MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 101 rescue

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A helicopter hovered over the roadblocks of the road.

The wind and sand picked up by the wing, shaved Zhang Yaojin's face, he couldn't care, but just looked at the end of the road.

"Major!" A soldier tangled up and reported, "The little girl is going to get off the plane."

"Noisy, the wind here is so big!" Zhang Yaojin couldn't do it, and the radius of influence of the strange wind expanded again.

According to satellite observations, Jane Lifei’s car seems to be entering the abandoned world, but if nothing happens, it should be reappeared in the next second. As a result, even the car has disappeared for more than ten hours.

The synchronized military satellites checked the road and found nothing.

They used ten hours of driving calculations to radiate all the surrounding areas, and there was no record of the military vehicle driven by the thin man Zhao Wen, and even three people with similar appearances did not find it.

Although not willing to admit, the Red Dragon can only make an emergency report: a big event!

Two s-level abilities are all uncertain!

The disappearance of the Ganzhou Highway has been escalated. The central high-level authorities have instructed the Red Dragon to hold an emergency meeting and must immediately come up with a plan to allow all resources of the country to be called.

Zhang Yaojin, a major student who was too busy, was also called.

Also because of his "good relationship" with the Devourer and the Enchanter, and without the urge of the University of Lu, Zhang Yaojin was anxious to get angry. There are only two s-level abilities in China. The consequences of all accidents are unimaginable, especially if he suggests that Li Fei should go.

After handing over the matter to his temporary agent, Zhang Yaojin thought hard about the information of the Red Dragon's internal powers. The conventional method can't help, and the powerful power is not right. It is better to have a person who can detect danger...

In the end, Zhang Yaojin’s eyes fell on a special data file.

On the photo is a girl with a yellow-haired corgi.

The origin of this information was the girl’s parents’ alarm. At that time, the girl lived in the hospital’s gastroenterology department. The condition was not serious. It was caused by eating cold food.

This pair of parents feel that their daughter's condition is very strange. The child has three meals at home. How can I have a chance to eat a lot of cold food? The girl's father remembered that when the daughter came out with her dog and went back to play, the clothes were broken. The whole person was dirty. I asked the child not to say it. The test report and the doctor judged that the girl had eaten the cold food of the fresh seafood. For a few days... If it is an adult, it is only slightly uncomfortable, and the child’s spleen and stomach are weak.

The parents insisted that their daughter was stared by the bad guys.

This kind of undocumented headless case, although it is strange, but there is no good way to receive the police public security bureau, the parents urged to check it, just to catch up with the red dragon to focus on screening all suspicious cases - especially the kind of family lover The case of the police, suspected that the relatives around him have problems.

In addition, the focus is on those patients who suffer from indigestion due to eating raw food and hospitalized for acute enteritis. They do not need to be stationed in major hospitals. Now the hospitals are all connected, and the Red Dragon can use the privileges to check online.

The little girl’s affairs are not in the former, and the case is the latter.

The Red Dragon immediately sent someone over. It was originally only the "incompetent data entry". As a result, the little girl's parents suspected that her daughter was abducted outside, and repeatedly asked questions, which triggered the girl's rebellious psychology. The stranger claimed that the police investigators came to the door. At that time, the girl refused to answer, and the Corco dog of the Guardian asked the investigators to walk in without even entering the door.

People initially did not suspect the dog, thought it was a girl's ability.

Her parents experienced this "magic air wall" incident, and finally faced up to the problem not like they thought, and quickly apologized to the children, all kinds of persuasion, anxious hope to know what happened.

Because of the particularity of this ability, the incident was immediately reported, and the b-level space abilities were dispatched.

- As a result, the relationship has not been able to enter.

Fortunately, the detector they brought to analyze the results.

An incredible result, the energy index is a, but the volatility is different from any actor.

To know if Jane is converging strength, his test results in front of the energy detector are still no match! The index is a measure, but not absolute.

A-level abilities!

The whole red dragon is only Zhang Yaojin! !

According to the original, it is said that there are two a-levels in the Black Belt, one of which is 耿阗, the other is called “Cheng Lao”, the age is not small, the power is sound, the lethality is also huge, but Cheng Lao and Heiyuan Like the style of painting, it rarely participates in the activities of the Black Belt and has no record of killing.

Because I translated English, I don’t know if it’s “Cheng Lao”, “Chen Lao” or “Zhang Lao”...

Another identity of Cheng Lao is that he knows medicine and urgently treats some people.

China has entered an age of aging. Whether it is Chen or Zhang, it is a big surname. It is very difficult to find an old man who does not know his appearance, does not know the specific name, and may be a doctor (maybe still retired).

The initial screening of three months, the answer is no.

However, the Red Dragon team members who followed Jianhua reported a suspected object. There is a private clinic not far from the residential area of ​​Jianhua. The doctor is called Cheng Lao, and he knows it with Jianhua.

The old man's routine, the multi-year meal is not white, but not those who are young and young, have no abnormal behavior, and occasionally go to the supermarket park, but the security inspection will of course not expose the reading; If it is not a few Red Dragon team members, you may have overlooked the past, with an energy detector to check, it really is!

The contact with Cheng Lao was not very successful. The old man likes to live a quiet life. He has not yet joined the signs of the Black Belt. Of course, he did not agree to join the Red Dragon.

撇 耿阗 耿阗, Cheng Lao did not talk, and now found China's fourth a-level abilities, this news immediately alarmed the country's top.

Things happened in Haicheng, Zhang Yaojin was responsible.

- Although he was depressed at the time, why are all the known high-order abilities in China not in Haicheng or Huaicheng? Dedicated to his jurisdiction!

Fortunately, the girl is ten years old, although she is young.

If the reason is reasonable, the girl understands.

During the communication process, Guan Yu discovered an explosive truth. When the girl was afraid of holding Keji, Keji also guarded the owner. The energy detector could not be sent to the room, and there was no close-range detection. When the girl's attitude eased, Koki also relied on the attitude of the girl's parents (also the master) to regain the ability to allow them to enter the home - the energy detector showed that the abilities cursor had two, before overlapping, one of them It is relatively weak and has not been discovered. The girl is the weaker energy feedback point!

There are only girls in the room with her dog!

No one at the beginning doubted Keji!

Misunderstood by the girl parents when reporting the case, everyone thought that this a-level abilities had invisibility and were not good! Imagine an ecs who is hiding in the ten-year-old girl's room. Normal people will think of metamorphosis.

After the discovery, he did not dare to show a little stranger, fearing to alarm the other party.

At this time, Zhang Yaojin rushed to the girl’s home, arranged special forces and brought more instruments. He was ready to face the situation of “a class of mysterious abilities who might hold a little girl”. The detailed report came out, and the energy map displayed on the screen is a dog!

All the Red Dragon team members are paralyzed.

Major Zhang did not want to recall his dumbfounded expression at the time.

After a rush of horses, the plan is to cancel and redo! Let the red dragon exclusive psychological counselor and girl teacher who have no power come to talk with the girl, and also do not forget to work with the girl's parents.

How can a young person with such a small age survive in abandoning the world? There is an answer to this problem, and the hero is undoubtedly the dog.

Parents do not want their daughters to get involved in danger, but abandoning the world is coming, but they will not be notified, and they will not be treated differently because of their young age. So a family of three together with a dog, the family participated in the special abandoned world of Red Dragon alone. Survival training. As the owner of Keji and the parents of the children, only the severity of the truth can correct the changes that occur in the daughter and pet.

Fortunately, this pair of parents is reasonable, not stubborn, loves children, and has deep feelings for pets.

In other parts of China, there were cases where children were abilities, and the result was sent to an irregular electro-physiotherapist electro-shock treatment by their parents. Although the rescue was timely, the parents were warned to continue to beat the child at home, thinking that no matter what the problem did not hit Bad, killing just to avoid destroying things at home.

The Red Dragon forcibly intervened in the intervention. The follow-up incident was that the parents left their children in the hospital, were unwilling to pay for the treatment, refused to mediate the media, and told the children that they were monsters.

The person in charge of the red dragon in the military region, with a big wave of a wave, public prosecution of child guardian's abandonment crime, domestic violence, recording evidence of medical records, and arrears of hospital fees, etc., finally fined the prison, and the court also decided to change the child. guardian.

As for this lucky lucky name, the owner of the girl, the parents of the girl provided the Red Dragon with an unusual reaction of Keji for a while, like the puppies of the newborn, unable to walk, not eating properly, not enthusiastic to the owner. Then one day, I suddenly changed back, and the posture of the flying plate of the Frisbee returned to the readings; The red dragon has rich experience. Like Li Fei, he immediately judged that the reader had arrived at Keji.

After observing the soldiers of the military domesticated dogs, this Keji is really a dog, no one's soul.

Its IQ is far more than the same kind, about the same as the seven-year-old child, the first-class reflex nerve, the nose is sensitive, the quality is excellent, even if you go to do the drug dog is no problem.

In the Red Dragon base, following the military abilities of the girl, I saw the effect of Keji’s power and smoothly summarized it as “expulsion.” Keji was very familiar with several military dogs, because smart people would sell Meng. It is also good to have a relationship with the person who cares for the military dog.

Keji is also a master of the book reader. It will scream for those who are out of sync with the soul. The readers who are too close to Keji will be unconscious on the spot, and they will go to sleep lightly. A few days in the night.

Lu Hao unfortunately became one of the experimental products, and the days passed by.

In the report, Zhang Yaojin proposed that in addition to instinctively detecting "foreign objects", Keji still protects his master and expelled the book reader himself, which is a special case. Unless there is a book reader who is not good for girls, it is difficult to directly “expel” the souls of these readers. Animals are more sensitive than humans, and it is not recommended to use the feelings of Keji on her master.

Major Zhang also added one of the most important comments: Even if the soul of the book reader is expelled, the original master can not come back, there is no guarantee that Keji himself has driven away the book reader, and others do not have this condition. The most serious possibility is that the readers' souls leave and the bodies they occupy die directly.

Liu Wei’s parents and elders, because of this opinion, endured the idea of ​​borrowing Keji. They believe that, until the Red Dragon knows more about the abilities, the National Academy of Sciences will study the soul possession of the book readers more thoroughly, and then consider it later.

After the report was handed for half a month, Jane Li Fei lost contact with the Ganzhou Highway in the northwest. Major Zhang had toughly overturned the report. He hesitated for half an hour between Cheng Lao and Keji. The base's odds are bigger!

The rescue mission was not originally pressed against Keji. In the plan of Major Zhang, Keji was a killer and a dangerous detector.

The Red Dragon plane arrived at the northwest base and then changed to a military helicopter. The result was still in the sky. A few kilometers away from the accident site, Keji began to scream and screamed. The helicopter fell to the roadblock, the door just opened, and Keji rushed out like a lightning bolt, and no one could stop it.

Zhang Yaojin was so bad that he looked at the end of the road, and he was in a complicated mood. He turned around and screamed at the girl who was worried about the pet.

"The group must have discovered what danger it was. The last time it encountered a spider, it was the same." The girl cried without a voice, squatting in the corner while squatting her clothes, and squinting her request to get off the plane.

Zhang Yaojin also felt that it was too much for a dog to rush into the air. He was carrying the instrument on the road to detect it while preparing people to enter the road.

The queue has not been finished yet, and the dog’s barking screams at the end of the wind.

The radio also sounded at this time: "The satellite image shows that there are eight people on the road... five members of the special team that disappeared the day before yesterday, and the albatross who lost contact ten hours ago..."

Jane Li Fei’s figure appears in the image.

"The action is cancelled and the rescue is completed."

Zhang Yaojin’s mood is complicated and he is coming out with great fanfare. All he has done is to open a cabin door and put a Keji.

Well, the dog in the army is also able to receive the medal. As the person in charge of the rescue operation, he will apply in the report.

Half an hour later, Major Zhang, who had heard all the reports from the thin man Zhao Wen, was already stupid.

- Urgent, what is the gold content of the medal?