MTL - Immortal Sword Master-Chapter 948 Gossamer 2

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"With a drop of blood, you can become my Majesty."

Lin Xin casually said.

His words spread directly to all the ingenuity present.

The surrounding instincts caused a commotion immediately without knowing what happened.

But Neiwei witnessed the sudden killing of Prince Lei Ling, and then swallowed one by one.

Is it possible to kill the horrible existence caused by the high-level destruction, and take things out, as simple as ordinary slate?

No one believes.

A total of one hundred slate flew out.

Leaving in front of all three levels of extreme abilities in the presence of precision.

"Go die! You lunatic !!!"

A natural brother was killed by Lin Xin, who had been killed during the curfew, and rushed towards Lin Xin with red eyes.

He jumped over the fence with ease, and the spiked steel ring on his hand came out, hitting Lin Xin like a shell.

"court death!"

The magic king stepped to the side, suddenly throwing a golden chain in his hand, and whip it on the man like a whip.


This could have caused the blood to be sprayed wildly, but it still roared, and the whole body swelled up, obviously using some sort of terror.

"Let's die together! You demon! Hahahaha !!!"

He laughed, his body cracking.

Bang! !! !!

The magic king's face changed slightly. This was a high-energy condensed bomb carrying at least dozens of pieces on his body!

A high-energy condensing bomb can instantly destroy everything that is hundreds of meters away.

This is a terror killer that is ten times more powerful than plasma cannonballs and large equivalent explosives.

Such a short distance, even if he could not completely avoid it.

Crimson glowed with a little white flare.

The blast of fire formed a ball in mid-air, and everyone except the aria was discolored.

But it was too late to withdraw.

"A bunch of waste!"

Lin Xin reached out impatiently.


The invisible force field flashed instantly, and the mid-air fireball completely disappeared. As if it hadn't appeared from the beginning.

"Always forgive me!" The magic law Wang Li and Ji Pan panicked, and immediately knelt down on one knee.

"Dripping blood slabs, but let me say it again?" Lin Xin's eyes narrowed gradually, and he began to get impatient.


Aria tuned his head horizontally, bit his index finger, and dripped a drop of his own blood on the slate in front of him.

When the blood dripped, he felt a strange and strange feeling suddenly. It seems that something very important for him has been invisiblely pulled out and integrated into the slate in front of him.

There were more than ninety people who were bleeding together.

There are a total of one hundred people, the weakest of which are all three, the strongest is the Aria such as the shattering, and then the flying shadow level can make twelve. Contains three magic kings.

They are all elites of major organizations.

At this moment, all the people secretly communicated with each other's eyes, obeying the instructions with the idea of ​​temporarily being indifferent to the snake.

"This monster can't keep us here forever, nor can we always follow us."

A dark shadow of the dark tone can make Wei sound and the companions around him.

"As long as we leave, we will immediately return to the organization and conduct a whole body check. As long as Mr. Ye is there, we can handle any troublesome hidden troubles."

"Speak as little as possible and keep a low profile." Feiying next to him replied, "Everything will go back later."

"it is good."

Together, they watched their blood drip on the slate.


A weird scene happened.

The blood dripping on the hot red stone slab did not evaporate to dry out in the first time. Instead, it is weird like jade, embedded in the middle of the slate, like a gem.

what! !! !!

The two flying shadows who were just safe and sounded suddenly screamed in pain.

Bang! !!

With two crisp sounds, their heads exploded and turned into headless corpses, which fell to the ground.

Not only them, but the rest of the original blood drippers, at least 70% of them, screamed holding their heads.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !!

The blasts of blood mist exploded, representing the death of an elite force.

The arias and the three magic kings looked at everything with ugly looks.

"Some problems are still there," Lin Xin murmured, touching his chin.

The power of the Millennium Fragment contains some extremely rich principles of the big universe. After exploring and exploring, he has a direct and intuitive understanding of the higher energy level of the whole big universe.

This largely made up for his shortcomings in the soul.

So he worked out a new perfect version of the soul contract and threw it to everyone present.

As a result, the success rate was not high and most of them died instantly. Among them is the flying shadow messenger who is a strong one.

Although this contract is said to be a perfect version, it is actually only a defective version.

It was only that he realized the contract that he had amended after receiving the Millennium Fragment.

It seems that the problem is very big.

"Fortunately, there are still successes."

He glanced at the remaining abilities.

Twenty-five people are still there, including the magic king and aria.

"It's up to you to deal with it. I need to collect enough millennium debris information and then get it to Yongxing City."

With a contract in place, he stopped talking nonsense.

Turned around and flickered into the distance, disappearing in place.

The remaining arias and others looked ugly one by one, looking at the original survivors who were around, and the wreckage on the ground.

There are more ordinary causes, those second and lower level guys, their panic has begun to flee.

Now there are only a hundred or two people left around.

"Although I don't know what the contract slate is, since it is always the means given by your Excellency, it must be extraordinary. You still don't want to escape."

Magic magic Wang Li stood up and spoke loudly.

The arias look extremely ugly.

Because he had already tried it, as long as he would be a little disrespectful to that Tu Ling, he would have a pain all over his head as if to explode.

The pain came inexplicably, without warning.

No matter how he examines himself, he cannot find the problem.

But then I thought, since that one is in the realm of legend. It is not surprising that such means are available.

"I want to ask a question," he said suddenly.

"You said." The magic magic Wang Li stood still.

"Which one is really just your third general?"

The aria focuses on the third note.

"Yes, it is said that the Lord was printed into the organization by the Second General, the Prophet. It has not been a year since he joined.

The magic law king Ji answered this question.

"is it"

Aria knows how to belong.

Yes, his idea is very simple, he just wants to figure out whether he belongs to the Alpine organization or the third president to personally subdue him.

It now appears that a mountainous area, I am afraid that this newly joined adult Tuling master.

Chen Feiyang walked towards Bailongsu step by step.

The dagger on his hand was only a few seconds before he crossed the muscle tissue of the opponent's back.

There is still a drop of blood on the tip of the sword.

Bai Longsu leaned halfway on the trunk behind him, his eyes staring at the silver-white Chen Feiyang.

There was a faint chill in my heart.

After the other person's eyes became silvery, he seemed to have changed.

All attacks, defenses, and evasion are used properly. There is no trace of extra strength.

The pace is exactly as precise as a machine.

Even the emotional fluctuations were suppressed very weakly.

This made him try to irritate each other's intentions many times, all of which were lost.

"What breed do you have !?"

Bai Longsu coughed a few times and spit out blood, and he knew he wasn't going to do it.

No one can survive without more than thirty swords running through his body.

He certainly couldn't.

So before he died, he also wanted to be an understanding ghost.

"Tell me, Xiaoling, where is it?"

Chen Feiyang's state at this time seems to be a bit laborious to talk.

Although he defeated the opponent, it did not mean that he was effortless.

That silver-eyed state can only bring his strength to the limit and increase it by two hundred percent.

But as a result of this, his physical strength and mentality in all aspects were greatly exhausted.

Fighting beyond the ranks, naturally, there will be no cost.

"She will be fine."

Bai Longsu answered calmly.

"Before I came, I snatched the little guy from Bai Fei Bird and held her alone in a hotel in nearby Yangpo Town. The room number is 1215."


Chen Feiyang also did not expect that this would be the result, and his expression was slightly hesitated.

The other side not only did not harm the little guy, but helped him **** someone out of Bai Fei birds.

"Don't worry about my injury. I'm asking for myself if I'm not as good as someone." Bai Longsu wrapped up his hand and took out a cigarette.


He exhaled a long breath.

"It was a long time ago that I was able to die in such an upright and bright way in the fight."

The silver of "I" Chen Feiyang's eyes faded, and his face was full of fatigue and regret.

"It's not a big deal. If you lose, you lose. If you lose, you have nothing." Bai Longsu laughed.

"You have to be careful too, if you lose, you really have nothing"

He smiled and his eyes gradually began to fall apart. The cigarette **** was burning in his mouth, but he couldn't take another breath.

"He is going to die."

A voice that made Chen Feiyang completely unimaginable appeared in his ear.


He was startled ~ ~ and almost jumped up.

Turning back suddenly, she really saw Lin Xin walking slowly behind her back.

"When did you appear, Master? !!!!"

Chen Feiyang said with surprise and joy.

"I've been here before. I just saw your connection and didn't bother to bother."

Lin Xin casually said.

Until now, Chen Feiyang didn't know where his master was not easy. He has been a teacher for so long. No matter what problems he encounters, the master can easily point himself at a loss.

No ordinary person can do it.

He speculated that the master should be a once powerful enabler, and then lost strength and colony due to accidents, and became an ordinary teacher who only taught fighting.

But this does not prevent him from admiring and respecting him. To be continued.

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