MTL - Immortal Fate of Longevity: Starting From Taking Care of Daoist Brothers, Wife and Daughter-Chapter 257 : On the **** of the mountain gate of Biyun Pavilion, pick up the leaked Nascent Soul Demon King

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Xia Changge chose to stop before reaching the five thousand miles of Biyun Pavilion.

If nothing else, let's see if Jiao Xinao is here.

If Jiao Xinao was not around, Xia Changge would basically be unable to get along.

The defense over there was too tight, and there were too many strong players, which made Xia Changge's fault tolerance rate very low.

Xia Changge observed from a distance, and really locked on to Jiao Xinao's position.

To be precise, it is the location of the Niulongjiao tribe.

Jiao Xinao indeed brought hundreds of clansmen to Biyun Pavilion to join in the fun.

The Niulongjiao in the Foundation Establishment Realm are all twenty or thirty meters long.

Hundreds of bull dragons hovered together, the target was not too small.

Xia Changge's eyes were already so clear.

"If Biyun Pavilion is destroyed, this Tengzu... don't know what will happen..."

It may be because there are too many monsters around.

Xia Changge felt that the sky above Biyun Pavilion was filled with thick black mist, which seemed to be full of evil spirits.

At this moment, he was thinking about other things.

Biyun Pavilion is immortal, Yan Shiquan is immortal, Xia Changge really doesn't care at all.

At this time, his understanding of Biyun Pavilion is only so small.

Jiang Gengyan, one of the three giant monks in the Nascent Soul Realm, has been smashed to pieces by these demon kings, leaving only the Nascent Soul.

I don't know who took it away, but it was hidden anyway.

No way, Jiang Gengyan was in a special situation at the time.

The golden core monks were recruited to several strongholds on the front line.

He can only seize the foundation-building monks!

And having taken away the body of a monk at the foundation-building stage, the only strength Jiang Gengyan can display now is the foundation-building stage!

At most, it can be regarded as having an advantage at the level of the Foundation Establishment Realm. When facing other ordinary Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators, they can win in fights.

But wanting to fight against the Golden Core Realm with the cultivation base of the Foundation Establishment Realm is undoubtedly a dream.

In short, Jiang Gengyan is very weak now.

If it falls into the Xia Chang singer... hum!

Xia Changge is very confused now, that is how he got into Jiao Xinao's team.

The two identities of the mysterious golden underworld turtle and the seven-scale demon eel are useless.

One was almost exposed when Xia Changge used it to kill the silver-skinned crocodile king.

One has been dead for decades.

With so many demon kings around, Xia Changge didn't allow any accidents.

As for the other golden elixirs, they were useless to the little tree in Xia Changge's body.

"It's not attractive, try it?!"

Maybe it was really to join in the fun.

At this moment, Xia Changge planned to choose one of the demon pills he had killed and try it out.

It would be great if my transformation ability could be expanded.

Looking at the twenty-three demon pills in his hand.

They are all obtained from this battle.

These are more than enough to distribute to his children!

Based on his memory, Xia Changge began to think about which monster's appearance would be the best for him to disguise.

He originally intended to become the blue-eyed toad.

Because the demon king of the blue-eyed toad clan was not present when Xuan Lingzong Ji Changxia repelled the other demon king.

Therefore, the other two demon kings have already lost their qualifications to participate in the battle.

But the blue-eyed toad is not there yet, so he can continue to play in the arena.

There also happened to be a golden pill of the blue-eyed toad among Xia Chang's singers.

But after thinking about it, Xia Changge still found something wrong.

The group of blue-eyed toads should be quite familiar with the Jindan-level powerhouses in the group.

If you rush over by yourself, you will definitely be suspected.

At that time, if you ask three questions and don't know, aren't you making yourself guilty?

In the end, after much deliberation, Xia Changge decided to use a retail Golden Core Realm monster golden pill.

Retail Gold Core Realm Monster Beasts are like their own pet Ozawa, who have no ethnic group and accidentally become Gold Core Realm Monster Beasts.

The seven-scale demon eel and the black gold underworld turtle are also retail investors.

If I can turn into an ordinary Golden Core Realm monster.

At that time, directly mix into Jiao Xinao's clan, get in touch with Jiao Xinao, and get involved in this war as a vassal of Jiao Xinao's clan.

Maybe at that time, they can get more benefits in Biyun Pavilion.

Of course, it would be better if some people could be killed.

The demon pill that Xia Changge chose was not of a very strong type, it was a cannon fodder in the offshore area - Thorn Hydralisk

Taking out this demon pill, Xia Changge still followed the old method, slit his chest open, and stuffed this golden pill in.


What Xia Changge didn't expect was that although the little tree of thunder and lightning in his body said he was not interested in this golden elixir.

But it is still helping Xia Changge, the master, to crush this golden elixir and refine it, and after analyzing its essence, let Xia Changge know how to use his power!

Xia Changge mobilized the power of qi and blood in his body according to his body's reaction.

Immediately, it transformed into that thorny hydralisk.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with his appearance, Xia Changge cautiously went to the territory of the Niulongjiao tribe.

Before entering the range of the Niulongjiao group, Xia Changge was stopped by Jiao Zhong who was guarding outside: "This comrade, I don't know why you came to my Niulongjiao group?"

There was indifference in Jiao Zhong's tone.

The current Niulongjiao group is different from the past. There is a monster king in the Nascent Soul Realm. Naturally, there is no need to care about the idle monsters in the early Golden Core Realm like 'Xia Changge' who have transformed by accident.

If it weren't for the special situation now, this kind of monsters in the early stage of the golden core state would still be within the hunting range of the Niulongjiao group.

"Brother, I have something very important and I am going to report it to the Dragon King. Brother, please accommodate me!"

In the end, Xia Changge was useless to expose his identity to Jiao Zhong.

It's not distrust, but Jiao Zhong's rank is still too low for Xia Changge.

For some things, it is better for Jiao Zhong not to know.

In order to confirm the authenticity of his words, Xia Changge also took out a demon pill in the late stage of Golden Core Realm to Jiao Zhong to show his financial strength.

A monster at the early stage of the Golden Core Realm took out a demon core at the late Golden Core Realm.

This made Jiao Zhong really a little uncertain.

"You wait here, I'll ask the patriarch's opinion."

In the end, after thinking about it for a while, Jiao Zhong decided to ask Jiao Xinao for his reaction.

He is also really worried that if he messes around, he thinks about the interests of his own group.

For this, Xia Changge must have smiled.

After a while, Jiao Xinao still chose to summon Xia Changge.

"My friend, I wonder if you have anything important to discuss with me?"

Jiao Xinao never imagined that such a retail Gold Core Realm monster would come looking for her.

Now she has nothing else to do.

So I chose to meet Xia Changge to see what the **** Xia Changge was up to.

In case something really happens that is better for the Niulongjiao clan, that would be considered a good thing.

If this guy was just here to entertain her.

Jiao Xinao just swallowed him in one gulp.

"Sister Ao, it's me."

After Jiao Zhong left and there were only him and Jiao Xinao here, Xia Changge took the initiative to reveal his identity.

Naturally, the sound transmission is through spiritual consciousness to avoid any accidents.

Hearing Xia Changge's tone, Jiao Xinao looked shocked, and said, "Brother Xia? do you..."

According to the voice, Jiao Xinao recognized Xia Changge's identity.

Seeing Xia Changge's current appearance really shocked Jiao Xinao.

How did he become a thorny snake with ordinary blood?

"It's a long story..."

Xia Changge also briefly talked about his current situation.

It's nothing more than putting the pot on Qin's side.

He obtained a magical power of transformation in Qin State, so he said that he can become a thorn hydralisk.

This kind of supernatural power does exist, and Jiao Xinao did not doubt its authenticity.

She just conducted some probing, which can be regarded as affirming Xia Changge's identity.

"Brother Xia, I'm really surprised that you dare to come here."

Jiao Xinao couldn't help feeling emotional.

There are demon kings everywhere around here.

If Xia Changge is exposed, even if Xia Changge has wings, it will be difficult to fly.

She admired Xia Changge's courage.

If it were her, even if she turned 100% into a human, she wouldn't dare to wander around the site where there are more than a dozen human monks in the Nascent Soul Realm nearby.

Xia Changge said with a smile: "Sister Ao, you didn't even recognize it. If you want to come, other demon kings don't have that ability. Besides, I still trust you, Sister Ao, so I'm here."

Xia Changge and Jiao Xinao have also been 'shared joys and sorrows', and they have trust.

Furthermore, Jiao Xinao must know that the Xia family is different now.

After the war, the Xia family will definitely skyrocket.

At that time, it will also be of great help to the development of the Niulongjiao ethnic group!

Jiao Xinao didn't need to think about what to do at this time.

"You guys always say good things with your mouth."

At this moment, Jiao Xinao was also in his original form, perched on a 700-meter-high hill, looking down at Xia Changge from a height.

Jiao Xinao didn't know what words to use to describe this human brother.

Do too many things that make her feel incredible.

Xia Changge continued: "This Biyun Pavilion, I don't know how these demon kings plan to deal with Biyun Pavilion?"

He naturally hopes to fight, and then he can fish in troubled waters.

Jiao Xinao replied: "Waiting for the other two demon kings, after they arrive, the thirteen demon kings will be together. By then... Biyun Pavilion should be destroyed, but which one Ji Tianxiao in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm?" It’s still alive, so it should be able to be rebuilt in the future! Brother, don’t you plan to destroy Biyun Pavilion?”

This answer made Xia Changge feel extremely comfortable.

He hurriedly said: "No, no, no, this Biyun Pavilion colluded with the Seventh Prince and threatened my daughter, I wish it would perish, especially Yan Shiquan and the Seventh Prince, I wish they would be torn apart by other monsters. "

Jiao Xinao said with a smile: "Seventh Prince? He has a protector from the late Nascent Soul Realm, and an old monster from the early Nascent Soul Realm from the Ruan family to protect him. Your sister and I don't have the skills to kill him. As for Yan Shiquan , if there is a chance, I can help you solve him."

Jiao Xinao's words could be regarded as telling Xia Changge some hidden information.

On Ji Changxia's side, Xia Changge also initially learned that there are many strong people around the Seventh Prince.

Hearing what Jiao Xinao said now, he was basically sure.

It seems that even with so many demon kings gathered this time, it would be difficult to kill that bitch.

"Thank you, Sister Ao, for your kindness. Then I will stay in your group, Sister Ao, for a while, and then I will be a soldier and drink soup."

Xia Changge made a statement immediately.

But Jiao Xinao said speechlessly: "Drink it with soup? You killed the silver-skinned crocodile king, but his body is still soup?"

Yes, even Jiao Xinao admired Xia Changge's luck.

Jiao Xinao is very greedy for the body of a demon king in the Nascent Soul Realm, and it can help her bloodline improve a lot.

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But it's not easy for her to make that request to Xia Changge.

Xia Changge quickly explained: "There is not much left of the silver-skinned crocodile king's body, only his head is left, but I will just send some of it to Sister Ao when the time comes."

The body of that thing is now only a head more than 30 meters long.

Of course, it is also a hundred tons.

Xia Changge's family couldn't finish eating in a short time, and their combined appetite was less than one percent of Xia Changge's.

When the time comes...just send some to Jiao Xinao.

As for the head, the power inside should be of great help to these monsters, right?

When Xia Changge raised monster beasts before, those monster beasts also liked to **** the power in the heads of other monster beasts.

Jiao Xinao's hard work in the land of the three sects should have gained a lot.

I gave her part of the body of the silver-skinned crocodile king, and Jiao Xinao would definitely return something she needed.

If you think about it, you won't lose anything.

Xia Changge's words made Jiao Xinao nod, with some gratitude: "Brother, you have a heart."

After talking about this topic, Jiao Xinao couldn't help but ask Xia Changge how he killed the silver-skinned crocodile king.

Xia Changge didn't hide anything, and explained it to Jiao Xinao with the words of Huyou Ji Changxia.

But at this time, Xia Changge directly explained that he had a puppet with mid-stage Nascent Soul Realm strength in his hands, and at the same time asked Jiao Xinao to help hide it.

This shocked Jiao Xinao, and he was completely convinced by Xia Changge.

"Brother, you are truly reaching the sky in one step. Don't forget me, my old friend!"

Regarding this, Jiao Xinao was left with nothing but emotion.

The current development of the Xia family is probably no worse than that of the Niulongjiao clan led by her, the demon king!

Xia Changge naturally said that he would not forget the old relationship, and that he would do his best to provide whatever Jiao Xinao needed.

While discussing briefly, Xia Changge also asked about Jiang Gengyan's whereabouts.

Jiao Xinao didn't hide it either: "Jiang Gengyan, that old bastard, ran to the capital after his body was crushed. I don't know the exact situation. I didn't catch up. Why, bro, do you have a grudge against him?"

Xia Changge nodded and said: "Yes, this old man has a grudge against me, and now that he has fallen into peace, I have to see if I can find a chance to kill him."

Jiao Xinao didn't have too many opinions: "Then Jiang Gengyan has already seized the house once, and there is no chance to seize the house again. If I meet my brother, you are indeed just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered."

Jiao Xinao knew that Jiang Gengyan was Jiang Rouyin's father.

But why Xia Changge killed Jiang Gengyan, Jiao Xinao didn't know, and didn't intend to understand.

The human race killed each other by themselves, and it had nothing to do with her.

The Nascent Soul Realm monster who lost the chance to win the house is indeed not a threat to the current Xia Changge.

Xia Changge really stayed in the Niulongjiao tribe as a 'vassal' of the Niulongjiao tribe.

He was not suspected by anyone, including other Jindan realm demon generals of the Niulongjiao tribe.

During the time when these demon kings were ready to go, Xia Changge also took a good look at the surrounding situation and learned more information.

On the side of Biyun Pavilion, Xia Changge also took a good look.

In the entire Biyun Pavilion, what Xia Changge cared about was 'Teng Zu'.

I don't know what will happen to the last heaven and earth spirit root?

After all, she is also the 'mother' of the Spinning Tree Spirit Vine that she planted.

To a certain extent, this Spinning Wood Spirit Vine was also of great help to Xia Changge

Xia Changge hasn't had time to repay the kindness this time.

Xia Changge wouldn't mind helping out if given the chance.

It's a pity that with so many demon kings, Xia Changge is powerless to help.

Waited seven months.

Especially after the arrival of a monk from the Eight Gods Palace in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

Xia Changge had already smelled the smell of war.

Thirteen demon kings surround here.

There are two who have reached the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

Each of the thirteen behemoths is like a hill.

When ordinary people saw this scene, they might not be able to lift their faces and feet, so they lay on the ground and trembled.

Seeing this situation, Xia Changge really wanted to say, isn't this a foul?

Are there too many demon kings here?

Didn't I agree... the gap can't be too big?

But Xia Changge thought about it again, and felt that all of this was within the scope of the rules.

The number of demon kings to face in the land of the three sects is fixed.

If these demon kings are not out, it will make the race out of the game.

Then it is normal for so many demon kings to gather in one place in the end.

Who told the race's Nascent Soul Realm monks... not to come to Biyun Pavilion for assistance?

If the rest of the Nascent Soul Realm monsters of the human race came to Biyun Pavilion, their strength would definitely be almost the same.

In the same way, if the monks of the human race knocked out the monks of the monster race, then naturally many monks of the Nascent Soul Realm of the human race would beat up a demon king.

It's a pity that such a situation will hardly happen again in Zhao Guo.

Xia Changge now understands that there are only three Nascent Soul Realm demon kings who have been kicked out of the 'game'.

One was the silver-skinned crocodile king beheaded by him.

This guy is dead, not only kicked out of the game, but also kicked out of the world.

The other two were repulsed by Ji Changxia, and one was left with only Nascent Soul, unable to fight again.

The other was kicked out of the fight and went straight home.

As for the situation at Canghaizong, Xia Changge was also unclear.

Thinking about it, there are not many demon kings who have lost their qualifications.

There are so many demon kings gathered seems normal all of a sudden.

Biyun Pavilion... It should be so difficult!

Regarding this, Xia Changge also seemed to be in a very good mood.

If this Biyun Pavilion doesn't embarrass itself, but maintains a very good relationship with him.

When I encountered such a situation, wouldn't I try my best to help Biyun Pavilion?

After all, my wife and daughter are still here.

At that time, I will have myself, and I will talk to Ji Changxia together.

In any case, there are two or three Nascent Soul Realm to help, not to mention, there is also a ferocious late Nascent Soul Realm leading the team!

It won't be too difficult if you think about it.

It's a pity that Biyun Pavilion lost itself, a powerful ally, and gained an enemy who must be vengeful.

"The land of Biyun Pavilion is really nice..."

Looking at the great rivers and mountains of Biyun Pavilion, Xia Changge became greedy for a while.

If Biyun Pavilion is destroyed this time, Xia Changge really has a chance to occupy this territory.

Whether the family relocated or not, occupying a fertile territory must be done.

"This spiritual root of heaven and earth is not bad. If I refine it, my strength will definitely be improved!"

Xia Changge took a fancy to this piece of land, and the blood soul demon king who came to the "Haixin Xuanzhang" demon **** from the Deep Sea Bashen Palace took a fancy to the vine on this piece of land!

The main body of the Blood Soul Demon King is a Blood Soul Demon Badge.

In the Eight Gods Palace, there are basically tentacle monsters.

If you don't have many hands, you are not qualified to worship under the Iori Palace.

This blood soul demon king is not the blood descendant of that demon god, but a monster who joined in by strength.

That's why we can come to these three places.

The Blood Soul Demon King feels that if he refines the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine, his strength will increase even further!

At that time, there will be few opponents in the entire Iori Palace.

Even Zhao Tianming, the emperor of the Zhao Kingdom, might not be able to beat him with this extreme Nascent Soul!

One thing Xia Changge had to mention was that the tone of the Blood Soul Demon King made him very unhappy.

Spotted his prey?

Given the chance, Xia Changge will definitely not make this guy feel better!

It's just that the current him can only force a few words in his heart in a low voice, not daring to vent his anger, so as not to anger these demon kings.

"Come on, time is running out!"

With the arrival of the Blood Soul Demon King.

Then, what follows will be the end of Biyun Pavilion.

Hundreds of huge monsters, under the leadership of these demon kings, began to float in the sky above the territory of Biyun Pavilion, and began to attack the interior of Biyun Pavilion.

The demon king, who was originally a colossal monster, also appeared small on the entire battlefield after he scattered and attacked the territory of Biyun Pavilion.

The formation of Biyun Pavilion is mainly built by the rotating wood spirit vines.

But facing so many monster attacks, it has completely exceeded the limit of the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine.

Even if the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine mobilized its own rhizome system and crazily mobilized the energy of the earth veins for its own use, it was very difficult to deal with it.

At this time, the monks in the Nascent Soul Realm in Biyun Pavilion couldn't care less.

They launched counterattacks in the sect.

At this moment, there are no rules to limit.

Nascent Soul Realm monks can bombard and kill Golden Core Realm monsters at will.

It's time for the battle of exterminating the clan, so why worry so much?

Yan Shiquan really couldn't understand this inexplicable crisis of genocide.

In the dozen or so previous battles between the two clans, Biyun Pavilion has never encountered such a terrifying situation because of the rotating wood spirit vine and its geographical location, and it has easily faced the threat of those demon kings .

But now, Yan Shiquan really... dare not imagine.

Now he can only cooperate with the five Nascent Soul Realm monks in the sect to start fighting.

Fortunately, the protector of the Seventh Prince, the disciple of Zhenjun Zhao Guo is also a great monk in the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Otherwise, the situation will be even more difficult!

The smoky flames of war.

The giant dragon transformed by Jiao Xinao was also spraying mana beams of light and destroying Biyun Pavilion.

Especially that vine that is extremely conspicuous from the air.

It is the target of all demon kings!

They all knew that this vine was the foundation of Biyun Pavilion.

There is a formation around the rotating wood spirit vine for protection.

As long as enough spiritual power can be provided, the shield's aperture cannot be broken.

Because the wood-spinning vine also has a nemesis.

It can't restrain itself, so it can only think of building a shelter.

At the same time, almost all the landmark vines of the Turning Wood Spirit Vine are in operation.

There are countless monsters who died here.

"Kill him first!"

At this time, a demon king in the early stage of the Nascent Soul Realm couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

Tragicly suffered a sword piercing through the heart by the protector of the Seventh Prince, "Huangfu Thirteen".

He was deeply injured, so naturally he wanted to take advantage of his illness and kill him.

One less Nascent Soul Realm demon king can also reduce the pressure and increase the combat achievements!

The five Nascent Soul Realm monks including Yan Shiquan naturally operated their magic weapons at the same time, locked on the last cinnabar demon fish and attacked it.

Facing this kind of blow with all one's strength.

With a little strength, the demon king in the middle stage of Nascent Soul Realm can naturally help stop one or two.

But more still chose to be indifferent and avoid directly.

The first demon king who was seriously injured was born, 31 days after the start of the war.

Half of the huge body of the Cinnabar Demon Fish Demon King was cut off.

All of a sudden, he lost his fighting power.

He stumbled away from the battlefield.

He basically has nothing to do here.

The body of the Cinnabar Demon Fish Demon King is barely usable, but it needs a lot of flesh and blood to repair it.

This is the most urgent matter for him now.

He needs to swallow three or four gold core monsters in one go!

The other demon kings didn't say much, they just concentrated their attention more, so as not to follow in the footsteps of the Chensha demon fish demon king.

When I thought things hadn't changed much, a vine suddenly pierced through the ground.

The Cinnabar Demon Fish Demon King who had just fallen into the sky was pierced through his body immediately.

A miserable howl represented the complete collapse of the body of the Chensha Demon Fish Demon King.

A transparent little demon fish quickly flew to the waters where the cinnabar demon fish was located, and directly invaded the body of his offspring, a chensha demon fish in the late Golden Core Realm.

Obviously, this demon king took away his offspring!

Xia Changge has seen this method.

Ruthless enough, cruel enough, decisive enough!

In fact, this is indeed a choice that the Cinnasha Demon Fish Demon King had to make.

If he seizes the house, he can only seize the same type as him.

Only when he can adapt the fastest can he continue to be the king of the cinnabar demon fish group!

After successfully seizing the house, the Cinnamon Demon Fish Demon King put his original remnant body into the interspatial ring.

Because this half of the body is a great tonic for him!

Eating himself is nothing serious to the Demon King.

He can even eat his own offspring, let alone the meat left by his own body.

After finishing these, the Cinnamon Demon Fish Demon King left here without a trace.

Now he is too weak to be the opponent of the Demon King.

Before becoming the Nascent Soul Realm Demon King again, the Cinnamon Demon Fish Demon King should not appear again.

Looking at the chensha demon fish demon king running away, Xia Changge didn't know what was going on, and suddenly became evil!

The Cinnabar Demon Fish Demon King has already seized the house once, and he is no longer qualified to seize the house for the second time!

Now, he is just a monster in the late stage of Golden Core Realm!

So can Xia Changge...

Thinking of the ultimate feeling after swallowing the Nascent Soul of the Silver-skinned Crocodile King.

Xia Changge immediately retreated like paddling for fish.

He is just a little demon at the early stage of Golden Core Realm, those demon kings will naturally not pay attention to his departure.

He didn't even pay attention to his life and death!

It took Xia Changge almost twenty minutes to leave here.

After making sure that no one noticed him, Xia Changge took out his Yunlong flying boat, and chased after the direction where the Chensha demon fish demon king was escaping!

The Chensha Demon Fish Demon King is only at the initial stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, and his current speed is beyond the initial stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

But the bigger possibility is that there is not even a middle-stage Jindan Realm!

Because the Cinnabar Demon Fish Demon King had just finished seizing the body, he was definitely not proficient with the new body.

He is just a golden core realm monster now!

In less than half an hour, Xia Changge had completely chased him.

"High-grade flying boat!"

Seeing this flying boat, Chensha Demon Fish Demon King's expression changed instantly.

Those who own a high-grade flying boat must at least have the mid-stage Nascent Soul Realm strength.

Such a person stares at me, isn't it over for me!

It can be seen that the flying boat is only a human in the middle of the Golden Core Realm.

The Chensha demon fish demon king suddenly had more evil thoughts: "Die to me!"

For the human beings in the mid-Gold Core Realm, the Cinnabar Demon Fish Demon King has never paid attention to them.

He accepted this high-grade flying boat with a smile!


As everyone knows, just looking at Xia Changge just now, Chensha Demon Fish Demon King felt that his Nascent Soul had a dazzling feeling.

This made his body a little out of his control just now.

"Delicious Nascent Soul, come here!"

Xia Changge took this opportunity to drive the flying boat directly into the current body of the Chensha Demon Fish Demon King.

A top-grade magic weapon with amazing defense power.

There is nothing wrong with colliding with Jindan Realm monsters like the Cinnamon Demon Fish Demon whose defense is weak.

In one fell swoop, it exploded the current body of the Cinnabar Demon Fish Demon King.

The Nascent Soul of the Chensha Demon Fish Demon King was knocked out again.

At this moment, he can only survive by attaching to something like a magic weapon.

Seize the house or something, you don't have that qualification anymore.

However, the current Cinnabar Demon Fish Demon King doesn't even have the chance to cling to objects to survive!

Xia Changge looks like a human being at this moment.

The open mouth couldn't even fit a fist of his own.

But for the Cinnabar Demon Fish Demon King, this is simply **** mouth.

Oh no, it's the mouth of the abyss!

"You are also a human monk who seized the house, no!"

At this moment, the Cinnamon Demon Fish Demon King seemed to understand.

No wonder Xia Changge owns a high-grade flying boat.

The feeling is because Xia Changge is a fallen monster in the middle and late stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

It was here to devour his Nascent Soul!

The Cinnamon Demon Fish Demon King wants to make a final struggle.

But after Xia Changge got acquainted with the Nascent Soul villain in the sea, he used the Nascent Soul to launch the "Extreme God Tribulation".

The weak Nascent Soul of the Chensha Demon Fish Demon King was immediately scattered.

At this moment, the little demon fish Yuanying that was about to dissipate was directly swallowed by Xia Changge.

"Peerless delicious!"

At this time, Xia Changge really fell in love with the taste of eating Yuanying, the demon king of Yuanying realm.

After swallowing the Nascent Soul of the Chensha Demon Fish Demon King, Xia Changge took the space ring of the Chensha Demon Fish Demon King by the way.

"This... the money comes really fast!"

Xia Changge didn't look inside.

Because it takes time to refine it, Xia Changge doesn't plan to refine it now, just find time to watch it slowly later.

Savings in the Nascent Soul Realm will not be bad.

Xia Changge really liked this feeling.

After the Nascent Soul of the Chensha Demon Fish Demon King was swallowed into the sea of ​​consciousness by Xia Changge.

Xia Changge's Nascent Soul villain naturally began to enjoy such a delicacy.

The Nascent Soul of the Cinnabar Demon Fish Demon King has not been completely refined, but it will not take much time.

For Xia Changge himself, he only needs to use his thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness.

There is no pressure for Xia Changge to focus on two tasks at once.

At this moment, Xia Changge felt that his divine sense could easily cover a thousand miles around.

"go back!"

Xia Changge didn't know what was going on at Biyun Pavilion.

But now it's only an hour or so before I leave.

The battle won't tell the difference.

At least it will take a few more months to fight, and after the Biyun Pavilion's family property is almost wiped out, the real decisive battle will begin.

At this time, Xia Changge must go to see if he can pick up the leak again.

To Xia Changge, the demon king who lost his physical body and seized his body again, only at the Golden Core Realm, was simply too sweet!

Xia Changge felt that if there were a few more, he was afraid that the strength of the Nascent Soul would be comparable to that of the real Nascent Soul Realm Early Stage.

Xia Changge couldn't miss this kind of opportunity that was hard to come by in three hundred years.

Quietly returned to the battlefield outside Biyun Pavilion.

At this moment, the two sides are indeed still fighting.

It may be because of the lessons learned from the Cinnabar Demon Fish Demon King here.

The remaining demon kings became more cautious.

The output does not need to be printed too much, but self-reporting must be done.

It can be described as attacking the enemy with three points and keeping seven points for yourself.

Xia Changge has been fishing outside for four months.

Unexpectedly, none of the demon kings were seriously injured.

Instead, it was Biyun Pavilion.

Xia Changge could feel that the quasi-fifth-order spiritual veins below Biyun Pavilion felt like they were overloaded.

It is not enough to destroy, the Biyun Pavilion spirit veins group that has almost reached the fifth-order spirit veins, even if they maintain this consumption state for three to five years, the spirit veins will not be short, let alone just for a few months.

This is this kind of overloaded operation, which is to overdraw the spiritual veins to a great extent!

As for the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine, more and more roots and vines were destroyed, which caused its subsequent output to be weak.

No way, the function of the rotating wood spirit vine is to prevent these demon kings from attacking the six Nascent Soul realm monks, so that the few Nascent Soul realm monks around them can attack those demon kings wholeheartedly.

In addition, the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine also needs to find the right opportunity to see if there is a chance to make up for the Chensha Demon Fish Demon King like before.

It's a pity that it is not so easy for the demon king who is on guard to show his flaws.

If Xia Changge's long-lived true qi is continuously fed into this Rotary Wood Spirit Vine in Biyun Pavilion, it will definitely increase the power of the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine by one or two points.

But now Xia Changge doesn't have that chance.

The place where Xia Changge stayed was on the edge of the battlefield, and he couldn't touch the main body of the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine at all.


Following the order of the Blood Soul Demon King, the remaining demon kings began to show their true abilities one after another.

They all knew that the shattering of Biyun Pavilion was at this moment.

After winning, they can go to the Iori Palace for further training.

Not to mention being able to improve their cultivation in the Nascent Soul Realm, but also listening to the sermons of demon gods on how to sprint to transform into gods!

Of course they are full of energy!

Such an increase in firepower output caused one or two demon kings to counterattack tragically because they could not dodge in time.

But they all evacuated here in time.

He evacuated with only a small injury, and continued on the battlefield after recovering.

This made Xia Changge really have no chance at all!

There is no way, Xia Changge can only continue to watch this kind of battle that will not be seen in a hundred years.

At this moment, the huge territory of Biyun Pavilion is already riddled with holes.

As for the Foundation Establishment disciples inside...

It has been affected by the attacks of these demon kings, and most of them died.

Four of them were lost at the Golden Core Realm, let alone the Foundation Establishment Realm.

That is to say, the Nascent Soul cultivators have the help of the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine to protect them, otherwise the six Nascent Soul cultivators would have suffered some damage.

After approaching for three months, an attack bombarded the huge chasing wood spirit vine.

The Spinning Wood Spirit Vine fell completely, no longer able to fight anymore.

Without the protection of the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine, the six Nascent Soul Realm monks including Yan Shiquan fled immediately.

"This **** thing... actually..."

What Xia Changge didn't expect was that the Seventh Prince actually jumped out from under a side vine of the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine.

He has been wondering why he didn't see the Seventh Prince.

I thought he was hiding in the core of Biyun Pavilion, or he had already run away.

It never occurred to him that he was hiding under the vines of the Turning Wood Spirit Vine.

This dog can hide!

As soon as the spiral wood spirit vine fell, many monsters that were still circling outside roared and charged towards the sect's residence in Biyun Pavilion.

Go and kill those disciples at the Foundation Establishment Realm and elders at the Golden Core Realm.

"Everyone, these remnants of the human race will be handed over to you!"

The Blood Soul Demon King did not go after Yan Shiquan and the Nascent Soul Realm monks, but planned to stay.

Because Biyun Pavilion has the delicious food he wants.

The demon king including Jiao Xinao didn't say much.

A group of three or four monsters began to chase after them.

There is no need for them to deal with these human beings under the Nascent Soul Realm.

The main thing is to pursue Yan Shiquan and the other three monks in the early stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

As for Huangfu Thirteen...the strength lies there.

If the Blood Soul Demon King didn't make a move, it would be very difficult for another Demon King in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm to kill alone.

In an instant, only the Blood Soul Demon King, a Nascent Soul cultivator, remained The purpose of the Blood Soul Demon King is naturally the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine.

When he came to the place where the remnant body of the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine was, he even stretched out his hand to caress it carefully.

"It's really rare and delicious. Don't worry, when I refine you, I won't dishonor your reputation."

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After saying that, dozens of tentacles of the Blood Soul Demon King were wrapped around the huge vines of the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine.

It is certainly impossible to eat directly.

How long will it take to eat this mountain-sized spiral wood spirit vine?

The Blood Soul Demon King just absorbed the spiritual power in the remnant body of the Rotary Wood Spirit Vine.

Seeing this scene, for some reason, Xia Changge suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

Isn't this... a godsend opportunity!

Read The Duke's Passion