MTL - I’m Bearing My Love Rival’s Child-Chapter 46

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阮恬 was very angry. He held a sly and refused Cai Bin’s attempt to make up for his proposal. He calmed his face and went to the restaurant outside.

Cai Bin took care of him for so long, saying that no feelings were fake, and that he did not raise his son. And he has a good temper and no big shelf. He never picks his thorns and gets along more and more pleasantly.

He knew that he was right, no other embarrassment, and he had to find a way to apologize. Seeing that the cat was holding the cat and stopping along the street, she continued to drive forward. Cai Bin even drove in the past, shouting and shouting at the back, saying that he would wait, and he immediately drove over.

I didn't pay attention to it, and I was full of anger.

He was held tightly, and he felt a little overwhelmed. However, his mood seemed to be very bad, and he could not bear to scream.

He still hasn’t gone far, and a black car stops at him.

When the window was lowered, Qin Li sat in the back row and looked at the road: "Get on the bus." He was low-spirited and strong, and did not give room for rejection.

The heart is sour and sour, the eyes are foggy, with tears. He glanced at Qin Li and ignored it. He walked faster.

Qin Candi’s cellar was in his arms, as if he felt the wrath of the wrath, and did not dare to speak again.

The window was still open, and Qin Li’s driver slowly moved forward, staring at the white-faced side of his face, realizing that he was really angry this time.

I rarely get angry. Even if I am angry, I will take the initiative to give him the message that I am angry and want to lick. It is more like eating sugar by anger. However, this time, Qin Li only noticed seven words from Yan: I don't want to talk to you.

Qin Li was upset and ordered the driver to stop, push the door open, and quickly stop the embarrassing road.

I bowed my head and tried to make a detour after a slight pause.

Qin Li once again steadily blocked in front of him. He still had to circumvent, but Qin Li grabbed his wrist in time. He was very wronged, his eyes could not hold the full mist, and a tear fell off the control.

Opened Qin Li's hand, raised his hand and wiped his tears indiscriminately. He pressed his lips tightly and his expression was very stubborn.

Qin Li was still very angry, and he panicked when he saw tears. He was close to wanting to hug, and apologized to him by the way. What he did today is really ill-considered, and he did not take into account the feelings of embarrassment. However, Qin Li was too anxious and anxious. He knew Deng Ru’s position in his heart and thought that he might agree to Deng Ru’s proposal. All the reason is exhausted in an instant.

He is too selfish. Qin Li knows this very well. He never thought about giving up, even if he would use something that he couldn’t see more despicable.

阮恬 Rarely receded, avoiding Qin Li and holding his hand. He looked up and was filled with anger by the tearful face: "Are you satisfied now?"

Qin Li did not come closer. He tightened his fingers and emphasized: "I am letting you see the true face of Deng Ru."

"You deliberately, you just want to circle me and force me to promise you. Deng Ru did not waver today, you will also think of other ways, anyway, you always have a way."

"But Deng Ru is shaken, she is not worthy of your love."

The more you want to be more grievances, the anger instantly destroys the senses, and the anger says: "So you deserve it, you are good to me, all are other attempts. Now your parents, my parents, all think we should be together, I am not Pursuing the freedom of the person you like? Do you deliberately guide everyone to misunderstand us and consider my feelings? Also, do you really like me? Or just pure possessiveness. If I really meet someone I like Are you still going to break up? You are selfish!"

He said that his head was still awkward. He didn't even realize what he had said. He felt that he was not feeling right, but he couldn't take back what he said. Only the stalked neck, hard to look at Qin Li.

Qin Li's face suddenly became ugly, his face was hazy, his teeth hoarse and snorted: "You think about me like this? I am obstructing you? Hey, I never forced you. Also, I am indeed selfish, indeed to you. Great possessiveness, but what about it? I like you, I want to take possession of you, I want to keep you around forever. If you don't want it, you can refuse it."

"Do I have room for rejection?"

"You have. Hey, don't deceive yourself." Qin Li looked at him deeply, deep and deep.

He was stunned by those words, and he solemnly said: "And, I will give you a chance. You don't want to get rid of me? Turn around and leave, I won't chase after, since you don't want to see me. Then I will fulfill you. You don't have to worry about giving me answers, not to worry about hiding from me. I don't force you, I won't force you, just when we never knew."

He said that he was waiting for his reply: "The choice is given to you."

He was panicked and chaotic, and suddenly he was completely confused. He really hesitated during this time, but never thought about going to Qin Li.

"You still said not to force me." He muttered.

"This is not forcing you." Qin Li calmed down: "I have been trying to think about your feelings, but you should also consider my feelings, I like you, for many years, you think about what I feel, I I must watch you being attracted by others. I am not uncomfortable? Since you are so wronged, you should modify your previous choices. First, from now on, you are with me. Second, when you leave, we don’t bother each other. No one will torture anyone in the future."

The squint was blurred by tears. He looked at Qin Li with awkward and confused thoughts. He noticed that Qin Li’s remarks were an unprecedented serious attitude. He was not kidding, there were only two choices in front of him, either together, or not.

I have been escaping, and the most fearful thing has finally appeared.

Qin Li did not even give him the opportunity to hesitate, and said: "I count three times, you have to make a choice, I promise, never force you, will respect your wishes."

阮恬 was smashed by Qin Li’s tough attitude, and the instinct responded: “Don’t wait, you...”

"One." Qin Lie fixedly watching the cockroach.

He likes to spend too many years, can't use words in words, if not love, how can he do everything he can to do so.

"Wait a minute." The skull swelled and hurt.

"Two." Qin Li did not move to report.

He should have been decisive, since the words are clear, either together or separated, so that he feels relaxed and he does not feel relieved.

"Qin Li!" Panic.

"Three." Qin Lidao.

Looking at Qin Li, he was irritated by his aggressive attitude. Qin Li did not seem to be with him, but it was like debt collection. He had just argued with Qin Li and was forced to make such a choice. The brain is completely embarrassing.

"You deliberately." Tightly, sad and sad: "You must have bothered me."

Both of them are in the air at this time, no one can calm down. Qin Li thought about breaking it early, as he wished. What I think is more about Qin Li’s attitude. He knows that what he said just is too radical, but is Qin Li’s approach correct?

He succumbed to his eyelids and turned his back to Qin Li.

Qin Li’s eyes stunned and wanted to say something, but Zhang Zhang mouth swallowed it back. Then he didn't hesitate and turned to the car parked in front of him.

Cursing in his arms, he rushed out to look at his father, and bowed his head and silently comforted him.

He walked two steps forward and then stopped. He hesitated for a while in the same place, and finally hesitated to turn and look at Qin Li.

However, this place where Qin Li originally stood, has long been empty.

Looking up at the traffic-intensive streets, I couldn't find the trace of the black car.

Qin Li sat in the car, and after a few minutes, he quickly calmed down. His mind is still echoing what he said, and those words are very hurtful. Qin Li has not dared to express his feelings for so many years, that is, he is afraid to hear these words.

His state is very bad today. From the moment he came here, everything started to get wrong.

After calming down, Qin Li sighed low. In the end, he still couldn’t care, and called Cai Bin, and told him to send the 阮恬 and 崽崽 back to the hotel. He also said that his emotions might be very bad, let him Be careful. In addition, in addition, special attention, pay attention to prevent people from taking pictures at the time.

If he and his photos are passed out, they will know what kind of title the media will use with their toes. Now that they are still on the rise, these news will have a negative impact on him, so Qin Li must be eliminated in advance.

After the confession was finished, Qin Li couldn't help but smile. Can he really be a stranger? Really think that this is a kind of relief? This is not a long time since he made up his mind, and his willpower has begun to be unsettled.

Qin Li is not an indecisive person. He is only right, he can never really sigh.

After returning to the hotel, the whole person feels very bad. This will have turned into a human form, and I am very embarrassed to accompany him. What he worried about last night still happened. He doesn't want his father to be sad, and he doesn't want to be sad, but at this time, he will still choose to stay with him, otherwise he will be very worried.

Kneeling, gently touching his hair, his eyes are still red, tears slammed.

Qin Mi's palm, tried to ask: "Do you not like Dad?"

On the way back to the hotel, the turbulent brain was already sober, and his voice was a little hoarse: "I don't know."

"Why is it so sad? Is it unhappy with Dad? Dad likes you very much." Qin honey looked at him inexplicably.

He was bored and said: "Have I just said it is too much?"

"Well, I feel that my father is very sad." Qin honey is as real.

He whispered: "I didn't say anything wrong. He sometimes didn't care about my feelings. I didn't say that I didn't like him. He wanted to force me to give the answer immediately."

The suffocating temper came quickly, and he was purely mad at the time, so he said the wounded words in a hurry.

"Dad is eating vinegar." Qin Mi flew into his arms and looked at him seriously: "I am afraid that I will like that person."

Kneading the soft and tender face of Qin Mi: "Is you telling Qin Li?"

Qin Mi confessed from the wide road: "I'm sorry, hey. I really like you and Dad, I want to be with my father forever."

"I will forgive you this time." I can understand it, but it will not be difficult.

He rolled in bed for two laps and buried his head in the quilt and worried: "Is Qin Li will not ignore me in the future? I didn't want to say that, Qin Li was deliberately mad at me. And I didn't think Qin. I like him a lot, I am angry that he doesn't marry me, I know that I am fierce, every time I am fierce. I just wanted to promise him, I don't want to be a stranger with Qin Li, but he has always been fierce. It’s so fierce, I still say that I don’t bother with each other. Hey, you said, is he very, very much too much!”

With wide eyes, I look forward to eagerly seeking the approval of you.

Listening to what he said, the sweat that Qin Mi had pinched for his father was finally released. When I was angry, I was scared of him. I have never been so angry before, but now I am looking at it and I feel that I have returned to the normal state.

"Well, too much." Qin Mi followed the sly words: "Is that still angry with my father?"

"I was still angry. He didn't apologize to me just now, and didn't yell at me." He was not happy.

Qin honey leaned close to the relatives and kissed, intimately comforted: "Because Dad thought that he didn't like him, Dad was very upset, so he would ask you to express his position. Dad, he really likes you."

"I just need time to think clearly. Besides, Deng Ru asked me. I didn't agree. I already thought about it. I don't really like Deng Ru. For me, she is not one of the tenths of Qin Li." I thought about it last night. I wanted to find an opportunity to tell Deng Ru, who knows that I have encountered so many things today.

"Is it clear to Dad?"

"No." The red eyes were swollen: "I haven't got mad yet." Qin Li can't be angry because he likes Deng Ru. This is Qin Li's fault.

After that day, there was no more movement in Qinli. Qin Li didn’t move, and the fire couldn’t be done. Every day, I didn’t feel the spirit of shooting. The number of ng was twice as great as before, and the directors were concerned. Awkward private life. Deng Ru didn't look for it any more. I don't know how Qin Li solved the follow-up. Anyway, I have never seen Deng Ru again.

What makes you even more angry is that he tangled up in a night, and he couldn’t sleep in the middle of the night, hesitating to call Qin Li. After all, Qin Li’s man loves his face, maybe he gives a step, Qin Li will go down.

So he sighed with courage and hesitated for about ten minutes before finally dialing Qin Li’s phone. He was nervous and full of expectations waiting for Qin Li's voice to sound.

After the result was dialed, there was a cold, whistling tone of “The call you are making is on the call”.

Hey, the heart that had been accelerating before was thrown into the ice, and the blood was not smooth. He was unbelievable, and he continued to call Qin Li’s phone without hesitation. Once, twice, or three times, no matter how many times he dialed, it was always a cold, mechanical sound.

Suddenly put down the phone, looking at the window and looking dark at the darkness.

After the meeting, he turned on his mobile phone and rummaged through Qin Li's qq and WeChat. The results were not unexpected. He suddenly found out that Qin Li had deleted his qq and WeChat.

Holding the last look, I poked a microblog. Then I found out that Qin Li even simply canceled his Weibo!

For a moment, I couldn’t think of what to say. Suddenly, my heart suddenly fell to the ground, like floating in the air, no matter how you can't step on the ground.

In fact, I have never taken Qin Li’s words seriously. I don’t think Qin Li will really sever his relationship with him. Maybe it’s too late for Qin Li, or maybe Qin Li has always been too fond of him, so he is very There is no fear. I grabbed the phone for this, and I couldn’t sleep more and more.

He is thinking about Qin Li and he will not really ignore him. The more he thought about it, the more he panicked, and every nerve in his head was stretched and couldn't relax.

After the panic was overwhelmed, it was aggrieved anger.

After the filming, I didn't have a rest that night, and I drove back to the capital overnight. He has suffered in the past few days, and he has already refused to be angry. He only wants to see Qin Li for the first time. He has never tried to contact Qin Li for so long. Before Qin Li always asked him whereabouts, he would call him every night and ask him what he did on the day.

Habit is a terrible thing. He suddenly finds that after he is used to everything with Qin Li, once this habit is broken, life will become a mess.

As a result, I returned to the capital that night, but I could not see Qin Li as I wished. At first he went straight to the villa. Whoever knew that he went in and found that Qin Li had no time to live in the villa. I waited for a long time in disappointment, and finally went back to my parents. I haven't seen my parents for so long, he still misses.

He will never give up the embarrassment. Before going to bed this night, he also specially adjusted the alarm clock, and got up in the morning and sleeps.

崽崽 These days, I was so tired that when I got out of bed, he was still asleep. He didn’t alarm him, he got up lightly and went to wash and change clothes.

When everything is ready, he will go straight to Qin Li Company.

He still does not believe that Qin Lilian company will not go.

The front desk of the company is still a very familiar young lady. I used to smile and greet him every time I saw him. The security guards and other people know each other. No one dared to slow down. I just want to find the eight-lifted sedan to carry him to the Qin General Office.

This day, he still went to the building as usual, and walked straight to the elevator. He was also anxious to see Qin Li.

As a result, I had not yet reached the elevator and was stopped by the security guard.

The security guard squinted and asked very formulaically: "Who are you looking for? Are there appointments?"

I was a little embarrassed, looking at the security guards slyly, and turned my attention to the front desk lady. He didn't know the security guard, but the front desk lady knew him. He has never had an appointment before.

However, I was disappointed again. The young lady at the front desk did not know him at all. Gu smiled and said, "Who are you looking for?"

"I am looking for Qin Li." He looked around and decided that he had not taken the wrong place.

The young lady at the front desk smiled unchanged: "If you want to find Qin, you must make an appointment first, but Qin is very busy. The latest appointment will have to wait four days."

"..." There is a dirty word in the moment, I don't know if it should be said.

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