MTL - Immortal Ape King-Chapter 437 Kill you guys

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The mountains are continuous, the big Yuelu, the black pressure is a large piece, and the roots are not seen at all. Yuan Hong has escaped all the way, and the war has retreated. I don’t know how many chasings have been escaped!

In particular, the **** of yin and yang teaching is simply the scorpion of the sacrum. He can't get rid of it. He tried his best to hide himself. His body shape and breath changed completely, and he was still photographed by the yin and yang mirror.

This secret treasure makes Yuan Hong flamboyant, and it is useless for him to die and die with the light, and there is nothing in the light of the light. At this moment, he has a feeling of Sun Wukong, and the seventy-two changes are useless!


Above a mountain, Yuan Hong was once again blocked. He directly sacrificed the pagoda. The golden light of the singer illumined Tianyu, and all the yin and yang teaching people were covered. Even the masters were among them.

The sky is turbulent, the storm is like the sea, and this land is interrupted in an instant!

However, there is no help at all, Yin Yang Bao Jing is equally horrible, it escapes red and white light, can make life and death, even the golden pagoda is resisted, the yin and yang gods are cold and incomparable, staring at Yuan Hong killing!

He sacrificed the yin and yang mirror and fought with Yuan Hong. He was fearless at all. This is a replica of the great figure in the teaching. Although it is not a long-lived soldier, it is not a god, it is also a terrible horror.

Yuan Hong had no choice but to take up the pagoda to escape. He received the news that the Peacock King and the Yunshan clan had to protect themselves and gave them ten courage to dare to kill!

The minefield is too big!

Far beyond the Qinghe River, the territory is vast, vast and boundless, Yuan Hong is flying all the way, and the speed is reached to the extreme. Now he is full of power, can reach 19 times the speed of sound, it is like a ghost!

What is this concept? Many of the strongest people in the realm of Feng Fan’s peak are not as fast as Yuan Hong, and what is the horror of the 19-fold speed of sound. It is simply a humanoid fighter.

In particular, Yuan Hong can fly, which makes many people hate the roots of the teeth, and the masters can not stop the best, can only look at the back and resentful, he is a enchanting!


Thundercloud tumbling, electric light like the sea, overwhelming thunder and lightning, Yuan Hong fled the cofferdam, flew up to Tianyu, hiding in the thick layer of thunderclouds, he bathed in the electric light, and finally can catch his breath!

In the past few days, he has been living like a man for a long time. He is not a human being. He is always fleeing, or he is caught. Wherever he goes, he is a monk who searches for him. The holy places are like crazy.

No matter how far away from the escape, there are still teachers and monks. Yuan Hong is surprised. How many people have they come?

During this time, he was exhausted and had a feeling of enthusiasm. It was not physical, it was derived from the soul, and no one could stand it anyway, and he was driven crazy.

In particular, the three gods of the mountain **** Hebo land, Yuan Hong has changed his attitude. He originally had a sense of intimacy with the three tribes in mythology. Now there is nothing, just want to catch a few people to smash.

He was hiding in the mountains and was discovered. The potential river was taken out and hidden in the ground. It was simply that there was no way to go to heaven, and the spirits were strong and consumed by them.

There are more descendants of the great holy places, Dongsheng Shenzhou's various ethnic geniuses, the iron-clad strong soldiers of the dynasty, the children of the same-born family of the long-lived family, one by one blocking the heavens and the earth, and wishing to trap him!

Every time, Yuan Hong was extremely alert and still had several times. He was trapped by the Taoist pattern and sacrificed the pagoda to kill him. The scenes made him think that he was afraid.

Sealed by the sky, Qiankun was shrouded, and the chain of embarrassment evolved. It was more windy, thunder and rain, and the sword and the sword, and the fire of the fire. It was nothing to do with it. He felt that he was a bit guilty!

"Who I want to provoke anyone! I haven't eaten a meal at your house!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Hong’s anger and resentment is very strong. In fact, he has long known the purpose of these people, but he will not go to death. There is a big one in Xian’s ruins. !

"A group of old guys are looking for death, don't pull the little master to do the backing, if you anger the lord, don't want to live!"

Yuan Hongjun, there are mental problems, and I think about the scene of the day. Now it’s still creepy. The big hand that covers the sky is covered with green hair, and the corpse is savage. Whoever dies!

Especially the death knell, a slight bang, those of Ray's death will die, like the dumplings, falling from the sky, who can't accept it, Yuan Hong estimates that the long-lived are not enough!

Time passed and the day passed!

Yuan Hong adjusted his interest rate in the Leiyun layer. His mental state has been tightening. Now he can finally ease it. The thunder and lightning in the sky smashed on his body, but he could not hurt him.

This level of electro-optical light, like tickling, his treasure is shining, even the field does not need to open, the body is like a fairy, can not fight, at this moment began to think about what to do next!

At this stage, if you want to escape across the border, there is no possibility at all. Even if you escape, the situation is the same. There will be no change with the present. It is better to stay here, there is a peacock king cover, no one dares really. Let's die!

Yuan Hong thinks that the current situation is developing. A group of long-lived people want to enter the ruins of Xian ancient, they must find him to understand the situation, and even someone will force him to lead the way. This may exist completely.

In particular, Ray's people are even more powerful. They are aimed at Yuan Hong from beginning to end. Once they are caught, Yuan Hong has no doubt that he will embark on this road of no return.

At that time, even if the Peacock King is strong, how powerful and invincible, can not hold all the forces, the old man in the North Sea, I am afraid not coming, his own atmosphere is not enough!

"The situation is worrying! How can I be so unlucky!" Yuan Hong suffered, and felt that he was too back!

There are too many people to chase him. The great holy places, the ancient long-lived family, and the ancient people of Dongsheng Shenzhou. Although a group of teenagers of the Yaozu stand on his side, Yuan Hong has never been in contact with them. Hastily passed, not recognized!

At this time, apart from the Peacock King, he did not believe that there is something in the remains of Xiangu. I don’t have to think about it, and I am sure it is ten times more important than myself.

It is difficult to protect that group of big demons do not secretly start, Yuan Hong does not think that the old man's popularity is really so good, at least the relationship with the Golden Wing Dapeng King is tense, the natural ethnic group is the same.

"Since it is inevitable, I will simply play with them to the end. I will play one, and I will be afraid of the grandsons. I will be afraid of them. I see who else dares to bully me!"

Yuan Hongfa stunned, some broken jars broke, and there was no need to endure it. It was not his character to hide and hide. Since he hit the door, he drove directly with him.

"You don't dare to rule badly, the Peacock King is not a vegetarian!"

Many long-lived people were forced to reach an agreement. Who dared to take the initiative and surpassed the peers to suppress Yuan Hong. The Peacock King personally suppressed his ten people, and even the holy land was discolored. It is impossible to imagine why this kid was so heavily ridden by the Peacock.

Before the escape, Yuan Hong also confirmed this point. Those who are masters of the squad, all look at each other, but dare not take their own shots, even if they are blocked, they are very taboo.

Among the thunderclouds, Yuan Hong slowly recovered his energy. He ran the scriptures, and even the electro-optical light was swallowed up. The lines that appeared in the flesh and blood, the mysterious and unpredictable, the mysterious, still brewing, let Yuan Hong look forward to it. !

This must be a kind of supernatural power. After the baptism of the thunder, the condensed blood of the ancestors has already changed to an unknown level. Once it is absolutely shocking, it is not weaker than the magical power of the king.

Another day passed, there was a monk on the mountain. Yuan Hong looked down and found them. One by one, the dragon and the tiger were fierce. The people who taught in Yin and Yang took the lead and rode the aliens to search this land!

Lei’s people are also there. Yuan Hong did not find the Thunder. Some people said that after this guy’s defeat, he was shameful and brave, and began to retreat, so that Yuan Hong’s heart was admired.

Sure enough, it is a natural god, and the heavyweight still has an invincible style!

There are also some great schools in the Middle Kingdom of China, the Taiyin Holy Land and the Sun Holy Land. They have good ties with yin and yang, and they involve yin and yang. Although the scriptures are different, they can complement each other!

Yuan Hongtou is big, these people come together, and the power of exerting great power is greatly increased. They are opposite each other. The sun has been weak and weak since ancient times, and there has been no conclusion. No one can tell.

"Give me a thorough search and dig three feet to find out the kid!"

Yin and Yang teach a master to drink, he follows behind the yin and yang of the god, is a powerful monk, the breath is repressed, the chest is stuffy.

The yin and yang gods have a sullen look. He holds a yin and yang mirror and flies out the red and white light. It shines on every land and mountains. A large river has also been explored and still not found.

"Dao brother, this place has been checked several times, there is still no trace, is that the person has left!"

A black boy opened his mouth, his breath was cold, his eyes were shining, his hair was like a waterfall, his body was shining, he was holding a black spear, and he looked horrible!

This is the genius of the Taiyin Holy Land. It is not weaker than the yin and yang gods, leading the people of the Holy Land, all the way to follow the yin and yang religion to catch up here, to see the trace of Yuan Hong with a yin and yang mirror!

"Yes! There are no traces in the hundreds of miles! Eighty percent have left!"

On the other side, there is also a young boy who hunts for a golden robe. For example, the same day, the blazing and burning, the hair is shining, the golden light is flowing, and the eyes are all painful.

However, the yin and yang gods refused to leave. He held the yin and yang mirror, broke through the earth, broke the mountain, almost destroyed it here, and evolved the trace of Yuan Hong, confirming that he has not left!

Above Tianyu, Yuan Hong breathed silently, but his eyes were already burning!

"Yin and Yang Shenzi, you **** me waiting, I will never kill you, sell you to the bitter kiln, and mine the day in this life!"

Yuan Hong resented and hated this guy. He never hated to pick up a person. This kind of goods was dead with himself, like a poisonous snake, always killing himself!

A pair of people flocked out, broke through the mountains and rivers, searched within a few hundred miles, they armed with soldiers, formed a battle, swept every place, and some of the big murders were all crucified!

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