MTL - Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation-v3 Chapter 2477 Access channel

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Yanhuang ancient tomb.

The seven secret palace keys are turned into the birds and the birds are connected end to end.

The black holes in the circle and the faint fluctuations in time and space have already made the people present feel that there is a channel of the fairy palace!

It can be guessed that in the face of this passage, the fanatical group of people is cautious.

Time and space channel!

This is a space-time channel. Who knows where to go, there are too many accidents.

In the world of the thousand, there are no shortages of time and space, even if the false **** is unfortunately involved, it is difficult to get out.

What's more, this group of emperors, of course, dare not shake.

"Would you like to go in?"

Qin Ming has an impulse in his heart, and there is a flash of fire in his eyes. The wing of time and space, once had the dragon master, defeated the incomparable Black Dragon King.

For Xiangong, Qin Ming has a special psychology for the wing of time and space.

Sikong looked around and saw only the true, Yan Cangming, Wenyu and others, all of them were brows and wrinkles, all thinking about the best policy, no intention to act rashly.

"Be cautious, we have the treasure that Zijinlong Emperor entrusted... but it should not be exposed too early."

Retracting the line of sight, Sikong squatted.

Qin Ming’s eyes are more and more fanatical, whispering: “What are you afraid of, wealthy and dangerous, for the wings of time and space, this risk can definitely take the risk. As long as the first opportunity, the wing of time and space, must be the things I am waiting for!”

The silver dragon king looked solemnly and persuaded: "Don't be impulsive, the people present, who can guarantee that they don't have a card? Let's move, there are several people present, I still can't see through it, hehe..."

Hearing the silver dragon king sighed, Qin twitched his mouth and looked a little dissatisfied.

But after all, I still calm down and don't say much.

When a group of people waited to hesitate, they were far away from the core area and the rivers with Lin Feng.

When the seven keys are connected end to end, they suddenly feel the heartbeat speeding up and the blood flow back.

The spirit is awkward, and the face is pale and scary.

So sad!

The river slammed, slammed his chest to the ground, looked up into the distance, and looked at the circle of light that was connected to the **** bird.

The vision is blurred, hehe, nothing can be seen clearly.

Passing the key, really on me?

Father, what the **** are you doing, why don’t you tell me why you don’t tell me...

"Jianghe, river!"

Lin Feng was shocked by the side, kneeling down and looking at the situation of the river.

The river has a vague consciousness, only feeling that he is very weak, and someone seems to be calling his name in his ear.

The vision is the radiance of the key burst, and the heart is more painful than the physical pain.

At this moment, how stupid he is, and guessed that the key to inheritance is really related to himself.

But father, why not tell him?

"Why don't you tell me..."

In the ambiguous consciousness, in his blurred vision, there is a back in the light.

The back is illusory and ethereal under the light.

Behind him, there was a small point of squinting, looking at the back of the mountain with a gaze.

"River, what do you think is strong?"

Little did not hold the fist, biting his teeth firmly said: "Of course, like a father, can be a strong!"

The father is Tianlong, the Tianlong who is admired by the Shenlong Empire. It is a dragon that is more powerful than the Zijinlong Emperor.

"I am a strong man? But this empire has already rotted into the roots and become a dog in the hands of others. I am only a little strong dog..."

Little, not a cute face, showing an incomprehensible look, he could not understand his father's words.

Biting your fingers, I don’t want to understand what I want to do, so that the little face is so cute.

Although the back is not turned, but he can clearly see his appearance, and Junjun can not help but laugh.

"He, my father is leaving, remember to do your homework in the future, don't be lazy."

Little is not nervous about the reason, ran over and hugged the back of the back of the leg: "Why is the father going, Xiaojianghe is not allowed to leave."

"Why? Because the father, there is a strong heart... Xiaojianghe must remember that the strong is not in the strength of the heart, in the heart, if you can understand, one day you will become a dragon."

When the voice falls, no matter how small the call is, the back is gradually drifting away from his eye until it disappears.

The picture is changing.

In the city of Zulong, a group of teenagers surrounded the small, fists and feet, and hit them.

"Little bastard, you steal the things of Master Qin."

"Let you steal, let you steal, kill you!"

"It really is a mean dragon, I don't know, how can you live in Zulong City."

The small curls on the ground, the nose and the green face swollen, but the knife in his arms is not willing to let go.

Gritted teeth, eyes are moist but no tears fall, reluctantly said: "I am not a thief, I am not a thief, this is my father's knife, this is my father gave me."

"Hahaha, your father is a sinner!"

"All his things have been confiscated, and now they are all Master Qin Ming."

"Your father is not trying to sneak up on the Zijinlong Emperor, leaving you a life is also a gift from the Qin family!"

"I don't want you to say that my father is a dragon, it is a dragon!"

The little dots on the ground suddenly burst out, and the look was crazy and embarrassing, knocking back all the teenagers around.


Just two steps away, the whole person flew out, and there was one more footprint on his face.

The young Qin Ming appeared, a faint saying: "Small dragon, you will keep it with this broken knife. There are so many treasures. If you dare to steal something later, it is not as simple as you."

"贱 。."

"The waste dragon."

"Where is the face, and the blood of our dragons, stay in Zulong City."

The teenagers are gradually gone, but the words that are ugly have not disappeared.

Little did not hold the knife, looked at the sky, and turned a deaf ear to these humiliating words.

He thought in his heart, thinking about why his father left, why not tell him anything.

In a blink of an eye, the little does not become a river, looking at the Zulong City behind the knife.

His eyes were firm and stubborn, his right hand clenched his fist, and he said: "I must find you, I want to ask you face to face, why!"

And did not return later, leaving the Zulong City directly.

Lin Feng was helpless. After the river fell, he began to talk nonsense. From time to time, he said why.

"Why are there so are dying."

Now how to do?

Lin Feng was helpless, the situation of the river was unheard of, the blood was countercurrent, the gods were disordered, and the gods were reversed, but they still had not died.

In a strange situation, the forest winds that are proficient in the path of death cannot understand.

At the time of the unfolding, Lin Feng’s face changed slightly, and he saw a faint glow in the chest of the river.

After a while, the whole body was extended and the whole body was a little blurred.

"What the hell?"

Lin Feng bent over and wanted to check it out. I knew that my hand was just on the river.

Without warning, the two disappeared so empty.


At the same time, inside the aperture formed by the key, the black hole suddenly broke.

As you look inside the circle, there is a world inside, a crystal clear and beautiful like a jade, a palace that exudes the spirit of the spirits, looming.

In the midst of the clouds, the palace is so dusty and fascinating.

"Gone with the fairy palace!"

Yan Cangming, Yinlong Wang and others can no longer hold back.

I still want to think about the complete strategy. Be cautious, the opportunity to enter the fairy palace will be occupied by others.


For a time, the light and shadow flickered, the round truth, the Yan Cangming and other people used their means to develop a wonderful body and flew away toward the passage.

On the back of the blood, Xiao Chen was thoughtful, not sure.

“Is it really a fairy palace?”

It is a pity that the blood-stained dragons’ memories of the fairy palace were forced to be wiped out.

At that time, under the pressure of the Lord and his commander, he was forced to surrender the wings of time and space, and he did not want to erase the memory of this aspect.

Even in the immediate future, Xiao Chen could not know too many clues.

"This is the floating fairy palace, the wing of time and space, must be inside."

Beside the side of the Chu, the cloud looked firm and stood up and ready to fly.

Xiao Chen said: "You are not going to go in with us?"

"Let's talk after you go in."

Chu Chaoyun's body was slightly stunned, hesitated for a moment, and still stayed.

"Is this big brother really credible?"

Xiaosuo, who has been healing on the blood of the demon, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the back of Chu Chaoyun.

He also looked at Xiao Chen, after all, the two did not know Chu Chaoyun and Xiao Chen, the past entanglements.

It is normal to have this question.

Is it credible?

Xiao Chen didn't know, but he knew how to answer this question. He said calmly: "My knife will never shoot him first."