MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 140 conflict

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Jennifer and his group failed to leave the dungeon smoothly.

A silent killing is taking place under the red moon in the plateau. The ground seems to be flattened by something, the sandstone is not naturally trapped, and the bamboo shoot-like stone forest disappears from the air, just like being swallowed up by something.

There was a visible fluctuation in the air, followed by a dark hood on the wasteland, which, like the lotus leaf, was layered and wrapped into a huge oval object.

The dark objects disappeared and six or seven bodies fell from the ground.

They are Jennifer's companions, the team's well-equipped mercenaries.

The clothes on the body were soaked, the eyes were round, some of the throats were cut, and some of the chests were stained with blood. Most of the people were incompletely broken, just like what the monster had bitten.

Bloody smell instantly filled the air.

A green palm, pinching the dying Jennifer, and bringing her to her face.

"The devil... the red scorpion..." Jennifer said vaguely, his eyes full of fear.

The master of the palm would be invisible, the body did not show up, he gave a weird laughter, and the palm continued to use force without mercy. Jennifer had already taken off, and she had no strength to struggle.

She had a scattered flame around her, and the fire was very weak.

While wrestling in the space of the red scorpion, Jennifer had exhausted her abilities, and she was immersed in water, and the once bright fire of life was already fragile as candlelight.

She is going to die.

Jennifer was not willing to struggle, the foreground of the eye became more and more blurred, and eventually disappeared.

She is covered in water, her calf is bloody, her skin is fleshy, and it looks terrible, but it is complete compared to the body of her companion.

"How beautiful."

Leaving the palm of Jennifer's neck, he dripped down.

Under the moonlight night, such an arm floated out of thin air, sinfully stroking Jennifer's body, staying in her face and chest and abdomen for a long time. It is more terrible than yin evil, because his technique is like picking a piece of good beef.

"Sisters who have the name of the confidant, the true love of the savior and the first love, can't figure out who they really like, and who can't figure out who they saw in the ruins at the first sight... Our savior!" The red scorpion laughed.

The red scorpion began to pay attention to the surrounding scenery. He also suddenly appeared here. The mercenaries raised their guns subconsciously, and the red scorpion found a precious prey among them.

Jennifer’s death, supplemented by his violently consumed abilities, is a time of comfort.

"There is no spider here, it seems to be back to the earth." The red scorpion also encountered a forced random tour of the spider world, which was originally lying in the holy door organization, and suddenly encountered a spider attack, followed by no Eat and drink.

I don't know if it is unlucky, or lucky, the red scorpion met Dr. Mad in the forest.

The abilities of both people are too special, and it is easy to recognize each other.

The red scorpion sees the situation is not good, to hide in the space, Dr. Mad has an s-class, but in a forest that is dead and lifeless, the vines that can be called are limited.

When they were hiding in the First World War, when they changed their minds and played psychological tactics, they entered the fluorescent mushroom that caused the illusion. They quickly lost, and they died and lived with their invisible enemies. The ecstasy, who played with the thrill of the whole world, squandered his abilities without restraint and almost died in his own illusion.

Between the chaos, Dr. Mad was suddenly pulled into the gap by a force.

The red scorpion that wakes up wants to catch up, and as a result, his own space and the power from the gap are offset and pushed back. Dr. Mad disappeared, leaving only the red scorpion alone to face a group of alarmed spiders.

He finally escaped the crazy attack of the giant spider by his power, and finally walked out of the forest, but found that the outside world was also ridiculous. He could not see large animals at all, only some insects and mice.

The red scorpion stayed in such a harsh environment for several days.

It’s not a shame to eat and drink, but this world, except for spiders, really makes him sick.

One day, the red scorpion found a few strange spiders with mushrooms in their bodies on a dead tree. They were stiff and did not spin, and one body was half empty. It was filled with white hyphae. full.

Because it was too weird, when the red scorpion looked closer, the cap was turned into a silk and rushed toward him.

The red scorpion quickly escaped, and then he discovered that the spider parasitized by the mushroom was able to accurately find the space he was hiding, which was completely different from the spider that lost its scent.

The space profile that is stuck by the hyphae, the ability is quickly lost...

The red scorpion immediately mobilized the abilities, broke up and reorganized the space, and quickly escaped the dead wood. The zombie spider clumsily chased after it, and the speed of mycelium growth did not catch up with him. The red scorpion is still suspicious of the origins of the mushrooms.

- Dr. Mad appears in the forest, and of course the devourer is also possible.

"Good girl, your strength seems to be the source that will pull me back." The red scorpion talked to himself, and there were not many abilities that flowed into him, enough to indulge him.

A class of abilities of this kind of prey, there is no way to casually encounter.

"You are much worse than Poseidon... Oh no, no one will abandon the world to find your body. From this point of view, you are good enough."

The red scorpion plucked a hand from the space and held a sharp scalpel in his hand.

The blade just touched Jennifer's neck, and there was a gunshot in the distance, and the voice of the powers fighting.

The red scorpion quickly "received" the spoils.

He walked along the stone forest and soon saw the mushroom blocking the hollow of the sky.


The devourer has already been here? Still staying on this wasteland?

In addition to the Savior, the strongest abilities.

Or, more powerful and terrible than Johnson...

"It’s an exciting journey, I can’t wait to know what the devourer looks like.” The red scorpion talked to himself, and he walked around the mushroom and found a hole leading to the ground, jumping without hesitation. Go on.


A conflict is erupting in the underground city of the Kabadusia Plateau.

A group of the largest versatile groups, originally sitting in the cave to pray to their gods, to discuss how to unite (utilize) others to solve the area occupied by the devil. Their leader is an a-level soil abilities who also have a high status in teaching. They are only old and weak, and there is no way to directly participate in the battle.

However, the pattern of the dungeon is very advantageous for the soil abilities. He can easily open up new passages or collapse the "buildings" to block monsters outside the "residential area".

If there is no accident, two or three years later, this "highly respected" elder will become the spiritual leader of the dungeon and rule all the abilities here.

Those who believe in different abilities, except death, will only choose to leave here.

The Turkish ambassadors in the original work did not participate in global conferences. They are a marginalized force, or an anarchic riot force. Perhaps after the story ends, they will also bring destruction to the country. There are many countries, many abilities, and it is impossible to write all of them in the book of The Abandoner.

These people's eyes are not long-term, and they are most concerned about how to be in the country and indifferent to the outside world.

The number of books readers here is very small, because Turkey has not introduced this set of American hero novels. Few people know what the meaning of mushrooms is. They don't even know that they will return to reality, thinking that the world will go on like this.

"God did not abandon us. He is giving us a test."

"Just remove the devil..."

"Yes, defeat the devil!"

The leader of the old abilities pointed to a direction. A group of people crouched on the ground, and God asked for atonement and asked for the gods to pray for the food that can be eaten today and tomorrow.

Suddenly, their "dignified" ceremony was interrupted.

First, two giant spiders appeared in the cave, and everyone feared to run away. The leader shouted calmly and blamed them for not having the courage and not being the people of the true God.

The words have not been finished yet, and the old abilities are knocked down to the ground by people who appear out of thin air, and the ribs are broken.

This bizarre way of playing can be said to be a miracle, but it can be said that -

"The devil has appeared, kill him!" The angry leader leader yelled.

Others took a closer look, and the people who came were black and dark, unlike their own people.

"Kill the outsiders! Kill the devil!"

The movement that the red scorpion heard was exactly what they sent.

Countless abilities were able to shuttle through the ground and catch the culprit. These people also had conflicts with each other, chasing after them, and some people actually fought on the road.

Some foreigners who are stranded here are unlucky because they travel to Turkey.

There are very few people who see the "devil" appearance, and the slogan of shouting is to kill the aliens... I would rather kill it, and refuse to let go, not to mention that they originally looked at these naked faces who were not pleasing to the outside world.

The more you move, the bigger it gets.

Johnson was curious and couldn't help but look around to see the excitement.

Li Fei immediately raised his face and took the boy back to the room.

He was close to the ventilation duct, and the sound coming from inside made Li Fei frown, and the violence was bigger than before.

The messy footsteps, from the bottom up, were still in the circle, and soon came in this direction.

Li Fei sneered a little, he didn't mind the church's abilities, what was horror - he didn't allow anyone to disturb Jane before Jane found a way to go back.

Li Fei slowly walked to the edge of the mushroom growing area, and fired the flames at once, watching the end of the passage with a cold eye.

A man covered in mud rushed toward the mushroom.

He looked up and saw a flame of magma that fell down in a steady state. He was so surprised that he blinked and shouted: "Li Ge, it is me, don't do it!"


Li Fei was a little surprised, how could he be here?

At first glance, it looks like a savage savage man with a beard, a beard with a large blade and a rag on his waist, holding a bent and deformed steel bar.

The fastest-running abilities had just raised their hands to launch an attack, and a rebar swept the past and flew people away.

He rushed into the mushroom bush, and the hyphae entangled, trying to bind the prey.

- Hey, once the second reserve grain, you can pass.