MTL - Immortal Sword Master-Chapter 920 Rebirth 2

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"Go forward!"

Instinctively, he walked towards the warmth in front of him. ??

But the pulling force behind him was so great that he did his best to move forward a little bit.

"Go forward!"

There was chaos in his mind, but Lin Xin barely managed to maintain a hint of clarity, madly agitated his body, and took another step towards the front.

He felt like he was in a dark room with no light, there was only a slit in the front door, a light and warmth, that was his hope.

Step by step, he tried his best to walk towards the light. There seems to be a huge force behind him to help him.

Step by step.

From the beginning to the last crawl.

Lin Xin instinctively felt that once he stopped, he would lose the opportunity to leave this darkness forever.

He couldn't feel everything and even his memory was lost, leaving only the purest soul essence at this moment.

The light and warmth in front of him was just a manifestation in his soul perception, in fact no one knew what it was.

I don't know how long it has been, maybe a year, maybe two years, maybe a hundred years, maybe, longer ...

Finally, Lin Xin was still one final step away, and he was able to step into that light completely.

He felt himself stripped of a lot of things, many, many things he used to have.

But at this moment he couldn't care so much. He knew that once he lost this opportunity, he would really disappear completely in this universe, whether it is the black universe or the big universe.

"Go forward!"

Lin Xin is too tired, all his strength is used to fight against the huge pulling force behind him.

In the last step, he felt the warmth in the light, the warmth at his fingertips. But the pulling force behind him desperately held him back, preventing him from moving forward.

"last step....."

He finally tried his best, and his body fell forward suddenly. A hand reached into the light fiercely.

Suddenly, he seemed to see himself turning into a light, blending into the warmth and softness.

He saw it, turning himself into a dark shadow, and flying out from the edge of a huge and huge black hole in the universe.

A ring of colored light swirled around the edge of the black hole, and there were countless twisted phantom bubbles.

Countless bubbles are constantly bursting, and then countless bubbles are regenerated.

He flew from a burst bubble. Shot into the distant and unknowing starry sky.

Cosmic calendar 14th century 1136.

Unknown galaxy, unknown planet.

In a continent area, Yongxing City, Yang Family Land.

A luxuriously furnished study in a jade white color scheme.

A handsome young man in a white suit, gently absent-mindedly put down his books.

He looked nervous at the man standing at the door.

"How is the embroidered skirt?"

Everyone smiled.

"Congratulations to the chairman, the wife and son are safe."

"Are you safe ..." The man breathed a sigh of relief. "Just be safe ... Unfortunately I can't be with the embroidered skirt and the children ..."

"Chairman ... Mrs. Let me pass a word on her behalf: she's okay." That person also knew the situation.

Yang Qing, the second heir of the Yang family, was at this time showing a hint of guilt.

"I'm sorry for her."

He sighed.

However, the Yang family is at a crucial moment in the struggle for family control. He cannot leave, nor dare to leave.

Once you leave, the struggle for power fails. At that time, it is not only a matter of losing power. It is unknown whether the lives of yourself, your wife, and your children can be guaranteed.

At this time, the contention for power was already hot and red-eyed.

"Go back and tell your wife, I will compensate her and the child, I will, I succeed!"

His last three words were decisive.

"Yes!" That person was the most important person. He was also Yang Qing's confidante. He knew a lot of secrets, and naturally he understood the weight of this sentence.

Watching the subordinates leave the study room, Yang Qing finally wiped out all the tenderness and replaced it with absolute coldness and murderous intention.

"Big Brother ... Big Brother ... I can't help myself ..."

"The chairman replied, he will compensate you and your child, and he will succeed!"

In the darkness, a voice sounded in Lin Xin's ear.

"Really ... I don't need compensation, I just want him to come back safely."

A firm and weak female voice came.

"Relax, Madam, the chairman will be fine."

That voice sounded again.

Then there was silence.

"where am I?"

Lin Xin tried hard to open his eyes, but his eyelids seemed to be blocked by something and could not be opened at all.

He looked at the property bar below his field of vision.

A series of properties are still there, but the entire property panel is grayed out.

And, at the bottom, there is a new property bar.

Lin Xin carefully looked at this new property bar.

‘Yang Shen (Lin Xin, Lin Sheri, to be transformed)

Kill: o.1. Defense: o.1. Dodge: o.2. Constitution: o.1. ’

In the skill bar below the attribute, there is a large blank at this time, and only a symbol is displayed in the middle.

A weird red blood symbol.

Lin Xin's attention fell on that symbol, and he immediately understood his current situation.

"The black universe is just a giant black hole in the big universe with twisted space bubbles on the edges.

It was a cosmic phantom of that bubble transmitted by light.

Phantoms ..... The illusion of the big universe, but it actually distorts the laws of space and time in a small area, thus creating the existence of the so-called black universe. "

Lin Xin combined the large amount of information that came to his mind before, plus the scene that he saw when he left.

Suddenly understood the truth of everything.

"So to speak, the black universe is nothing but a shadow cast by the big universe, changing the laws of very small areas and combining material energy to form a world.

In fact, in simple terms, it is equivalent to a small cave world in the universe. "

"Interesting. So, since everything in the black universe is a projection of the big universe, then in the big universe, there should be everything in the black universe.

Even more than the Black Universe, more comprehensive. "

He suddenly thought of the rest of the heavens, and the remaining abyss, which did not reveal the true face from beginning to end.

"Until the end, as the strongest group of people in the Black Universe, we did not even reach the fifteenth heaven.

The abyss is far from the bottom.

Now it seems that perhaps the layers of heaven and the abyss are just virtual shadows, which are not in the black universe at all, and only really exist in the big universe. "

Lin Xin guessed.

噗通 ... 噗通 ...... 噗通 ...

Looking back, he suddenly heard a rhythmic beating.

"Heartbeat, breathing, various endocrine hormones, subtle substances, elements ..."

When Lin Xin recovered a little, he felt that he was in a safe mother environment.

He looked at the symbol in the property bar and continued reading the information recorded in it. These are the information co-ordinated by the records of his attribute power instincts, and the things contained in them are extremely important.

"........ Due to the incomplete environmental rules generated by the original attributes, they are in the process of being transformed and must be transformed thoroughly before they can become part of the universe."

Lin Xin quickly found the information he needed most.

"Transformation ... then Yang Shen, now is my new name this time?" He wasn't the first time to reincarnate, so he didn't have any strangeness.

"Since all the strengths are still there, temporarily step by step and observe the environment.

It's just that the last connection has made me so difficult. I'm afraid Fang prison ..... "

Lin Xin recalled the scene where he finally broke free of the shackles, and even his density of such a strong state of terror almost did not come out, let alone the kind of Fang prison that had not been restored to the future Buddha level.

I knew in my heart that Fang prison was also fierce.

Lin Xin soon felt a little sleepy.

"Let's find out the environment after birth, and then start transforming power." What is needed now is to understand the rules and taboos in the big universe.

The big environment is loose or tight. In case of rashly starting to transform strength, once people feel that they have lost their hidden advantages, it may cause big trouble.

After thinking about it, although Lin Xin's soul power has been severely damaged, even if there is no attribute conversion, the basic ability to converge breath still has.

After setting his heart plan, he soon fell asleep, contracted most of the soul, and separated out only a trace of extremely small parts, erasing the memory of this part of the soul and making him the master of this new body.

After all, no matter how you disguise yourself, how can an old soul who has lived for so many years can't recover the unconscious mind.

Therefore, Lin Xin simply separated a trace of soul power, erased all traces of it, and turned it into pure soul power, allowing it to grow from scratch and provide information for its main soul.

As long as he recovers his soul power in times of crisis, or when needed, he can completely grasp this body.

Under Lin Xin's secret support, soon, Yang Qing and Lu Xiu's son Yang Shen were born safely.

Like most of the rich second generation ~ ~, Yang Shen was born and soon lived in Jinyiyushi.

His father Yang Qing successfully mastered all the industrial forces of the entire Yangjia Dixing Group, and resorted to a fierce solution to his half-brother Yang Chuguang.

He has indeed fulfilled his promise, brought Lu Xiu skirt and Lin Xin, and the Zhengda Bright family lived a peaceful and happy life.

More than two years later, the second child of Luxiu skirt was born, also a boy, named Yang Chen.

Two years later, a third girl was born, named Yang Song.

After that, Luxiu skirt went for birth control surgery and stopped giving birth.

Like other children, Yang Shen grew up from a normal ordinary school.

There were no aristocratic schools and no special education.

It's just ordinary, as children of ordinary families, they go to school normally. (To be continued.) 8

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