MTL - I’m the Hero, His Brother, Wear It Quickly-Chapter 276 Sanxian【10】

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Ji Yuanxiao was shocked in his heart. He couldn't control the strength under his feet for a while, and even cracked the tiny place where he was standing. Seeing that this dry place was about to shatter and sink, he gritted his teeth and hung one on his body. The ornament was thrown out, and instantly rose against the wind, turning into a small boat.

He jumped onto the boat, looked back at the shattered and submerged foothold, and felt slightly relieved.

Fortunately, the aurora flying boat that the big brother gave him to escape can not only fly into the sea, but also remain unsinkable on this swamp.

It's just that he has no spiritual power, but he can't use it, and he can't urge the Aurora Flying Boat to fly away from this swamp. He can only temporarily urge it with spiritual sense.

The aurora flying boat floated on the swamp, attracting the monsters in the swamp to attack and bite.

Ji Yuanxiao stood by the side of the boat and looked at the monsters biting the Aurora Flying Boat and felt disgusting. These monsters were really the ugliest, weirdest and most disgusting monsters he had ever seen.

Perhaps this place is too dark, and no one can see anyone under the swamp. These monsters living in the swamp simply grow up casually, and grow into all kinds of strange shapes.

The Aurora Flying Boat is a magic weapon made by Yuanjia from various precious materials, and it was given to Ji Yuanxiao to protect himself and escape.

The main function is defense and speed. If the defense is strong enough, it will not be hurt by the enemy to break through the flying boat, and the speed is fast enough to avoid being trapped by the enemy and escape the dangerous area in time.

Although Ji Yuanxiao's spiritual power was limited, he couldn't use his spiritual power to mobilize the Aurora Flying Boat to the maximum extent, but even the defense built by the Aurora Flying Boat was far from something that some strange-looking but weak monsters could break through.

The number of these monsters is extremely large, and they are biting around the aurora flying boat. Ji Yuanxiao is still in awe. If he does not have the protection of the aurora flying boat, facing so many monsters in this swamp, he can't use his spiritual power. Sooner or later, he will be killed. Exhausted stamina and then fell into the belly of the monster.

The speed of the Aurora Flying Boat cannot be used, and it can only move forward slowly under the urging of his spiritual sense like an ordinary boat. His spiritual sense was not strong enough, and after urging for a while, he had to take a good rest before continuing to urge. After two days, when he saw the edge of the swamp in front of him, the layer of window paper that he had been unable to pierce finally appeared. cracks.

Ji Yuanxiao was so surprised that he didn't mind going ashore, so he just sat cross-legged on the Aurora Flying Boat and began to break through the out-of-body stage.

Magical powers cannot be used on the swampy land, and the spiritual power is also limited. The spiritual power in his body cannot be separated from the body, but there is still aura in the air.

When he broke through, the surrounding spiritual energy was absorbed into his body, and the little Nascent Soul that looked exactly like him in his dantian turned into a real primordial spirit, separated from his body, and wandered around his head, feeling the outside breeze blowing Pain like a bone scraping steel knife, his primordial spirit hurriedly drilled back into the flesh.

At the beginning of the out-of-body stage, the primordial spirit can leave the body and leave the orifice, but the primordial spirit is weak and has no protection from the physical body.

The primordial spirit needs to be tempered slowly in order to become stronger. When the primordial spirit is so strong that it can be divided into two without affecting itself, it is when he breaks through to the distraction period.

After breaking through to the out-of-body stage, Ji Yuanxiao felt that the spiritual power in his body had increased a lot, his strength had doubled several times, and he could hang himself up before him.

But he still couldn't leave the body spiritually.

Ji Yuanxiao looked up at the dim sky, and muttered, "The formation restriction here is obviously very powerful, and it is very likely that it was arranged by a powerhouse above the tribulation period."

Ji Yuanxiao has been lucky enough to encounter the legacy of chance left by the strong many times. He is very experienced in this aspect, and excitedly drives the Aurora Flying Boat to the shore, goes ashore, and continues to explore here.


"Boom!" Ji Yuanxiao threw three Thunder Orbs and blew up the distracted monster beast that was chasing him. While the monster was injured, he quickly ran towards the exit.

He flew towards the aperture-like exit, and the beast who was a step late roared unwillingly: "Ow~"

Ji Yuanxiao listened to the unwilling roar of the monster behind him, and fell to the ground in a good mood. As soon as he stood firm, he was stunned, and looked up embarrassedly at the many monks who had surrounded him.

These monks all wore uniform clothes, they should be monks of the same force, and they surrounded Ji Yuanxiao eagerly.

"Why did your kid come out of our royal family's secret realm?"

The cultivator at the head looked at Ji Yuanxiao with gloomy eyes, and snorted coldly: "Boy, sneak into the secret realm of our royal family, you are courting death." He waved his hand and ordered, "Take him! Interrogate the information in the secret realm well. ."

This cultivator of the Wang family is a strong person in the integration stage, and he didn't take Ji Yuanxiao's out-of-body stage seriously at all, and directly sent his subordinates to arrest him.

Ji Yuanxiao estimated the strength of the two sides. The other party had dozens of out-of-body cultivators, a dozen or so distraction-stage cultivators, and four or five integration-stage cultivators. He would definitely not be able to beat the one who had just broken through the out-of-body stage.

In the secret realm, in order to get good things, he fought with several monsters in the distraction period. In the secret realm where magic powers are restricted, he can only fight with the monsters by his physical body. How could he do it? The treasure given by my elder brother came to win.

There is a limit to the number of powerful treasures, and they are almost consumed. Ji Yuanxiao estimated his trump card and the strength of the Wang family.

The Patriarch of the Wang family did not expect that Ji Yuanxiao, who looked very depressed and embarrassed, would have such a magic weapon for escape, but he couldn't react for a while. He recovered and immediately shouted: "Come on!"

The Wang family had already set up a powerful formation near the secret realm when they discovered this secret realm, preventing outsiders from entering, and also preventing the people and monsters inside from going out.

Ji Yuanxiao's Aurora Flying Boat was blocked by the formation for a while, and the cultivators of the Wang family caught up and joined forces to surround the Aurora Flying Boat.

Ji Yuanxiao was not afraid, and said to the head of the Wang family: "I also ask the seniors to let me go. I didn't sneak into the secret realm on purpose, but I was caught in the secret realm by the cracks in the space when I was fighting against the demon cultivator, and I managed to escape."

The head of the Wang family looked at the Jiguang flying boat greedily and said with a sneer, "Your flying boat must have benefited from the secret realm, right? Hand over the treasure on your body, and this seat will spare your life."

Ji Yuanxiao sighed and said helplessly, "You forced me to use the ultimate trick."

The cultivators of the Wang family all stared at Ji Yuanxiao vigilantly, thinking that he was going to use some powerful trump card trick to kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

Then I saw Ji Yuanxiao took out a communication jade talisman and shouted: "Big brother help!"

Everyone in the Wang family: "..."

Just as the head of the Wang family wanted to ridicule him, he saw that the void beside the Aurora Flying Boat was like a piece of cloth that was easily torn with a one-meter-long opening. A pair of slender hands stretched out and grabbed both sides of the opening. With a forceful tear, the one-meter-long opening was torn into a three-meter-long space crack, and a figure in Tsing Yi stepped over from the other side of the space crack.

Ji Yuanxiao complained to the figure in Tsing Yi: "Big Brother, they bullied me!"


After Yuan Jia received the message from Ji Yuanxiao, he immediately located his position and rushed over to tear the space.

He didn't rush to do it, Ji Yuanxiao just called for help, not crushed the jade talisman, obviously he was in a predicament rather than a desperate situation.

Yuan Jia looked at the most powerful Wang Family Patriarch among the cultivators who surrounded Ji Yuanxiao, pressed him with coercion, and said indifferently, "You bullied my younger brother?"

The patriarch Wang's lips trembled slightly. Under Yuan Jia's coercion, he had exhausted all his strength without vomiting blood, and he could not say a word.

Yuan Jia looked at him coolly, as if he was looking at a dead man: "How dare you not answer this question. Very good, you have the courage, it seems that you are a hard bone who regards death as if he were at home."

The head of the Wang family was about to cry: No, I have no courage at all, and I am not tough at all. I beg you to put away the momentum and let me beg for mercy!

Yuan Jia stretched out his fair and slender right hand and slowly probed towards the head of the Wang family. This hand seemed harmless, but just now, it just tore out a space crack.

Facing this hand, the head of the Wang family felt even more terrified, as if the whole world was darkened.

The bystanders only saw that after Yuan Jiachao extended his hand to the Wang Family Patriarch, the Wang Family Patriarch's body shrank rapidly, flew towards his hand, and fell into his palm, as if a small ant was lying on his palm.

Yuan Jia glanced at the other Wang family cultivators again, waved his sleeves, all of these cultivators shrunk to the size of ants and flew into his sleeves like the Wang family master, and disappeared, leaving only a cultivator in the early stage of integration still standing in place.

Yuan Jia withdrew his coercion, and the only surviving cultivator slumped to the ground, begging for mercy: "Senior, please forgive me! show mercy!"

Yuan Jia felt that he was a benevolent person, he said: "If you can have a few integration periods, you are not small, you go back and bring a message, saying that if you want these people to go back alive, you will bring back the equivalent treasures. Shijong and this seat exchange."

The survivor was stunned, never expected that this senior who easily took away most of the high-end power of the Wang family would demand ransom just like the kidnappers?

But this is undoubtedly a good thing. No matter whether the Wang family's head and others can be redeemed or not, the person who delivered the letter will definitely not be killed. He quickly kowtowed and said, "Follow the decree of the predecessors!"

Yuan Jia rolled up the aurora flying boat and disappeared in place.

Only the survivor who was still kowtow kowtowed for a while before he dared to look up and found that Yuan Jia was gone, he breathed a sigh of relief, slumped on the spot and wiped his cold sweat: "It's really a life-and-death walk. "

Then he wanted to recall what Yuan Jia said just now, "Returning to the First Sect? Is this senior from the Returning First Sect? Alas, why did the Patriarch provoke the Returning First Sect?"

Although the Wang family also has several cultivators in the integration stage, they are first-class immortal cultivators, otherwise they would not be qualified to dominate after discovering a secret realm.

You must know that in the integration period, you can also hold the position of elders in the righteous sect giants such as the Yuhe Palace of Returning First Sect. Although the strength of the monks in the integration period outside is far less powerful than that of the elders in the integration period of the big sect, it is enough to prove the strength of the Wang family. Not weak.

But no matter how weak the Wang family is, in the eyes of Gui Shizong, it is also a small force to be slapped to death.

This person was frightened and ran back to the Wang family and discussed with the rest of the Wang family how to redeem people.

Read My Space-Time System
Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2
Read The Last Adventurer

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