MTL - Immortal Fate of Longevity: Starting From Taking Care of Daoist Brothers, Wife and Daughter-Chapter 334 : Middle Stage of Transformation God Realm

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"Senior Sister, Junior Brother still has something important to do, so I will take my leave first."

If there were any, Xia Changge felt tired even as he said them.

It's useless to say a lot.

Xia Changge didn't say anything to her, and just got up and left.

He didn't believe that this person really dared to do anything to rob and coerce in such a large crowd.

Li Die looked at Xia Changge who left, and didn't care too much.

At least if she is a disciple of Dan Fuzong, then she has countless ways to solve it.

What she wants to get, at least in the Pill Talisman Sect... There is nothing she can't get.

Xia Changge came out of the Pill Talisman Sect, and said to Xiao Zi with emotion: "Little guy, when we come to this spiritual world, your father and I feel the powerlessness that we felt when we were only at the Qi Refining Realm in the Evergreen Realm. gone."

The current Xia Changge really has a little bit of regret.

Maybe he should really come back to the spirit world after cultivating to the state of integration in the evergreen world, which would be a good way.

Xiao Zi is also very helpless: "I have nothing to do. Now I lack nutrition, and my strength can't bring you any help, Daddy, only in the late stage of the transformation of the gods."

Xia Changge didn't blame Xiao Zi for saying this, but to be honest with Xiao Zi.

On the contrary, he blamed himself for not being able to provide Xiao Zi with enough growth food.

This emotional sound surprised Shi Feihan a little.

Could it be that Xia Changge is really not a reliable person?

"Let's go, go back to Red Copper Mountain, and study your talisman technique."

Xia Changge wasn't wasting time.

As Xia Changge expected, on the way back, when he was about to enter the Red Copper Mountain boundary, Xia Changge really encountered trouble.

Yang Kun didn't do it himself, but found a late stage of the God Transformation Realm and two middle stage of the God Transformation Realm to trouble Xia Changge, trying to use Xia Changge's power of the law of death on the three surrogate ghosts. Let him deal with Xia Changge more easily after subsequent shots.

It's just a pity that the plan was perfect, but it didn't work.

Xiao Zi alone is enough to deal with the three cultivators in the Transformation God Realm.

The gap between the realms of transformation into gods is also extremely huge.

Xia Changge and Shi Feihan easily blocked the two mid-stages of the God Transformation Realm, and just waited for Xiaozi to kill this battle by herself.

The unilateral murder shocked even Shi Feihan.

Looking at the three space rings that Xiao Zi slapped over, Xia Changge suddenly realized.

After being at peace for so long, he actually forgot the fastest way to get money.

Or he was just a little too kind.

Shi Feihan didn't expect that Xia Changge's own strength was indeed not good, but the mount he was riding was so powerful!

She originally thought that Xiao Zi was an ordinary monster with early strength in the God Transformation Realm.

Now it seems that it is definitely not that simple.

Safely returned to his cave.

There are flower spirits in his house as eyes, so he can know if anyone has trespassed into his cave during his absence.

With the help of the three fellow daoists, Xia Changge gave a lot at once.

He threw all three interspatial rings to Xiao Zi, and asked Xiao Zi to take care of sorting them out, and at the same time, select and refine them to see if there were any resources that would be helpful to her practice.

"Let's get started, let me see how the fifth-level talisman is made."

After returning home, Xia Changge took a short rest, and then began to drain Shi Feihan's remaining value.

The strength shown by Xia Changge has also been initially recognized by Shi Feihan.

Shi Feihan is just like teaching an apprentice, she is good at teaching Xia Changge how to study the fifth-level talisman, without reservation.

It is also very simple to make a talisman that focuses on lethality. It mainly depends on the strength of the creator.

If the person who made the talisman only had a cultivation base in the mid-stage of the God Transformation Realm, then the power that could be erupted by making the talisman would only be able to hurt the mid-stage God Transformation Realm.

It is illogical for the God Transformation Realm to make a talisman that threatens the monks of the Fit Body Realm.

In addition to mastering the know-how and steps of making the five-level talisman.

The most important thing is the storage and application of the creator's own mana in the talisman, which is the reason why the talisman bursts out with power.

After understanding this, Xia Changge suddenly realized.

The information given in the book is indeed too little.

After solving this difficulty, Xia Changge felt that his progress was enough.

If Xia Changge didn't borrow spirits of other attributes to make other talismans.

Only special alien talismans related to the power of death can be made.

Xia Changge still doesn't understand the application of the law of life.

It feels like the laws of life are all about enhancing, not hurting.

This made Xia Changge weigh the gains and losses.

As long as he slowly uses the power of the law of death, he can create a talisman that contains the power of death without losing his lifespan.

Among other things, Xia Changge believed that under two or three five-level death talismans, the monks in the early stage of transforming the gods would definitely have no way to survive.

It's just... the mere ants in the early stage of becoming a **** are not worthy of Xia Changge's use of the fifth-level death talisman.

"Your really strong..."

In just five years, Xia Changge successfully transformed from a fourth-level talisman teacher to a fifth-level.

This made Shi Feihan simply not able to believe it.

Xia Changge's learning speed is a little too fast.

"Okay, go down and do your own thing, I have other things to do too."

After finally learning some tricks, Xia Changge's heart was extremely happy.

Next, he needs to run his Sacred Heart Art well to recover the damage done to his body after using the law of death.

In addition, Xia Changge really needs to refine the 'Heaven and Earth Harmony Spirit Pill'.

With only three materials, Xia Changge can only try it out, lest what he has been thinking about all the time will affect his state instead.

Perhaps after Xia Changge refined the fifth-level talisman, he also drifted away, which made Xia Changge have enough self-confidence.

I think that I have been in contact with alchemy for a long time, and I might succeed in refining the fifth-order elixir, the heaven and earth fusion spirit elixir after I try it.

As a result, all three medicinal materials were wasted.

The hard work of the previous sixty years was wasted for thirty years.

Xia Changge was so angry that he directly slapped the pill furnace away.

To Xia Changge, the raw materials of these three Heaven and Earth Harmonizing Pills were no longer too valuable.

Anyway, Xia Changge has already received the support of three Taoist friends at the level of transforming gods, and his net worth is not bad. He has 370,000 top-grade spirit stones in his hand, plus a few spirit treasures, and many materials.

Calculated, Xia Changge can buy thirty sets of raw materials for the fusion of heaven and earth, which are more than enough.

But the raw materials for these three heaven and earth fusion spirit pills were obtained by Xia Changge's decades of hard work and sixty years of working for the Dan Fuzong.

The meaning is completely different!

There was no good result, which naturally made Xia Changge feel unwilling.

"Huh? This is..."

Xia Changge could never have imagined that it was his unintentional move.

After he reached the realm of transforming gods, the earth soul that he hadn't found for a hundred years unexpectedly appeared.

This soul has been attached to the pill furnace that Xia Changge brought from the spirit world.

Xia Changge felt what it meant to be a blessing in disguise.

If the raw materials of the Third Heaven and Earth Melting Spirit Pill can get the chance to advance to the late stage of the God Transformation Realm, Xia Changge will have to do this business no matter what.

Now Xia Changge's three souls of heaven, earth and man are only short of the most mysterious and mysterious soul of heaven.

Xia Changge didn't get too entangled, and absorbed the power of the earth soul he had lost.

With the return of another soul, Xia Changge's primordial spirit also underwent further transformation.

He felt that his soul was almost the same as that of the monks in the middle or even late stages of the Fusion Realm.

It's a pity...Xia Changge didn't have the means to use his soul to attack.

Although Extreme God Tribulation has power in some aspects, it is still too simple.

If there is a chance in the future, Xia Changge will combine the means of attacking the spirit and soul in this world to match his own extreme divine robbery, and research the real means of attacking the spirit and soul.

At that time, Xia Changge's strength will be even stronger.

After more than seven years of retreat, Xia Changge can be regarded as having completely transformed his soul.

"Heavenly soul, heavenly soul, I hope you can come sooner!"

After feeling so emotional in his heart, Xia Changge ignored other things and continued to make his own death talisman.

Seeing Xia Changge practicing so hard, Shi Feihan also breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that relying on Xia Changge is indeed a very wise choice.

This is a cultivating maniac!

But for some reason, Shi Feihan felt like she was going crazy.

Wouldn't it be a good day if Xia Changge only provided her with a shelter and didn't do anything to her?

But in her heart, she longed for Xia Changge to really make her pay some price for it...

There is still a square city near Red Copper Mountain, and Xia Changge can easily obtain the raw materials needed to construct the five-level talisman.

Basically, every three years, he can slowly produce a fifth-level talisman that contains the power of the law of death.

This production capacity can only be said to be average, but Xia Changge is really satisfied.

Spent a long time leisurely.

Xia Changge has been in Dan Fuzong for 120 years.

In the realm of transforming gods, time is worthless.

There are gains, but the biggest gain is reaching the late stage of Transforming God Realm and becoming a fifth-level talisman master.

At least walking the rivers and lakes will not end up starving to death.

After reaching the late stage of the God Transformation Realm, the power of the law of death produced by Xia Changge is naturally more powerful.

His personal guess.

As long as the cultivators at the late stage of the God Transformation Realm who have not deliberately refined their bodies, face their two death talismans directly, they will be severely injured, or even die.

"Let's go, I won't come here again."

The current Xia Changge, with all his skills, no longer looks down on such a dead salary.

After completing this task handover, Xia Changge will choose to give up.

Xia Changge's words made Concubine Shi Han feel a little lucky.

After packing up his little valuable things, he left with Xia Changge.

Before leaving, Xia Changge also discussed with Shi Feihan.

What should I do if I meet Yang Kun on the way to Dan Fuzong.

Things went as Xia Changge expected, the road to Dan Fuzong was not so smooth.

As soon as he left Red Copper Mountain with his harvest, he was besieged by seven people.

In addition to Yang Kun, there is also a monk who is in the early stage of the body.

The remaining five are all in the God Transformation Realm.

This time, when facing Xia Changge, Yang Kun was already fully confident.

It really surprised him that Xia Changge was able to kill the three people he was tempting before.

But now, no surprises!

Seeing Yang Kun's large number of people, Xia Changge was obviously a little afraid, and with a flattering smile, he said, "Your fellow Daoist Yang, would you have thought that you have so many brothers?"

Seeing the incomparably real reaction on Xia Changge's face, Yang Kun smiled amusedly: "Fellow Daoist Xia, why did you suddenly have such a big change in your attitude towards me?"

Xia Changge chuckled: "Young Daoist Yang, it was all my fault before. In fact, I didn't have much interest in this woman. It was because this woman bribed me with talisman knowledge that I cooperated with her in acting. I didn't do anything to her at all." , Slut, get the **** out."

After finishing speaking, Xia Changge threw Concubine Shihan over.

Shi Feihan cooperated with Xia Changge's performance, and showed an angry expression at Xia Changge: "You...shameless!"

The performance between Xia Changge and Shi Feihan made Yang Kun feel particularly interesting.

"Concubine Shihan, I've said it all, you can't escape my palm, tell me, how should I deal with a disobedient woman like you?"

Yang Kun looked at Shi Feihan.

This woman... really cost him too much effort!

If it wasn't for his uncle asking for this woman by name, why would he bother with this!

Fortunately, everything has come to an end.

The position of young master of the Yang family finally fell into his hands!


Shi Feihan scolded Yang Kun angrily.

Yang Kun didn't care about it either, and asked his friend Su Ming, who was in the early stage of the body-fit state, to control Shi Feihan and deal with it a little bit!

Su Ming looked at Shi Feihan greedily, as if he had already thought of some beautiful scenes that would happen.

"That, I'll go first."

Xia Changge acted very cowardly at this time.

Two Composite Boundary cultivators...he really had to plan how to solve it.

However, Yang Kun signaled two subordinates to stop Xia Changge in front, and then said, "Fellow Daoist Xia, I am very interested in your mount. I wonder if you can part with it?"

Xiao Zi showed the ability to kill the monks in the late stage of the transformation of the gods before, which made Yang Kun very greedy.

Such a pet beast is expected to reach the qualifications of the Fusion Realm, and even the Void Refining Realm!

How could Xia Changge be worthy of such an auspicious beast!

As for Xia Changge himself...Yang Kun's heart is inclined to cut grass and roots.

But if Xia Changge behaves obediently...he doesn't mind sparing Xia Changge's life.

Xia Changge got into a tangle.

"Ah! Bitch!"

At this moment, Su Ming who was at the side heard a miserable cry.

I saw that there was already a black dead air in Su Ming's chest, and it began to spread all over his eyes and his whole body.

Xia Changge accumulated twelve five-level death talismans by himself during the Jiazi period.

I gave five to Concubine Shihan, and I still have seven in my hand.

Naturally, it is impossible for him not to be prepared for Yang Kun to make trouble.

And Yang Kun dared to come, so it is impossible not to have enough confidence.

It's good to plan a lot.

Shi Feihan can be regarded as the four who are in self-defense. This time, they only used four kinds of fifth-level death talismans, and the last one was left in their hands.

Seeing that the four cards were only to severely injure Su Ming instead of killing him, Shi Feihan immediately threw out the last death talisman.

Regardless of his severely injured body, Su Ming transferred his mana to condense into a shield.

Fortunately, the power of law burst out from the death talisman was engulfed by the raging flames.

Taking advantage of this time period, all seven death talismans in Xia Chang's singer were thrown out.

He wasn't going to deal with Yang Kun.

Yang Kun is now ready to gather soil into a shield.

Therefore, Xia Changge's seven death talismans were only aimed at the remaining five monks who were in the late stage of transforming gods.

In an instant, the bodies of the three monks in the late stage of the state of transformation turned into ashes, leaving only the primordial spirit howling angrily in the air.

The remaining two monks in the late stage of the God Transformation Realm reasoned one after another and looked at Xia Changge warily.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, alas, why do you want to kill yourself, you really treat me like a persimmon?"

There is no death talisman among Xia Chang singers.

But he is not afraid.

He also has the life-saving stunt 'Seven Endless Realms'.

Xia Changge really didn't use this method much.

Now, it's time to use it!


At this moment, UU Reading Yang Kun already knew that there was no way out.

The Lingbao'soft snake sword' wrapped around his waist cut off Xia Changge's body with one sword before Xia Changge noticed it.

It seemed that Xia Changge was directly torn into pieces.

"Hahahaha, trash! Thanks to how powerful I still think of you..."

After a successful blow, Yang Kun was stunned, and immediately let out wild words.

Seeing this scene, Concubine Shi was stunned. is this possible...

Xia Changge was killed just like that?

She actually felt a little heartache.

Not only because of Xia Changge, without Xia Changge's protection, her end will be miserable, but also because of other things!

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