MTL - Immortal-v14 Chapter 66 Corpse spawn

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Inuya heaven, inside the hall of longevity!

After Liu Wushuang was authorized by Zhongshan, he returned respectfully to Xianban.

Zhong Shan looked at the ministers in the hall, and was slightly silent. There was silence within the hall.

"Zhu Qing knows all things about the Underworld, the Eternal Demon, right?" Zhongshan said lightly.

The ministers looked at Zhongshan together, and finally respectfully said, "The ministers are known!"

Zhongshan did not conceal the monarchs, because they could not hide them at all. Next, there will be a full-scale war with the monks, and Zhongshan naturally informed the monarchs of everything.

"Water mirror?" Zhongshan cried.

"I'm here!" Shui Jing made his mark.

"How's the announcement?" Zhong Shan said in a deep voice.

"All the officials in Dapin have been notified by the minister!" Shui Jing solemnly said.

"Only more than five grade officials?" Zhong Shan Shen said.

"Yes, the minister is worried that too many people know it, causing world upheaval and uneasy people! Uneasy people, it is easy to be disturbed. In order to stabilize the world, everyone who gets the news will inform with a first-class secret, and no one will be able to spread the word!" Shui Shen Chen said.

Tapping the armrest of the dragon chair gently, Zhong Shan thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

"Things in the world, although the world's living beings can't completely decide, but have the right to know, tell the world!" Zhongshan took a deep breath.

"Uh?" The water mirror raised his head slightly.

Obviously, for the sake of the stability of the grandma and the cohesion of the grandma, the news should not be released, but it is the best.

"Notice the world!" Zhong Shan ordered.

"Chen Zunzhi!" Shui Jing respectfully said.

Once this news came out, it was bound to be heartbreaking, but this was a news that shaken the country's foundation, and it was necessary to stop expanding publicity. As an emperor, this was clearer.

But at this moment, Zhong Shanyi's reckless announcement made the world suddenly revered, and the reverence of Zhongshan by the water mirror became more and more, not only for the emperor, but also for the world.

"The Yong Mo Clan, the great enemy is now in charge of the world for a few days, and the big and large Qin need to integrate the territory of the world to transport the difficulties of the world with the country!" Zhongshan solemnly said.


"Shen Gongbao!" Zhong Shan said again.

"The minister is here!" Shen Gongbao was enlisted.

"The demon tribe is gone, many demon gods have killed you, go to conquer the demon gods from all walks of life, and conquer all kinds of talents of the demon race!" Zhong Shan ordered.

"The official obeys the order!" Shen Gongbao reverently respected.

Taking a look at Shen Gongbao, Zhongshan took a deep breath: "I know the danger of this battle, and follow you with Kong Xuan and Yinghui. The ancestors below the Duke can choose twenty to make a list and I will give you approval!"

"Xie Tiandi!" Shen Gongbao solemnly said.

Zhong Shan nodded slightly. Indeed, the demons are overthrown, and countless elites inside Zhongshan are unwilling to give up. In the past, Shen Gongbao was a minister of the Dashang brain. Emperor Xin Xin was a descendant of Emperor Jun. Although Shen Gongbao did not serve the demon celestial court, he still had a touch of love among the demon. Second, Shen Gongbao's strong diplomatic ability sent him It's best to go to conquer the monsters.

Shen Gongbao is listed.

"Heavenly!" Yi Yan came out.

The ministers looked at Yi Yan.

"The news came from Emperor Tiantian, the former Marshal of the Demon Clan, recalling the blue magpie, when the demon army subjugated the majority of Tianzhou, when the Demon Clan collapsed, he resolutely announced that the world would join the Daqin Tianting. As the commander of the Daqin Tianzhou! Complicated appearance.

Recalling the blue cricket, joining the Great Qin Tianting?

There is still a small number of people who know the identity of the blue magpie. The genius of the original Xiaoqian World Yinjia, whose ancestor was a disciple of Zhuangzi, was later named by Zhongshan as the 'captain of the thirteenth army corps'. Family heaven.

At this moment, actually turned and became the commander of Daqin Tianzhou?

This gorgeous transformation time and time again, even if it is easy to change, it is not clear for a moment. This recalls that the blue magpie is a big magpie in the end, or a big Qin.

"I know, what's the situation in Tianzhou now?" Zhong Shan said lightly.

Zhong Shan did not make any comment on Yi Lanyu.

"The demon tribe collapsed, and the demon master would be scattered immediately, remembering that the blue magpie was born, and in the chaotic and confused demon army, quickly pulled up a new army, originally suppressing the capture of most of the continent, However, there is a memory of the blue cricket, the lost territory is rapidly being gathered, and early news, one third has completely returned to Daqin! "Yi Yan respectfully said.

"Huh!" Zhong Shan knocked on the dragon chair slightly for a moment.

"My minister thinks that at this moment my aunt must send troops to Nanzhou and Tianzhou in Yangjian. If not at this moment, Da Qin will accept it!" Yi Yan solemnly said.

"Dizhou, if there is Shen Gongbao going, then take Tianzhou!" Zhongshan took a deep breath.

"Uh?" Yi Yan looked at Zhongshan unexpectedly.

Nanzhou? So big territory, no longer?

"Tiandi, take only Tianzhou?" Yi Yan puzzled.

"Take Tianzhou only!" Zhongshan affirmed.

"Yes!" Yi Yan nodded.

"Since the emperor only takes Tianzhou, there is one candidate for Chen!" Yi Yan said again.


"Sage, mantra!"

"Tianzhou, the original Tianjia forces, remember that the blue crickets have been attacked for decades before they have achieved today, but Tianjia has penetrated for tens of millions of years. If the Celestial Mantra goes, you only need to shake your arm and be sure It has achieved several times the effect, and even can bring the former Tianjia potential and completely regain Tianzhou in one fell swoop! "Yi Yan respectfully said.

Of course, these Zhongshan were also considered a long time ago, but these words, after all, other courtiers said that the exit effect is better, and Yi Yan naturally understood Zhongshan's thoughts and pushed out the Tian mang.

Zhong Shan looked at Tian Manzi in the columns of his ministers and said, "Heaven Mantra, what do you think?"

Tian Zhouzi looked at Zhongshan, and got out of the air, taking a deep breath: "Chan is willing to conquer Tianzhou for Dasao!"

"Okay, seal you as the head coach of Pingtianzhou, the grandfather of the Celestial Celestial Family, waiting for your dispatch!" Zhongshan solemnly said.

"Yes!" Tian Manzi respectfully.

"Xiao forget!"

"The minister is here!" Xiao forgot to list.

"Seal you as the deputy commander of Ping Tianzhou, assist Tian Mantra, and take down Tianzhou!" Zhongshan ordered.

"Chen Zunzhi!" Xiao Wang solemnly said.

"When Tian Mantra, Xiao forget, Wang Er and so on conquer Tianzhou, Haosheng assisted and won Tianzhou as soon as possible!" Zhongshan said lightly.

Tian Zhouzi and Xiao Wang forgot to look at Zhong Shan and solemnly said, "Yes!"

The Celestial Mantra has great heritage and prestige in Tianzhou, and Xiao Wang has great wisdom to assist them. Not only can they complement each other, but they can also quickly conquer Tianzhou in a short time.

At this moment, Yi Yan also saw it.

Dasao abandons Nanzhou and fully collects Tianzhou. This is actually a game between the emperors to reap part of the benefits and give up part of the benefits. Although there is no positive or winning complaint, the winner has been informed by action. Win As a generation of Mingjun, naturally will try his best to charge Nanzhou not to be confused about this matter.

"Tian mantra!" Zhong Shan said again.

"The minister is here!" Tian Manzi respectfully said.

"Hey, there is one more thing that you need to do!"

"Please tell me!"

"While collecting Tianzhou, we will make every effort to collect the former information of Tianjia!" Zhongshan solemnly said.


"Everything you need to know about your family ’s history, especially everything from the Tao of Heaven, the origin of the strongest sword, the practice of Tian Wai Tian, ​​and even everything from the old man who died in the past, God, I want it! Regardless of facts or rumors , All collected for me! "Zhongshan solemnly said.

"Uh, yeah!" The curse was strange.

"Maybe you are not sure, but you have to search carefully, because it is about the success or failure of the Eternal Demon Clan. For the sake of life in the world, don't leave out any inquired news!" Zhongshan solemnly said.

Look at the solemn way of Zhongshan Tianmangzi: "Yes, there is no omission to complete the explanation of the Emperor!"

"Huh!" Zhong Shan nodded with satisfaction.

Tian Mantra, Xiao forget to return to Xianban.

Zhongshan looked around the ministers and finally took a deep breath.

"Not long ago, I won three holy places, one in the sun and two in the hell!" Zhongshan said lightly.

Holy place?

The ministers looked at Zhongshan together, and the holy place could be obtained? Of course, with the exception of a few courtiers, the expectations of many ministers flashed.


Although it is no longer the age of saints, saints are nothing in the eyes of the emperor, but after all, they are saints. Who should give a holy place in the sun?

Who can be the next saint?

"Mr. Corpse!" Zhong Shan said.

"The minister is here!" Mr. Corpse stepped out of the queue.

At this time, Mr. Corpse was called out, and the ministers immediately understood what the emperor thought. They looked at Mr. Corpse enviously, of course. If they were dissatisfied, that was really not the case, because no one among the cousins ​​here was Mr. Corpse. More qualified to receive the Holy Place.

The leader of the Fourth Army Corps of Dasao, followed Tiandi the earliest, and made the greatest contribution to Dasao. It can be said that everything that Mr. Shi has done is irreplaceable. Without Mr. Corpse, Dasao could not have reached today's height so quickly.

And Mr. Zhe has devoted himself to Dasao over the years, and even the prince Zhongtian was sanctified in the past.

The heavenly abandoner, Pangu is stunned at this moment, and Mr. Corpse is no longer a heavenly abandoner.

Well deserved.

Take a look at Mr. Corpse, Zhongshan solemnly said: "A holy place can't explain anything. He just hopes that this holy place can make up for some regrets in the heart!"

Mr. Corpse looked at Zhong Shan. In the end, Mr. Corpse showed a bitter smile, a smile of relief, and a complex smile that he didn't even understand.

With a long breath, Mr. Zombie solemnly said, "Xie Tiandi!"

Zhong Shan nodded.

Probe a move.

A thirteen colorful light shot at Mr. Corpse instantly.

"Om ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

For a while, Mr. Zombie's body glowed with dazzling thirteen colors, and the light shone on the hall. At this moment, Mr. Zombie's body looked extremely brilliant and extremely tall.

The avenues shrouded Mr. Zombie, shrouded, disappeared, shrouded, and disappeared again.

For a whole hour the light of the mouth narrowed, and Mr. Zhe's face was blurred for a while.

Mr. Corpse closed his eyes as if he were realizing the world.

Zhong Shan waited patiently, the ministers waited patiently. All day, no one complained.

"Om!" Mr. Dead opened his eyes. Eye shot thirteen color fine light.

"Congratulations Mr. Corpse!" Yi Yan and others laughed.

"Congratulations Mr. Corpse!" Congratulations from all the courtiers.

Mr. Corpse responded to the crowd for a while, then looked at Zhong Shan, his voice choked a little, and moved with respect and respect: "Xie Tiandi!