MTL - Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation-Chapter 4 Holy Spirit Qinglong

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The aura of scorpion still rushes toward the body of Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen tries to send the aura of the meridians to the bones and flesh, but this absorption is far less than the speed of the influx.

His meridians have begun to seep out tiny cracks, mixed with a trace of blood, a strong pain spread to the brain, Xiao Chen snorted, almost fainted.

The mind is down, Dantian is still a chaos, Xiao Chen bite his teeth no matter, if this aura does not have an exit, then he will immediately explode and die, only succeed in condensing the soul, in order to refine this aura vitality.

In my heart, my heart immediately controlled the aura and rushed to Dantian. This aura was stronger than the aura that Xiao Chen used to hit Dantian. It was strong any time. The huge aura was as usual. It was stopped just near the outer side of Dantian. .

But this time, it didn't bounce back. The three main meridians in the chest once again came with a strong aura. With a bang, they became stronger and regained the faint film on the outside of Dantian.

Xiao Chen spewed out a blood, and this aura still did not enter Dantian.

rub! I don't believe that I can't break you. I have failed several times in a row. The fire of Xiao Chen has also come up, controlling the aura to impact the film outside Dantian. When he hit the fifth, Xiao Chen had already vomited five blood, but this time he obviously felt that the film was loose.

In the heart of a happy, Xiao Chen did not immediately gather aura to impact, take a deep breath, the body's consumption of aura increased rapidly. Not long after, a strong aura than any previous one gathered, and the aura of the scorpion, under the control of Xiao Chen’s mind, like a rushing dragon, roared toward Dantian.


Xiao Chen’s body produced a loud noise, and Dan Tian’s eight years of film that had plagued Xiao Chen’s film was broken. Xiao Chen couldn’t care for the pain and his mind went down. He wanted to see what was in this Dantian. At work.

A pair of eyes suddenly appeared, looking directly at Xiao Chen, this eyes look like a torch, not angry and powerful!

Xiao Chen only felt that a mountain was pressing. This place was a small ant, and he gave birth to a kind of psychology that wanted to worship. It was too late to be surprised. A sharp pain came, and Xiao Chen fainted.

When Xiao Chen fainted, Zi Lei did not stop running, and the surrounding aura continued to flow into Xiao Chen’s body.

Only this aura did not infiltrate into the flesh and blood, all gathered in Dantian, the original chaotic Dantian, now seeing the clouds, there is actually a young dragon in the park.

The green dragon closed his eyes, the five claws were slightly open, the greedy absorption of the influx of aura, the two dragons must be swaying gently, looking very comfortable, the whole body swam rapidly, and with the constant inhalation of the aura, The crisp skin of the green dragon began to become slowly and hard, but the body shape remained unchanged.

The surrounding aura slowly became thinner, even if it was a rich aura, it could not withstand the endless demand of the Qinglong, and the surrounding aura was completely absorbed. The cultivation of the aura of the heavens and the earth would take a long time. time.

Qinglong seems to be still unsatisfied, still asking for it, but the aura of Xiao Chen’s body has not been left. I saw Xiao Chen’s strong flesh and began to dry up slowly. This Qinglong actually wants to squeeze out Xiao Chen’s flesh. Aura.

Qinglong once again absorbed half an hour, the cyan skin became more intense and hard, and it stopped. It opened its eyes, and all the five claws stretched out. They swung flexibly and screamed and screamed. After shutting down countless years, see the catharsis of the day!

This roar roared through the body of Xiao Chen, and swayed straight into the sky. The beasts outside the Qijiao Mountain were all horrified on the ground. The pressure contained in this voice seemed to make them feel fear.

At the same time, Tianwu Mainland Fengqing Palace, Baidi City, the lord of Shenwumen, stopped their hands, and turned their eyes to the distance, muttering the same sentence, Qinglong, woke up!


Xiao Chen woke up at dusk. At first glance, the body was not right. The whole body was thinned a whole circle, but at this time he refused to take care of it. In the middle of Dantian, the mysterious eyes really surprised him. He quickly sat down and took control of his heart and looked at Dantian.

But now there are still eyes, only a blue dragon, a few white clouds floating around it, closed his eyes at Dantian, quietly waiting.

What happened, I clearly saw a pair of eyes, the pressure and momentum contained in the eyes, he will not forget this life, is this dragon sent out?

Xiao Chen controlled the mind to the Qinglong and got closer to it. The mind was almost attached to the face of Qinglong, and the Qinglong was clearly seen. At this moment, the eyes of Qinglong suddenly opened and scared Xiao Chen, but this Qinglong did not seem to find Xiao Chen, and closed his eyes again.

Xiao Chen quickly regained his heart, and this Qinglong’s eyes were clear, and if the Qingquan was clear, it would be impossible to send out the eyes that made people feel compelling and surrender.

But what is this blue dragon? He can't remember when he lived in a single dragon in his body. Is it Wuhun, who has succeeded in condensing Wuhun?

Qinglong, Qinglong Wuhun, Xiao Chen suddenly remembered a memory in this body, very distant.

A long time ago, there were four major sects on the Tianwu continent. The sects of the four sects had the blood of the sacred beast. Many of the children of the family were born with the sacred soul. These people cultivated much faster than the ordinary people, and the sacred beasts It is spiritual, far from being comparable to the general Wuhun.

Oriental Qinglong, Western White Tiger, Southern Suzaku, Northern Xuanwu, each of the four major families, Xiao Jia is one of the Oriental Qinglong. Thousands of years ago, because of unknown reasons, the Xiao family never appeared in the sacred animal, the dragon and the martial arts. The millennium time also turned the once-powerful family into a local family that can only live in a small town.

Xiao Chen smashed his head and was too lazy to think about these things. He now only has to condense himself into a martial arts. He can practice martial arts and will not lose to Xiao Jian after seven days.

Once again, Shen Chen looked at the cultivation state of Zi Lei, and the previous Zi Lei decided that the crazy operation, still let him be like a man in the back, he did not want to smash and die.

To his surprise, Zi Lei decided to run extremely smoothly now, and the realm has taken a big step forward, and it has been completely stabilized in the first level of primary realm.

For the time being, regardless of this Qinglong Wushen, the cultivation of Zilei decided to be the most important thing of Xiao Chen. This purple Lei is the last night of cultivation, so that he can make his strength rise a lot, and he will carry it when he punches. You can imagine how strong it is.

I remember that on the comprehension of the truth, after writing the practice of purple thunder, you can refine the purple thunder fire. Since the realm of this purple thunder has stabilized in the first stage of the first stage, Xiao Chen decided to try it.

Xiao Chen got up and operated the purple thunder. The blue dragons in the dantian area of ​​the body slammed open, and the three white clouds floating around it slowly thinned up.

A pure and concise element of the stock flows from its body into the meridian of Xiao Chen. When Xiao Chen feels his heart, he senses this cool and comfortable vitality, guiding this energy to work in the body.

According to the method of comprehension, this element gathers toward the right hand, and passes through Tianquan, Giant Bone, Quze, Neiguan, and four large caves, and gathers them on the middle finger.

On the fingertips, the electric light that suddenly illuminates the road, and the flashing lights kept on, and finally these electric awns all gathered at the fingertips of Xiao Chen, forming a purple flame of peanut size.

Xiao Chen looked at this constantly swaying, like a flame that was extinguished at any time, and smiled bitterly. This fire does not say killing, put it in his original world, I am afraid I can only smoke.

The fire was extinguished at a glance, and Xiao Chen was not very frustrated. The first test, which can be successful, has been very gratifying.

However, he did not notice that in the action of the fire extinguisher he had just extinguished, a small piece of Mars did not go out, slowly drifted to the ground. Just as soon as it fell, the litter in the surrounding half meters was completely ignited, and the flames flickered. If it weren't for the pile of ashes and the heat waves left on the face, Xiao Chen didn't believe it. I just had a fire here.

I looked at it all with a stunned look. After coming for a while, Xiao Chen gave an ecstatic smile. This flame is too strong. A trace of Mars has such power. If it is practiced for a while, how powerful this destructive power should be.

Xiao Chen did not bother to practice the summoning of the purple thunder fire. After a few hours of trial, Xiao Chen would be summoned as soon as the mind was moved.


A figure flashed past the big tree at the top of Xiao Chen and passed away in the distance. Stopping the movement in his hand, Xiao Chen looked up and looked at it. The man was dressed in blue and flew past the top of the tree. The blink of an eye came out of Xiao Chen’s line of sight.

This is not a real flight. It is only through the steps between the tops of the trees, using the superb body to create an illusion of flight. Even so, the cultivation of this person has at least reached the realm of Wu Zun.

When did Mohe City have a Wu Zun who wore a blue robe? He came to the Seven Corners of Xiaojia, and what purpose did he have? Xiao Chen thought with some doubts.

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