MTL - I’m the Hero, His Brother, Wear It Quickly-Chapter 308 Spiritualist who raises pandas [02]

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Yuan Jia watched Gao Yuanhao squatting beside the black and white dumplings chatting non-stop, his little hands wanting to lick the panda, he smiled and said, "Can you touch the dumplings, you can ask the dumplings yourself."

"Danzi? Brother, did you name the black-and-white bear Dumpling?" Gao Yuanhao looked at the fluffy and chubby black-and-white dumpling, but thought the name was a good match.

He cautiously approached and asked, "Duanzi, can I touch you?"

Black and white dumplings moved their buttocks, holding their own basin of milk and shrinking behind Yuan Jia, showing their resistance to Gao Yuanhao, a stranger.

Gao Yuanhao was very disappointed: "The dumpling doesn't want me to touch it, brother, let the dumpling touch me, I really want to touch it."

Yuan Jia declined with a smile: "The dumpling doesn't want to, so you can't force it."

Black and white dumplings were hatched by Gao Yuanjia himself from the elf egg. He only recognizes him as a spiritual master. It is normal to resist alienation to strangers. After all, black and white dumplings do not know that Gao Yuanhao is his own spiritual master's younger brother.

Yuanjia's time of crossing was earlier, when the original owner selected an elf egg from the school's elf breeding base, hatched the black and white bear, a dumpling from the elf egg, and brought the black and white bear home.

Gao Yuanhao also saw black and white dumplings for the first time.

Black and white dumplings were unwilling to get close to him. Although Gao Yuanhao felt lost, he was not sad, and he was mentally prepared.

After all, elves are almost universal now. Even if he is a junior high school student, he has learned about elves, knows a little bit about elves, knows that elves recognize their masters, and are alienated from strangers.

Every elf is not low in intelligence, otherwise it will not be able to learn various skills, grow into a powerful elf, and fight with the spiritual master.

The sound of the key opening the door came from outside the door, and soon the door opened, and a middle-aged man walked in, it was Father Gao.

Gao's father and Gao's mother run a small supermarket. Although the Gao family is an ordinary family, it is considered a small wealth, otherwise they would not have the money to send their son to Yuling High School.

Although elves have long been popularized nowadays, many people can afford elf eggs or elves in their initial form, and can contract elves to become spiritual masters. But cultivating an elf is undoubtedly very expensive. It takes hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy an elf egg alone. The family can't afford it.

So from high school, it is divided into Yuling High School and General High School.

Generally, children are adults, and they are in the third year of high school when they are 18 years old. The age of students in this world is limited. Basically, students who are 18 years old are in the third year of high school.

Yuling High School will add various subjects related to elves from the first year of high school, such as understanding the types of elves and how to cultivate elves. The first and second years of high school are to learn theoretical knowledge. In the third year of high school, as long as each student reaches the standard of soul power, they can be in the school. Pick up an elf egg in the school's breeding base and hatch your own elf.

The cost of the elf egg is included in the tuition, so if a student wants to go to Yuling High School, the tuition fee will be hundreds of thousands a year, and it will be hundreds of thousands in three years, which is not affordable for the poor families.

High parents and high mothers work hard to run a small supermarket, and their annual income is not low. They are still able to support their two sons to attend Yuling High School.

Students who have contracted elves are officially apprentice spiritual masters, and they can become full-fledged spiritual masters after they cultivate the elves to the elite level.

The official spiritual master has a lot of benefits in the elf alliance, and the social status is also very high.


Father Gao saw the black and white bear in the living room, with a happy smile on his face: "Yuan Jia, you contracted a black and white bear. The black and white bear is not bad, and it can evolve into a black and white general."

There are two stages of the evolution of the black and white bear that have been announced. The first stage is that the black and white bear evolves into a rolling bear, and the second stage is that the rolling bear evolves into a black and white general. As for what form can evolve from the black and white generals, it is unknown, that is knowledge that can only be learned after being admitted to the elf university.

This is the world like this. Ordinary people and masters of spirits seem to coexist peacefully. In fact, there are hidden ravines. Many high-level knowledge about elves is blocked for ordinary people.

Fortunately, ordinary people can achieve the leap of class by going to Yuling High School and being admitted to Elf University.

Father Gao never thought about how powerful a spiritual master he would make his son. He only thought that his son could cultivate a black and white bear into a rolling bear, become an elite spiritual master, and get an official spiritual master certificate. The subsidy that Moonlight gets from the Elf Alliance is enough for his son to eat and drink for a lifetime.

In the eyes of ordinary people like Gao's father and Gao's mother, becoming an official spiritual master is equivalent to serving an iron rice bowl.

Yuan Jia stretched out his hand and hugged the black and white dumpling who was licking the bottom of the basin. He said with a smile, "Dad, I just contracted with it today, and I named it dumpling."

Father Gao nodded with a smile: "Duanzi sounds good." He smiled and took out a bank card from his pocket and gave it to Yuan Jia, "The money in this card was prepared by your mother and I for the dumplings. We heard that the elves You want to eat special elf food, and we don’t understand this, you can buy it, and tell us if you don’t have enough money.”

Yuan Jia was slightly startled, took the card, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Mom and Dad."

Gao's father came back and hurriedly had lunch, and then took the packaged meals to the supermarket to give to Gao's mother, who was left behind in the supermarket, and did not stay at home much.

After lunch, Gao Yuanhao also went to school with his schoolbag on his back.

Yuan Jia remembered that he should go to school in the afternoon too.

The city where the Gao family lives is called Yangcheng. Yangcheng has a total of six high schools. The first and second middle schools are Yuling High School, and the other four are ordinary high schools.

After all, there are still many ordinary people who can't afford the tuition fee of hundreds of thousands a year, and it does not mean that there is no way out in ordinary high schools. Although ordinary high schools do not have the course of Royal Spiritualism, nor do they have the opportunity to contract elves, they have The course of cultivating spirits is offered.

Ordinary high school students, if they are talented in elf cultivation, can also take the elf cultivation department of the elf university in the college entrance examination, and they can become respected elf cultivators in the future.

Only students who want to become Yuling Masters will spend a lot of money to go to Yuling High School.

Because ordinary people in society want to buy elf eggs and contract elves, there are only three ways to go. First, students go to Yuling High School and choose elf eggs from the school's cultivation base. The elf eggs in the school's cultivation base are all the best. There are also many rare elves; the second is to buy from the breeding house for all citizens. The breeding house is also officially opened by the Elf Alliance. The quality of the elf eggs in it is guaranteed, but they are all ordinary elves, and there are very few rare elves; three It is to go to the wild to subdue wild elves, but wild elves are often rebellious and aggressive. Many people who want to try their luck not only fail to subdue elves, but lose their lives.

Therefore, it is the best choice to enter Yuling High School and choose the elf egg contract elf in the school cultivation base.

Gao Yuanjia is a high school in the second middle school, and it is just the third year of high school.

Yuan Jia took the black and white dumplings out to school.

In the beginning, the black and white dumplings were still walking very fast behind him, swishly on the ground and rushed in front of him, looking around, curious to see everything.

But after walking for a while, the black and white dumplings began to feel tired, hugged Yuan Jia's thigh, and climbed on top of him.

The little clump doesn't look like much, but it's not light.

Elves are far stronger than ordinary animals, even a newly born elves can kill tigers, leopards, wolves and bears among ordinary animals with one paw. But the black and white dumplings really don't look like an elf who can kill tigers, leopards, wolves and bears.

Yuan Jia thought of the national treasure panda in his original world. It seemed that he also made a living by selling cute animals. He was obviously a beast, but he turned himself into a cute beast.

He really wanted to ignore it and let it go by itself, but when he saw it blinking cute and big eyes with dark circles, the blood tank was empty. When he came back to his senses, he had already held the dumpling in his arms arms.

Yuan Jia looked down at the black and white dumpling in his arms, and sighed, "What a little ancestor!"

Then the body adjusted the hug position very honestly to make it more comfortable.

Yuan Jia secretly said in his heart: I only hugged it because it was a newborn baby, not softhearted.

Yuan Jia came to No. 2 Middle School with the black and white dumplings in his arms. He had already seen that there were high school students who brought the initial elves into the school one after another.

"Hey! Gao Yuanjia!"

Yuan Jia heard the sound, and saw a tall, thin, dark-skinned boy with a small emerald snake wrapped around him, waving at him with a bright smile.

Yuan Jia quickly found the boy's information from the original owner's memory.

Zhang Yuyang, the original owner Gao Yuanjia's best friend at the same table, the two have a good relationship.

Zhang Yuyang trotted over and smiled at Yuan Jia with eight teeth showing, his dark skin made his teeth particularly white.

"Gao Yuanjia, is your black and white bear well behaved, lively or not moving? My jade snake doesn't move very much. I'm a little worried about whether it is sick. I'm going to the infirmary today to ask the teacher to take a look at the jade snake. Case."

Zhang Yuyang caressed the emerald green snake wrapped around his arm with a worried look on his face.

The jade snake is a wood-type elf that can evolve into a woody snake → a crown-feathered snake...

The rarity is similar to that of black and white bears, which is a rare kind of elves.

In the school's elf breeding base, such rare elves are not uncommon, otherwise it would not be so coincidental, Gao Yuanjia and Zhang Yuyang were lucky enough to choose these two kinds of elf eggs.

Their luck can only be regarded as medium, and if they are really lucky, the selected elves are rare and rare.

Yuan Jia looked at the jade snake wrapped around Zhang Yuyang's body and said, "Snakes are not lively, especially now that the weather is getting colder, and the jade snake doesn't like to move. Don't you know that ordinary snakes will hibernate in winter. ?"

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