MTL - Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation-Chapter 2 Ten years of covenant

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The Tianwu Continental Warrior is respected. The realm of the martial arts is divided into the initial refining soul, the martial arts, the martial arts, the great martial arts, the Wuzun, the Wuwang, the Wuhuang, the Wusheng, the Wudi, and the Wushen. The refining period is divided into nine small realms, above the warriors. Each realm is divided into three sub-categories: the lower grade, the middle grade and the top grade.

One of the roads of Wu is the most difficult in the refining period. Only after the refining of the soul and the sorcerer can be a real warrior. The martial arts are all kinds of strange and strange, there are flames, ice, lightning, wind and other elements of the Wuhun, but also poisonous snakes, tigers, goshawks, firebirds, these soul beasts, in addition to plant martial arts and weapons Wuhun, each The martial arts have special abilities.

Tianwu Mainland is more versatile. Before the age of ten, you can condense the Wuhun. If you are ten years old, you can gather the Wuhun. The achievements in the martial arts will definitely be greatly reduced. The sooner you will become the achievements of Wuhun in the future. The higher it will be.

There are still some family members in this world. Their blood has magical power. When they are born, they can have martial arts. These are undoubtedly not the dragons and phoenixes of the people.

In an independent courtyard of Xiao's family, Xiao Chen sat cross-legged on the bed in the bedroom and absorbed the aura between the heavens and the earth in accordance with this method of cultivation in the body.

Silk aura came from all directions, through the pores of Xiao Chen's body, and infiltrated into the 172 large and small acupoints of Xiao Chen's body, and then the aura as a small snake followed the meridians, all swam toward Dantian, and the aura in all directions followed. The meridians are all brought together.

Dantian was in chaos, and Reiki swam over Dantian and turned into a myriad of small auras back into the meridians. Xiao Chen reluctantly gathered up the aura again and pressed it to Dantian. But the aura still re-flowed back in Dantian. After trying several times, the aura became thinner and thinner, but still could not be poured into Dantian. .

Finally, the aura reflowed completely, and penetrated the skin through the acupuncture points on the meridians, slowly nourishing the bones and flesh of Xiao Chen, and then disappeared completely.

Xiao Chen stopped practicing, and some annoyed hammered in the bed, still not.

Since Xiao Chen reached the realm of the refining soul nine products, the aura he absorbed has not been able to be collected in Dantian. All of them have penetrated into the bones and flesh, and the body is hard to be tough, and the strength is also great. Amazing.

If you do not use the vitality, even if it is the warrior in the realm of the martial arts, the strength is not his opponent, which is why he can easily break Xiao Jian before.

However, if you can't condense the martial arts, you can't transform the heaven and earth aura into a more concise spirit. The martial arts used by the military must use the spirit to start. Let him be more energetic. In front of a martial artist with strength, there is only one dead road. Can it be impossible to escape after seven days?

Suddenly an idea emerged. The comprehension that was bought in Taobao could not be cultivated on the earth. Then can it be cultivated in this world, because the existence of Wuhun must not build Jindan and Jieyuan infants, but cultivation?

We must know that there is no apocalypse in the earth, and in this world, the world is full of aura. The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

There is only one purple Lei Shen in the cultivation of the Daquan, and he has been watching for three years. He has already been backing down, sitting cross-legged, and immediately practicing.

Purple Raytheon has a total of twelve layers. Naturally, it can only be cultivated from the first floor. After a moment, he clearly feels that the spirit around him is agitated and his heart is happy. Xiao Chen calmed down his mood. At this time, he couldn’t be too hasty, and he kept his temper and continued to run the purple thunder.

The surrounding aura keeps surging, the aura's feeling of getting into the body from the pores is clear, and the aura is like a happy little fish arching into the body, and the moment of the aura entering the body has an unconscious feeling of pleasure. This absorbs the speed and concentration of Aura several times stronger than before.

The aura flows along the acupuncture points in the meridians, and the tiny meridians of Xiao Chen are constantly getting bigger under the development of this strong aura. The spiritual airflow is extremely fast, and a small Sunday runs on the chest. .

The speed was so fast that Xiao Chen was a little scared. He quickly controlled his mind and carefully lowered the speed of the aura operation. After running for a big Sunday, this aura returned to the sea and stopped above Dantian.

Xiao Chen’s heart is also tense. He also wants to try it once and try to control this aura. He carefully pushes the chaotic Dantian. The majestic aura is like a dragon, slowly swimming to the edge of Dantian. At the office.

Different from the feelings of the previous times, this time his mind can clearly feel that there is a flexible barrier at Dantian to prevent the injection of aura. The more the aura goes, the more obvious it will be, and the last aura can't move forward.

Xiao Chen’s heart will be scattered in the other auras of the meridians, all gathered in the aura above Dantian, and the mind will control the aura of the aura!

Awkwardly, the aura was bounced back and forth. Under the huge fluctuations, Xiao Chen only felt that the internal organs were shifted, and a trace of blood was left from the corner of his mouth. Xiao Chen was shocked and stunned, and quickly recovered his mind, slowly controlling the aura's slowly moistened and damaged internal organs.

After two hours, Xiao Chen was carefully repairing the damaged internal organs. With this lesson, he no longer dared to use the Aura to force Dantian.

When the injury was stable, he began to slowly recover the speed of the purple thunder, and a trace of aura was constantly absorbed by Xiao Chen. After running for a week in the meridians, these auras all infiltrated Xiao Chen's bones and flesh.

He has made up his mind that since he can't condense the martial arts for the time being, he will prun his body into a reinforced iron bone.

There is no concept of time in cultivation. Unconsciously, Xiao Chen has been running for thirty-six big days. Xiao Chen opened his eyes and the two purple lights in his eyes flashed away. At this time, the sky was already slightly bright, and Xiao Chen was a bit stunned and even practiced for one night in the house.

I didn't sleep for a night, but Xiao Chen felt that the whole person was refreshed, without any fatigue. A strange smell came, Xiao Chen discovered that his body was covered with a layer of sticky black liquid, which was very stinky.

These are the impurities and wastes in Xiao Chen's body. In the past, when Xiao Chen practiced, he ran a lot of smelly sweat. He practiced for one night last night, and the speed of practice was more than twice as fast as usual. Only when there is a scene that is more exaggerated now, people who don’t know may think that Xiao Chen is falling into the pit.

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly and rushed to take a cold shower. If he walked out the door, he would definitely be misunderstood. After the shower, he changed a suit and set aside in the yard. He practiced a set of Xiao’s most common. Boxing method.

This set of boxing methods of Xiaojia, starting, falling, entering, retreating, the routine straight and straight, the fists of the wind and the sorrow, seemingly incomparable, Xiao Chen playing very incomparably, unconsciously, the purple thunder in the body will automatically follow the operation.

The original unpretentious boxing method has become overbearing and fierce. As soon as it is received, it seems that there is a sound of wind and thunder in the air. This change makes Xiao Chen very surprised. I did not expect that Zi Lei will have such an effect.

At the moment, the fight was even more enjoyable, the punches were getting faster and faster, the thunder continued to beep, and the mouth unknowingly sipped softly, and the silky electric mans appeared on Xiaochen’s fist and kept jumping. A hot stream flocked. Right hand, the entire right hand seems to have infinite power.

Xiao Chen shouted, his body leaped high, and when he fell, he punched the ground. This morning, Chen Chen used his strength.


The ground gravel stands, and a half-meter-long small hole appears in numerous cracks. Xiao Chen sighs and looks at the gravel on the ground and shakes his head.

The power of this punch looks very fierce, but he knows nothing. After using the martial arts, those powerful warriors can hit the ground with a hole of one meter in diameter, and there is no crack, and the gravel will all become powder.

However, Xiao Chen is already very satisfied, and the road has to go step by step. He has only cultivated a purple Lei decision for one night, and his strength has been so amazing. After practicing for a few more days, this body may not reach the realm of those who are in the military, and the electric mans above the fist will give them a surprise.

After a break, Xiao Chen decided to continue to practice, but could not go to the bedroom to practice. He had to find a place with more aura. Xiaoshan’s back mountain, Qijiao Mountain is such a place.

This Qijiao Mountain can be said to be the foundation of the Xiao family. There are not only a variety of spirits and rare herbs on the mountain, but also the concentration of the aura on the mountain is more than double.

The spirit beast is full of treasures all over the body, and the bones of the bones can be used. If you are lucky, you can get a panacea in the body of the spirit. It’s just that the beasts are not so good to kill. The wisdom of the beasts is extremely high, and the strength is good. If they are small, they will pay a very heavy price.

In this physical memory, Xiao family was a huge family many years ago, whether in the Daqin or the entire Tianwu continent. Later, it came to Mohe City after it fell.

The Xiao family used the force to occupy the mountain. With this Qijiao Mountain, which has numerous treasures of heaven and earth, the Xiao family slowly gained a foothold in Mohe City and became the largest family in the area.

It’s just such a treasure house, it’s always a dazzling one, because the disputes and contradictions in this Qipinshan have never been broken. During the period, the local family of Mohe City also had several large-scale ethnic struggles with Xiao’s family. Both sides have lost a lot.

Later, under the reconciliation of the owners of the Mohe City, all the families in the Mohe City agreed to hold a competition every ten years. The younger generation who are not over 20 years old in the major families will participate. The winner will decide this seven products. The ownership of the mountain.

The two sides gave each step, Xiao family did not dare to offend all the families around, and agreed to this plan.

Although the Xiao family is weak, but the three contests that have been held have all won, the new ten-year contract will come in half a year. Xiao’s hopes of this contest are all pinned on the mysterious granddaughter of Xiao Jian and the elders.

Recalling the history of the Qijiao Mountain, Xiao Chen has already reached the foot of Qipin Mountain. There is a gateway at the foot of the mountain. It is composed of Xiaojia elite guards. People who are not Xiaojia want to enter this mountain, except to advance In addition to the application, you have to pay a certain amount of money.