MTL - In which the System Torments the Protagonists: My Wife is My Life!-Chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty-Three

An hour ago, Ji Qing came to Tianyu Entertainment quietly. From the elevator in the underground parking lot all the way up to the eighteenth floor, then went straight to the conference room, and few people saw it.

So when Lu Lixing came to Tianyu Entertainment with a bunch of roses and asked, the little girl at the front desk looked up at the bunch of roses, thinking that it was another fan who sent flowers and gifts, and replied casually: "do not know."

Look away from the roses and look at Lu Lixing.

This can't matter, the first reaction of the little girl at the front desk to Lu Lixing is that this man is so handsome!

The second reaction is, Mom, isn't this Mr. Lu?

The little girl got up in a panic, and took the water cup she had with her, and had no time to help. She stammered and said, "Lu Lu ... General Lu!"

"Ji Qing is not here?"

"Not here, not seen."

Although Tianyu Entertainment belongs to Lu, Lu Lixing only came to participate in the shareholders' meeting and the company's annual meeting. One was that his company was too busy. The other was that he was not familiar with the business of the entertainment industry. He was so organized that he didn't need to worry about it at all.

So Lu Lixing went to Chen Shuyi's office.

There was no shortage of gossip in the entertainment company. As soon as Lu Lixing left, several little girls came to the front desk.

"Mr. Lu just now?"

"Yes, it is him!"

"Isn't he dead?"

"What's dead, don't talk nonsense. I heard that it was just paralyzed. I got up two days ago. I heard people from Lu's said that President Lu went to work yesterday."

"Then he came to Tianyu ..."

"Holding roses is definitely not here for the shareholders' meeting."

"Our company's annual meeting is still four months away, and certainly not to come to the annual meeting."

"Find Vice President Chen?"

"Two big men need roses to meet?"

"Vice President Chen got married and felled. What do you think?"

"Then why is he here?"

"Mr. Lu ... he asked me just now, where is Ji Qing?"


"Ji Qingwen?"

"Ji Qingwen !!!"

"Is that Ji Qingruan I think?"

"I think ... it should be the Ji Wenjian you think, the signing artist of our company Ji Jianwen."

"No, right? Ji Qingwei has something to do with President Lu? How is this possible! Ji Qingwen is what she looks like ..."

"……quite pretty."


"The rose in Mr. Lu's hand ..."

"Give it to Ji Qing?"

"Wait, I need to calm down."

"I, I, I ... I need that too."


Chen Shuyi's office is on the 23rd floor, and Lu Lixing went unimpeded to Chen Shuyi's office.

Chen Shu was still dealing with some trivial matters. When he saw the landing came in, he froze for a moment, and looked up and down the man who had been notified by the doctor of the critical illness not long ago, and smiled. You, the doctor said that you have no fear of being saved all the time, and in just one week, you will be able to jump around alive. "

The rose in Lu Lixing's hand was actually more eye-catching than him, "You rose ..."

"This is not for you."

Chen Shuyi was also playful, "Who is it for?"

"Ji Qing."

"That's what you told me last time, Ji Qing? Why? Like others?"

Lu Lixing casually said: "She is my wife."

Chen Shu was drinking water. He heard what he said, but the water didn't spit out, but his face was flushed. He almost coughed off when he fell on the table.

"Why ... what ?! Your wife? When was it? Why don't I know?"

Lu Lixing lifted his eyelids. "A few days ago."



"You ..." Chen Shu was speechless.

What kind of person is Lu Lixing? He knows the old classmates who grew up together. I haven't seen him walk with any woman. It's only been a few days? My wife has it?

"you like her?"

Lu Lixing didn't answer this question, "I'll pick her up from work, who?"

"You call her, what are you looking for?"

"Hit, don't answer. Where do you ask?"

Chen Shu was helpless, and even made a few phone calls, only to ask Ji Qing to have a meeting in the conference room on the eighteenth floor.

"She has a meeting."


Lu Lixing got up and left.

Chen Shu also looked at Lu Lixing's back, thinking for a moment, and decided to put aside his work and go to the 18th floor with Landing Lixing.

"I'm sorry, I'm with you, but I don't want to cope with your money. Except for those spent by men and women, I don't seem to have received any gifts from you. It is you, but the belt seems to be for me your……"

"I don't need money, I just need the belt, take it off and give it back to me!"

"You will not sue me until you promise!"

"Where's the future of an 18-line star?"

"Mr. Gu, lift up your pants before you kill me."

Lu Lixing and Chen Shu just walked outside the door of the conference room. Inside the concealed door, there was a loud and straightforward voice from Ji. Just listening to this voice can associate with the speaker at this moment ... … Fierce.

"Shao Yu, don't do this! Don't be impulsive!"

Listening to it, it seems to be getting started.

When Lu Lixing's face sank, he pushed the door open, and saw this scene.

The scene was chaotic.

Gu Shaoyu disregarded Shen Weiwei's persuasion, Mars burst into his eyes, and he suddenly stood up, while Ji Qingwei was guarded by a man, but his face was arrogant, and he was completely afraid of the angry face in front of him. Shaoyu.

"Ji Qingluan, I tell you, I want to kill you, no matter which upstart you climb, I can't save you!"

"I just heard, who do you want to block?" Lu Lixing's voice was low, but he was very heavy and powerful.

Everywhere was silent, everyone looked at the door.

Ji turned his head slightly and saw Lu Lixing at the door.

At the moment when Feng Chi flashed and thundered, Ji gently cried with tears, and bumped into Lu Lixing's arms, "Husband! They bullied me!"

Chen Shu also watched the whole process, watching Ji Qing who still had his hands on his hips and sleeves arrogantly in the last second, and the next second the bird hid in Lu Lixing's arms and shivered for shelter.

He looked at Lu Lixing with an unbelievable and suddenly realized look, revealing the mysterious message of ‘brother, you like such a woman’.

Not only was Chen Shu also stunned, Shen Weiwei, Gu Shaoyu, Deputy Director Li and Qin Yue in the conference room were also stunned.

"Lu ... Mr. Lu? Ji Jiji ... Ji Qingluan ..."

Ji Qing gently murmured in her heart. She seemed to call out her husband's words just now?

Finished. She seemed to have told Lu Lixing before at the hospital that she would never expose the relationship between the two.

I was too involved just now.

Ji gritted his teeth and raised his head, tears weeping under his eyes, "Dear, they bully me!"

Lu Lixing still wrapped her arms around her waist and hid in her arms, holding roses in one hand, and touching her hair in one hand, saying in a voice that only two people could hear: "Speak well."

Ji gently cleared his throat and whispered, "They bullied me."

The two spoke in a low voice, which looked extremely close to outsiders.

Gu Shaoyu couldn't stand anymore. He looked at Lu Lixing with anger and righteous words: "Xing brother, don't be blinded by this woman, she is a watery poppy woman! I used to be a backer for red, but later I After I was stunned, I had another relationship with the upstart, did you know that? Just yesterday, she and the upstart wiped half a million in ten minutes in the mall! "

The Gu family and the Lu family have a relationship, and Tianyu Entertainment also has some shares. Otherwise, Gu Shaoyu would not release the words of blocking and blocking gently.

With his eyelids raised, Lu Lixing looked at Gu Shaoyu coldly, "The upstart?"

"Right! Upstarts! They were all photographed, okay, you can't be fooled by the face of this woman! I never knew she was an unscrupulous woman, and she has been with her for so long It was because I failed to see her true face, arrogant, selfish, hypocritical, and greedy! Such a woman ... 唔 ...... "

Just as Gu Shaoyu was talking, Lu Lixing handed the rose to Ji gently's arms, squinting his eyes, approaching him step by step, and in front of him, gave him a punch with one hand.

Gu Shaoyu was caught off guard by this punch, and fell to the side with a moan, and his face was bruised.

Shen Weiwei rushed to help him, her complexion instantly when she lowered her head.

How could Ji Qingwan be related to Lu Lixing?

Looking at Gu Shaoyu, who was knocked to the ground, Ji gently cheered, anxious to applaud Lu Lixing on the spot.

Play well! My husband is so handsome!

Lu Lixing pulled his tie, slumped, his face darkened, "Gu Shaoyu, you are a man. In front of outsiders, as a former boyfriend, is this qualified to evaluate and degrade your ex-girlfriend like this?"

"Xingge, Ji Qingluan is such a person! I'm not wrong!" Gu Shaoyu stubbornly refused to accept it.

"No matter what you have done gently before, are you a man?" Lu Lixing frowned, calmly: "From now on, I don't want to hear any more lightness from your mouth. Light ill, you used to say that Ji Qing was in a relationship with you in the past. I hope you can handle it properly. I don't want another person to think that Ji Qing is a lover who was raised by you. You understand Yet?"

Gu Shaoyu held his breath and did not speak.

"have you understood?!"

Gu Shaoyu gritted his teeth and insisted, "... I don't recognize her as my girlfriend!"

Lu Lixing joked and kicked the belt on the ground. "If you think it's Ji Qingbao, I have no problem."

Gu Shaoyu's face sank, and he seemed to be greatly insulted. "I only took her a belt!"

"Have you sent her?"

Gu Shaoyu couldn't say.

"That's not given. She spent five figures on you. What you said didn't mean, who paid her, who is her gold | Master? She paid you, she is not yours King | Lord? "

Gu Shaoyu gritted his teeth, "I see."

Lu Lixing then asked, "What do you understand?"

Gu Shaoyu said, "Ji Qingwen and I are male and female friends, not my lover."

Lu Lixing turned to look at the anxious deputy director Li, "I heard it gently, Shen Weiwei and Qing gently, I told Vice President Chen that I wouldn't let you step in. Vice director Li took my words for granted ? "

"No, no, no ... not like Mr. Lu, I also set out for the company's benefit. After all, this incident has a big impact on the company."

Lu Lixing sneered, "Tian Yu didn't let Deputy Director Li take charge of it.

"You said that to me."

"I think what I said just now is very specific. First, Shen Weiwei didn't push her, so Shen Weiwei's injuries had nothing to do with her. Second, there is no evidence that gently went to Shen Weiwei's troubles, so this month A large part of Ms. Shen must be held responsible for all the mental losses suffered since then. In addition to the matter of apologizing on Weibo just mentioned, I will let the lawyer and Ms. Shen talk about you. "

Lu Lixing looked at the pitiful Shen Weiwei, "Ms. Shen has any opinion?"

Gu Shaoyu couldn't help but speak for Shen Weiwei: "Brother, don't talk to Weiwei like this, you don't know her, she ..."

"Shut up!" Lu Lixing sternly said, "You don't have to learn anything, you just follow a woman all day, do you want to defeat the family property of Gu's family!"

Gu Shaoyu guilty: "I didn't ..."

"Gu Shaoyu, I tell you, do n’t think that the Gu family has a share in Tianyu. You can arbitrarily and block it? Who can you block! Without the Gu family, you, the inexperienced rich second generation, can still give you one. Come to share money? Without Gu's family, you can show off your strength here? Without Gu's family, you are nothing! What you think about every day is not how to care for Gu's house, clubbing clubs and cars to chase women, how long can Gu's family spend extra time ! "

Gu Shaoyu was scolded and looked up.

"I don't expect you to be more prosperous and be able to stir up the property left by Grandpa Gu, but if I ever see you so arrogant, don't blame me for being polite to you!"

Shen Weiwei grabbed Gu Shaoyu's arm in nowhere, and nodded, "Shao Yu, don't say it." She looked at Lu Lixing and bit her lip and whispered: "This is indeed my fault, regardless of the discipline I have no opinion on how Miss will hold me accountable. "

Lu Lixing looked at Shen Weiwei and had no emotions. "Since Miss Shen has no opinion, then this is the way to do it. Miss Shen will issue an apology statement on Weibo as soon as possible. As for related compensation, I will let the lawyer contact you later, you can also contact Lawyers, discuss together. Also ... "

Lu Lixing looked around, his eyes glanced at everyone, with irresistible coldness in his eyes, "I hope that a meeting like this will not happen again in the future." He snapped sharply: "Does the company have rules? Need you to open This private meeting decision? "

No one spoke.

He turned to look at Chen Shuyi, "Book Yi, do you understand what I mean?"

Chen Shu, standing at the door, cleared her throat, "Yes, I understand."

Lu Lixing looked up at Qin Yue, "Are you a light agent?"

After listening for a while, Qin Yue thought that he was out of touch and was panicked at being named, but quickly stabilized. "Yes, Mr. Lu, I am Miss Ji's agent, and my name is Qin Yue."

Lu Lixing nodded. "This is the case. I don't want to hear these rumors today today, I hope everyone present will be good at it."

This is a threat.

The meeting room was silent.

Lu Lixing didn't say anything else, didn't look at the people in the scene, turned around and walked to the door. He spoke softly, and changed the harshness just now. He went straight to the eyes of the gentleman who crept into the crescent moon, "I will take you back Family."

Ji gently held a large bouquet of ninety-nine roses, the nose was full of the fragrance of roses, the corners of his eyes were all smiles, and his heart was sweeter than eating honey.


—— "The mission is successful, the health value is +10, and the current health value is eleven hours."

The author has something to say: Lu Luxing: Gu Shaoyu, you are following a woman all day ... [emmmm seems to be wrong

Old rules, there are more changes in the early morning = 3 = Thank you for your support

Thanks to the little angels for giving me the overlord ticket ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the [land mines]: at dawn, 6 do not talk, 2 Ni Ni, 1 deer hidden, 1 vali1, 1 Jiangjiang Xue, 1 fat times, 1 Chu Chu 2k novel reading network

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