MTL - Immortal Fate of Longevity: Starting From Taking Care of Daoist Brothers, Wife and Daughter-Chapter 272 : Zhenjun's half disciple, the inheritance of the fox clan

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

Xia Changge held the Apocalypse Spiritual Jade and channeled his mana very smoothly.

Xia Changge sent a trace of the five kinds of mana respectively.

At this time, Ruan Linghu was also very curious about what the outcome of Xia Changge's situation would be.

She is in the country of Zhao, so she is also the imperial concubine.

Also came into contact with this thing.

Her son, except for the time required to reach the Golden Core Realm, was rated as a mid-level heaven.

In short, it is the time it takes to reach the Golden Core Realm, and the time it takes to reach the later stage of the Golden Core Realm is very little, and it is at a very good level.

Because this column is the easiest to build, and if the resources are thrown into it, it will not be bad every time.

The rest are just prefecture level.

Bu Xianhan's son, Zhao Feng, is not far behind her son, Zhao Chan.

Even the emperor Zhao Tianming's average level is not up to the heavenly level.

This is the limitation of imperial power policy.

No matter how strong the bloodline is, it is impossible for future generations to remain strong forever.

Moreover, the truly excellent offspring may also miss out on that high position because of the power of their mother's family.

This is also why the emperor of Zhao Guo has given him hit opponents in vain for several generations.

It may have had an ending in the beginning.

Ruan Linghu himself also tested it.

In terms of various attributes, she surpassed Zhao Tianming, and her comprehensive rating almost reached the lower level of the sky.

This can be regarded as a slap in the face of Zhao Tianming.

As the head of a country, he is not as good as his own woman?

Such a result, of course, needless to say.

This made the results after the test not a surprise to Xia Changge.

The quality of Xia Changge's mana is still top-notch, it has not declined, and it has even improved steadily!

Xia Changge is now one hundred and forty years old, and he has cultivated all five kinds of mana to perfection.

The original Xia Changge, this is a shortcoming.

During the Changsheng Xianmen test, because Xia Changge reached the Golden Core Realm at the age of 90, he was rated as low at the prefectural level.

But now, the five kinds of magic powers are complete. In theory, Xia Changge can even be called a monk in the "late stage of the golden core state", but he has not reached the peak of the golden core state.

At the age of 139, he has reached this point, and he is already eligible to be selected as the first class in the sky.

Having stayed in the Golden Core Realm for only 40 years, he has achieved such a cultivation level, so that none of Xia Changge's ratings is lower than the sky level.

This achievement can also be called the number one in the Ice and Snow Temple!

"How is this possible"

Xia Changge felt that the result was within his expectation.

But Bai Chuan was immediately dumbfounded.

Xia Changge's rating completely exceeded his expectations.

The comprehensive level is the medium level of the sky level, and it is almost the top level of the sky level!

Two small ranks higher than himself!

Can Bai Chuan not be hit?

Ruan Linghu never imagined that the talent of this bad batch was so terrible.

Her son, the Seventh Prince, was considered a genius in Zhao State. Compared with Xia Changge, he was simply far behind!

"Fellow Daoist Bai, how are you doing?"

Xia Changge is also aware of his progress during this period of time, and all of this must be within his expectations.

But outsiders definitely don't know.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

Bai Chuan really wanted to slap Xia Changge to death with one slap, and pretend that this person had never been here.

But obviously this is impossible.

Even if he had made such great achievements in the battle between the two clans in the Yan Kingdom, it was impossible for him to keep a genius like Xia Changge out of the door.

Doing that would not only make him look small, but would also lead to severe punishment from the True Monarch of the Ice and Snow Temple early, maybe he would be beaten to death directly.

Bai Chuan didn't dare to act recklessly.

"Two friends, please."

Now, Bai Chuan can be regarded as knowing why a superb goblin like Ruan Linghu can put down her figure to be with Xia Changge, a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core Realm, and is so affectionate and obedient.

Except that the weakness of a vixen like Ruan Linghu was taken advantage of by Xia Changge.

With Xia Changge's terrifying talent, there are not many Nascent Soul Realm female cultivators who do not feel weak in their legs.

Investing early... makes sense!

He even admired Ruan Linghu, the goblin's gaze.

Bai Chuan took the initiative to take Xia Changge and Ruan Linghu to the high place in the snow peak of the Ice and Snow Temple.

This place can basically be resisted only by reaching the Nascent Soul Realm.

It was cold and cold.

Bai Chuan said to Xia Changge: "Can Fellow Daoist Xia hold it? If not, just stay here."

After knowing Xia Changge's talent, Bai Chuan's attitude changed a lot, and he took the initiative to "ask for warmth".

Xia Changge shook his head directly: "It's nothing, this extreme cold is nothing to me at all."

The environment here is indeed harsh, but Xia Changge can still bear it.

Even...withstanding it without much pressure.

Seeing that Xia Changge didn't seem to be telling a lie, Bai Chuan stopped talking and moved on.

When Xia Changge said that, he was indeed pretending.

But Bai Chuan...couldn't find any faults.

In my heart, I can only admire Xia Changge, who deserves to be a monster with a comprehensive rating of mid-day, and he really has that ability!

Xia Changge also gradually felt the aura of the other Nascent Soul Realm monks.

At the same time, he also saw an 'old acquaintance'.

Hu Hanting and Hu Hanshuang are two siblings.

Seeing that Xia Changge, a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core Realm, could talk and laugh happily here, the two brothers and sisters were deeply shocked.

After a little questioning, the two brothers and sisters knew about Xia Changge's 'scary'.

The attitude towards Xia Changge has also undergone a huge change.

Hu Hanshuang quietly looked at Xia Changge.

Originally, she only thought that Xia Changge was a little trash who ate soft food.

After all, this is the first thought of anyone who sees a male monk in the middle stage of Jindan realm and a woman in the late stage of Nascent Soul realm together.

Xia Changge looked no different from Xia Changge when he was in the bamboo house.

But this time Hu Hanshuang saw Xia Changge's confidence, and saw Xia Changge's goodness.

Guessing in my heart that this man should be a generous gentleman who doesn't care about other people's prejudices at all, right?

It's... different!

After Bai Chuan brought this matter up.

Beyond the sky, a circle of light descended.

After the snow-white light waves enveloped Xia Changge, they brought Xia Changge to the top of the snow peak.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

This aperture allows Xia Changge to ignore the pressure from the high altitude and easily exist in such an environment.

A while later, as Xia Changge came to the highest point of the snow peak, he also saw Yan Qingwu, the king of the Yan Kingdom.

Yan Qingwu is already a woman who is several thousand years old, and her appearance is indeed a little weak.

But she is still a... ice jade beauty.

It may be because of practicing Zhihan Gongfa.

Xia Changge only felt the word 'cold' on her body.

Xia Changge didn't even dare to imagine if there was a slightly warmer place on this woman.

that look...

Xia Changge felt a hundred times, a thousand times sharper than the shocking robbery after he had refined the eyes of the demon king in the Nascent Soul Realm!

Yan Qingwu just had a look in his eyes, the kind that could completely freeze Xia Changge, unable to free himself.

too terrifying!

With my own strength, I can still be rampant in front of the Nascent Soul Realm.

But in front of Huashen Zhenjun, he is just an ant.

It's no wonder that these Spirit Transformation True Monarchs won't fight.

If this gets angry, one look can kill countless Nascent Soul Realm monsters.

Xia Changge immediately bowed and saluted: "I have seen... Zhenjun!"

Yan Qingwu was the first Huashen Zhenjun that Xia Changge met.

It also satisfied all his fantasies about Huashen Zhenjun.

There was some tremor in Xia Changge's voice.

"You are not from Yan Kingdom."

Yan Qingwu didn't turn her back on Xia Changge or anything, she just gave him a whoring glance and exposed Xia Changge's details.

In fact, this is also very normal.

After all, it was not long ago that the two clans fought.

It may be because of the special environment of Yan Kingdom, all of them live in seclusion.

Many Nascent Soul Realm cultivators in Yan Kingdom don't know who are Nascent Soul Realm cultivators in their country, and it's normal for a strange one to pop up from time to time.

They don't think anyone can reach the land of Yan from abroad.

But Yan Qingwu, as the ruler of this country, thinks it would be like if Zhao Minyan had a spiritual treasure to supervise the entire Zhao country, knowing that Yan country does not have Xia Changge, a Jindan monk, and the half-fox demon king of Nascent Soul very normal thing.

If Yan Qingwu was bewitched so easily, she wouldn't be worthy of being the ruler of this country.

"Yes, Hui Zhenjun, as for Zhao, the casualties of the demon clan have been heavy recently, so I am brave enough to come here to experience the exotic scenery!"

Xia Changge didn't play tricks on this either, he just admitted it.

After all, if you lie in front of Huashen Zhenjun, or continue to deceive yourself and others when you have been exposed, it is simply asking for trouble for yourself.

It's good to admit it openly, anyway, as the true king of Huashen, you won't embarrass him about such a small matter, right?

"You don't plan to go back to Zhao country?"

Yan Qingwu also admired Xia Changge's courage.

She really doesn't have any opinions.

Xia Changge has nothing to do with Zhao Guo.

As long as he is willing to be a member of the Yan Kingdom with peace of mind in the future, Yan Qingwu will naturally treat him equally.

Xia Changge replied: "To tell you the truth, I will go back in a few years. I already have a family business in Zhao, how can I abandon my wife and son."

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

After hearing about it, Yan Qingwu was also amused, and said curiously: "On the way back, for you, the crisis continues. Even if that fox has a high level of cultivation, he may not be able to keep you. Are you not afraid of death?"

To be honest, for a monk like Xia Changge in the mid-Gold Core Realm to get the heart of a goblin in the late Nascent Soul Realm, Yan Qingwu also feels different.

She could see that Ruan Linghu was not acting, but giving his heart.

Such a pair, I am afraid that it is rare to see through the ages!

Xia Changge is very confident: "I still have a lot of confidence in this point. It will not be difficult to return to Zhao."

He was just confident and didn't reveal his hole cards.

Thinking about it, the True Monarch of Huashen wouldn't care about the means of a young monk at the Golden Core Realm.

For a moment, Yan Qingwu didn't know what to say.

After being silent for a while, she finally said: "That man Zhao Minyan is very stingy, just because of the last words of the woman who gave her life for him, in the territory of Zhao State, if you are talented, you are just reduced to the status of a minister of Zhao State Forget it, you might as well stay in Yan Country, as long as you have enough strength and enough luck, you may not be able to...take my place, no matter how bad it is, you won't be reduced to a retainer."

Yan Qingwu's words also brought some clues to Xia Changge.

"If the true king is willing to accept me as an apprentice, I will do my best."

For this opportunity, if Xia Changge can fight for it, he can also fight for it.

If Yan Qingwu doesn't like her, then Xia Changge can only leave honestly.

Yan Qingwu knew that Xia Changge's family wanted to have a large population, so it was not practical for Xia Changge's entire family to move to the country of Yan.

And letting Xia Changge break up with his family and become his disciple... is also very difficult to do.

If Xia Changge really gave up all family affection, Yan Qingwu would not be able to accept him.

After all, Xia Changge can even abandon her own relatives, let alone her 'mentor'?

If there are enough benefits in the future, it is not impossible to do things that deceive teachers and exterminate ancestors!

"Forget it, you can stay in the Ice and Snow Temple to practice. As for the rest, we will talk about it after you reach the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm!"

In the end, Yan Qingwu gave up on accepting disciples.

Xia Changge's talent is not bad.

But to reach the ultimate Nascent Soul within three hundred years... Yan Qingwu is not confident about this either.

The day when she attained enlightenment was also when she was seven hundred years old.

But Xia Changge can be regarded as a seed player she reserved.

This time, she and the Golden Empress fought, and although she generally won, her disciples also lost to the daughter of the Golden Empress.

So, the two of them actually win and lose each other.

Regarding this matter, Yan Qingwu also wanted to change.

There are also three selected seed players plus Xia Changge.

Accepting apprentices... In any case, Xia Changge has to reach the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm!

After all, Xia Changge himself is still from the Zhao country, and Yan Qingwu was also worried that she would treat Xia Changge with all her heart and soul, but in the end it would be cheaper for Zhao Minyan.

Moreover, if Xia Changge couldn't even cross the hurdle of Nascent Soul Realm, there would be no point in accepting disciples.

Yan Qingwu's words made Xia Changge understand that he should not have been favored by the true emperor temporarily. Yan Qingwu didn't tell him that he was still under observation, and even assigned himself a teaching task.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

If I finish it myself, maybe I can make it.

If it can't be completed, then of course there is nothing to do.

In this regard, Xia Changge was not discouraged in the slightest.

Now that he knows his talent, he feels at ease.

Back in Zhao country, it is also possible to practice the power of the last two attributes honestly.

Xia Changge felt that in maybe thirty or forty years, he would be able to complete the cultivation of the Golden Core Realm and reach the perfection of the Golden Core Realm.

Thirty years is but a blink of an eye if one seriously retreats.

"I am willing to join the Ice and Snow Temple."

In any case, joining the Ice and Snow Temple can be regarded as a name, and Xia Changge is naturally happy.

Yan Qingwu nodded slightly: "Yes, you are now the third Xuezi of the Ice and Snow Temple, your status... is not below those top elders in the late Nascent Soul Realm, but you can't order anything, you can get ten extremely cold snow crystals every year , can it be accumulated, cultivation resources... You can exchange the Infant Transformation Pill by yourself in the future, these are the only two things I can help you practice."

After Xia Changge agreed, Yan Qingwu gave Xia Changge two pieces.

One contains extremely terrifying metallic power, and the other has earth attribute.

It seems that this is for Xia Changge's follow-up practice.

Xia Changge has already backed up metal and earth attributes.

But if Yan Qingwu can give it, can Xia Changge not?

What's more, Xia Changge felt that these two things were very different!

"Zhenjun, I don't know if this is..."

Xia Changge asked tentatively.

I just simply ask myself what this thing is, isn't it too much?

Yan Qingwu didn't hide anything, and explained: "These are the stars, meteorites and void silver treasures that I got from outside the sky. They are the top two attribute resources, and they can allow you to quickly complete the cultivation of the two mana powers of gold and earth. You accept it, these two things are available to every Xuezi, I hope you can do what you say, and at the same time, don't let me down."

Xia Changge nodded, expressing that he would never break his promise.

At the same time, Xia Changge also deeply admired and envied him.

A cultivator like Yan Qingwu, who is in the realm of transforming gods, might be able to go beyond this world, right?

I don't know if there is a way to leave this world.

After Xia Changge agreed to come down, Yan Qingwu sent Xia Changge down.

Ruan Linghu, Bai Chuan, Hu Hanting, and Hu Hanshuang were all waiting in place.

After Xia Changge came down, Bai Chuan hurriedly said, "I don't know, Fellow Daoist Xia..."

Xia Changge didn't hide it: "It's just Xuezi's identity, it's nothing serious."

Yun Dan's light words made Bai Chuan, Hu Hanshuang and Hu Hanting brothers and sisters want to shout, "Don't pretend!"

It's just a Xuezi's identity.

After all, Xuezi's status can be regarded as second only to Yan Qingwu, the real king, in the Ice and Snow Temple.

Before Xia Changge came, there were only two of them!

This guy still speaks so lightly, it's too much!

"Fellow Daoist Xia, do you want to cultivate here? If you need it, I can arrange a suitable place for you, Fellow Daoist."

Bai Chuan didn't think Xia Changge dared to talk nonsense about such a matter.

If you offend Zhenjun, you will be beaten to death directly.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

So it must be true that Xia Changge is the third Xuezi in the Ice and Snow Temple.

Today's Xia Changge is not inferior to him.

Even if his cultivation level is not as good, it is not something that Bai Chuan can despise.

Naturally, Bai Chuan had to be treated politely.

Xia Changge thought that if he had left nothing behind in the Ice and Snow Temple, Yan Qingwu might really think that he was 'deceiving' her, and that he did this only to defraud Yan Qingwu of the resources in his hands.

At that time, if that woman gets angry, even Zhao Guo's Huashen Zhenjun will not be able to protect herself.

What's more...Xia Changge didn't want that True Monarch to know so much about him.

So Xia Changge said: "Then I will trouble you, Fellow Daoist Bai."

He didn't just want to find a place for himself here, but in the future, he might come to the Ice and Snow Temple every ten years or so to say hello to Yan Qingwu, to show that he was in Zhao Ying and his heart was in Yan.

Under Bai Chuan's arrangement, Xia Changge also had an ice crystal palace in the snow peak of the Ice and Snow Temple, which was regarded as a place for cultivation.

The iceberg where the Ice and Snow Temple is located is the only two fifth-order spirit veins in Yan Kingdom.

Moved together by Yan Qingwu with great supernatural power.

The cultivation environment here is better than Zhao Guojing.

This is also the reason why so many people gather here.

In this severe cold environment, most people are afraid that they have already been frozen to the point of being 'pure and ascetic', so what other thoughts do they have?

Although Xia Changge said he was angry, he was quite honest in this place.

After driving Bai Chuan and the others away, Ruan Linghu said in admiration, "I never thought you... would be so powerful."

Yes, as for Xia Changge's background, there are not many big forces in Zhao country who don't know about it.

It's really scary that a small casual cultivator can make it to this day.

The performance in Zhao Guo has made everyone unexpected.

Now that he's on Yan's side, Ruan Linghu almost kneels down in front of Xia Changge from the bottom of his heart.

"Whether I'm powerful or not, shouldn't you have known?"

Xia Changge will definitely not be modest.

Since I am a hidden 'Heavenly Proud Son'.

Now, even Yan Kingdom's Huashen Zhenjun wants to make himself a battle with that monster clan and monster **** in three hundred years' time.

Although he was only one of the preliminaries, Xia Chang could no longer keep a low profile.

Xia Changge knew that this battle was about life and death.

But Xia Changge had to go too.

Because... this seems to be the only way for Xia Changge to come into contact with the realm of 'Hua Shen' now.

Xia Changge...absolutely cannot give up.

Likewise, he absolutely cannot be defeated!

In the past three hundred years, Xia Changge will let his strength reach its peak!

He will naturally do his best to make himself stronger.

"How about that True Lord of Transformation God?"

As a vixen, Ruan Linghu is very adaptable to this kind of joke, and has no reaction to it.

Instead, he cared about what the True Monarch Huashen looked like.

Up to now, she has never seen the face of any True Monarch.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

At this time, Xia Changge didn't dare to be arrogant, but just transmitted his spiritual sense: "It's too cold, even if it's beautiful, in my opinion, it's not one-tenth as good as you, a coquettish fox."

Xia Changge's state of mind has gradually matured.

It's no longer the mentality of coveting any beauty you see.

For that real gentleman.

Xia Changge... With respect, but I really don't think she is better than this coquettish fox like myself.

However, Xia Changge didn't dare to say these words directly.

If the True Monarch of Huashen heard about it, wouldn't he want to give himself some shoes to wear?

Therefore, it is enough to let Ruan Linghu know about the sound transmission of spiritual consciousness.

A vixen like Ruan Linghu would not talk nonsense if he wanted to know what he meant.

"Heh~ Will I believe a man's words?"

Ruan Linghu had a hint of sarcasm on his face.

She is not confident enough to compare with Huashen Zhenjun.

However, Xia Changge's words, even if they are false, are enough to satisfy the person he likes.

It's just that Ruan Linghu felt a pity that Xia Changge would drift into the girl's boudoir when he returned to Zhao country.

Xia Changge didn't continue joking, but took out what he got and discussed it with Ruan Linghu.

Ruan Linghu said with emotion: "This item is indeed very rare. The entire royal family of Zhao Kingdom, only my son and Zhao Feng have used it, and the Sky Splitting Sword Sect... I don't know, but there may be only one person who can use it. , you should make good use of it, it is indeed able to greatly reduce the training time and at the same time meet the needs, one piece is more than enough."

These things are so rare that Huashen Zhenjun dare not randomly distribute them to his subordinates.

It is not easy to find these things in the void.

Not only hard to find, but also dangerous

Xia Changge also restrained it.

With a knowledgeable person like Ruan Linghu speaking, it seems that the time it takes for Xia Changge to reach the peak of the Golden Core Realm will be shortened again.

"Are you going to the Ice Crystal Fox Clan? It's okay to delay here for a few years."

The original Xia Changge didn't dare to go to the Ice Crystal Demon Fox Clan because he was worried that some small tricks by the Ice Crystal Demon Fox would make Xia Changge feel troublesome, after all, he was not strong enough.

But now, although Xia Changge's strength has not improved, his identity has undergone a huge change.

In the country of Zhao, Xia Changge is almost the same as the Seventh Prince and Zhao Feng before they ascended the throne.

His strength is not very strong, but there is no place in the entire Zhao country that he dare not go to, and no one dares to do anything to him.

The Bingjing Meihu didn't dare to move in the slightest.

Maybe it's also because of my self-confidence.

Xia Changge felt that maybe... he could really reach the state of transforming gods.

He naturally hopes that his own woman can also reach this level, and then stay together and fly together.

Now it seems that Ruan Linghu may only have such a small chance.

Besides... other women, maybe her daughter Xia Yijiao, if she had the chance... could also become the heir of the true monarch, and go to fight with the descendants of the monster clan to get her enlightenment.

other people…

If Xia Changge didn't have unparalleled strength in the world.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

They are afraid that at most they will reach the Nascent Soul Realm, and there is no chance of reaching the God Transformation Realm.

Even if it can prolong life, it will be reduced to loess after two thousand years.

At this time, you must find someone who can keep up with your footsteps.

Ruan Linghu... has a chance.

Ruan Linghu didn't answer Xia Changge's question directly, and finally she said: "It's all up to your arrangement. If you let the slave family go, they will go. If you don't let the slave family go, the slave family will not go. After all, the slave family can go out, but Still following your orders."

This tone really made Xia Changge unbearable, and he wished he could treat this goblin cruelly immediately.

But because this is under the eyes of the 'True Monarch', no one would dare to mess around.

Xia Changge didn't have the guts either, so he said, "Go and call that... Hu Hanshuang, let's ask her more about the situation."

The two siblings, Hu Hanshuang and Hu Hanting, also joined the Ice and Snow Temple, and they are also practicing nearby.

It's not a big problem for Xia Changge to ask that girl to find out about the situation.

Ruan Linghu naturally followed suit, and found Hu Hanshuang's ice crystal palace according to his impression just now.

Soon, Hu Hanshuang came to Xia Changge's Ice Crystal Palace alone.

"Master Xuezi, Sister Ruan, I don't know why you are looking for me?"

Hu Hanshuang had a very good attitude towards Xia Changge at this time.

As for Ruan Linghu... Hu Hanshuang has always been very respectful.

After all, Ruan Linghu is the senior of their clan.

Xia Changge's identity is Xuezi, and his status is higher than that of Hu Hanshuang, a disciple in the early stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

In addition, he is also the husband-in-law of a sister like Ruan Linghu.

Although Hu Hanshuang said it's not easy to call 'brother-in-law', it's not a problem to call an adult, which is reasonable.

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Xia Changge looked very kind, making Hu Hanshuang feel that this was a more refined and polite person than her fiancé just by listening to the tone, let alone matching Xia Changge's benevolent expression.

"Fairy Frost, I just want to ask, I don't know what is the inheritance of the fox fairy of the Ice Crystal Charm Fox family? May I know more about it?"

After Xia Changge finished speaking, Hu Hanshuang replied truthfully: "Master Xuezi, you are sister Ruan's Taoist partner, and you are also qualified to know about this matter. In fact, it is the 'fairy spirit' left by the fox fairy to cleanse your own blood. , can make our blood more pure, it can be regarded as laying a foundation, and I don’t know about the follow-up, unless I can stimulate the blood to reach the late Nascent Soul Realm through the acquired cold air here in the Ice and Snow Temple, otherwise I won’t be able to enjoy fox The fairy spirit left by the fairy."

Xia Changge also understood.

In fact, this is like Yan Qingwu's situation with him.

Give the most basic resource guarantee to those who are initially interested, and then see how the target will be improved in the future.

If the effect obtained after using this basic resource is huge, maybe you can enjoy the follow-up benefits.

If it doesn't meet the standard expectation of that fox fairy, then it's just a simple gift of 'Fairy Qi', and there won't be any benefits in the future.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

These two examples are placed here, so that Xia Changge also has a certain understanding of some practices of Huashen Zhenjun.

"So, Fairy Frost, you can't get the pure white snow lotus for three thousand years?"

Xia Changge understood and was relieved.

It seems that if Xia Changge has time in the follow-up of the Ice Crystal Demon Fox Clan, there is hope that he can take them all directly and easily.

Just give the whole ethnic group to... laugh at it, and accept it as a vassal.

Let these vixen be like a weak country, sending some 'special products' every year to worship him as the Holy Lord.

After all, the three-thousand-year pure white snow lotus they needed was simply a gesture for Xia Changge.

With this important key being grasped by Xia Changge, it is easy for the Bingjing Meihu clan to handle Xia Changge.

Hu Hanshuang's expression was bitter: "Master Xuezi, how can it be so simple, the chance of pure white snow lotus being cultivated by us is zero, it can only be born naturally, there are so many monsters in the land of 100,000 snow mountains, even if there is somewhere The pure white snow lotus has reached the millennium level, and the sacred aura it exudes will disperse, which is also cheaper than those monsters, and it is difficult for our family to get it, so we can only come here to pass through the coldest environment in the world. Cultivate and see if you can stimulate your own blood!"

If it was really so easy to get the pure white snow lotus, then their ice crystal charm fox clan would have already become the top race in the Yan Kingdom.

The Jingbai snow lotus obtained by the Ice Crystal Demon Fox clan was sent to guard when it was four or five hundred years old, and they have been watching it for three thousand years.

There may also be mistakes during the period, and it will wither after growing for less than three thousand years.

Due to various factors, it is very difficult for the Bingjing Meihu family to obtain this heaven and earth elixir.

The closest Hu Hanshuang was to Jingbai Snow Lotus was probably in the snow mountain where Xia Changge and Ruan Linghu lived in seclusion. Bai Chuan said that Xia Changge also had a Jingbai Snow Lotus.

Unfortunately, she didn't get it.

After listening, Xia Changge immediately said: "Ahem, cough, so that's the case. If there is a chance in the future, if I meet that thing, I will prepare a plant for you."

It's just a matter of little effort, Xia Changge should take it as this vixen's reward for explaining everything to himself!

As everyone knows, after hearing Xia Changge's words, Hu Hanshuang's snow-white face showed a blush, and said in a low voice: "Master Xuezi, I... I already have a fiancé, and I can no longer accept Mrs. Xuezi's promise of love." A token."

This made Xia Changge immediately confused, and quickly explained: "This... what token of love..."

He really didn't know why he gave a token of love?

Even Ruan Linghu was very curious, thinking that this vixen is really coquettish, come to seduce his man even after he has a fiancé? !

She wants to see what tricks this coquettish fox has, and show off in front of her!

Bi Sao, Ruan Linghu felt that after being instructed by Xia Changge for so long, he was really not afraid of this little fox!

Hu Hanshuang explained with a rosy face: "Our clan's regulations, whoever holds a 3,000-year-old pure white snow lotus, can marry any girl from our clan, or... a man, I... I already have a fiancé , I can’t accept your pure white snow lotus, Mr. Xuezi. If... Mr. Xuezi, you feel that sister Ruan can’t satisfy you alone, and you need other people to accompany you, I can introduce other women from our clan to you, Mr. Xuezi. Pretty girls are fine too, if you want to..."

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

The more Xia Changge listened, the more outrageous he felt.

Unexpectedly, this vixen clan has such a single-handed rule.

This vixen is really extraordinary, she plays well.

Seeing that the smile on Ruan Linghu's face had a tinge of yin and yang, he quickly said: "Stop here, Frost Fairy, I'm sorry, I really don't know the rules of your group, the reason why I said I would give you a gift Just thank you for explaining so much to me about the 3,000-year-old pure white snow lotus. Next, I have to trouble you to take us to the Ice Crystal Demon Fox Clan, so that my wife can be baptized by the fairy spirit. Treat it as your reward, there is absolutely no other meaning."

Ruan Linghu also knew that Xia Changge definitely didn't know what was going on here, and this was just an oolong incident.

Of course, even if Xia Changge really wanted it, Ruan Linghu felt nothing.

She had adopted so many wild vixen before, in fact, on the one hand, it was indeed to pass her own time.

On the other hand, it is also for some preventive preparations.

In this regard, Ruan Linghu really didn't care about anything.

Xia Changge is a powerful man, ten times stronger than Zhao Tianming.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Ruan Linghu to think that Xia Changge's back house is ten times larger than Zhao Tianming's.

Maybe... this is the most qualified woman.

"That's it, I see."

With Xia Changge's explanation, Hu Hanshuang understood.

Seeing Xia Changge's sincere eyes and expression, Hu Hanshuang's first thought was that it was a misunderstanding.

But she soon regained her self-confidence.

He has the purest blood among this generation of ice crystal foxes.

Except for her aunt, who was the fox girl with the purest blood in the previous generation.

Within the clan, Hu Hanshuang didn't think he had any opponents.

Xia Changge must have taken a fancy to her, that's why he came to test her reaction.

So what if Master Xuezi is excellent? It's a man after all!

And how could she not understand a man's mind?

It's a pity that if Xia Changge came to her with a pure white snow lotus before the war between the two clans, Hu Hanshuang would have eloped with Xia Changge, the master Xuezi, without hesitation.

But now... no... really no, I can't be sorry to my brother Bai Chuan...

Hu Hanshuang did not refuse Xia Changge's request to take them to the Ice Crystal Demon Fox Clan and let Ruan Linghu accept the inheritance of the Fox Fairy.

She also hopes that there will be one more fox fairy in her group, so that their group can sit on an equal footing with the Ice and Snow Temple, and life will be much easier, and they don't have to look down on the Ice and Snow Temple like they are now. The marriage of many clans has increased the weight and strength of the clan.

At that time, the days of their Ice Crystal Demon Fox Clan will be truly carefree.

So Xia Changge asked her to lead the way, and Hu Hanshuang directly agreed.

Xia Changge and Ruan Linghu were in a hurry, so there was no delay, indicating that they could leave now.

Hu Hanshuang nodded: "Yes, but I have to talk to Brother Bai Chuan first."

Before leaving, she had to talk to Bai Chuan, otherwise Bai Chuan might misunderstand.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

The three of them left together and came to Baichuan's Ice Crystal Palace.

Hu Hanshuang personally explained to Bai Chuan.

Regarding Xia Changge's disdain for the Bingjing Meihu before, and now he intends to accept the opportunity of the Bingjing Meihu, Bai Chuan understands why.

When a person is weak and strong, it is normal to make different choices for the same thing.

"Frost, I haven't seen such a scene before, can I go with you?"

The Ice Crystal Fox also has rules.

People from other tribes are not allowed to go to the ancestral land of the Bingjing Meihu Clan.

Although Bai Chuan is said to be Hu Hanshuang's fiancé, they are not real husband and wife.

Therefore, the current Bai Chuan is not qualified to enter the ancestral land of the Ice Crystal Demon Fox Clan, and can only be active in the periphery.

Bai Chuan really wanted to go to the depths of his fiancée's family.

Find out what a fox den is really like.

He was directly rejected by Hu Hanshuang: "Brother Bai Chuan, I can't do it, and I can't violate the rules of the group. Wait... When I reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul Realm, Brother Bai Chuan can go with me, just wait."

When Hu Hanshuang said this, Bai Chuan couldn't answer, and could only nod his head: "Okay, then I'll wait for you to come back together at the temple."

If you can't go to the ancestral land of the Bingjing Meihu, it's meaningless to go to Baichuan this time, but it's uncomfortable.

Hu Hanshuang wants to reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul Realm, at least twenty years later.

This time... is really long!

After explaining to Bai Chuan, Hu Hanshuang personally led the way, and brought Xia Changge into the place where the Bingjing Meihu Clan lived.

How far is it from the Ice and Snow Temple?

It is some distance.

The Ice Crystal Fox family is powerful, occupying hundreds of snow peaks.

There are thousands of fox sons and grandchildren under the door, it is a serious fox den.

However, there are still very few Ice Crystal Demon Foxes that can reach the Golden Core level, the proportion is only one percent.

Every female Ice Crystal Charm Fox that has reached the Golden Core Realm is a beauty of the level that can only be found by one in a thousand female cultivators of the human race.

This place can be described as a real gentle township.

Xia Changge couldn't even see so many foxes.

If Xin Dao has a chance in the future, he must carry Ruan Linghu behind his back, bring some pure white snow lotus, and abduct all the most beautiful ones of the Bingjing Meihu clan.

Cough cough cough, Xia Changge was just joking.

With Hu Hanshuang, the saint, Xia Changge didn't encounter any trouble along the way.

Arriving here, Xia Changge could be considered to have met a strong member of the Ice Crystal Demon Fox Clan.

After asking Hu Hanshuang to negotiate, these old things didn't have any big reaction.

After all, Xia Changge's identity is here.

Ruan Linghu followed the old and faded fox to the temple of the fox fairy inheritance.

Xia Changge and Hu Hanshuang were also waiting outside.

"Frost Fairy, what age is this fox fairy from? Is it male or female?"

Having nothing to do, Xia Changge just chatted casually with Hu Hanshuang.

Hu Hanshuang thought about it for a while, and then replied: "Master Hu Immortal already existed more than nine thousand years ago. I heard that Lord Hu Immortal ascended instead of dying of old age in Tianyuan Realm. Lord Hu Immortal must be a woman. , At that time, she was the most beautiful woman in Tianyuan There is no one, and I don’t know how many Huashen Zhenjuns bowed down under her pomegranate skirt."

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

Nine thousand years ago...

Although Hu Hanshuang can only be described as half-knowledgeable.

But the news given is also very useful to Xia Changge.

"Xuezi, if... if you really need another fox girl to accompany you, I can take you to see my sisters right now, maybe you are the right one."

After solving Xia Changge's troubled days, Hu Hanshuang spoke to Xia Changge in a low voice.

She is now sure that there is a pure white snow lotus among Xia Chang's singers.

Pure white snow lotus is really important to the ice crystal fox family.

Since Xia Changge intends to let him out, Hu Hanshuang must fight for it.

Although she said that she has no chance to enjoy the pure white snow lotus among Xia Chang singers, it is very good that the sisters of her own ethnic group have such luck.

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After Xia Changge heard this, the smile on his face became even wider, and he pretended to hesitate and said, "That's it... Unfortunately, I only like the most beautiful fox girl, but... So let's forget it, and that's it. "

Since Hu Hanshuang didn't need Xia Changge to reward her with pure white snow lotus, she would not be misunderstood.

Xia Changge can only use ordinary spirit stones or other things to thank him!