MTL - Immortal-v14 Chapter 60 Taichi

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"It's impossible. How many days have you not been so powerful last time? You're so possible? Impossible!" The demon yelled in horror.

"Last time? The last time I was the eldest, I broke through this time!" Jian Ao said indifferently.

"You lie!" The demon snarled in disbelief.

"This is just the Daqian world. The practitioners in the Daqian world can never compare with us. We are invincible at the same level. You could not have been the eleventh **** in the last time, absolutely impossible!" The other demon shouted with unbelief.

"Are you afraid?" Jian Ao sneered.

"call out!"

With a sword, Jian Ao cut to the demon again.

"Stop him!" The demon exclaimed.


A sword rainbow ran across, and the demon exploded and opened, beheaded again.

There were six demons left, with a terrified look.

"Elder Red, help!" Shouted the demons in horror.

Because all the demons saw Jian Ao's killing heart, the powerful killing intention left no room at all, as if born with a great hatred for himself.


Jian Ao is another Jian Hong.

Boy, look for death! "The Elder Red yelled.

Spreading his hand, the elder Red called, and a blood-red palm print condensed in the void.


Jian Ao's Jian Hong is quite innocent, piercing the blood red palm print, and a sword slashing on a demon.


Another demon was beheaded on the spot and exploded.

The blood filled the sky, and the red elder's face changed.

The remaining five little demons also showed thrills.

What kind of monster is this? Last time I went to the Aragu family, and fled away after being chased by a few little demons, but this time I was beheaded?

Xi Yangtian stared at this scene with wide eyes, and finally only smiled bitterly.

When you stepped on your foot, a sword lotus appeared on your toes, and Jian Ao instantly killed the demons.


The Red Elder stepped forward, and a black long sword appeared in his hand, and the sword was cut again towards Jian Ao.

But Jian Ao is avoiding without fighting. The body turned around, avoiding the sword, and Qingfeng sword in his hand cut to a little demon again.



Another little demon opened in front of the red elder's face.

"Elder Red, help!" The demons horrified.

There are four little demons left.

But the elder Red couldn't protect himself at all. When the four little demons were frightened, they turned and ran away.

Suddenly, the four little demons flew in four different directions. Um to escape Jian Ao's pursuit.

Because they also saw it, Jian Ao now only kills the little devil.

Seeing the four demons fled. Jian Ao's eyes were cold. The Qingfeng long sword in his hand was slightly around.


Jian Ao's body suddenly appeared four afterimages. Four afterimages chased in four directions, and shot at the four little demons in an instant.

Four afterimages, each with a powerful sword.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Four bursts of 100 little demons. Kill as many as possible.

"Ah, jerk!" The elder Red snarled, black sword in his hand, severely chopped away towards Jian Ao.

Perhaps, just after the four afterimages were separated, Jian Ao's movement was a bit slow. Hastily and Red Elders once against the sword.

"Oh!" "Oh!" "..." ...

Hundred Tao Jianlian suddenly appeared in the air, Jian Ao regressed as much as possible.


In the distance, the four swords intended to shoot into Jian'ao's body again, Jianao's whole body was showing strong winds, and a sharp breath burst out again.

In front of yourself. Killed nine demons? Didn't run away?

Even if the Red Elder considers his strength to be extraordinary, there is a pandemic behind him at this moment. You know, the nine demons are also the eleventh heavens of the ancestors, and they are stronger than their peers in the world. Even if you want to kill yourself, you can't kill them all.

But in front of the sword repair not only killed all, but also under his own interference, clean and clear, one sword, nine swords all beheaded.

Daqian world, when did such a murderer appear?

"What do you want to do?" Elder Red whispered coldly.

At this moment, the Red Elder no longer takes Jian Ao off guard.

"I kill you first, and they will certainly be able to escape some. If you kill them first, no one of you will want to escape!" Jian Ao said coldly.

"Ha, do you want to kill me?" Elder Red's eyes reddened.

"Not thinking, but, yes." Jian Ao said coldly.

Between words. Jian Ao stepped again, this time, Jian Ao's sword is more fierce.

The Red Elder stabbed with a sword, the sword stabbed out, and thousands of demons and ghosts rushed towards Jian Ao in vain, and swallowed Jian Ao in general.

Jian Ao ushered in a sword with a simple simplicity. The sword stabbed out, not seeing much power.

But in contact with the powerful elders of the Red Elder. Decided.


Thousands of demon ghosts melted quickly, and the two swords slammed into a crash.


A loud noise. The void is broken, and the black holes around it absorb everything.

Xiyang Tian retreated.


As Xiyangtian regressed, a long sword suddenly shot at Xiyangtian and fell at the foot of Xiyangtian.

Is it a black broken sword, the red elder's long sword?


Jian Ao broke the black sword of Red Elder?

"His!" Xi Yangtian took a breath.

Just now Xiyang Tian tried the power of Red Elder, but how could Xi Yangtian think that Jian Ao was so fierce that he was so fierce that he broke the Red Elder's sword?

"Boom!" The void shattered countlessly.

Among the black holes, Jian Ao showed fierce power. One sword and one sword were chalked out. Like a storm, each sword disintegrated a layer of defense for the Red Elder.

After half a column of incense, the elder Red was cracking all over his body, holding a sword handle, his whole body was blood, and his face was scary.

"The ancestral twelfth heaven is impossible, impossible. The ancestral twelveth heaven of my strongest world is the strongest. You are not a person of Daqian World, you are not a person of Daqian World!" Eyes, horrified.

"A thousand worlds, Jian Ao!" Jian Ao shouted again.


Qingfeng's long sword, cut with one sword, slammed the Red Elder from top to bottom, splitting in half.

The powerful sword pride, even in the face of the strongest peers in the world, will not let go.

"No! It's impossible!" Elder Red didn't believe before he died.

A cold glance at the Elder Red, Jian Ao's sword closed, no more to say.


Better than Red Elder. At 10, he was blasted by Jian Ao and exploded.

The black hole slowly calmed down, slowly revealing that Jian Ao was a figure of snow, standing in the void, and looking infinitely powerful.

Below, Xi Yangtian swallowed drool.

Turning his head, Jian Ao looked towards Huang Jilu.

Huangquan Road has been swallowed by the golden beast and the eight-pole Tianwei, leaving one-two out of ten.

Look at the blue and bell mountains inside. Jian Ao took a deep breath. There was a strong sense of war in his eyes.

Although there is a strong sense of war, Jian Ao is naturally a general person, and there is no such thing as an invitation to fight at this moment.

Although Jian Ao is determined, a long sword defeats the world hero. But, before that, there are more important things to do, the ancient family, the devil's nest.

Jian Ao wants to destroy the ancient family.

King Shura territory!

Within the gates of heaven.

In the world 'Abyss' of the shadow body Zhong Shan.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Too screamed in horror.

"You are far worse than Hongjun. You are just fortunate. Now, my rise, your fortune has ended. Zuxian Twelfth Heaven? Hongjun Zuxian Twelve Heavens Body is better than you! "Zhong Shan Shen yelled.

The endless antimatter wraps Taiyi, and even if there are many magical powers of Taiyi, it will only radiate in the presence of antimatter.

You know, the ancestors of the Ming River can't stop the neutralization of antimatter, let alone those weapons of Taiyi?


A long roar.

"Boom ~~~~~~!"

With only one half of the body remaining, Tai burst into the abyss. Taiyi finally escaped the abyss.

However, as he escaped from the abyss, a huge amount of antimatter also rushed out of the abyss.

"When ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise from the 361 East Emperor Bell.

"Wow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Too long and miserable, a long cry, was suddenly drowned in the surging anti-matter gray energy.


Turned into a dazzling light, Taiyi completely blurred.

God Emperor Taiyi, ridicule!

Three hundred and sixty-one mouth of the East Emperor Bell, suddenly lost the presidency. Falling from the air.

In the distance, the ten demon gods have been trapped by twenty Zusura. Even three of them have been ridiculed.

"God of God!" The ghost car growled.

"Father!" Lu Ya shouted with red eyes in the distance.

However, Taiyi is no longer, Taiyi has been completely neutralized by Zhongshan and disappeared.

"Wow!" Lu Ya lamented.

call! . "

Incarnation Jinwu, Lu pressure spread his wings, soaring into the sky. With a sense of great sorrow and a hatred of great hatred. Mobilize the forces of heaven and earth and fled.

Zhong Shan turned his head and looked in the direction of Lu Ya's departure. At the speed of the shadow body, it is not difficult to catch up with the land pressure. When Zhong Shan frowned slightly, he took a deep breath and finally sighed slightly, letting Lu pressure leave without killing.

Zhong Jiuju looked at Zhongshan as if he had guessed what Zhongshan had in mind, and finally sighed slightly, and watched Lu pressure leave.

The demon gods and respected people were all captured, looking at the place where they were too ridiculous, their eyes were full of incredible, endless bitterness, endless wailing.

In Zhongshan's hands, he held up a small bead, the sun **** fire bead!

Only one grain was born in one sun, the two realms of yin and yang, and the two suns were two grains in total.

call out!

Zhong Nine came quickly.

"Father!" Zhong Jiuzi said with relief.

"Finally willing to return?" Zhong Shan asked.

"The child has always been in Zhongfu !," said Zhongjuan extremely firm.

Taking a deep breath, Zhong Shan patted Zhong Jiu's shoulder and said, ‘You are grown up after all! "

Hearing his father's kind words according to 10, Zhong Jiuzi had a slight nose and his eyes were slightly moist.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" The father and son looked at each other and smiled.

pc: ask for a monthly pass! (To be continued)