MTL - Immortal Fate of Longevity: Starting From Taking Care of Daoist Brothers, Wife and Daughter-Chapter 336 : Xiao Zi: Daddy, sell me

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"Looks like I won't be able to do this kind of thing anymore..."

Xia Changge made up his mind.

I don't have a stomach like Xiao Zi said, so I still can't eat everything.

If there is any trouble, it will be a big problem.

"Xiao Zi, what do you say? Have you found anything that is helpful to your practice?"

After Xia Changge sorted things out here, he asked Xiao Zi about the situation there.

Xiao Zi replied truthfully: "I found a few items, and I have already eaten them. Daddy, I have sorted out all these things for you. This interspatial ring contains spirit stones, with a total of 2.75 million top-grade spirit stones. Inside this interspatial ring are spirit treasures, twelve pieces of low-grade spirit treasures, three pieces of middle-grade spirit treasures, and one of them is armor, which contains pills and magic element crystals..."

Xiao Zi is indeed Xia Changge's right-hand man.

Organize all the things that fellow Taoists have funded for Xia Changge's practice, like a housekeeper.

Xia Changge took these pills to check.

There were a few pills that could be used to assist in body training, Xia Changge felt good and put them away.


Xia Changge fed them all one by one to Xiao Zi.

"These things are useless to me, and they can't be exchanged for a few spirit stones, Xiao Zi. From now on, you can eat whatever you should eat. Don't be polite to me. Your father and I are also craftsmen now, so we won't starve to death."

Xiao Zi also knew that Xia Changge's words were 100% sincere.

In fact, among these trophies, there are indeed a few things that are helpful to her practice.

It's just that Xiao Zi felt that those things also had a great effect on Xia Changge, so she didn't move.

After eating these pills and spirit herbs, Xiao Zi complained, "How could anyone play with his daughter like this."

Xia Changge's feeding method gave Xiao Zi a feeling similar to walking a dog.

The resentful words made Xia Changge laugh out loud.

In the blink of an eye, two years passed.

The disciples of the Dan Fu Sect who came to take over Xia Changge's guarding of Chitong Mountain all the time came.

The woman Shi Feihan has not come back yet.

Xia Changge knew something was wrong.

Either Concubine Shihan betrayed him and ran away, or Concubine Shihan was detained in Dan Fuzong.

Xia Changge felt that the latter was more likely.

If it was really the latter, then... who would have detained Shi Feihan in the Pill Talisman Sect?

Yang Kun's relatives and friends? Or... that woman named Li Die?

This made Xia Changge couldn't help but think of the woman who had taken a fancy to Xiao Zi in Dan Fuzong and was going to buy Xiao Zi from him.

If it's Li Die...the problem is not small.

Xia Changge was a little more ruthless, and could take Xiao Zi away without caring about Shi Feihan's life or death.

After all, the woman Shi Feihan has only a little relationship with him.

Obviously, Xia Changge is not that kind of man.

"Let's go, go to Dan Fuzong."

The main reason is that Xia Changge doesn't have that much time now.

Otherwise, he could make a dozen death talismans, which would be more sure.

Fortunately, Xia Changge's practice has not fallen behind, and his strength has improved.

Facing immortal cultivators at the level of the body-fit state, Xia Changge still has a lot of confidence.

So what if it's the late stage of the Fusion Realm? Xia Changge is still fearless.

Xiao Zi has always followed Xia Changge's advice.

As soon as Xia Changge said that he wanted to go back to Dan Fuzong, Xiao Zi naturally led the way directly, carrying Xia Changge away quickly.

On the way, with nothing to do, Xiao Zi took the initiative to open the topic: "Daddy, why don't you spend a while trying to understand the law of space, I feel that this law will be of great help to you."

This made Xia Changge serious: "The law of space? If I realize it...can I wander freely in the void like you?"

Xiao Zi nodded earnestly: "This is natural. I know from my inheritance memory that there are monks of the human race who have realized the power of space to an extremely terrifying state. The world is simply free and easy, older than our ignorant spirits." Zu is not bad."

This made Xia Changge really moved.

There are illusory spirits like Xiao Zi who teach them hand in hand.

Xia Changge felt that even if he was innately dull, it was not impossible for him to reach that level.

It's just a matter of time.

"Alright, let's try it later."

For Xiao Zi's kindness, Xia Changge must have directly agreed.

Returning to Dan Fuzong without any surprises, Xia Changge found Shi Feihan easily.

Concubine Shihan is fine now, but she was indeed detained in Dan Fuzong and could not go out.

And the person who detained Shi Concubine Han was none other than Li Die, who had a happy relationship with Xia Changge.

Obviously, Li Die still has no intention of giving up on Xiao Zi.

"Yang Kun is dead, take these spirit stones and go live in other states!"

It may be because it has been bound by the family for hundreds of years.

After arriving in the spirit world, Xia Changge planned to do whatever he wanted by himself.

Shi Feihan's help to Xia Changge was not small.

If it weren't for her, it would take more time for Xia Changge to refine the fifth-level talisman.

Similarly, Yang Kun's vest, Xia Changge, couldn't get it either.

After thinking about it, Xia Changge gave 400,000 of the top-grade spirit stone in his hand, which was regarded as some compensation for Concubine Shihan.

Xia Changge felt that the price he gave was already too high.

After all, there were only a few times between him and Concubine Shihan, and he gave 400,000 top-grade spirit stones.

If other people found out, Xia Changge might not be charged with price gouging.

Concubine Shihan was very surprised, and tremblingly said: " are..."

Is Xia Changge going to drive her away?

No matter how you say it, she is considered a beauty, and she is willing to stay by Xia Changge's side to serve him.

Isn't Xia Changge still happy?

Seeing Concubine Shihan's reluctance, Xia Changge must be a little happy.

After all, I am still very charming, and I won the title of Concubine Shihan so quickly...

Now it is indeed a physical and mental state that can be described as a widow.

Be proud of yourself.

There is no beauty anywhere in the world, Xia Changge has already looked down upon it, and explained: "You have also seen that there are many crises around me. If you follow me, you may encounter accidents one day, so leave early."

His words were extraordinarily sincere, which made Concubine Shi admire.

Thinking about being arranged by Li Die to join the inner sect of the Danfu Sect, perhaps it was because of Xia Changge.

"Even if someone wants to deal with you, I will be understood, right? The possibility of being implicated is very high. Without you, I'm afraid I have no room to resist. It's better to go to the dark with you."

This is the answer given by Shi Feihan.

She wasn't lying.

This is indeed one reason.

As for other reasons... Shi Feihan didn't say it directly.

Xia Changge shook his head straight after looking at it, and said, "Do whatever you want!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Changge took the little meritorious service he had gained from stationing for sixty years to the Buddhist scripture pavilion of Dan Fuzong to see if he could exchange it for the 'spiritual secret technique' he needed, and to study it carefully , from another field to improve their own strength.

He went directly to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion and checked it out as an inner disciple.

Compared with other means, divine powers are indeed much rarer, and there are not two copies in the entire Dan Fu sect.

If you want to understand those two soul secret arts, you can only be qualified if you have reached the Void Refining Realm.

Or only those descendants of the great monks in the Danfu sect can check in advance.

Xia Changge... doesn't have that qualification.

To be honest, Xia Changge wanted to expose his trump card of the law of life, let some elders accept him as an apprentice, and then take a rocket to improve his cultivation.

It can only be said... Xia Changge still lacks that courage.

After Xia Changge knew the result, he thought about going directly to the square city of Dan Fuzong to see if he could catch the leak.

Li Die appeared in front of Xia Changge, and said his 'advantage': "Junior Brother Xia, do you want the secret technique of the soul? I have a way to help you, Junior Brother Xia."

Xia Changge was speechless.

He chose to ignore this woman.

Li Die also seemed very patient: "As long as you give me that little guy, I will let my mother accept you as a direct disciple, and then you can get what you want."

To be honest, Xia Changge is really excited.

It seems that Li Die's parents should be high-ranking members of the Danfu Sect, probably terrifying monks who have crossed the Tribulation Realm.

There are such people who have accepted Xia Changge, but Xia Changge hasn't taken off yet.

It's a pity that the conditions of this exchange are too harsh.

"Daddy, why don't we just listen to her request, the big deal... I'll let her ride, anyway, she's a woman, can you accept it, Daddy? I believe you will avenge me in the future, and take care of their mother and daughter .”

Just when Xia Changge was about to leave, Xiao Zi's words almost made Xia Changge spit out old blood.

What is this tmd saying?

"My daughter, you are too naive. If she accepts you, she will definitely use those special magical means to enslave you. If that is the case, there are too many uncertain factors. How can I let you go? Take the risk."

Xia Changge also knew that Xiao Zi had good intentions.

At home, Xiao Zi is not even qualified to ride with Xia Changge's relatives.

Now that she is willing to make sacrifices for Xia Changge, how can Xia Changge complain about Xiao Zi's failure?

If you just do this, the risk factor is too great!

It was impossible for Xia Changge to agree.

If Xiao Zi's life and death were really in the hands of outsiders, Xia Changge couldn't do it.

Xiaozi once again explained to Xia Changge: "Don't worry, Daddy, I have confidence in my heart. You also know that I am good at devouring and refining, but I am only in a mere body state. Wanting to enslave me is simply a dream. I have been with you for so long Don't tell me, Daddy, you don't know my confidence? I'm just like you, I'm also afraid of death."

This made Xia Changge a little overwhelmed.

If it is really like what Xiao Zi said, this plan is indeed possible.

"Are you sure, Xiao Zi, please don't joke about this matter."

Xia Changge spoke again to confirm.

Xiao Zi was right.

Xia Changge is indeed possessive.

Xiao Zi is the only man who can ride.

But it is not impossible to let a woman come under special circumstances.

Xia Changge's tolerance for cleanliness is still unusual.

Xiao Zi answered very positively.

Seeing that Xia Changge was struggling, Li Die immediately felt that it was a game, and quickly increased his firepower: "As long as you agree, Junior Brother Xia, I can even add other conditions to the one I just mentioned, and I will definitely satisfy you." satisfy."

After Xia Changge pretended to be entangled for a while, he reluctantly stated his two conditions.

"One, you have to treat Xiaozi well in the future. If you want to use her as a mount, only you can ride it, and no one else can ride it."

Xia Changge's acting skills are very good, and the reluctance on his face made Li Die almost give up this idea.

It's just a little touch.

Li Die affirmed: "It's natural, I must be the only one who can ride my mount."

Through Xia Changge's previous words, Li Die also learned that Xiao Zi was his mother, which made her like it even more.

"Second, I need a hundred Heaven and Earth Fusion Pills, can you meet this requirement?"

Li Die's serious appearance reassured Xia Changge a little.

But to prevent any accidents from happening.

After Xia Changge's needs are fulfilled, he will take Xiao Zi to leave Dan Fuzong earlier, and go to other forces to avoid the limelight.

One hundred Heaven and Earth Melting Spirit Pills were used by Xia Changge to practice the "Melting Spirit Scripture" and transform his physical strength.

This request caused Li Die a little heartache.

The value of a hundred heaven and earth fusion spirit pills is not something she can easily bear.

But thinking about the news she inquired, Xiao Zi's current strength is comparable to that of the late stage of the God Transformation Realm, and it is the top level.

A little bit of cultivation is the strength of the combined state.

It must be worthwhile to exchange a hundred Heaven and Earth Fusion Spirit Pills for Xiao Zi.

"Okay, I promise you too!"

After gritting his teeth, Li Die also agreed to Xia Changge's request.

Xia Changge turned the page and was silent for a while, then said: "Then... Senior Sister Li, please complete your conditions first."

After Li Die and Xia Changge stipulated their own small requirements, they parted ways with Xia Changge.

She was going to prepare Xia Changge's Heaven and Earth Melting Spirit Pill, and also go to persuade her mother to accept Xia Changge as a personal disciple.

The Heaven and Earth Harmony Spirit Pill is just a waste of money.

The latter request is to ask her to intrigue with her own mother.

"Daddy, why do you want this? Could it be that I'm so worthless in your eyes?"

After Li Die left, UU read a book www. Xiao Zi complained to Xia Changge very unhappy.

Was the price Xia Changge sold her at too low?

One hundred heaven and earth fusion spirit pills were sent away?

Xia Changge didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and explained: "After I improve my body training and spirit, I will take you on a run, so it's better not to trick this bitch, I can't bear it, you It's priceless in my heart, if you didn't plan it like this, I wouldn't let you take advantage of that bitch's time."

Such an answer made Xiao Zi a little proud.

Xia Changge immediately changed the subject: "Let's go, take advantage of this opportunity, let's go to the Danfu Sect's Fangshi to see the situation, maybe there is something that can help you grow."

He knows that there are actually many things that are helpful to Xiao Zi in the major markets.

It's a pity that he couldn't afford it, so he could only find a way to pick up the leak.

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