MTL - Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation-v3 Chapter 2472 Reincarnation

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The **** tree is now, what is the fairy palace?

The Yanhuang Shenshu is displayed in front of the crowd with its stalwart giants, and the branches are swaying. Brilliant life, turned into green raindrops, spilling over the vast core area of ​​the year.

Looking at the core area, the vast trees that rise from the ground are in full view.

It consists of a seedling that grows to look up and see where it is.

At the same time, it also makes you feel the vastness of the core area of ​​Yanhuang Guling. This is a great tree in the sky, and it can be in the core area.

Lifting out the land, freeing its magic, can accommodate everything.

Compared with other leaders who are looking for clues to the fairy palace, Xiao Chen is much easier.

The injury on his body, accompanied by green raindrops, a little bit of reply.

After the green vitality penetrates into the body, such as the warmth of the fire, it is warm and warm, like the spring breeze smashing through the earth, bringing vitality.

The five fingers clenched, and the gods in the body, such as the rivers and waves, rushed.

In the soul pool, the depleted soul force is in the ocean, and the Qianlong Qianlong is full of blisters. The Qinglong God Seal is an ancient giant who has been sleeping for a long time. He opened his eyes and his soul was in the middle of the ocean. He had three auras and played the waves.

The gods are surging, the soul is boiling, the soul is returning to the place, and returning to the peak.

The gripping right fist contains the enormous power brought by the gods and souls. This feeling is really good.

Xiao Chen’s mouth was slightly tilted, showing a smile.

The feeling of being heavy, the soul is limited, and the strength is greatly reduced, but it is not good.


The two figures fell from the ancient trees of Yanhuang, but they were embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Big brother, the nine emperors let me both protect you. He said that your big brother, you are in the fairy palace, will definitely be entangled with other forces."

After Xiaosuo landed, he explained to Xiao Chen why he left Wang Hao.

昊铠 Interface said: "These nine people are good, let Umen and others look for Yan Huangguo, let me come back directly."

Looking back from the ancient trees of Yanhuang, Xiao Chen calmly said: "The last level can only rely on himself. If Wang Yun does not occupy the ninth altar, the position of the Prince is none other than him. Now it is not good to say. ""

The third round of the princely battle is closely related to the second round.

Yanhuang ancient tree grows on the dynasty dragon vein, and Wang Hao and Wang Yun, which are perfectly integrated with the dragon vein, are far superior to other princes.

The position of the Prince is sure that it will only be created between the two.

"No, still not!"

Chu Chaoyun, holding the key to the fairy palace, opened his eyes and shook his head and said that he was disappointed.

Nowadays, the martial arts era is like a dead wood. The figure has its shape, and the charm has long been lost.

The general trend of the era of the era is unstoppable, in this rolling trend. Once turned the tide, defeated the Black Dragon King, the strongest super-soul of the martial arts era, the wing of time and space, there is no reason not to show up.

At this moment, the leaders of the various parties of the Yanhuang Shenshu have not yet been boarded.

It was still hidden in the original, but now the tide has receded and it has not been exposed.

In addition to inheriting the key, there are seven fairy keys.

The tide receded, just to see clearly, who has the key to the fairy palace.

With a gaze sweeping, Xiao Chenyi was still sitting in the lotus platform, standing on the cloud and bathing in the true light of the Buddha's light.

With the cause and effect of the king of the Tibetan king, he is now tightening his eyebrows. It seems that there is something that is beyond his expectations.

This guy's fairy key is given to him by Xiao Chen, no need to guess.

On the distant hills, standing two people, Yan Cangming and Zhenyuan stand side by side, obviously these two people also have a fairy key.

Wearing a blood dragon robes, there are Ming Xuan and Yang Qing in the body, and the third fairy key is in his hands.

The Xuanguang Holy Land smells the human feathers and the Tao Xuantong, and wants to hear the human feathers, and certainly holds a fairy key.

There is one for himself and Chu Chaoyun, and the last one left is in the hands of the group of Yinlongwang.

The eyes swept over, and Xiao Chen’s eyes flashed a strange look. The dragon **** Prince Qin Ming actually stood up.

Unfortunately, the line of sight just happened to be with the other party, and the smothering of the ice cold made Xiao Chen feel cool.

Xiao Chen’s heart sighed, the vitality of this ancient yellow tree, healed his injury and let him return to the peak.

However, it was almost half dead, and Qin Ming, who was almost abolished, was born again and raised to the next level.

"Yin, you don't have to know him first. It's important to find the fairy palace. You have commanded it, and everything is dominated by the wings of time and space."

Yinlong Wang was afraid of Qin Ming, and he couldn’t stand it. An impulse would kill the past.

Before Qin Ming was crushed into a pile of meat, completely sleepy, I don’t know how terrible Xiao Chen is.

If you believe that Nirvana is born again, you can defeat Xiao Chen, it is a bit bad.

"I know."

Qin Ming looked cold and slightly unwilling, but slowly recovered his sight.

Xiao Chen smiled lightly and didn't care.

Before, there was still a chaotic situation. Under the old trees, it seemed to be a bit deserted.

Other visitors, along with the emperor, boarded the Yanhuang ancient tree.

Even if this round has little to do with them, you can hide the hidden emperor fruit, but you have to fight for it.

Yan Huangguo not only has the effect of extending life, but the legend can also increase the ethereal air transport, so that its own gas transportation skyrocketing.

The higher the cultivation, the more you can feel the existence of the destiny, and the more you desire for the air transport.

Compared with the illusory fairy palace, involving the great wings of time and space, they are more interested in the real Yan Huang.

Where is the fairy palace?

The people who have the key to the fairy palace are like Chu Chaoyun, and they are somewhat confused.

Looking at the silent Chu Chaoyun, Xiao Chen suddenly said: "Have you ever thought that the secret key is not there, and the fairy palace will not be born?"

"What is the solution?"

Xiao Chen said: "In fact, I think so. I have been predicting the birth of the Immortal Palace for tens of thousands of years, but I have actually not allowed it once. If it is twice, it can be a problem with the level of these life divisions. There are tens of thousands of failures in succession, and there are certainly other reasons."

Chu Chaoyun’s eyes were bright, but he never heard this.

"I believe that in the past, some people have already gotten through seven keys, but they lack the key to inheritance. Since there is no inheritance key, even if the immortal palace is born, it can't enter it. What is the significance of the birth of the fairy palace?"

Chu Chaoyun said: "You mean that the fairy palace can sense the existence of the key, or there is a similar array. If there are no seven keys, plus the upload key, then the array in the fairy palace. It will not be activated and will not be shown."

"Yes, this is my guess, otherwise I can't explain the predictions of tens of thousands of years, why I failed again and again."

Xiao Chen lowered his head and arbitrarily fiddled with his fingers. He said softly: "But it is just a guess. After all, the pass key has long been lost, and it can't really be tested."

When the voice fell, the eyes of Chu Chaoyun turned to the river.

"Don't look at me, I really don't know where the key is."

Jianghe looked helpless and quickly explained that if he knew that he had already said ... 曦 torture, not everyone can afford it.


Bowing his fingers, suddenly looking up, seemingly casual. At the moment of raising his head, the shadow of Qinglong in front of him was instantly solidified, his long hair was swayed, his front was full, and his waving hand was a raging anger that blew out.

The anger from the dying ancestors formed a giant palm, and the palms of the five gods thundered, and the life and death were extinguished, like an immortal country.


This palm, just greeted, and suddenly shot without a warning.

Sitting in the lotus pendulum between the Scorpio, the true meaning of a singularity, by the supreme Buddha, condensed into a golden Buddha's palm that covers the sky.

The two palms touched each other, and there was a terrible noise and a gust of wind.

I broke through the clouds, I don’t know the towering geometry of the old yellow trees, shaking in the wind caused by this aftermath.

In the tree, many visitors who are looking for Yan Huangguo feel that the world has collapsed.

Those who are a little weaker are instantly smashed and screaming.


Xiao Chen pulled the river and turned it into a purple thunder.

After landing, Xiaosuo clenched the red blood battle flag, together with Wumeng, looked dignified, blocked in the morning of Xiao Chen and Chu Chaoyun and the river.

The aftermath of the two palms has not been scattered in the air for a long time, and the thunder and the broken golden Buddha's palms have evolved a horrible vision.

In the eyes of outsiders, a big space has become a terrible restricted area.

The cup was bathed in soft Buddha light, sitting on the lotus platform, slowly passing through the forbidden zone formed by this aftermath, and the eyes were swept away and stared at the river.

Its purpose is suddenly self-evident.


Three figures, in a flash, and led Ming Xuan and Yang Qing to kill.

"Xiao Chen, it seems that more than one person thinks of the key to the problem."

After the Chu Chaoyun finished, let the river feel uneasy and laughter. After all, staring at him in the sky is the true unfathomable truth of today.

The three people killed on the ground, all kinds of means, he has already been taught.

The river is full of anger, but it is not these people, but the old man who has no conscience.

Dad, your son is really miserable by you now... If you really know the key to inheriting, tell me that it will work, and it will not be explained as it is now.

"Give this person to me."

There is no nonsense, go straight to the subject.


Xiao Chen was particularly refreshed, and both the rivers and the rivers were taken aback. "However, you should take the blood dragon robes on your body for change."

A faint smile appeared on his face, and the abyss of the left eye was infinitely deep, and then it turned into a **** flame.

咔 wipe the card!

This strange blood flame ignited at the bottom of his left eye and burned. It is like burning through one world barrier and crossing the endless distance, burning out the eyelids and reaching the place where the eyebrows are!

When the blood flame burned out of the eye, the fear from the abyss turned into essence, paving the way.

With the smile on his face, it seems to be invisible.


In the face of this real fear, Xiaosuo and others had to retreat a few steps before they slowly stopped.

Even so, still dare not look at this embarrassing face.

"Xiao Chen, you know who is your friend, who is your enemy?"

I didn't take advantage of the momentum to overwhelm the moment of Xiao Chen and others, and my face was not smiling, I asked.

Xiao Chen looked directly at the other side and said calmly: "Before me, around me, it is my friend."

The front is naturally referred to as Xiaosuo, and the left and right are Chu Chaoyun and Jianghe.


A typo that came out of the mouth, without hesitation, looked serious, and had an unquestionable magic.

"The old era has been dying, the new era is about to begin, the era is gone, and the cycle is not stop. Do you really understand that the reincarnation is more than these four words? This is the general trend, this is no one can be alone, can stay out of the way The general trend. Apart from me, these people around you, either involuntarily or in a general trend, may betray you! Abandon you! Kill you!"

A word, a slap, like a thunder and thunder, sounded in the mind of Xiao Chen, pointing to the weakest soft rib in the depths of his heart.

Betray you! Abandon you! Kill you!

Three sentences, if there is Yu Wei, the turbulence in his mind will not stop.

Xiao Chen’s big shock, a similar problem, he also thought about when he was looking for cooperation with Chu Chaoyun.

The rumor is that other people besides him are not credible.

Why is he so confident? He was the last hand of the Emperor Yunyun Long, knowing my Qinglong identity?