MTL - I’m the Hero, His Brother, Wear It Quickly-Chapter 1 Hou Fu's eldest son【11】

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Luo Qing sent the maid to Zhuangzi. Fu Yuanze was furious when he came back and found out. He thought that Luo Qing's behavior of overstepping him and dealing with the people around him was just not taking him seriously. In addition, Aunt Zhang's dissatisfaction added fuel to jealousy. The relationship between the two quickly plunged to a freezing point.

However, Yuan Jia didn't take it to heart after listening to the farce between the two. He was trying to find a way to participate in a hunting party held by Li Changjin, the prince of Cheng'en's palace.

Li Changjin is the nephew of the current empress. He has no great skills, but he has a title of succession in his family. He is also one of the second-generation sons in the capital. He likes to hunt on horseback most on weekdays, and he often invites friends to hold small hunting parties together.

The identity of the original owner, Fu Yuanjia, is similar to that of Li Changjin. Although the title of Marquis of Weining is lower than that of Duke Chengen, the real power in the hands of Marquis Weining is still more important. Duke Chengen was sealed only because his daughter became the queen. Sir, there is no real power.

However, Fu Yuanjia and Li Changjin are not in the same circle. One is the noble son of a noble family who works hard to study and take the imperial examination, and the other is a foreign relative who is waiting to inherit the title after eating, drinking and having fun. Therefore, the two are the top second generation but rarely meet each other. This time, Yuan Jia specially found a friend to be the middleman. This person's younger brother was a member of the hunting party invited by Li Changjin.

So the friend who was invited by Li Changjin brought his brother, and then his brother brought Yuan Jia.

When Li Changjin saw Yuan Jia, there was a surprised expression on his face: "Fu Shizi is actually participating in my hunting party?!"

What he said was not ironic, but really shocking. After all, when Fu Yuanjia became a 16-year-old Jie Yuan, he had a good reputation in the capital. Many people with the same title would inevitably take Fu Yuanjia as an advancement. A good example to teach his own scoundrels.

Li Changjin was also one of those who was taught a lesson. Naturally, he knew a lot about Fu Yuanjia, a child from someone else's family. He knew that he was a person who rarely had fun with others. Usually, he attended cultural gatherings and the like.

Yuan Jia smiled slightly, and said in a gentle manner: "You have to have a good body to participate in the imperial examination. It is so cold in spring, if your body is not good, I am afraid that you will be carried out of the examination room. So I heard that Li Shizi held a hunting party, so he Cheers to join in the fun, run horses, relax!"

Li Changjin smiled and said, "It's my honor that Shizi Fu is willing to come to my hunting party!" Li Changjin is not the kind of arrogant **** with eyes above the top. Seeing Yuanjia's attitude is so good, he is naturally happy to be with him. The promising prince of the Hou family made friends.

Li Changjin specially ordered someone to bring a good snow-white horse, "This horse is called Xue Xue, and it is a rare horse with a docile temperament, so I gave it to Brother Fu!"

Yuan Jia smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Li, then!" He came here today to save Li Changjin's life. He could not afford to take a horse.

As soon as the hunting meeting started, Li Changjin ran out on a horse, holding the reins in one hand and the bow in the other, and looked around to see if there was any suitable prey.

Yuan Jia followed closely behind him, looking at Li Changjin's riding skills, he could be sure that Li Changjin was a skilled rider. Not to mention his riding skills were on a par with those who grew up on horseback all the year round, but he was definitely not someone who would accidentally fall off his horse. Dead unlucky.


Li Changjin glanced back at Yuan Jia, saw that he was closely behind him, and the other friends had long been left behind by him, he couldn't help laughing: "Brother Fu's riding skills are really good, I thought you were studying. He's so powerful, he's such a powerless scholar!"

Yuan Jia also laughed: "Brother Li, don't forget, my Weining Hou Mansion started out by military merit, how can the descendants in future generations forget the martial arts?!"

The two chatted for a while, and Li Changjin suddenly saw a shadow swaying in the bushes in front of him, and immediately bent a bow and shot an arrow, hitting the prey.

As soon as he retracted his bow and was about to ride forward to check what prey he had shot, he suddenly rushed forward frantically with the horse under him, trying to throw the owner off his back.

Yuan Jia's eyes narrowed, and he chased after the horse. Then he pulled out the long whip he had prepared before, and swung the whip around Li Changjin's waist, and said sharply, "Let go!"

Li Changjin subconsciously let go of the hand that grabbed the reins, and was pulled by Yuan Jia onto his horse's back. Immediately after seeing the mad horse rushing into the woods, Li Changjin was afraid for a while.

If Fu Yuanjia had not rescued him, he was on the back of a mad horse. He must have been hung by the dense branches at this time, or had been thrown off the back of the horse by the mad horse and fell off the back of such a fast running horse. , neither dead nor disabled.

Yuan Jia took Li Changjin off the horse and stepped on the ground. Li Changjin breathed a sigh of relief and felt at ease.

Li Changjin solemnly paid his respects to Yuan Jia: "Thank you brother Fu for saving your life today! I will keep it in my heart, and there will be a great reward!"

Yuan Jia smiled slightly: "It doesn't have to be like this!" Your life is the best reward for me.

In the original plot, the eldest princess would see Fu Yuanjia, the master of the Central Plains, at the Qionglin Banquet more than a year later, but in fact, the eldest princess is now seventeen years old, almost eighteen years old, and will be nineteen years old in more than a year.

Nowadays, women are generally married at the age of sixteen. The princess may marry later, but it will not be later than eighteen, otherwise she will be an old girl.

Of course, the emperor and the queen could not have dragged the eldest princess until she was nineteen years old and not married off. They had already decided for the eldest princess, Li Changjin, the prince of Chengen Gongfu, as the consort.

It's just that in the original plot, before the emperor could issue an imperial decree to confer marriage, Li Changjin accidentally fell off his horse and was trampled in the chest by a horse's hoof, and died.

Therefore, the eldest princess, who was almost eighteen years old, dragged on for more than a year before deciding on a concubine, and then Fu Yuanjia was unlucky and fell in love with the eldest princess.

Today, Yuanjia will find a way to participate in this hunting meeting, just to save Li Changjin, the concubine who was appointed by default.

Li Changjin is alive and well, and he will soon be able to marry the eldest princess home, so Yuan Jia doesn't need to worry that the eldest princess will fall in love with him again.

The eldest princess is domineering, but she is deeply favored by the emperor, and there is no shortage of men who want to be the consort.

Li Changjin is the Queen's nephew, and this marriage is also a good marriage that Queen Li fought for for her family.

The eldest princess' biological mother has passed away, and now she is raised by Queen Li, and is deeply favored by the emperor, but the eldest princess was thirteen years old when she was raised by the queen, and her relationship with Queen Li is naturally not particularly close. The eighth prince is still young, of course, she will hold the adopted daughter who is favored by her tightly, paving the way for the eighth prince in the future.

Cheng'en's mansion has no real power, and marrying a princess with a strong family will also add a guarantee to the Li family.

And the eldest princess is also willing to get closer to Queen Li, who has a direct son, so the two parties hit it off and the marriage was settled.

But obviously, not everyone is happy to see the eldest princess with strong family members marrying Queen Li's nephew Li Changjin.

Yuan Jake doesn't think Li Changjin's accident is just an accident.


After Yuan Jia gave Li Changjin a hint and reminded him, he rode away on the horse presented by Li Changjin.

Li Changjin looked at the back of Yuan Jia's departure, his eyes fell on the mad horse who was subdued, and his eyes were heavy: "Don't kill it, take it back and let someone check the reason for the madness of this horse!"

Li Changjin is the only direct son of Duke Cheng'en, but he is not the only son of Duke Cheng'en. He has a concubine elder brother above him, and three concubines below him, none of which are fuel-efficient lamps.

After Li Changjin was reminded by Yuan Jia that there might be something different about Ma's madness, the first person to suspect was his sinister elder brother, followed by the other three younger brothers. Because of his death, the biggest benefit was these four brothers who coveted the throne of his son.

But of course Li Changjin would not tell his father Cheng Engong that he doubted his concubine brother, but said: "Father, my son doubts whether the other princes do not want us to see our Li family marry the eldest princess. After all, in our Li family, only my son-in-law is qualified to be the master. If I die or become disabled, the eldest princess will definitely have to choose another concubine, and if she marries a concubine who is close to other princes, then..."

Cheng Engong's expression changed slightly, and he immediately said: "This matter must be thoroughly investigated, and I will let your mother enter the palace to see the queen!"

When it comes to the secret rivalry of several princes and the future of the Li family, the anger in Duke Chengen's heart when his heir was framed has turned into worry about the future of the family. On Mr. Li.

When Duke Cheng En found out that it was his eldest son who colluded with outsiders to frame his own younger brother, he was furious and asked him to become a monk and beat his eldest son. The unfilial son is expelled from the house!

After Yuan Jia secretly inquired about the situation in Duke Cheng'en's mansion, he guessed that there should be other princes behind Li Changjin's concubine brother. It's just that the specific prince is unknown. The other party acted very cautiously and did not reveal his identity when contacting the eldest son of Li.

In the original plot, the accident of the Li family was only mentioned when the wedding accident of the eldest princess was mentioned. Li Changjin fell off a horse and died, but the cause and effect behind Li Changjin's death are not clear.

However, Yuan Jia guessed that there may not be only one person behind the scenes.

Because the emperor's favor for the eldest princess is really a bottomless favor that breaks many rules, otherwise the emperor in the original plot would not have turned a blind eye to the behavior of the eldest princess forcing the original owner, Fu Yuanjia, the prince of the six-yuan and second hou mansion, to divorce his wife and marry another. .

Although there are also eldest princesses who are secretly persecuting, and there is no reason to make people talk, but the emperor's connivance is also an indisputable fact.

Such a favored princess, how could the grown princes tolerate her marrying into the Li family? !

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