MTL - Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation-v3 Chapter 2455 Gentle as fire

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The snowy area is full of money, but it is only a few million miles away.

For the emperor, this distance, but a few breaths can go back and forth. The soul force is emitted, and in an instant, it can sweep every move of the entire snow.

But here is the ancient tomb of Yanhuang. This is the world of the world that has never changed since the beginning of Taikoo.

The breath of the wild, never had a moment, so clearly appeared in front of everyone.

Even the magical skills of Xiao Chen, the eye of the cave, are limited to a range of 100,000 miles.

It is conceivable that the pressure from the floods is terrible.

Fortunately, Wan Long, Xiao Chen, I don’t know why, it is very active here. No need to move, it runs freely, greedily absorbs the scent of the air.

In the faint, there are signs that they can break through the double shackles at any time.

"This place is a treasure for the warriors who are full of blood."

If Xiao Chen is thoughtful and sighs softly, he does not need to say anything about him who owns Wan Long.

However, the repressive power that is faced still exists, and some of them are inconvenient.

"This way, the consumption is still a bit big."

With a snow falling in the air, Xiao Chen sighed softly, and the chill was too heavy here. It is difficult to make snow, and the chilly snow contained in the snow is called cold poison.

It is not too much injury to the body of the emperor, but it is quite laborious to disperse from time to time.

In addition to the consumption of the gods that are running, some people feel that they are shackled.


The red light flashed, and the demon blood was summoned by Xiao Chen.

Today's blood and blood, the blood of the ancestors, has a few points of blood phoenix.

"In this ancient tomb of Yanhuang, you can play a few strengths."


As a beast with a **** wild animal, the adaptation of the blood and blood in this place is much better than that of the human race.


The tip of the toe is lighter, and Xiao Chen sits on the back of the **** blood, and travels with the snow.

The devil's blood is flying almost on the ground, not afraid to fly too high.

First, space pressure exists, and second, it is too high to be regarded as a target.

Any beasts here are all dragons. If they are noticed, their eyes will be lighted, and they will immediately kill it and win the dragon.

"Help me find inheritance, find suspicious things, remember to remind me."

Snow is falling, and there are white and white in the sky. It is not easy to find the inheritance that is good for the "ice and snow" Yanhuang.

Fortunately, the help of the blood of the blood, Xiao Chenle's easy, with his eyes closed and repaired.

One heart and two uses, but it does not delay the search for inheritance.

At the same time, other emperors continued to enter the Yanhuang ancient scorpion.

It’s just that there’s a different place, or a pine forest, a wilderness plain, or a rocky desert.

In a loess desert, the wind is rolling wild sand.

After the emperor Wang Fei landed, he frowned slightly. Without much words, he directly pulled out the sword of the Emperor.

In the next moment, the Yanhuang sword shines brightly, and the dragon shadow lingers.


The black man with mysterious left eye, the ace of the Taimiao Ancestral Hall, the six-pulse emperor Zuo Yu, and the black lotus son and the Qinglian saint have appeared.

The rest of the guests chose to act alone, find inheritance, or kill the beast.

The black lotus son whispered: "Before the first round, His Royal Highness is not a waste of the dragon, calling me and so on."

Wang Fei said faintly: "I naturally have confidence in the first round, but I will send you over, but it is for another thing. I know the inheritance of a former Shanghuang Emperor, and I want you to come, in order to ensure that nothing is lost. ”

The inheritance of Yan Huang left, there is no grade.

This generation of Yanhuang, there are strong and weak, leaving behind the inheritance of valuable points. Gradually, it is also attached to the ranks of the descendants, in order to distinguish the quality of the inheritance and the degree of rareness.

Taimiao Ancestral Temple, who knows more about the ancient tomb of Yanhuang, can give more information to the great emperor.

The inheritance of the top grade is an extremely unbearable inheritance. Wang Fei will naturally have a heart.

"Oh... it turned out to be this, then you will pay for the King Brothers to take a trip. I won’t be confused by this excitement."

Even if he had his left face and a half mask with his eyes exposed, the great prince could still see the boring taste from his face.

Also waiting for Wang Fei to answer, this mask man will go straight away, leaving without saying goodbye.

"Great courage!"

The left brow is slightly wrinkled, and this disrespect is in his opinion.

Heilongjiang Shengzi Mingxuan whispered: "His Royal Highness, the adults have always been like this, what kind of inheritance, so that the great emperor is so interested, I and the young girl will try their best to help."

Yang Qing smiled like a glimpse of the wind, looking at Wang Feidao: "His Royal Highness, take the road."

Wang Fei sneered in his heart, but he was quiet and smiled. "Let's go, left, and don't have to make a fuss. You are the guest I invited, and you can't be equal to ordinary people."

On the outskirts of the ancient emperor's tomb, many of the prince's doormen began to act quickly.

In a piece of pine forest, the four emperors Wang Yun pulled out the Yanhuangjian and brought several important guests to the side.

One of them, with a headband and a hood, wrapped himself up tightly, and it was the Lingyin Temple.

Wang Yun’s eyes fell on him, and the tone of respect said: “Mr. Yuan, what should we do.”

"Other princes should focus on finding inheritance. But the four emperors have weaker backgrounds and strengths, and it is not appropriate to compete with others to fight and kill. The loss of soldiers will not be worth the loss. Hard work, honestly killing the beasts to collect dragons, and secure them. After this round, I will say it again."

The hoarse voice, which came out of the hood, made people slightly uncomfortable.

Other visitors seem a bit uncomfortable, come to this ancient Emperor, do not find inheritance and what it means.

The four emperors Wang Yun’s heart has already had his own judgment on the true words. Shen Shen said: “Follow the words of Mr. Yuan’s words. You will kill the beasts and collect the dragons. I will thank you afterwards. Again... Hunting the beasts, you may not necessarily encounter different treasures. Yanhuang Guling, everything is possible."

After the remarks were made, the grievances of other visitors were slightly reduced.

In this round, the circle is extremely low-key, and there is no intention to expose it.

"Good! It’s really helping me!"

On the side of the thirteen emperor, the Baize Empire Baiyunfei, the catalogue is full of excitement, Shen Shen said: "This place is really good for me and other warriors who have blood and blood."

Wang Hao smiled, and he also had some accidents. The ruin of the ancient tomb of Yanhuang was even more terrifying than the legend.

His 18 guests, in addition to the two royal masters, the rest are the emperors of the Imperial Palace!

"Senior seniors, what should I do this?"

Sikong, who is dressed as a fisherman, looks extraordinarily calm and sinks: "The soldiers are divided into three roads. The advantage of this first round is that I have the greatest advantage. How many inheritance can be taken, how many inheritances are taken, and inheritance also needs to be wasted. To enhance the strength, refining and refining on the spot will not delay. After a long time, most of them have adapted to the space pressure of this place, and there is not much left in the blood."

“So this first month...make sure to take advantage of our strengths and get a bigger advantage!”

Wang Hao’s eyes lit up and smiled: “There are predecessors, if there is a treasure, good, according to the instructions of the predecessors. In this round, we are divided into three ways, how many inheritance can be taken, and how many inheritances are taken.”

Everyone knows that unless you kill a terrible beast, it is difficult to collect enough dragons. Even killing a powerful beast is a thankless thing.

Obviously, finding the inheritance is the best thing to do in one fell swoop.

In addition to some of the more special princes, other princes, along with their doormen, are looking for inheritance.

On the stage of the imperial court, many Taimiao Zong Laos on the Taoist stage took the shot.

The huge light curtain rises, the light and shadow flicker, and it is the figure of many princes and doormen in the ancient tomb. The ancient tomb of Yanhuang has undergone several transformations. Although there are still many taboos, the temple can be roughly mastered.

As long as you like, you can always see the situation everywhere. Just want to interfere, it is a bit difficult.

A big drama is officially started.

In the snow, in the snowy area, it has been three days, and the blood is nothing.

On the back of the demon blood, Xiao Chen, who is practicing the practice of Wan Long, has opened his eyes. The night is cold and cold, and the shadows are hard to find.

Looking up at the sky, the clouds are rolling, not seeing the sun and the moon, only the heavy snow.

"This inheritance will not be destroyed?"

Three days of no work, so Xiao Chen has some doubts.

Such speculation is also possible, after all, on the edge of the ancient tomb. Every time the Prince is correct, it will be the first to be affected, and the dispute between the Prince and the Prince will be destroyed. It is not impossible.


Just at this moment, the heavy snow weakened, and the thick clouds in the air gradually became thinner.

In the middle of the night, the thick clouds broke, and a round of bright moon, quietly appeared.

When the moon is empty, it is as soft as fire.

I never thought that the moon would be so clean and tidy, and it seemed to wash all the lead in the moon.

In the air, there is still snow, sparsely falling.

Under the moonlight, the snow in the air, and the endless white snow, thousands of mottled light and shadow.

The clouds are broken, the moon is coming, the residual flowers are making shadows, and the endless snowy fields are born with wonderful wonders.

On the **** side, Xiao Chen, sitting on the sidelines, enjoys the beauty of this peerlessness and whispers to himself.

"I will wait for an opportunity?"

Read The Duke's Passion