is opening the door. "Now the interface The people who came to the big wedding have already arrived. Everyone is looking forward to your big marriage!"

There is a trick in the middle of this marriage, she can't see it. However, now the overall situation has been determined, the marriage of the Holy Lady to the Lord is already irreparable. Therefore, at this time, it is even more difficult to make anything happen.

After hearing Miner’s persuasion, Ni Yunya was unhappy in her heart, but she still invited the innocent God to come in.

Soon, God went in innocently. The first sentence he entered was ironic. "Ni Yunya, your access control here is really strong enough! Even the fiancé of this Lord, to see you, still needs It is said that the shelf of your saint is really not too small!"

In the face of God's innocent irony, Ni Yunya's face has not changed, just a cold voice, "God is innocent, are you coming over today, just to ridicule me here? I didn't expect you to be so idle! It seems that you are the **** It’s really idle!”

"I am really idle." God’s innocent rhythm is even greater. "Recently, I have been hosting guests from all walks of life in the temple. I said, one of your old friends is here today. As a host, are you supposed to help out?"

After hearing the innocent words of God, Ni Yunya could not help but frown. "God is innocent. What are you talking about? Where do I have any old friends? Don't be yin and yang here, if you have anything, just say it."

She did not understand what God was innocent. She was a sacred woman in the realm of the gods, and she had a lot of privilege with other interfaces. However, she is not clear who God is innocent to say.

"Ni Yunya, the Lord is looking down on you." God has no cold eyes to sing a cold arc. "In the past, the Lord always thought that the relationship between you and the devil world, even if it is not said to be evil, should not be too Big friendship. I didn't expect that you actually met the magic queen of the devil world! Is it really amazing?"

"Dream?" After hearing the innocent words of God, Ni Yunya stunned and then frowned. "When did the demon of the Devils marry him? Why have I never heard of it?"

All along, the devil of the devil, the emperor, is a very mysterious existence. Even with the invitation of other interfaces, he rarely attended. Even her sacred woman as a **** has only seen it a few times. However, even if she only saw a few faces, she could not forget the demeanour of Huangfu.

Although the realm of the gods and the devil are always opposite, she can't admit that Huangfu is indeed a very good person. She can even say that she has never seen such a good man. She never thought about what kind of woman would be qualified to stand beside a man of such a genius.

However, it has always been said that the emperor is not close to the female color, even in the magic hall, the number of maids is very few.

Now suddenly heard the news that Huangfu has married his wife. For a time, she only felt extremely wrong.

Seeing Ni Yunya’s astonished look is not like a fake, God can’t help but frown. “Do you really know the magic queen?”

"I don't even know that the emperor has married his wife. Do you think I will know the so-called aftermath?" Ni Yunya said sarcastically. "God is innocent. You come here today, it will not be for this." What about it?"

God innocently did not pay attention to Ni Yunya's irony. When he waved his hand, there was an image in front of him. The figure that appeared on it was a face of Murong. "This is the queen of the emperor. Do you really don't know?"

Looking at the figure that suddenly appeared out of thin air, Ni Yunya frowned deeper. "I have never seen this person, let alone an old friend. Is this woman talking to me?"

“Yes.” God nodded innocently. “She claims to be an old acquaintance with you.”

"Is it?" Ni Yunya's eyes became deep and deep. "Then I was very interested in this woman. It is obvious that we have never met each other. She said that I am acquainted. It seems that I am really I should find a chance to go to the temple to see my old acquaintance."

"Oh, that's interesting." God's innocent mouth evoked a smug smile, and there was even a gloating sorrow in the tone. "Ni Yunya, isn't this the time when you offended? Otherwise, How can people come to the door like this?"

"This is impossible." Ni Yunya said openly. "I have never seen this woman before."

"That's just you." God said innocently. "I am here today, in addition to telling you the news, I want to inform you. Before we got married, we also held a special party. I will remember to attend on time."

People from all interfaces have come one after another. As a host, their gods should indeed take care of people from all walks of life.

"I know." Ni Yunya turned back and didn't look at God without a look. "After the time is set, send someone to let me know! I will be there on time."

Although she is not expecting this marriage, there are still some things that need to be done on the surface. In such an occasion, even for the face of the gods, she must seem to maintain an intimate relationship with God.

For Ni Yunya’s answer, there is no trace of an accident in God’s innocence. Later, he turned and left, and there was no trace of nostalgia and reluctance.

Who can know that the relationship between the two people who are about to get married, in private, will be so indifferent!

When the innocent figure disappeared into sight, Ni Yunya’s plain face suddenly became deeper, and even the things that were being cleaned up were all stopped. Then she sat down and looked serious.

Seeing Ni Yunya's appearance, Miner knows that there should be something plaguing the saint. She waved her hand directly and retired the maid in the temple.

"The saint, are you thinking about what the Lord God said?" Miner went directly to a cup of Lingchao and sent it to Ni Yunya. He said, "The marriage is about to be held. The saints don't have to pay attention. Those words that the Lord God said."

"I was thinking about the so-called aftermath." Ni Yunya's eyes flashed a glimmer of light. "I'm sure I have never seen the woman before, but I don't know why she would say that."

"The saint, the slave feels that you don't have to think so much." Miner chuckled and persuaded him, "Who is the queen, you will know soon. Maybe it was the time before, the saint you." I have seen it! This is also not allowed."

Ni Yunya reached out and took the spiritual tea handed over by allergies. After taking a sip, the brow was still wrinkled. "No, I am sure that I and she are absolutely unsuccessful. And, I don't know why, when When I saw her, there was a very serious sense of rejection in my heart."

Although she did not say anything at the time, but when she saw the image of the queen, her heart was very repulsive, and even had a vague sense of destruction. Yes, when she saw the woman’s first sight, she thought of destroying the woman.

She doesn't know where this feeling comes from, but it feels so strong. Obviously, I have never seen each other in the face, so I can’t even talk about any grudges. Why does she feel this way?

"The saint, you don't have to think too much." Miner smiled and said, "This may be just your illusion. There are too many recent things, you may be a little tired. So, will Produce such an illusion."

"Maybe!" Ni Yunya's eyes flashed a little deep. "However, I want to see the woman soon. I want to know why she said it was my old acquaintance?"

On the other side, in the temple, Huangfu and Murong also lived in one of the luxurious palaces. It can be said that the palace where the two are located can be regarded as one of the best palaces in the temple. However, according to the identity of Huangfu, such a palace, he can still afford.

After a break, Murong was bored and bored, and wanted to go out for a walk. It’s just that Huangfu has something to do, so she didn’t stay with her. Therefore, she left the palace where she lived, and then strolled around. Of course, the rotor is always protected by her side.

Murong pours a person to hang out in the temple, which is quite boring. Along the way, she met a lot of maids.

Although the maids are not very clear about the identity of Murong, but they also know that the person who can stroll in the temple at this time is absolutely not ordinary. Therefore, when they met, they were very respectful saluting.

Murong also has no self-sustaining identity. When she meets those who salute her, she will nod her head and give her a feeling of comfort.

I don't know how long it took. Murong looked at it unconsciously and seemed to be walking into the garden. Looking at the various plants in the garden, her face could not help but reveal a pleasant smile.

If she used to see so many spiritual plants, she would definitely find a way to transplant it into her own space. However, during this period of time in the Devil's Circle, Huangfu has found many rare spiritual plants and grasses for her. Her current inventory is very impressive.

Therefore, when she sees these spiritual plants, she is not so strong to take up her own desires. Just, seeing these beautiful flowers, her mood is also a lot better.

Unfortunately, Murong did not know whether it was because he was particularly unlucky. When she feels happy, there are always people who will come out to make trouble and destroy her rare good mood.

"This garden in this temple is really good!" Bai Xuexin walked slowly in the garden while watching the blooming flowers and precious plants around him, with a proud smile on his face. In the face of the salute of the maids, even the brows did not lift.

After living in the temple, she felt that it was not convenient everywhere. Although she is the princess of the demon world, but here is the temple, she has to converge her temper. Because her heart is very clear, if something goes wrong, the first thing that will not let her go is definitely the father.

In addition, after living in the temple, she did not have any chance to go out at will. In normal times, she can only stay in the guest house where she lives. Fortunately, inadvertently, she found that the garden in the temple is a beautiful place, so she will come over almost every day.

Usually, there are very few people coming here. As for other interface people, some of them are not as good as hers, and they dare not offend her at will. Therefore, her life is still very comfortable. She came over almost every day, but she didn't expect that when she came over today, she would see other people in the garden.

Looking up, when she saw the true purpose of the figure, her anger was instantly ignited. "How is it? How are you here?"

When he heard the familiar voice, Murong couldn't help but frown. When she saw the white snow heart, she finally realized the true meaning of the word narrow.

"It's me." But in an instant, Murong's face was once again smiling. "You can all be here, why can't I be here? This is not your place, can't I come yet?"

"You--" Bai Xuexin reached out and pointed at Murong, and he almost couldn’t speak. "I tell you, this Princess is now in this temple. The position is not low. If you offend the princess I have a good look."

She did not think about it, but she would meet the savage woman in the restaurant before the temple. If it wasn’t for this woman’s inability to move, how could she be forced to live in the temple so early? At least she can still have a good time outside for a few days.

Now that she has lived in the temple, she can't just leave, she feels bored and dead. And all this is caused by this woman in front of me.

Although the woman also appeared in the temple, she did not think that the identity of the woman could be high. If it is really noble, how can you wear a simple dress? Also, there is only one guard around the woman, and she has not even taken a maid to serve.

In normal times, Murong’s face is easy to move, but it’s really simple to dress up. However, this does not mean that the dress she wears is not good. The dresses on her body are all woven from the glazed brocade woven from the silk sprinkled by the silkworms. It is worth the price.

It was only after the snowy heart saw the appearance of Murong’s face, it directly concluded that Murong’s identity was not high, so he did not pay attention to other details.

"Oh, is it?" Murong looked like a smile to Bai Xuexin. "I really don't know. You are the princess of this temple! But how do I hear that this **** and the saint? The big marriage has not been held yet? How God has already had such a big daughter for you."

"What are you talking about?" After hearing the messy words of Murong, the whole face of Bai Xuexin was almost red. She pointed her finger at Murong and said, "Do you believe that this Princess is treating you?" crime."

"Oh, I don't have nonsense." Murong smirked and said, "When you just said, isn't you saying that your identity is very high? Here is the temple, if you are not the princess of the temple, how can you say it? What is the crime of treating me here? You said, I will tell these things to God now, I don’t know what kind of feelings he will have?"

The meaning of Murong’s face is already very obvious. Only in your own territory will you say the crime of treating others. What does Bai Xuexin mean, isn’t it obvious that the temple is her own site? However, she is the princess of the demon world. If these words are passed on, everyone thinks, I am afraid that the demon world is afraid of the fascination of the gods!

Bai Xuexin is not a fool. Naturally, he understands the meaning of Murong’s words. Her heart is also anxious. “You don’t want to discredit the princess here. This princess simply doesn’t mean this.”

If these words are really heard by the Lord, when the misunderstanding between the gods and the demon world is caused, the father will certainly not let her go.

"Do you have any ulterior motives, I don't know!" Murong smirked and shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "I don't know if you are a locust in your stomach." The idea."

It can be seen that the princess of this demon world is really spoiled. Now on the territory of the gods, I don’t know how to be careful. Isn’t it obvious that the handle is sent to someone else’s hand? Sure enough, a pig-like teammate!

The anger in Bai Xue’s heart was even worse. She couldn’t help but think of the things that had been in the restaurant before and the confrontation with Murong. The more she thought about it, the more she was not convinced.

Later, she waved her hand directly and told the guards behind her. "You give the princess up and grab the monk. This princess is going to teach this monk who doesn't know the heights."

She can't win this woman on her tongue, and she doesn't want to continue to waste her own tongue. She wants to catch the woman and teach her well. At that time, she gave the woman's tongue. She is going to have a good look, without a tongue, this woman can still be so sharp.

Anyway, the monk does not seem to be a noble person. Even if something really happened at that time, I believe that the Lord of God will see the part of the demon world and make this matter smaller.

Those guards are not the guards in the temple, but the guards brought by the snowy heart from the demon world. After hearing the order, these guards went straight to the front and attacked the past toward Murong.

Seeing the practice of Bai Xuexin’s disagreement, Murong’s face was not worried. Although these guards, she is also a hit. However, she believes that there are rotors here, she will not be injured.

Therefore, Murong leaned back and took a step back and found a safe place to stand.

Sure enough, but for a moment, the rotor has already knocked down all the guards of Bai Xuexin. The one guard fell to the ground, although there was no danger to life, but they also lost their fighting ability. Moreover, each of them has been seriously injured. At least for a short time, there is no way to use Xingli.

Seeing such a situation, Bai Xuexin’s heart was also a little scared. She stepped back two steps and wanted to leave. However, she has just stepped out of two steps and she has already been caught.

It’s not the other person who caught her, it’s the woman’s guard.

When I saw that Bai Xuexin wanted to run away, the heart of the rotor was full of disdain. Later, he flew directly to the front of the body, and then seized the white snow heart, and then directly went to the face of Murong's face, and lost.

Bai Xuexin was so thrown in front of Murong's face, it looked like an item, completely without the princess of the past, the whole person looked particularly embarrassed.

She wanted to stand up, but she just got up and was immediately caught by the guard, and her hand was buckled behind her. Suddenly she felt that she had been kicked after her knee. A pain came and she was kneeling on the ground.

At this time, she humiliated in front of the woman.

Looking at the white snow heart in front of him, there is no change on the face of Murong's face, no smugness, no gloating, and some are just calm.

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