MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 9 Framed Tech Genius 9

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At eight o'clock in the evening, Sang Jiuchi arrived as scheduled.

Dai Luolin didn't come back, but he supported Sang Jiuchi.

Wherever he was suppressed, Dai Luolin found the place for him.

When Sang Jiuchi got off the bus, the person arranged by Dai Luolin had just rolled out the red carpet for him. Sang Jiuchi wore a small silver-gray vest over his shirt, and a white suit with high Athens simplicity over the vest.

A blue rose embellished on his jacket pocket, and the delicate stamens were blooming with mysterious brilliance.

Sang Jiuchi walked carelessly to the competition hall under the camera, and the red carpet made him even more handsome and unremarkable. He didn't come to the competition, more like a noble gentleman who casually attended a boring dinner party when he was bored.

The first game was over at 12:00 noon.

The top 30 players appeared one after another, but the 31st player was anxiously waiting for the result of Sang Jiuchi's retry.

Before entering the special arena, Sang Jiuchi went through two more security checks to ensure that there were no hidden communication aids before letting Sang Jiuchi enter the arena.

Sang Jiuchi walked to the computer prepared for him by the competition team and tapped on the keyboard a few times to get used to its feel.

The two blond and blue-eyed supervisors were already standing behind him, staring at Sang Jiuchi as sharp as falcons, not letting go of the other's slightest movements.

In the live broadcast room, nearly 300 million people have gathered to watch.

No one thought that it was only the first day of the game, and this game was so interesting.

Players have 3 minutes of debugging and adaptation time before each competition, mainly to check whether the computer connection, keyboard, etc. are all normal.

After 3 minutes, the supervisor said, "If you are ready, click Start."

These 100 questions were sent to him half an hour ago after being strictly encrypted by the association, and there is absolutely no possibility of them being stolen.

In the past two years, Huaguo's scientific and technological forces have exploded, and the association has told them both in advance that this time they must use this competition to suppress and suppress Huaguo. He was still planning how to suppress Huaguo's arrogance on the front foot, and the incident of Sang Jiuchi happened on the back foot.

Even the most authoritative **** in their association took 34 minutes to complete the 100 questions. How could Sang Jiuchi complete it in 16 minutes? There is definitely something tricky here.

Don't look at his pretentious posture now, see how he can hold on in a while.

This matter will not have any impact on their association at all. These problems were installed on the computer a day ago, and the anti-theft aspect was done by Hua Guo himself.

There was no theft in other countries, only China. The problem must be China.

With such a good opportunity to attack China, of course they want to make things worse.

He even applied for broadcast privileges with the association to broadcast tonight's game to other countries simultaneously. Tonight, let the whole world see the ugly faces of Chinese people stealing and cheating.

As Sang Jiuchi clicked to start, the time in the upper right corner also began to accumulate.

Behind Sang Jiuchi, the two supervisors who were bound to win suddenly widened their eyes and looked at each other in disbelief.

They couldn't catch Sang Jiuchi's hand with the naked eye. His hand speed this time was faster than in the morning game.

The two of them frowned and looked hard, but they only saw the afterimages of the two hands spread over the keyboard to form a huge dense net.

The characters on the computer desktop appeared on it like lightning, so fast that it seemed that they were not tapped one character at a time, but large pieces were directly pasted on it.

An ominous premonition spread in the hearts of the two at the same time. They glanced at each other, and both read fear in each other's eyes.

If Sang Jiuchi has such a problem-solving speed now, does that mean that it was not because Sang Jiuchi was hidden deep in the morning, but that there was no problem at all in Sang Jiuchi.

The result in the morning is the strength of Sang Jiuchi!

One of the supervisors secretly glanced at Sang Jiuchi, but was surprised to find that the other party was smiling. It was a contemptuous smile, the corners of his lips twitched, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes, and the eyebrows were stained with disdain.

Suddenly, Sang Jiuchi's subordinates paused for a while, and squeezed out a "ha" from his throat.

The supervisor looked at the screen, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Sang Jiuchi gave up one question and went straight to the next question.

How fast is it? This competition is based on the speed of answering all the questions correctly. If one question cannot be answered, he will not be able to submit it.

In the live broadcast room, while everyone was surprised by Sang Jiuchi's actions, some people also discovered this problem.

[It's over, Sang Jiuchi has an empty question, and he doesn't seem to be able to do it. 】

[I think he did it very fast, did he miss it? 】

[No, he obviously paused just now. Often some players will be stumped because of a question, and they may not be able to solve it for a long time. 】

【What shall we do then? ! I also want to see Sang Jiuchi's face-slapping competition! 】

[I hope he just failed to extract knowledge, maybe he can remember it when he comes back later. 】

The moment they saw Sang Jiuchi lifted up, they had long forgotten the original intention of coming to the live broadcast room.

Some of them loved the show, some came to mock Sang Jiuchi, and some just came to watch the fun.

But when they saw Sang Jiuchi's flowing movements, slightly raised delicate and disdainful expressions, they were suddenly fanned by Sang Jiuchi.

At this moment, the audience all looked at the screen nervously and excitedly, stared at the countdown in the upper right corner, and kept reciting "Come on, Sang Jiuchi" and "Time, let's go slower".

[Sang Jiuchi answered the question, why am I more excited than when I answered the question myself. 】

[I don't know why, but there is a feeling of blood boiling. The last time I had this feeling was during the military parade. 】

[Sang Jiuchi is not cheating in the morning, he is relying on his strength. Sang Jiuchi, great! 】

【come on! Sang Jiuchi! 】

【come on! Sang Jiuchi! 】

【come on! Sang Jiuchi! 】

I don't know who to start with, the audience on the barrage started to brush this sentence very tacitly.

"Come on! Sang Jiuchi!" The entire screen was filled in an instant, and no one could squeeze out another word.

The game continues.

Time slips away like quicksand in the palm of your hand.

At 13 minutes and 23 seconds, Sang Jiuchi pressed the pause button for help.

In order to deal with emergencies, players can have the right to suspend help when the computer fails.

But now Sang Jiuchi's computer is fine, the only thing that worries him is the empty question.

The supervisor regained control of the initiative. He raised his eyebrows high, still looking like a domineering man, "Is there anything you need help, player No. 100?"

Sang Jiuchi zoomed in on the question he had left blank, smiling contemptuously, "I'm really questioning the business ability of your association even more now. Are you really the most authoritative technology organization in the world? Let me retake the test, but Give me a wrong question? What, can't beat the yin?"

The two supervisors looked at each other and rushed forward to look at the perversion.

The camera is also switched to the computer interface in real time. Some viewers are learning programming. They carefully read the problem and solved it by hand, and finally came up with a garbled code.

[There is an error in the middle of the code string, I did it, and finally it is garbled, no solution. 】

[Me too, I solved it for five minutes, but I couldn’t figure it out. This question is really wrong. This question is not difficult at all, but it is a little troublesome, and it is impossible for Sang Jiuchi to solve it. 】

[Wait, how long have you solved it? Sang Jiuchi seemed to pause for a second on this question just now. It only took a second for him to know it was wrong. Mental calculation in a second? God, I got it! God Sang, please accept the knee below! 】

[He was originally a genius, a "young genius". 】

[But he is so powerful, how can he still... Hey, it's a pity, there are times when geniuses go the wrong way. 】

[I now suspect that Company X is a frame-up. At that time, Sang Jiuchi was interviewed by the media, and he hysterically said in the camera that the firewall was all his brainchild. I don't think he's lying, there must be an inside story. 】

[Could it be that X Company stole his core success? A company as big as company X, isn't it? 】

[Sang Jiuchi is a question-answering player, not necessarily a creative player. Sang Jiuchi did not appeal in the appeal period after the judgment of the International Court of Justice, which has already explained everything. 】

At the scene of the competition, the two supervisors had counted the question over and over again, and the final conclusion was that the question was wrong.

He had to connect with the professional knowledge consultant of the association on the spot. The professional knowledge consultant was silent for a few seconds, and finally gave a "wrong title" answer with difficulty.

And this scene was broadcast live in its entirety.

For a time, there was a global uproar, and the authority of the International Science and Technology Association was questioned for the first time.

The supervisor who hung up the phone was already looking very ugly. Sang Jiuchi had already answered all the other 99 questions, and it took 13 minutes and 23 seconds. Even with this last question, it was shorter than 16 minutes.

Sang Jiuchi won beautifully.

It was they who lost, completely and utterly.

Originally wanted to smear Huaguo once in front of the whole world, but he shot himself in the foot.

The supervisor no longer had the previous contempt at this moment, and he endured embarrassment to announce Sang Jiuchi's results.

He also did not forget the agreement in the morning. Under the eyes of people from all over the world, the supervisor lowered his arrogant head and respectfully apologized to Sang Jiuchi.

The audience in front of the screen was already dancing excitedly, their fingers pounding heavily on the keyboard, as if to vent all their excitement.

[Good job, Sang Jiuchi. 】

[Sang Jiuchi is so handsome, this operation is too showy, I am stupid. 】

[I almost cried, 99 questions in 13 minutes, a genius is indeed a genius. 】

Occasionally, there will be one or two rants, but in an instant, they will be drowned in the flood of rainbow farts.

At the moment when the supervisor announced that Sang Jiuchi had won and apologized to Sang Jiuchi, almost all Chinese people could not help but feel a sense of honor of "you are honored".

The apology was not only to Sang Jiuchi, but also to the entire Huaguo science and technology industry that was prejudiced.

Just when everyone, including the supervisor, thought the matter was over, Sang Jiuchi suddenly smiled at the screen with a cunning smile.

Seeing this smile, the supervisor suddenly felt a "squeak" in his heart.

Soon, he knew the deep meaning behind this smile.

Sang Jiuchi slowly sat back at the computer desk, started typing, and said while knocking, "Come and don't be indecent, since the association has given me so many questions, I also have a question that I want to give to the association. There are not many questions. , there is only one, and there is absolutely no mistake, you should not refuse to accept it?"

Hearing Sang Jiuchi say "there is absolutely nothing wrong", many viewers in front of the video tacitly laughed.

The supervisor's expression was a little embarrassed. For this competition, he had already applied for many privileges from the organization, including re-examination and global simultaneous live broadcast.

If it was before, he would definitely have responded, but now he has just been pressed and rubbed on the ground by Sang Jiuchi, he is cowardly.

Just as the supervisor hesitated, a phone call suddenly came in.

The moment the supervisor saw the caller ID, he was only stunned for a second, and then promptly answered it respectfully.

I don't know what the other side said, but the supervisor has been nodding respectfully and agreeing.

After hanging up the phone, the supervisor returned to his previous calm expression and said calmly to the camera: "Just like not every petal is perfect, the International Association for Science and Technology also accepts this mistake calmly. In order to express my gratitude to Mr. Sang Jiuchi My apologies, we are willing to help Mr. Sang Jiuchi solve his problem."

The supervisor adhered to the routine of "as long as I am not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed" and opened his eyes to talk nonsense, and finished the sentence explained by the leader just now.

【Ah! He also helped Sang Jiuchi to solve the problem, which is obviously the disgust that Sao Jiuchi gave them. 】

[It's Sang Jiuchi, not Sao Jiuchi. 】

[Haha, Sao Jiuchi. Sister, I laughed, but the operation of Jiuchi is quite showy. 】

[Missed hand, wrong hand, sisters don't blame it, it doesn't mean cursing. 】

Sang Jiuchi tapped on the table, "Not only the association, but everyone in the world can try to solve this problem. I will announce the answer in five days, you should hurry up."

Supervisor: "…"

It's not very harmful, it's extremely insulting!

The system is a little worried: [Master host, Song Qing is a super hacker. If he steals your answer and informs the people of that association, wouldn't the effect of this slap in the face be greatly reduced? 】

Boo! It was so cool to eat melon and watch face slap just now, and I want to continue watching it, it's much more fun than watching TV shows.

Why Song Qing turned out to be a top hacker? Damn, it affects his movie viewing experience.

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