MTL - Immortal Fate of Longevity: Starting From Taking Care of Daoist Brothers, Wife and Daughter-Chapter 259 : Shangqin Luanhuaying, Queen's request

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Xia Changge didn't think that way at first.

The reason why he asked Jiang Rouyin so much in Qin State before was because he thought that he could lock Jiang Rouyin in that way.

In short, it is not absolute trust in Jiang Rouyin.

But it shouldn't be necessary now.

But Jiang Rouyin asked so, Xia Changge could only reluctantly agree.

"Okay, I'll go and see what's going on with Xiaoteng, and ask her."

The rotating wood spirit vine is also intelligent.

For the current plan, Xia Changge can only ask Xuanmu Lingteng about blessings.

This matter is not something that Xia Changge alone can be in charge of, and this is why Xia Changge is entangled.

He can't guarantee it.

Xia Changge agreed, what else could Jiang Rouyin ask for?

If Xia Changge let go of his mouth to help Shang Qinluan, he would be considered confident enough.

Shang Qinluan knew her background.

If she sprints to the Nascent Soul Realm, she will float to herself.

Then Xia Changge will not show mercy.

It was not difficult for Xia Changge to deal with the woman who had just reached the Nascent Soul Realm sprint.

Similarly, if Shang Qinluan misses his kindness after reaching the Nascent Soul Realm, then for the Xia family, it is not that a Nascent Soul Realm monk like Shang Qinluan has no hope of becoming a high-grade magic weapon refiner in the future. It can be regarded as one of the talismans of the Xia family.

Jiang Rouyin followed Xia Changge to the place where the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine was.

Without hesitation, Xia Changge threw all the Earth Spirit Orbs he got to the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine.

Even if she can't devour so many Earth Spirit Orbs now, it's okay to keep them. Take your time and increase the energy of the Earth Vessels.

If this ground vein can reach the fourth level, then Xia Changge's family will not have to worry about the cultivation environment at all.

Xia Changge walked to the core of the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine, put his hand on the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine's torso, and began to communicate with the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine through the'spiritual consciousness'.

It is very difficult for them to have a conversation now.

At this moment, Xia Changge felt as if he was communicating with a three-year-old child.

A three-year-old might be too much, maybe a teenage interracial girl? Vines?

Under normal circumstances, the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine is more than three thousand years old, and it is definitely an adult.

But the thing Xia Changge planted was instant.

The body has come to what it looked like three thousand years ago, and it is an adult.

But the mind is certainly not there.

After a morning of rambunctious talk with the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine, Xia Changge felt that he had initially reached an agreement with the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine.

"It should be fine."

When it was almost done, Xia Changge came to Shang Qinluan and Jiang Rouyin and told his achievements.

Because he didn't know whether it would work or not, he used the word "should" to answer.

Shang Qinluan is still in the stage of lowering his mood and getting along well with Xia Changge.

So I won't express my opinion, let's see what Jiang Rouyin will say.

Jiang Rouyin naturally asked: "What is supposed?"

Can this kind of thing be answered with should?

Xia Changge shrugged his shoulders, with a helpless tone: "You have seen this thing, and it is difficult for me to communicate. Now I feel that she understands what I mean, and she has promised to do that. It depends on the choice of the mother-in-law. Well, if she is willing to give it a try, she can do it now, and if she doesn't, it's okay."

On this issue, Xia Changge was really not confident.

It may also be because of being enlightened by Jiang Rouyin.

When Xia Changge yelled out the words 'mother-in-law'.

Shang Qinluan actually felt 'reasonable' rather than upset.

She completely forgot her previous oath.

He has already started to directly recognize Xia Changge as his son-in-law.

It can only be said - the world is real.

"It's okay, sir... My son-in-law has also tried his best. I'm going to do it as soon as I'm ready, and I can't delay too long."

Shang Qinluan really wanted to say a 'long song'.

But in the end, Xia Changge was still called his son-in-law.

He didn't use the word 'son-in-law' to describe it.

For the word virtuous son-in-law, Shang Qinluan and Xia Changge's contact time was still too short to shout out.

The future is long, and this 'title' should be used in the future. Xia Changge believes that he can do this.

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The current Shang Qinluan looks young, but in fact he is more than three hundred years old, almost four hundred years old.

It won't be long before Shang Qinluan is going to sprint to the Nascent Soul Realm.

If you want to reach the Nascent Soul Realm, four hundred years old is the golden age, and the difficulty will gradually increase after that.

Now with the advantage of location and the 'harmony of people', it is already a very unique condition, a situation that many Jindan monks dream of.

So, Shang Qinluan decided to give it a go.

His own mother has said so, Jiang Rouyin has nothing to do.

Before leaving, Xia Changge and Xuanmu Lingteng repeatedly emphasized it.

His Xiaoteng also said that he knew it, and he would definitely do it according to the requirements of Xia Changge, the father god.

If a monk rushes to the Nascent Soul Realm, it is better not to be disturbed by anyone.

Xia Changge took Jiang Rouyin and left.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, during the period when Shang Qinluan was sprinting to the Nascent Soul Realm, Xia Changge would not let other people in.

That's one year, or more than half a year.

On Qin's side, Xia Changge also guarded others to sprint to the Nascent Soul Realm.

It didn't take Han Congshan a year to succeed.

Shang Qinluan's current environment is better than Han Congshan's, so the time spent should not be comparable to Han Congshan's time, right?

Xia Changge knew that Jiang Rouyin was nervous, after all, that woman was her own mother.

So he took out Han Congshan's case to comfort her.

"Beauty, are you really planning to carry on my family?"

After comforting him, Xia Changge also showed his fangs, put his hand on Jiang Rouyin's chin, and asked Jiang Rouyin's opinion.

All of a sudden, Jiang Rouyin was asked.

What she said at the beginning really had the intention of... seducing Xia Changge, thinking of tricking Xia Changge into agreeing to her request first.

But now...Jiang Rouyin really can't say the word no.

"Hmph, since it's been agreed, I won't break the contract, but I have to give birth to a child, just like Du Jinning and Fu Ruyan. Temporarily put the child under the name of other people, and put it under Yi Jiao Niangqin's account. ! Can you agree?"

Yes, Jiang Rouyin really planned to go all out.

It's only a year of trouble, Jiang Rouyin can bear it.

a year? It's gone in a snap of your fingers!

However, the relationship between her and Xia Changge is only known to the family, and outsiders don't know it yet.

So things like children should not be exposed.

It is no small matter if outsiders know about it!

After much deliberation, Jiang Rouyin planned to temporarily record this child under the account of his apprentice mother.

When I pay attention to Yijiao every day, I just care about my children, and I won't show any flaws.

"That's it... then forget it, it's boring, I'll give you another suggestion, you temporarily 'save' this child for more than a hundred years, you give me two, more than two hundred years Four, and so on, how?"

After thinking about it, Xia Changge still planned to give up.

Yes, now, giving birth to a child feels like a task for Xia Changge.

Just leave it to someone special, and don't let a top-notch woman like Jiang Rouyin come.

He hasn't enjoyed enough yet!

Jiang Rouyin thought about it for a while, and finally agreed to Xia Changge's proposal.

Now she is indeed not familiar with that identity.

After Shang Qinluan's affairs were settled briefly, Xia Changge began to deal with family affairs.

With such a big thing happening, the family has a lot to deal with.

Xia Changge still had to wait until the battle was over before going back to do the conference based on casualties.

Those foundation-establishing disciples with foreign surnames have indeed died too many.

The dozen or so who stayed in Junfeng City were fine, but the Canghaizong and other places basically couldn't survive.

Among them were a few people Xia Changge was familiar with.

Hey, things are impermanent!

Right now, Xia Changge still looks up more information about Nascent Soul Realm.

Especially about the 'Yuanying' of monks in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Xia Changge needs to have a better understanding of this aspect of knowledge.

It is related to the direction of Xia Changge's future strength improvement, Xia Changge must not be careless.

During this period, Xia Changge also discussed with Xiao Yun and Xie Shuilan.

The matter of Xie Shuilan is relatively a family matter, so it is Xie Shuilan who reported to Xia Changge.

"My son-in-law, I've sorted out all the medicinal materials you got this time. I'm about to put together two sets of Transforming Infant Pills, and I've already collected three sets of Void Spirit Pills. It's incredible..."

This was Xie Shuilan's conclusion after sorting out the medicinal materials obtained by Xia Changge.

Xie Shuilan was shocked the first time.

There are still a few sets of materials, and it is the complete material of Huaying Pill!

Not to mention the Void Spirit Pill, three copies have already been collected.

"Well, then Aunt Laulan will have to teach Yuxi and Xue'er well in the next period of time, so that they can reach the realm of third-level alchemists. After their skills are stable, they can continue to try to refine the Void Spirit Pill. It can be regarded as giving them a good reputation, and my Xia family will also have three alchemy masters in one school."

This ending really exceeded Xia Changge's expectations.

It is not difficult to understand.

The looted things from Xia Chang's singers can be regarded as a lot of savings from the three sects.

How many Golden Elixir families and Foundation Establishment Realm families in the Three Sects are working hard for these two kinds of elixirs?

Among them are the precious medicinal materials that these demon kings used as bait to lure the human race forces to make a deal.

After they all fall into Xia Chang's singer, it is not difficult to prepare a pair of Huaying Pill's materials.

When there are enough medicinal materials, it is natural to make good use of them.

His Taoist companion Su Yuxi and Qiu Shixue would also have the opportunity to personally refine a batch of Void Spirit Pills.

At that time, it is also very good to use the Void Spirit Pill to cultivate more foreign surnames who cannot use special means to assist breakthroughs.

It seems that my Xia family will soon become the second 'alchemy family'.

For Su Yuxi and Qiu Shixue, Xia Changge has 100% confidence.

It is only a matter of time before they reach the third level alchemist.

Xie Shuilan said that she would definitely not disappoint Xia Changge.

Xie Shuilan will definitely not hide his own disciples, as well as Qiu Shixue, a genius in alchemy, and will teach them all.

Aside from the whole family, Qiu Shixue also joined her sect and became Xie Shuilan's second disciple.

What Xie Shuilan wanted to talk about was also about pills.

Because she is the general person in charge of sorting out Xia Changge's harvest of Chinese herbal medicines.

"Changge, if you want to refine Xuanwu Tianhuo, I think it's best to replenish your ice-attribute spiritual root first, and then combine it with the elixir 'Ice Soul Pill', which will be the most helpful for refining Tianhuo , or we can wait until Yuxi and Xueer's skills are stabilized, and the three of us work together to refine the fourth-level elixir 'Sky Cold Pill', and the success rate may be even greater by then!"

After talking about the general material, Xie Shuilan began to talk about Xuanwu Tianhuo.

The power of that basalt sky fire is really too great.

In the entire Xia family... no one dared to think too much about it.

Xie Shuilan knew that Xia Changge was planning to refine Xuanwu Tianhuo, so he was just trying to find a way before.

Refining Tianhuo is no joke, Xie Shuilan definitely can't let her son-in-law take risks, she must find a way to minimize the risk factor!

When she refined the newborn earth fire, she also took the 'Bingpo Pill' to assist in the refining.

"Is that so..."

Xia Changge had just planned to practice the fire attribute technique.

Although it hasn't started yet.

Xia Changge was asked to save the choice for the last ice attribute spiritual root to practice in advance.

Xia Changge didn't think it was impossible.

It's just that there is no such suitable environment now.

"Cultivation of ice attribute, Changge, you can see if you can get some ice attribute treasures from Zhao's royal family to assist in cultivation after this battle."

Xie Shuilan also knew that in Zhao Country, the number of monks with ice attributes was still too small.

Because Zhao Guo rarely has such an environment.

So speak your mind.

Xia Changge has made a lot of merits now, and he can get some benefits from the royal family of Zhao Guo.

"Okay, let me take a look first."

Xia Changge was thinking.

Because of my spiritual roots and time issues, I didn't pay much attention to Han Tianjue and Xuanbingjue in the Sacred Heart Art, but just practiced the relevant content to the basics so that Xia Changge could practice the follow-up content.

Now, it is not without other benefits to cultivate the ice attribute spiritual root.

The improvement of Xia Changge's combat effectiveness must be obvious.

Now Xia Changge's Sacred Heart Jue is about to complete the seventh level of cultivation.

Before that, cultivating the first few layers to the peak might also be helpful for Xia Changge's sprint to the eighth and ninth layers of the Sacred Heart Art.

Because of his own particularity, Xia Changge believed that as long as he cultivated the ice attribute, the environment would be in place.

It will only take a few years for him to cultivate the ice attribute to the middle stage of the Golden Core Realm.

It is as simple as the thunder attribute.

After explaining the situation to Xia Changge, Xie Shuilan also got up and left.

These are the only two things she wants to discuss with Xia Changge, and after she finishes talking, she can naturally go about her own affairs.

After Xie Shuilan left, Xiao Yun asked, "Is my sister's mother sprinting to the Nascent Soul Realm?"

Yes, this was Xiao Yun's guess.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Shang Qinluan to retreat in Xia Changge's palace for more than five months without letting other people in.

Regarding Xiao Yun, Xia Changge didn't hide anything: "Yes, Shang Qinluan is sprinting to the Nascent Soul Realm."

Xiao Yun's tone was a little bit sour: "You are so powerful. When you were at the Foundation Establishment Realm, you let me and Sister Lan rush to the Golden Core Realm to cover you, bastard. When you were at the Golden Core Realm, now you Let Master Shang sprint to the Nascent Soul Realm to cover you, hmph, you can really calculate!"

Xiao Yun's words made Xia Changge feel that she was a little... nervous, worried, or even scared?

She was probably worried that if Shang Qinluan succeeded, she would lose his love for her?

After all, Shang Qinluan will be the only Nascent Soul Realm monk in the family, and Jiang Rouyin will also be the third person in the family, stronger than her.

In that case, the hostess of the Xia family has changed hands directly from the Xiao family to the 'Jiang family'?

This really made Xia Changge laugh.

He put down the book in his hand and waved to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun obediently came to Xia Changge.

Before he could ask 'what', Xia Changge pulled him onto his lap and sat down.

Before she could react, Xia Changge's hands hugged Xiao Yun tightly, making it impossible for her to open her arms.

The current Xia Changge has the strength to easily abuse Xiao Yun with one hand.

What can Xiao Yun do to him?

This action made Xiao Yun's face turn rosy and panicked.

As she expected, after Xia Changge's strength became stronger, his courage also became a little too big!

"What are you afraid of? My heart, you don't know?"

Xia Changge leaned close to Xiao Yun's earlobe, his tone was very abnormal.

How could Xiao Yun not know that Xia Changge had a rebellious heart?

Can't help but coldly: "You bastard, it's just a whim. If you really want you to get it, you will get tired of it in a few days."

Xia Changge laughed loudly: "How is it possible, I will never get tired of it in my life."

Xiao Yun had nothing to say.

"Besides, you still call Jiang Rouyin your sister? It seems that you have already made plans?"

Yes, the current Jiang Rouyin has "willed to degenerate", and her status is already a generation lower than that of Xiao Yun.

But Xiao Yun still called Jiang Rouyin her sister.

In Xia Changge's view, this may be a change in Xiao Yun's attitude towards herself.

Xiao Yun's expression changed dramatically all of a sudden, which seemed to be the reason why Xia Changge guessed her thoughts.

She was just playing this 'little trick' with Xia Changge, but Xia Changge really caught a loophole.

"Shang Qinluan is the second elder of the Xuanling Sect, do you decide that she might stay in the Xia family in the future?"

In order to reassure Xiao Yun, Xia Changge revealed his identity which was clearly on the table.

Even if Shang Qinluan successfully reached the Nascent Soul Realm, it was impossible for him to stay in the Xia family.

Xiao Yun also lamented that she was really smeared, and forgot about it!

"Now, I'm going to prove my firm determination to the last name of my family!"

Xiao Yun wanted to say something, but Xia Changge had already stood up with her in his arms.

In this way, she who was originally sitting on Xia Changge's lap was directly pressed down on the desk by Xia Changge to lie on her stomach.

After some operations, Xia Changge continued to lie down, reading with a book in one hand.

The place blocked by this book is invisible.

Xia Changge never had any other thoughts about the surname of his family's empress.

Xiao's management is good, and other people are also convinced by Xiao's. Xia Changge is full and has to change people?

Not to mention that the Xiao family can keep up with Xia Changge's development.

It is said that the one who spends the longest time with Xia Changge is Xiao Shi, and Xia Changge must not be messing around.

As for the Fu family and the Qiu family... just practice alchemy honestly.

In the same way, the Du family and the Chu family are also in charge of the puppet organization.

The Xiao family is only in charge of the general family. This kind of art has a special field, and the Xiao family doesn't care about it.

As for the Jiang family and Shang family that Xiao Yun was worried about, there was absolutely no need for that.

Xia Changge won't let them manage his back house.

Because the Xiao family reassured Xia Changge even more.

Xia Changge's irritable elements after fighting outside for a long time can be regarded as completely cleared out, which made Xia Changge completely calm down.

Shang Qinluan's previous sentence of "grass beside the nest" can be regarded as a wake-up call for Xia Changge.

Let Xia Changge know that there are still several tender grasses beside his nest that he has not eaten.

Originally, there were four.

After Jiang Rouyin was eaten by him, there were only three left.

Now, another one was wiped out by myself.

But recently, another one popped up suddenly, so there are still three left.

Take your time, it's still a long time.

Xia Changge knew a lot about Yuan Ying.

But most of the regulations have no effect on Xia Changge.

This made Xia Changge really helpless. He didn't know how to describe the Nascent Soul in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Shang Qinluan has been in retreat for eight months, and there is no news yet.

Jiang Rouyin was worried, but at this moment she didn't dare to go in and disturb her mother, lest her mother be really affected by herself.

Xia Changge cared about Shang Qinluan's words, but he wasn't that exaggerated.

In his spare time, Xia Changge also went to the home of his apprentice, An Ruoshui, to take a good look at him.

Originally, An Ruoshui had only two people in her family.

But now, it is already a family of four.

There are two more children.

It's all Xia Changge's.

The two children are about the same age, only a few days apart.

Theoretically, both siblings belong to Xu Baicha.

Xia Changge stayed at Xu Baicha's home for a month, and spent a good time with the pair of children who were only five years old.

I thought that such a peaceful day would last until the end of the war between the two clans.

But with the arrival of a person from the Bu family, Xia Changge's stable life was broken.

"Empress Empress, I didn't know that Empress Empress would welcome you here. I hope that Empress Empress will forgive you!"

Yes, Xia Changge never expected that the person who came was Queen Bu Xianhan!

In such chaotic days, Bu Xianhan, the mother of a country, dared to come to a place like the Land of Three Sects?

The situation here is not stable, there are still more than a dozen demon kings!

Bu Xianhan is only at the mid-stage of Nascent Soul Realm, so he can't do whatever he wants in the current Three Sects.

If caught by those demon kings, it would be hard for Xia Changge to imagine what it would be like!

"Patriarch Xia, don't say so much, I'm here to tell you something very important, and it's also related to the safety of you and your family."

When Bu Xianhan heard that Xia Changge took away Jiang Rouyin and his daughter at the price of one Infant Transformation Pill and two Void Spirit Pills, he also admired Xia Changge very much. He thought Xia Changge was really a good father, no wonder It seems that there are so many women who fall in love with her, and it seems that it's not just because Xia Changge has a lot of money.

Later, she learned that Xia Changge had beheaded a demon king in the middle stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

Later, when she saw that the merit tablet left by the ancestor **** of the Zhao family actually recorded that Xia Changge had beheaded three demon kings in total, she was frightened stupid.

She didn't know where Xia Changge got such a great skill.

But the 'Monument of Merit and Virtue' can never go wrong.

This is enough to show Xia Changge's strength.

Now, maybe only Xia Changge can help her.

Even her family can't help her when she's in trouble.

This gave way to Xianhan and had to come to Xia Changge.

Bu Xianhan's words surprised Xia Changge.

After thinking about it, he waved his hands to Jiang Rouyin and Xiao Xuan beside him.

Obviously, it was to let his two insiders go out.

Jiang Rouyin didn't know when Xia Changge actually met the queen.

This guy is always playing tricks behind their backs!

But seeing the serious and anxious expression on the queen's face, they all knew that things were not easy.

So I left very cooperatively.

Anyway, Xia Changge would definitely tell them about this in private, and it's the same if he finds out later.

"Empress, I don't know what you mean by this? Could it be that a demon king is planning to attack my Xia family?"

After Jiang Rouyin and Xiao Wan left, Xia Changge also had a serious expression on his face.

Xia Changge wouldn't joke about matters that related to his family's safety.

Xia Changge feels that the only ones who can threaten his family are those demon kings now, right?

Bu Xuanhan shook his head directly: "It's not the demon king. The war between the two clans has basically come to an end. Our country of Zhao has suffered a disastrous defeat. If you didn't kill the three demon kings in the land of the three sects, if you still have face, you will be defeated." Worse!"

In a word, Xia Changge was vigilant in his heart, and quickly said: "Did the empress make a mistake, I only killed two demon kings!"

This Bu Xianhan knows himself so well?

No, Xia Changge still has to hide something if he can hide it.

Bu Xianhan gave Xia Changge a blank look.

She, who was already serious and gentle, actually seemed a little 'naughty' at this moment: "Don't pretend, it is clearly recorded on the merit tablet that you, the head of the Xia family, killed the three demon kings, namely the silver-skinned crocodile. Wang, Chensha Demon Fish Demon King, Blood Soul Demon King, do you have any doubts?"

At this moment, only a sneer remained on Xia Changge's face, and he said, "The war between the two clans is over, what is the specific situation?"

Yes, under normal circumstances, there are still about four years before the end of the war between the two clans.

People like Bu Xianhan actually found out about beheading the three demon kings?

Xia Changge didn't think it was his relatives who spread the information.

Presumably the royal family of the Zhao Kingdom has some special means of recording it!

It seems to me that I still underestimated the royal family of Zhao State.

Bu Xianhan sighed: "Zhao State was completely defeated, and there is no point in fighting it. In the six battlefields, except for the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect, Kyoto, and your side, the others are basically suppressed unilaterally. , Thirty-two monks in the Nascent Soul Realm man..."

This made Xia Changge look serious.

So many Nascent Soul cultivators died?

The water in this Zhao country is not shallow!

Besides, her man...

Zhao Tianming was beaten to death?

Emperor Zhao was beaten to death? !

Xia Changge really had a hard time imagining what this war was going to be about?

Follow-up... Is there a deeper hidden story behind it?

"So, Queen, you are here this time..."

If Zhao Tianming died, it would not be a big problem for Xia Changge.

As long as the reward he should get is not less.

Bu Xuanhan also resumed the topic: "That guy Zhao Chan has received the blessing power of the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine, and he is already about to reach the Nascent Soul Realm, and there are other opportunities, my Feng'er, I'm afraid it's not him If Zhao Chan becomes the King of Zhao, Patriarch Xia, you should know how it will end, right?"

It has to be said that Bu Xianhan's words really made Xia Changge's heart excitedly suspended, and his expression was very solemn: "Zhao Chan, this wicked beast, has actually been blessed by the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine?!"

Before the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine was killed, Xia Changge was always there.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually got the last wave of blessing from the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine?

Yan Shiquan, this bastard, is really...

What Bu Xianhan said was right, if the seventh prince, a vile beast, became the emperor of Zhao, Xia Changge would really be in a lot of trouble.

Zhao Chan's father, Zhao Tianming, was dead, so Xia Changge naturally had nothing to worry about, so he just called him an evil animal and it was over.

"Yes, Patriarch Xia, think about it. If Zhao Chan succeeds, your daughter Yijiao, or even your daughter Ling Xuan in the royal family, may not have a good arrangement? After all, you and The conflict between them is not small, of course, if Patriarch Xia is willing to reconcile with Zhao Chan and choose to be patient, I have no objection."

Bu Xianhan began to clarify the pros and cons with Xia Changge, and by the way, was a little bit aggressive.

Although the aggressive method is old-fashioned, it is useful.

Xia Changge's expression was serious at this time.

He didn't want to meddle in the affairs of the royal family, after all, if he got involved with the imperial power, he would be stuck in a quagmire and it would be difficult to get out.

But unexpectedly, it still affected him after all!

"Sage King really..."

Before that, Xia Changge must have asked about the specific situation.

If Zhao Tianming is fine, Xia Changge feels that there is nothing wrong with it.

The emperor is not dead, the prince is the prince after all, Zhao Chan can't afford to turn the tide.

With a desolate expression, Bu Xianhan said sadly: "Yes, the destiny has... been sucked dry by the heirs of Haixin Xuanzhang. This is the fate of every generation of Zhao emperors..."

This sentence represents a lot of deep meaning: "The fate of each generation of Emperor Zhao? Since it is so dangerous, why do you let your son be the emperor?"

Bone marrow drained?

Xia Changge thought that the Blood Soul Demon King was also wrapped around the body of the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine to absorb the power of the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine.

Then Zhao Tianming, the emperor of Zhao Kingdom...

It seems normal for the bone marrow to be drained, these tentacle monsters like to do this kind of thing.

At this step, Xianhan is planning to send his son to be eaten by others?

Bu Xuanhan explained earnestly: "When the time comes, each generation of emperors of the Zhao Kingdom will fight against the blood of the corresponding demon god. In the battle of life and death, the loser will die, and the winner will live. Whoever wins and who loses will not know in the end. What's more, if my son doesn't fight for this position, he won't be able to survive, Zhao Chan will not let go of my son's threat when he becomes emperor."

Well, Xia Changge said that he did not expect that there is indeed no family affection in the royal family to retreat.

Now that you have such an idea, even if you just take a small step, there is no turning back.

At this time, Xia Changge didn't talk about anything else, but asked this sentence very seriously: "Empress Empress, if I help the prince succeed to the throne, what will I get? Wouldn't I be very sad if I was directly silenced after being squeezed dry?"

At this time, Xia Changge didn't talk nonsense anymore.

Bu Xianhan knew that he could kill many demon kings, so it would be very long-winded to ask yourself how you are sure that I have a solution.

They are all adults, so... let's directly bring the topic to the table.

When Xia Changge said this, Bu Xianhan was excited, and hurriedly said: "If... Patriarch, if you can help Feng'er and make my Feng'er the king of Zhao, then the land of the three sects can be your fiefdom, Patriarch. , of the three sects today, Canghaizong lost a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, Biyun Pavilion lost two Nascent Soul Realm monks, Jiang Gengyan is still alive, but it is not something to be afraid of, Ji Tianxiao has become a disciple of the Seventh Prince, and there are only you and him nearby. Keep the vitality of Xuan Lingzong, these places are all yours."

In a word, Xia Changge really... dare not accept it.

The territory of the Three Sects is not small, with more than 30 counties under its jurisdiction.

Although it is not a big county town, it is not ordinary.

Of course, Xia Changge also learned clues.

As far as Biyun Pavilion is concerned, it seems that there should be no one there.

Yan Shiquan should have been beaten to death? That's good! Damn him!

Half of Canghaizong died...

Occupy such a large piece of land? Can it work?

"Patriarch, don't worry, my son and I will never do that kind of thing. If you don't believe me, Patriarch, I... I can let my son marry your daughter and make her a concubine. Sister, or my daughter marrying you, can you still trust the Patriarch?"

Seeing Xia Changge thinking, Bu Xianhan continued to offer his generous offer.

Still planning to marry yourself?

It seems that Xianhan is really in a hurry at this step.

"Of course I believe in you, empress, there is no need to make my daughter a concubine."

Xia Changge answered this sentence first.

Xia Changge would not let his daughter do that kind of thing.

Right now, he still hasn't made up his mind.

"Patriarch, what other needs do you have, but just ask, I will promise you what I can promise!"

Xia Changge didn't answer directly, but Bu Xianhan knew that the conditions he offered did not fully impress Xia Changge.

There is no way, for the sake of his own son, Bu Xianhan is also going all out.

She herself is in the battle for the crown prince, no matter how Zhao Feng wins or loses, it will not affect her.

After all, she is from the Bu family.

In the same way, if Zhao Chan is defeated, it will not affect that woman Ruan Linghu.

They all just don't want their children to fail and fight for a future for their children.

"The empress is serious?"

Xia Changge really wanted to make some demands.

Since Bu Xianhan said so, Xia Changge must not be polite.

Bu Xianhan might have guessed something, but he still nodded cautiously.


Bu Xianhan stayed at Xia's house for more than a month.

Because if Xia Changge wanted to prove that he had that strength, he had to wait for Shang Qinluan to leave the customs.

One month and thirteen days after Bu Xianhan came to the Xia family, Shang Qinluan really reached the Nascent Soul Realm without any surprises and became the top existence of the Zhao Kingdom.

Bu Xianhan was also very pleasantly surprised when he saw the Xia Family's Rotating Wood Spirit Vine, and Shang Qinluan successfully reached the Nascent Soul Realm with the help of the Rotating Wood Spirit Vine.

There is hope for my son!

Unexpectedly, Xia Changge has the blessing of the spirit vine!

Bu Xianhan's initial plan was to force his son to enter the Nascent Soul Realm.

If it fails...then there is no way, it's life.

If it succeeds, ask Xia Changge to teach his son which secret technique.

But now it seems that the possibility of his son conceiving a baby has reached 70% to 80%!

When Shang Qinluan saw Xia Changge, he planned to say something to Xia Changge.

At least let Xia Changge treat his daughter well, and stop humiliating his daughter at will!

But after seeing Bu Xianhan, Shang Qinluan immediately saluted.

No matter how Bu Xianhan's identity is here, his strength is still in the middle stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

Shang Qinluan has just reached Nascent Soul, and his mentality has not yet turned around. He thinks that he is just a monk in the Golden Core Realm.

At this moment, Shang Qinluan was very surprised.

This guy Xia Changge actually got involved with the queen, it seems that he really has to change his view of Xia Changge.

Bu Xianhan must have faced it with a smile.

For a powerful Nascent Soul cultivator like Shang Qinluan, Bu Xianhan definitely wants to make friends.

At the same time, Bu Xianhan also raised Xia Changge's weight in his heart again, and he already regarded Xia Changge as the kind of existence in Zhao State that was second only to the imperial power and the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

She thought to herself that when she returned to the family, she would definitely have a good talk about this matter with her younger sister, or the only daughter.

The relationship is too big!

Since he can be regarded as close to the water, Xia Changge will not miss this round of Haoyue Bu Xianhan.

"Patriarch, the Spinning Tree Spirit Vine has already blessed you once, can you continue to bless you?"

After everyone else left, Bu Xianhan asked while looking at the Spinning Tree Spirit Vine.

This is what worries her the most.

Xia Changge replied with a smile: "Don't worry, it's fine. When the time comes, Empress Empress, you can just bring the prince here. I will definitely ensure that the prince will succeed in no time."

Yan Shiquan is dead, and no one else knows about the blessing of the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine, so Xia Changge can say whatever he wants.

Besides, Xia Changge has already?

?? I discussed it with my precious little rattan.

Xiaoteng said that after Xia Changge helped her refine the power of the two second-order earth spirit beads, she could give the second blessing.

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Then there will be no big problem.

"Thank you Patriarch, I will leave first."

Because he was in a hurry, after thanking Xia Changge, Bu Xianhan left.

Looking at Bu Xianhan who left, Xia Changge smiled.

queen oh queen...

Naturally, Xia Changge didn't do anything to Bu Bu Xianhan is a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul Realm, how dare Xia Changge provoke her?

Isn't that tired of living?

It must be just thinking about it!

There is such a deep meaning behind the position of Emperor Zhao.

No wonder these two women wanted to push their son to a certain position even at the risk of their son being 'drained bone marrow' by the hit enemy.

This made Xia Changge's heart flutter!

It's a pity that Xia Changge doesn't have that qualification, so he can only watch.

Xia Changge himself is not qualified for that, but...

For a while, Xia Changge even had a very bold idea.

Read The Duke's Passion