MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 96 Giant

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At this time, what armored car tanks are still in control, and escape is true.

When the giant mouth is fully open, the diameter is almost eight meters, and it is easy to bite an off-road vehicle. The skull is lightly smashed, and the scattered objects of the car fall to the ground.

License plate, seat parts, kettle...

The three men also realized what happened to the fallen shoes and backpacks on the road. Following the giant mouth like a biscuit, the off-road vehicle was bitten into several pieces and swallowed directly, completely not afraid of indigestion.


The rollover car was smashed out by the strange wind. The missing vehicle and the person were eaten by the worm?

Li Fei’s scalp was numb, and Jane Huahua said decisively: “Run!”

The giant worm closes the big mouth. It has no eyes on its head. There are only a few long, short black tentacles that sway as if it can detect something.

"Calling" the ground, the giant worm once again stretched the body, its mouth structure is special, there are folded bones, naturally popping out when opened, this big mouth instantly becomes a visual shock, enough to make the prey frightened.

The thin man is agile, looking back in a hurry and discovering that the monster is chasing the other two.

The speed of the giant worm is very fast, and it is just a matter of opening the mouth in a lightning direction.

- There was a shallow pit in place.

The head of the giant worm is less than five meters from the foot of Li Fei. It can be seen that its yellow-brown body has a metallic texture, and the body surface is sparsely spawn.

Li Fei didn't want to, and he held a wall of fire.

The giant worm bite sideways and just passed through the flame. It made a thunderous scream, swaying his head and shaking his tentacles.

"It's not afraid of fire, aiming at the antennae!"

Because the giant worm was stunned, Jane was forced to separate from Li Fei. On the other side of the giant worm's head, he saw the monster squirming forward and let the flame burn on the body behind his head.

Under the urging of Jianhua, the hyphae rushed to the giant worm, and in a blink of an eye, "sticked" its head to the road.

Followed by an ice blade, the head is very good, directly on the antennae of the giant insect.

"Hey!" The giant screamed and screamed.

The air from its mouth, with a terrible stench, like the smell of fish and shrimp rot, and the smell of gasoline (just swallowed off-road vehicles), all mixed together, Jane was almost smoked Faint, Li Fei cleared the area with a flame and barely awake.

The thin man is far away, and can't help but woke up with a frosted palm to cover his mouth and nose.

The giant worm twisted and the body slipped out a few meters.

"Attack the top?" Jianhua finally made it possible for the hyphae to "smack" itself away from the poison gas.

Above him, the hollow that the giant worm appeared.

Before I saw that the sky had broken a big hole, I was very astonished. Now there is a giant body length as a measurement mark. The three people found that the cave that the giant worm had drilled was only 20 meters away from the ground. It was just because the northwest was deserted. There is no building reference and it looks particularly high.

"Too high." Thin man Zhao Wen face ugly.

He can hit a goal tens of meters away, but the horizontal distance is not the same as the height difference.

The hyphae continue to spread from the giant head to the torso.

"... can't take power away." Jane has never encountered a living thing that mushrooms can't eat.

What is this bug in the end, the shell is so hard, not afraid of fire, even the hyphae take it?

Li Fei took the initiative and decided: "We can't sleep for how long, let's go!"

"Can't go!"

The length of the giant worm is unknown. Once it breaks free, this area can open its mouth and sweep it back and forth. Now that they have no car, they run on two legs. The speed of life and death is high, and they accidentally fall into the mouth of the bug.

"What the **** is this?" The thin man threw an ice blade at the antennae of the giant insect. His attack seemed to work. After the tentacles were sealed by ice, the giant insects struggled in the direction of their open mouth.

"It has no eyes, it is the one that touches the outside world!"

Unfortunately, a piece of ice can't last long. This giant seems to be resistant to all abilities.

Jane controlled the mycelium to wrap around the tentacles three times, just like putting a wool cap on it.

The thin man ran and ran, and suddenly found that the things scattered on the roadside were a bit familiar. After a closer look, he immediately became happy: "Gas mask!"

"Where, give it to me!"

Only three gas masks were found, and Li Fei went to the top and risked the worm.

——The surface is strong like an alloy, and the flame can only go to the big mouth of the giant worm.

Several flame streams are brought together into a fire dragon, and they are rushing to the mouth where the giant worms are full of teeth.

The thin man and Jane felt that his brain was light and his body was relaxed - the source of the poison gas was blocked. No, it is the "toxic gas" that has been pressed back by the flames. The gasoline left in the monster's mouth is burning, and the black smoke is better than the bad smell.

The giant tumbling on the road, its body pumped out more than ten meters.

The thin man took a breath of air, it was really over, how long is this guy?

The dust is everywhere and the ground is constantly shaking.

The three men hurried back, avoiding being crushed to death by the huge body of the giant worm.

“Can you send the mushrooms in?” Li Fei ran and asked Jane.

The outside can't be swallowed, just slide in with the mouth. Although the plan sounds a bit disgusting, it should be acceptable to treat the abdominal cavity of the bug as a sewer...

"No!" Jane vetoed it.

Of course not because of cleanliness.

Jane's face is covered with black ash and sand, and the clothes are worn out. It looks very embarrassing, and the other two are like him. When the giant worm struggled, the scope of the spread was too large. From time to time, Li Fei had to use his ability to take Jane to a safe place and avoid the body of the giant worm.

Jane can kick the gibbons with one foot, but there is no thin man in the fight for the escape.

The last three people rushed to the safe range by the blast of the flames.

Jane has the time to explain that the mushroom can't eliminate the giant worm: "This guy has a mouth that is where you burn now, only the teeth and the exoskeleton. I suspect that it only takes the initiative to retract the mouth back into the real mouth. The food it bites will enter the body."

The hyphae were trapped between the teeth of the giant insects and could not find a way to enter.

"There is a fire in my mouth, and it will not be recovered!" The thin man pulled out. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

Unexpectedly, he heard a "sound" sound, and the bullets seemed to hit the metal plate.

Li Fei’s eyes were drawn: “It is estimated that an anti-tank rocket launcher will be used.”


He can't change this kind of thing!

Besides, when the giant worm appeared, they have entered the abandoned world, and now there is no foreign aid.


Jane's expression was condensed and looked sideways. He heard a sound in the distance, but the dust fluttered on the road. Nothing could be seen outside the 50 meters. The power did not give feedback to anyone there.

The thin man also heard it. He thought for a few seconds and immediately showed a pleasant expression.

Then Jane Li Fei heard the voice of the thin man Zhao Wen imitating the nightingale, vividly.

The same sound came from the sand, and Jane was sure that the two tones were changed on both sides, just like the contact number.

The thin man is very happy: "Someone is alive! The people who disappeared yesterday are still alive!"

Which team of special forces?

But here is the abandonment of the world, it is reasonable to say that people without abilities can not appear.

"We used to meet."

"There is the source of the strange wind!" After some confusion, Li Fei still accurately recognized the direction.

What is the thin man about to say, suddenly a glimpse of his heart, do not want to think, hold his head and roll.

The big mouth of the giant worm appeared in the smoke, and it was burned dark by the flame, but the teeth were as good as ever, and the sound of biting the air was shocking.

"It broke away from the hyphae!" Jane couldn't believe it.

Another abilities are flying in the sky. This time they don't want to go, they are chased by the worms and ran there!

Fortunately, although the giant worm used the brute force to restore the body to freedom, but the hyphae on the antennae, there is no way, the head can not get rid of the road, and the giant snarls angrily. Look for the prey that dares to "cover" its sensory organs!

The giant worm is a very powerful creature. The hyphae is densely entangled. It just makes it "highly myopic". It is not completely "smashed". It immediately chased the three people.

When the tentacles are good, the giant insects stare at the s-class Jianhua Li Fei.

Now the tentacles are not good, and the hyphae itself has a "hidden" effect. The giant worm's attachment to Li Fei Jianhua has dropped, and it has gone straight to the thin man. The ice abilities are cold in the sense, especially obvious. I can't recognize it.

"You run forward, let me open it!" During the run, the thin man found that the giant worm was more energetic with himself.

"Next!" Li Fei reached out and threw the mask at him.

Zhao Wenfei quickly put on this simple version of the gas mask, with the giant insects winding up the arc, flying, rolling, and even running with a triple jump...

Jane was not idle. He urged more hyphae to wrap the tentacles. The "hair cap" on the head of the giant insect was getting thicker and thicker. Its body was mad like a shake, and could not help but bow down.

At the same time, the hyphae tried to prevent the giant worm from rushing forward, breaking it into pieces and fighting again, and dragging the giant worms. Jane's abilities are consumed at a rapid rate, but the speed of the worms is slow, and the worms that have been smooth for several times are out of danger.

Jianhua wants to control his abilities all the time. Of course, the slower and slower, Li Fei doesn't say anything. He simply grabs the arm and picks up the person.

The thin man accidentally saw this scene and almost fell to the head.

——Two hands holding the knees and knees, this posture seems to be the so-called princess hug?

Probably Li Fei also felt that this hindered the speed, and soon leaned over to adjust the posture and put Jane back up.

As for the lover lying on his back, his legs were separated and stabilized (forbidden) posture. Li Fei had no psychological pressure, Zhao Wen did not know.

In addition to Jane, the other two have already had pain in their lungs.

The lips are dry and black. Run, press the speed of life and death!

The last extremely risky action of the thin man, when he jumped over the trunk of the giant worm, the clothes behind him were torn apart by the sharp teeth, and the wind blew through the front half of the top.


The stench of the giant worm, even though Zhao Wen across the mask, almost fainted.

But he is already done.

Two men holding the charge. The gunman wearing a camouflage suit is anxiously looking at the distant road, the dust is rolling, and only the back half of the giant worm is hanging in the sky, and it is really impossible to see the battle.

After a few minutes, they saw a vaguely blurred figure in the dust.

"Ready to meet!"

He took charge of the gun. The special forces who were aiming at the antennae of the giant insects first saw Li Fei, who was carrying Jane, and they were gray-faced and sullen. They could not see their faces.

"Come on! Go into the hole, the huge size of the bug can not be drilled!" said the special soldier with a gun.

The figure of giant worms can be seen through the dust.

"Hey?" This width is wrong, how do the giant bugs get fat again?

The soldiers did not react, and they saw a thin body full of muddy rushing out, and the big mouth full of teeth was chasing him. As the distance narrowed, the appearance of the giant worm also reflected in everyone. In the eyes.

"Haha, do it beautifully!"

The body behind the head of the giant insect hit a knot, and it slanted when it was shaken, which seriously affected the speed.

"Everything goes into the hole! It can't even get in through the hole, Mom. No need to be spit it out!"