MTL - Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation-Chapter 6 Lei Di Sangmu

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Behind the stone gate is a long ramp, and every night a few meters above the ramp is a night pearl. Under the illumination of the night pearl, the light in the ramp is not too dark.

The two men went all the way, in this silent martyrdom, walking silently, the atmosphere is a little horrible, Xiao Chen wants to find some topics to adjust the atmosphere, can look at Xiao Yan’s face with an indifferent expression, but I don’t know How to get in the mouth.

Just when Xiao Chen couldn't help but want to say something, the road ahead suddenly broke, and a thick stone wall blocked the way, but there was a forked road on both sides.

Xiao Chen looked at both sides. There was no darkness in the night, and there was no darkness in the night. I couldn’t see the situation inside. Xiao Chen asked: "Why, my cousin, which side?"

Xiao Yu looked at both sides and said: "The footsteps on the left are very obvious. It should be the direction of the blue people who are going, we go to the right."

Xiao Yu took a fire break from his arms and led the way in front. "This place may be a predecessor's cave house. Don't go away in the future. Such places generally have a ban."

In the former Dongfu, Xiao Chen immediately came to the interest after hearing it. Sure enough, the blue man would not come to the Qijiao Mountain Range for no reason. He came to the right place with him. Since it is a former Dongfu, there will definitely be a baby inside.

When Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Chen’s expression, he knew that he did not put his words on his heart and sneered: “You don’t think too naive. This place can attract a strong martial artist in this hole. The predecessors must have at least the repair of Wu Wang, and you can easily kill your life with a ban."

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "There is not a cousin, you are here, I will be fine when I follow you."

Xiao Yu didn't talk coldly, and the two went a little further. The light suddenly lit up and there was a stone room in front.

Xiao Yu will extinguish the fire and carefully look it up. The stone room is small. There is a stone bench and a stone bench in the middle. There are smooth walls all around. A lot of night pearls above the stone room become a strange bird. Shaped pattern.

Xiao Yu put his gaze on the stone table, which has a red brocade box that has not been opened. The brocade box also depicts the strange bird-shaped pattern. This pattern is a bit familiar. I can't think of it for a while.

Lei Peng!

After careful consideration for a long time, Xiao Yu finally remembered the name of the bird - Lei Peng, this is the martial art of the martial arts martial artist who was known as the Emperor of Lei Di. Legend has it that Mulberry was born in an ordinary family, and his parents did not cultivate it. But he was born with Wu Hun Lei Peng, and he was less than twenty years old to reach the realm of Wu Zun's peak.

What made him famous in the first battle was that the ten wars of Tianwu mainland jointly held the battle of the gods of the gods. At the age of 20, there was no one to go to the war alone. The genius boy who defeated several ancestral gates was also the name of Lei Di. Be known.

In the following years, he rose like a comet. The warrior king, the martial arts emperor, the murderous emperor, and the mainland sang his name everywhere. Many people predicted that he would be the youngest **** of war on Tianwu, but this person Later, it slowly faded out of people's attention.

Hearing Xiao Yu tells the history of the owner of the cave, Xiao Chen’s mood is also stirring up. “I don’t know if he finally succeeded in attacking the **** of war. The answer may be in this box.”

Xiao Yu saw Xiao Chen seem to be going to open the box, and quickly rushed, "Don't move, this box is weird..."


In the stone room.

The blue man looked at the brocade on the stone table and the pattern on the stone room. He also guessed the identity of the owner of the cave. He smiled and said: "It turned out to be the cave house of Lei Di Sangmu. It seems that this will not come."

Zhang Changla also smiled and said: "In this case, the predecessors promised us to open a family, and we must not forget it when we get there."

The blue man's mood is very good, and the heroic smile: "The Xiaojia of a Mohe City in the district is really not in the eyes of our cold home. If the old man can get a prefecture-level practice here. Or the soul soldiers, will give you a surprise at the time."

Zhang Changla smiled and said: "Xiao family will not be the opponent of the cold family. How should the seniors open this box?"

The blue man has indulged in a lot, and the strength of Wudi Sangmu is extremely strong. There must be a ban on his stay in this box, and he will open it rashly. Even if he is a Wuzun-level repairer, I am afraid it will be recruited. After glanced at the group of Zhang Jiawu who was behind him, the blue man smiled awkwardly.

"Zhang Elder, let the group of warriors behind you open this box, there is a veteran watching behind, can keep him in trouble."

Chang’s face changed a bit, but he quickly recovered his normal color. “Since the predecessors spoke up, there is no problem naturally, you! Come out and open the box.”

The Zhang Jiawu who was spotted, his face was extremely fearful at once, and he said: "Great elders, me, me..."

Zhang Chang's face sank and he said: "I don't even listen to my words? Have you forgotten the rules?"

The Zhangjiawu who heard the Zhangjia family rules, his face changed more ugly, hesitantly stepped forward, closed his eyes and reached out to the brocade box.


Zhang Jiawu’s hand just touched the box, and Lei Peng, embroidered on the box, suddenly came alive, and his wings flew away. A lightning bolt shot from the box, and Zhang Jiawu’s was too late to launch. The body has been electrically charged into a pile of carbon coke.

The blue man did not see Zhang Jiawu, and quickly extended his right hand to the brocade box. A hard rock spread from the shoulder to the palm of his hand, and the whole arm was wrapped in rock.

A light glimpse, the blue man opened the brocade box unscathed, and a black martial arts cheat is placed in the brocade box.

The blue man was eager to take it out and look at it. He only had no interest when he swept his eyes. This is just a high-level martial art of the Yellow Emperor. It is also worth a lot in Daqin, but it is still not in his eyes. In the middle, I lost it to Zhang Changlao. "Zhang Changlao is a senior martial artist of the Yellow Age. I will give it to you if I don't need it."

Elder Zhang is looking at the person who has just been injured by lightning. He is not saved and is saved. He feels a bit comforted. At this moment, he heard the blue man give him a yellow martial arts.

The mood immediately stirred up. The Huang dynasty's advanced martial arts, the entire Zhang family has only two or three books, and got the Huang dynasty advanced martial arts, even if the Zhang Jiawu died just now.

Zhang Elder took over and smiled and said: "That would thank the seniors, would you like to go back and change another way?"

The blue man shook his head. "No, the end of the road on the right may be like us. The way out is definitely in this stone room."

The blue man finished the careful observation period of the entire stone room, glanced at the walls on all sides, and pointed his eyes on the stone wall in front of the stone table. In his feelings, the exit of the stone room is in front, but he has little involvement in the odd-skilled institutions, and it is somewhat difficult to find the organ.

Since you can't take it, it's hard! The blue man screamed: "You all let a little open, I want to wear the stone wall in front of it."

Wu Zun's strong shots will inevitably spread. The people around him heard this and quickly dispersed toward the back. The blue arm of the blue man once again appeared in the rock.

The rock swims strangely on the arm of the blue man, slowly infiltrating into the skin, leaving only a small gray stone line, which flows to the palm of the hand like a viper on the skin.

When the stone line rushed into the palm of the blue man, a vortex formed in the palm of the hand, and it kept spinning. A horrible energy exploded in the palm of his hand. The blue man immediately flew up, and quickly Shot, a palm hit on the stone wall in front.


The entire stone room kept shaking, and the stone chips on the top were also brushed off, and the sound of the stone wall in front was broken and a two-person figure was formed.

The blue man took back his hand and looked at the hole in front of him. He said lightly: "Go."

Although the blue man said that he left, his body shape did not move at all. Zhang Changsong secretly slammed the old fox in his heart, but he did not dare to offend this person at the moment. Now he took the Zhang family and took the lead to the cave.

Crossing the hole, the front view becomes wider, and a vast stone platform appears in the eyes of everyone. The stone that looks up at the top of the head is 100 meters high from the ground. There is a stone pillar in the center of the stone platform. Emitted from above, it strongly attracted the attention of everyone.

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