MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 74 Over-the-top red superstar 5

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When several people were discussing independence, Sang Jiuchi already knew everything that happened in the room through F001.

He walked carelessly as he stepped on the gaps in the marble floor, and the photographer behind him was also taking the camera silently.

I don't know how long I walked, Sang Jiuchi stood at a crossroad with almost identical four directions, showing a blank expression.

After a while, he turned his eyes to the camera and said awkwardly, "I'm lost."

"Can you show me the way?"

The camera pans in front of Sang Jiuchi.

In a variety show like this immersive life experience, the only role of the photographer is to follow the shooting and cannot provide any help.

Sang Jiuchi hesitated for a moment, then chose a random path.

It's a small town, but it's more like a village. The town is very small, with only a hundred or so households. Most of the young people go out to work, and only some old people stay in the town.

Sang Jiuchi checked the information here on the Internet, but he couldn't find much.

The director team is very attentive, and the place chosen is not those very famous haunted houses, but a little-known place with a strong historical flavor.

It was just after seven o'clock in the morning, and the town was quiet and peaceful. Sang Jiuchi walked all the way, except for the young people who went to work in twos and threes on the road, and did not encounter anyone else.

He walked along a random path for a while, and finally came across a small park.

In the small park, there were a few old and rare old people who were doing Tai Chi. Sang Jiuchi walked over and sat on the long wooden bench beside him, watching with great interest.

The morning is sunny and breezy.

From time to time, magpies and larks chirped in the woods.

Without the hustle and bustle of the city, there is only the tranquility of returning to the countryside.

After a few old people finished Tai Chi, they saw Sang Jiuchi and the photographer hesitate for a while, and one of the old men asked, "Are you also here to participate in the show?"

Sang Jiuchi stood up obediently: "Yes, grandpa."

"It looks like a star at first glance, looks weird and good-looking, how about grandpas playing Tai Chi?" Seeing Sang Jiuchi's well-behaved and polite appearance, the old man pointed at the camera and asked, "Are you trying to film us on TV? Is your show popular?"

Sang Jiuchi smiled and replied, "If you guys are willing to show your faces, this show will definitely be popular."

"Hey, why don't you want to be on TV?" Several old people looked at each other, "Hey, we didn't play well just now, so I'll play it again. Don't broadcast it just now."

A few old people said, and re-arranged to start Tai Chi.

The photographer glanced at Sang Jiuchi, and at Sang Jiuchi's gesture, he began to photograph a few old people.

After the Tai Chi session, the audience Sang Jiuchi applauded earnestly, "Grandpas are doing really well."

After being praised, the few people laughed. When people are getting older, sometimes they like to join in the fun, "When are you going to that haunted house?"

Sang Jiuchi: "Tonight."

One of the old men's eyes widened, "At night, that's too scary. The building is very big, and the third floor is connected to the side building. Not to mention at night, even in the daytime, you may get lost, you have to be careful. .The Western Building is very evil, why do you think of going there, even our local people are there..."

What else did the old man have to say, when a person suddenly stumbled and ran in the distance, which startled the photographer.

The photographer took a closer look, and it was also an old man.

The old man was disheveled and tattered, and he looked a decade older than these old men.

The old man was old but very strong. He walked very fast on crutches, rushed directly in front of Sang Jiuchi, grabbed Sang Jiuchi's hand and shouted, "Brother, is that you, brother?!"

It looks a little out of whack, which is beyond the scope of normal shooting.

The photographer is already planning to save people.

The old man next to him said, "Mr. Li, you are sick again. You can see clearly, he will look again, he is not your brother."

The cloudy-eyed old man stared at Sang Jiuchi again, then let go of Sang Jiuchi aggrievedly, and stumbled away on crutches.

While walking, he said, "Brother, where are you, brother."

The old man sighed, "Have you heard the legend of the Western Building?"

Sang Jiuchi: "I heard of it."

The old man: "It's not just a legend, I also heard from the old man in the family. About 80 years ago, the place was not very peaceful, and the feudalism was backward. The warlords would buy a child every two years, and it didn't take long after buying it. I don't know where to go. Everyone said that the grandma in the warlord's family is a goblin, who specializes in sucking the spirit of children, and is very evil. But the warlord's family gave a lot of money. At that time, many people were hungry. May die, but there are still people who sell themselves."

"Just now, Old Man Li's older brother was like this. Old Man Li is now in his eighties. I heard that their family was poor when they were young and would starve to death soon. Old Man Li was seriously ill and needed a lot of money. If I survived, my brother sold himself to a warlord, only to get Old Man Li's life back."

"It's just that the two brothers have a good relationship. After the elder brother disappeared, Old Man Li began to babble about nonsense like 'well', 'help', 'a lot of dead people'."

"Anyway, that Western Building is very evil, and I don't know why you chose it. If you go at night, you must pay attention to safety."

Sang Jiuchi listened carefully to the old man, said "thank you" and left.

After he left, he saw that the old man who had gone mad just now hadn't gone far, and a few quick steps followed, "Grandpa Li."

In a trance, Old Man Li saw Sang Jiuchi stunned for a while, then turned to a disappointed expression, "So you are not my brother."

Sang Jiuchi: "Have you met again after your brother left home?"

Old man Li's cloudy eyes began to be distracted, and he fell into memory again, "I was thinking about my brother at the time, so I went through the dog hole to find him. That building is so big, I got lost as soon as I entered. I didn't know when I was walking. Wherever I went, I accidentally stepped on it and fell into a dry well."

Old Man Li's expression suddenly showed a horrified expression, "Bone, a lot of bones, all of them are dead."

As he was talking, he suddenly shouted and ran away.

"Hey, don't listen to his nonsense." Sang Jiuchi turned around and found an old man just walking by, "Old man Li has said this for many years. At first, everyone believed it and called the police. The police also went and found that only It's just a pit where the bones of cattle and sheep are buried. Don't be frightened by him. Although this building is a bit cautious, it's not that scary."

Sang Jiuchi asked the old man, "Where is the Western Building?"

The old man pointed in a direction, "It's right there, it's just a twenty-minute walk from here."

Sang Jiuchi thanked the old man and started walking in the direction pointed by the old man.

After walking for about ten minutes, the surrounding houses gradually became desolate. After another five minutes, he saw a small white building full of ivy and dead branches.

Surrounded by two-meter-high white walls on all sides, the gate was ajar, and several cameras were hung on the trees outside the gate.

Sang Jiuchi walked through the gate, walked along the cobblestone road in the overgrown yard for a while, and arrived in front of the Western Building. The door of the Western Building is made of glass. It looks very old. Next to the door, there is a sign of the program group with a sentence written on it.

"The room has been protected for cultural relics."

Next to the Western-style main building, there is also a side building. The side building is connected to the middle part of the main building. The glass door of the side building is also locked and a sign is placed.

Unable to enter the building, Sang Jiuchi began to circle around the courtyard.

After a while, he found a wall that looked newer than the rest under the wall in the southwest corner.

This should be the dog hole the old people said.

The photographer didn't know what he was looking at. The five people watched this courtyard yesterday when they came. All the game items were inside, and nothing could be seen from the outside.

Sang Jiuchi, is this a person who is conscientious and good tour guide?

Sang Jiuchi looked very carefully, not even letting go of the corners. The photographer followed him and saw him pushing through the overgrown weeds and even stomping on the ground a few times.

It took about twenty minutes for Sang Jiuchi to leave the yard.

By the time he returned to the apartment, it was already noon.

From a distance, he saw the unhappy athlete who had been waiting at the door.

Although something unpleasant happened in it just now, the athlete is not someone who likes to talk behind his back. He did not say what happened to a few people just now, but simply ordered, "You follow me tonight, we are together. action."

Sang Jiuchi nodded and entered the door.

The four of them had long since restored their previous harmony and friendship, and when they saw Sang Jiuchi coming back, they smiled and greeted him at a discount.

Alen: "Brother Chi, thank you for the porridge you boiled. It's delicious. I haven't had enough. Your craftsmanship is really good. Unlike me, you can't do anything."

Sang Jiuchi: "Then you shouldn't thank me, the porridge is delicious, you have to thank the rice cooker. I just washed the rice and made it when I know the words. If you don't have enough, I suggest you ask the director team. The brand of rice cooker can solve your eating problems from the root."

"Pfft." The athlete laughed.

Alen's face changed, and he forced a smile, "Oh, good."

Sang Jiuchi walked to the kitchen naturally after speaking, "I am now a tour guide, I will try my best to take care of everyone, and I will be responsible for the meals during this time."

Knowing that the focus of the filming is the haunted house, and the daily plots will not be filmed too much, a few people did not think of going to the kitchen to improve their favorability.

Only the athlete still had a little conscience, so he went to the kitchen to lay it down for Sang Jiuchi.

Three dishes and one soup, Sang Jiuchi made it very quickly.

When everyone sat down to eat, Han Xiao praised again, "Jiuchi, your craftsmanship is really good."

Sang Jiuchi opened his eyes and said nonsense, "It's not that I'm good at craftsmanship, it's that I'm good at pot."

The recording of this variety show is a combination of haunted houses and daily life. There are five haunted houses, a total of ten episodes will be broadcast, and the customs and daily life are interspersed.

After the meal, Sang Jiuchi threw a sentence, "I'll go back to the room to prepare" and headed into the bedroom, but did not come out.

By four o'clock in the afternoon, Sang Jiuchi had not come out.

Several people rested for a while at noon, and waited for Sang Jiuchi for half an hour after they came out. Now some people are starting to get impatient.

Alen: "Brother Chi hasn't come out yet, is he still awake? He's a tour guide."

Han Xiao: "It's only an hour away, can he really be a good tour guide? Why don't you do it, Yun Yi."

Alen looked at Yun Yi: "I also think that Brother Yun Yi is more suitable as a tour guide. We successfully unlocked the door code when we first arrived. At the beginning, it was Brother Yun Yi who asked us to split up and go to the Western Building to observe in advance. Yes. This is the courage and wisdom that a tour guide should have. There is no harm if there is no comparison. Now I am so afraid that the car will roll over in the first game. Brother Yun Yi, can I follow you later?"

Yun Yi waved his hand embarrassedly, "Don't say that, I'm just over the top, and Sang Jiuchi won't necessarily be bad."

Han Xiao: "You don't need to speak for Sang Jiuchi. Do you still have any hope for his performance this day? I also agree with Alen's suggestion, you should be a tour guide."

Yun Yi was a little embarrassed: "But this is the arrangement of the program team."

Li Qian: "The program team also doesn't want the first episode of the new show to be a mess. Let's talk to the program team."

Several people turned to look at the program group standing by the wall.

Director Zhou raised his arms and crossed them, "No, the first two episodes have already been decided to be Sang Jiuchi, and there are three more episodes to come. You can guide each person for one episode."

Alen waved his hands again and again, "I don't want to be a tour guide, it's a waste of brain cells."

Li Qian has already earned both fame and fortune, and participating in this variety show is only to complete the gambling agreement. Being a tour guide won't make her earn extra money.

She also refused: "Let's leave the opportunity to others."

Han Xiao didn't speak, only Yun Yi was left.

Everyone looked at each other and said in unison, "Let Yun Yi be the tour guide for the next three episodes."

Director Zhou nodded off-camera: "Okay."

When several people bargained, the athletes did not open their mouths the whole time, like sitting on pins and needles.

He doesn't have the variety show skills in the entertainment industry, and he doesn't know how to create topics and the art of language. He thought that he was just here for adventure and tourism. Now I know that reality shows are also full of scheming.

Misstep, he just wants to be a princess on the run now.

A few people just finished the discussion with the director group, and Sang Jiuchi walked out of the room with a piece of A4 paper.

He walked to the table and put the A4 paper on the table, "This is the floor plan of the Western Building I drew just now. Although our mobile phone does not have a network receiver, other functions are fine. Please take a picture, in case you get lost. can be used.”

"The Western Building is locked. I have only drawn a part of the outside. The structure of the inside will be drawn as I walk in."

A few people looked around and saw a very clear top view drawn on A4 paper.

Sang Jiuchi drew four boxes of different sizes on A4 paper. The first box marked the 1st floor plus a small courtyard, which was pushed back in turn, the 2nd floor, the 3rd floor, and a box was left at the end.

Yun Yi noticed the last box: "Jiuchi, what's the last box?"

Sang Jiuchi: "It's nothing extra."

Alen: "Brother Chi, are you inside? Why did you draw so many scenes inside the building?"

On the paper, each floor of Sang Jiuchi has a little interior structure.

Sang Jiuchi shook his head, "No, I saw it from the outside window, and I drew it in general."

Han Xiao frowned: "Isn't that scribbling out of thin air? Can this work?"

Athlete: "But the painting is really exquisite. Jiuchi, aren't you in the Department of Performance? You also majored in the Department of Architecture?"

Sang Jiuchi smiled, "No, it's just a hobby. You guys take pictures, I'll cook first."

Sang Jiuchi went into the kitchen, leaving a few people behind.

The athlete quickly took a photo and followed into the kitchen, leaving only the other four in the hall.

Han Xiaohe smiled and said, "We can't help but give face to the tour guide. After all, it's the result of an afternoon's labor."

- Click.

After a sound, several other people also "click" and "click" to take the picture.

Starting at five o'clock, a few people had a sumptuous dinner at Sang Jiuchi half an hour later.

Or the standard three dishes and one soup with rice.

At half past five in the afternoon, under the bright red sunset, several people entered the yard.

The glass door that was still locked in the morning has been opened, and everyone entered this dilapidated old building, only to find that the director team also set up a whole set of shooting equipment in it.

They walked, the director team drove, and the director team came to the pre-prepared building ten minutes ago.

Because the building has been uninhabited for a long time, there is a smell of rotting wood chips.

Alen and Li Qian couldn't help covering their noses.

A few people looked around. The first floor was the living room. There was a staircase leading to the second floor not far away. However, there was a square iron door with a lock in front of the stairs. It seemed that the door had to be unlocked to explore the second floor. .

In the silent and eerie room, I suddenly remembered the sound of a horn.

"Welcome to the six challengers. The rules of the game are described below. The precious photos are placed somewhere in this western-style building. You need to find clues on the third floor and piece together the location of the album."

"To enter the second floor, all adventurers need to find the key to the first floor. The key is in the password box in front of you, and the password of the password box is in the puzzle in front of you. There are only three opportunities to enter the password box. If it fails, it will raise the alarm, attracting mysterious powers hiding in the dark."

"Friendly reminder: the line on the first floor is faulty, the only source of light for you is the sunset outside."

Puzzles, nothing difficult, just an appetizer for the game.

On the table in front of the six people was a pile of scrambled puzzles.

There are no lights in the room, and the sunset outside is about to set. When the last ray of light disappeared, they could only touch the black puzzle.

Han Xiao: "Hey, don't you still have a mobile phone flashlight?"

He took out his mobile phone from his arms with confidence and turned on the flashlight function, but found that the flashlight could not be turned on.

Director Zhou laughed outside.

I have already dismantled the flashlight function for you, how can I let go of this little detail?

Be smart.

Han Xiao, who thought he had caught a small loophole, immediately slumped, Yun Yi looked at the sunset that was about to disappear outside, and quickly said: "Let's start, one person and one part, work together, and it will be finished soon."

Before Yun Yi spoke, Sang Jiuchi had already poured out the puzzle pieces from the box and stared at them seriously.

By the time Yun Yi finished speaking, Sang Jiuchi had already walked to the password box and started to enter the password.

Yun Yi: "Sang Jiuchi, don't try randomly, there are only three chances."

As soon as he finished speaking, he only heard a "click", and the combination lock opened with a sound.

Yun Yi: "…"


It's not just Yun Yi who is embarrassed, but also the director team.

Director Zhou took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Zhou Su viciously: "Did you give Sang Jiuchi a complete question?! You can't even pretend, and you didn't solve the puzzle, so you just opened the combination lock!"

After a few seconds, Zhou Su replied: "Brother, I have to answer the premise of giving him a thorough question. Did you give it to me?"

Director Zhou thought about it carefully, but he really didn't.

In the dark shadow, he replied awkwardly: "Then how did he solve the problem?"

Zhou Su: "You have to ask him, what's the use of asking me."

Director Zhou: …

Everyone looked at Sang Jiuchi in unison, and Han smiled shyly: "Does the tour guide have the privilege of knowing the answer in advance?"

Sang Jiuchi: "No, I just saw the title too.",

Han Xiao: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it, tell me secretly, are you stealing the question?"

Several people looked at Director Zhou. Director Zhou forgot that he was recording the program now, and shouted to the inside, "This puzzle has been locked in the box, he can't see it!"

Sang Jiuchi walked to the jigsaw puzzle and picked out several puzzle pieces with black corners and put them together, "Look at this puzzle piece, can you see which number it is?"

Although only one corner was spelled, it was immediately recognized as the corner of "7".

Sang Jiuchi continued to take out a few and spell them out. Within half a minute, a few corners with clearly recognizable numbers were revealed.

2, 4, 7, 8.

Sang Jiuchi pointed at the puzzles, "As for the order, it's easy to connect. Just find a row of puzzles and connect them from left to right to know the order."

Sang Jiuchi said, he took out more than 30 puzzles from a pile of puzzles, and started to put them together from left to right. After completing a row, put the key figures that you just put together and spliced ​​together, and you can tell the difference immediately. The order of the passwords is: 7824.

Several people looked at Sang Jiuchi in shock.

When Sang Jiuchi explained it, it looked simple, but it was not simple at all.

Just finding a row from a pile of puzzle pieces is not something a person can do.

You say that he has a complete problem, hundreds of puzzles, even if he can't memorize it.

Is Sang Jiuchi a hidden scholar? !

Director Zhou's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have picked up a treasure in this show.

Sang Jiuchi coughed lightly, "It's actually very simple, as long as you practice more regularly, you can do it."

Several people's expressions became more subtle.

Don't console us. If you say that it's not possible to do it simply, wouldn't it make us even more stupid.

Sang Jiuchi opened the box, took out a key, and placed an envelope under the key.

Open the envelope, and inside is a picture, the left and right sides look exactly the same at first glance.

Alen probed to see: "Hey, everyone is here to find fault, I'm good at this, let me do it!"

Sang Jiuchi handed the picture to Alen. He turned the box over and found a compartment outside the box. He opened the compartment and got the card inside.

At the same time, Alen shouted excitedly, "I found it, it's the lockbox, it..."

Alen's voice stopped abruptly, "You found it?"

Sang Jiuchi said indifferently: "It's a **** luck."

Alen: "…"

Opening the card, there is a sentence: "The photo was once placed in the room of the warlord's true love."

The clues on the first floor have been found, and now there is another question, who is "true love".

The sound of the horn sounded again in the room: "I didn't expect the explorers to find the clues so quickly. It is said that the warlord was very affectionate and married a total of nine wives. Among these nine wives, one is his true love. True love. The clue is hidden in the bedroom on the second floor."

"Friendly reminder: There are lights on the second floor, and every half an hour will enter the darkness for 3 minutes. The mysterious power will not only attack the single person, but also reach out to the explorer in the dark. Only the room of true love can will be protected from the threat of mysterious forces."

When Sang Jiuchi opened the iron gate in front of the stairs, the sunset outside had not completely set.

When a few people arrived on the second floor, the lights turned on instantly, and a long corridor appeared in front of everyone.

The four of them looked at each other, and Yun Yi said, "Since there are so many rooms, shall we split up?"

Sang Jiuchi: "Okay, I'm with Brother Dance."

After Sang Jiuchi and the athlete said something, the two went down to the second floor.

The four of them had long discussed to isolate the two of them, and when they saw them go downstairs, the four began to discuss how to decipher them.

Yun Yi: "Let's take a look at each room and look for clues."

Alen: "It's only half an hour, we have to hurry."

Several people entered the first bedroom and saw the luxurious bedroom.

In a small room, the overhead lights are all exquisite Western pattern lights.

The room was obviously cleaned by the program team and made a quaint effect, and the best carpets are spread on the ground.

It took them 20 minutes to finish the entire tour, and several rooms were specially marked out.

Alen: "I think the first room is the room of true love. The warlord must have the most luxurious decoration for her..."

Alen was still explaining his reasons when Sang Jiuchi and the athletes came up.

The moment he saw Sang Jiuchi, Alen subconsciously closed his mouth.

Sang Jiuchi ignored them and looked up from the first room.

He looked at it very fast, as if it was just passing by, and the athlete followed him the whole time.

Seeing Sang Jiuchi walking away, Li Qiancai continued: "I don't think it's the first room. According to living habits, most people prefer the room closer to the back, so they feel more secure. Although this room looks luxuriously decorated, it is at the entrance of the stairs. . I think it should be the third from the bottom, the decoration is equally luxurious, and it is very close.”

Han Xiao: "Why do I think it's the fifth room? Shouldn't true love be the largest room? The fifth room is the largest."

Four people, three opinions. Finally, everyone turned their attention to Yun Yi: "Yun Yi, which room do you think?"

Yun Yi frowned a little embarrassed.

Which room, how does he know, he thinks what they say makes sense.

In the speaker on the second floor, I suddenly remembered the prompt tone: "There are still 30 seconds left, the lights will be turned off, please enter the room of true love that the explorers think are right away."

As the countdown started, the four were clearly panicked.

Sang Jiuchi walked towards them and said as he walked, "True love is room number three, come with me."

Room three?

The four of them together showed a questioning expression. Room No. 3 was the first one they ruled out, and it was impossible to choose Room No. 3 either.

Li Qian finally said: "Since we all feel that our guesses are correct, then choose the room that we are looking for, at least we won't regret it."

The three looked at each other, "Okay."

Seeing that there were only ten seconds left, several people began to run towards their room.

When Yun Yi was hesitating about which one to enter, he suddenly saw Sang Jiuchi entering the third room.

The third room was the only one that wasn't carpeted, and was the first room everyone ruled out at first.

But the more dissimilar it looks, will it be the other way around?

The moment Yun Yi saw Sang Jiuchi entering the room, the movements of his feet changed, and he rushed in.

When he fully entered the room, under the surprised gaze of the athlete, the lights suddenly went out, and the surroundings suddenly plunged into darkness.

Soon, there were screams one after another outside.

The horn sounded: "There are three people who found the true love room this round. Alen, Li Qian, and Han Xiao were captured by mysterious forces and are waiting for rescue."

In the darkness, Yun Yi slowed down his breathing and heard a thin and light breathing sound coming from his ears.

It was as if he accompanied Sang Jiuchi in class and heard the sound of breathing from his side countless times.

Stable and comfortable.

Yun Yi was in a trance, and for a while, he couldn't tell where he was now.

He hadn't been with Sang Jiuchi so recently for more than half a year, and thought he didn't love him anymore, but when only his breath was left by his side, Yun Yi unexpectedly recalled many good times in the past.

Yun Yi subconsciously called out, "Sang Jiuchi."

Sang Jiuchi's voice came from the darkness: "Huh?"

Yun Yi: "How did you meet your lover?"

He was already married when he didn't even know he had a lover.

In the darkness, Sang Jiuchi said, "I met after breaking up with you."

If others don't understand this sentence, Yun Yi still can't understand it.

After the breakup, it was only a few days ago.

Is Sang Jiuchi and that person a flash marriage? Why? To get revenge on yourself?

Sang Jiuchi must have married in a rage because of love and hatred.

Thinking that Sang Jiuchi actually loved him so madly, Yun Yi felt light in his heart.

He was so attractive to Sang Jiuchi.

Yun Yi was about to speak when the light that had disappeared for a long time suddenly came on.

Yun Yi was turning his head to the side, and as the lights turned on, he instantly saw Sang Jiuchi standing by the wall.

Sang Jiuchi was closing his eyes, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, and under the illumination of the light, he cast a black shadow on his eyes beating.

He is now close to Sang Jiuchi, so close that he can almost see it clearly. Under the dim light, his face is covered with golden fluff.

The delicate facial features suddenly appeared in front of him, and it hit his heart at once.

Yun Yi subconsciously held his breath, his eyes licking Sang Jiuchi's face greedily.

Even after so long, he still couldn't let go of Sang Jiuchi's face. His face is the top collection in the world, and people can't help but want to hide it secretly.

Under his gaze, Sang Jiuchi opened his eyes.

At that moment, the precious collection came to life, and the exiled immortal fell into the mortal world.

After half a year of not seeing him, he gradually forgot his love for Sang Jiuchi, and even he himself thought he no longer loved Sang Jiuchi.

But when he met Sang Jiuchi again, he realized how stupid his previous thoughts were.

Sang Jiuchi is a poppy, he will only be addicted.

When the light came on, the athlete didn't understand, "Jiuchi, how do you know that this room is true love? There is nothing in this regard."

Sang Jiuchi didn't even give Yun Yi a look: "Just because there is nothing, it is true love."

"Below this room is the reception room, which is covered with carpets to effectively isolate the sound. However, there is no floor in this room, and the warlord has endured the willfulness of the owner of the room. True love is to be fearless. If it is not true love, who can tolerate the overhead when meeting important guests. There were footsteps too."

Yun Yi also suddenly realized, "Then the clue is in this room, we have to find it quickly."

The athlete remembered that Yun Yi was still planning to isolate Sang Jiuchi this morning, and his tone, who would not be able to act in the first place, was not good: "Why did you suddenly come in just now?"

Yun Yi glanced at Sang Jiuchi awkwardly: "I think so too."

Bah, lie.

The expression on your face just now was clearly a sudden realization, and you just knew it.

Sang Jiuchi looked around the room, and finally locked his gaze on the bedside table.

There is a photo on the cabinet. In the photo, the upper body of the woman has aged and blurred, and only one hand can be seen.

Following the direction of the woman's finger in the photo album, Sang Jiuchi looked at the top of the cabinet by the wall.

The cabinet is so high that you can't see the top at all from below.

Sang Jiuchi glanced at the athlete and pointed to the top of the cabinet: "There seems to be something on it."

The athlete is a high jumper, and with great elasticity, he jumped up and took off the things hidden on the cabinet.

Another box.

This time the box was unlocked. When I opened the box, I saw a key and a card.

The key is the key to open the iron door leading to the third floor, and there are new hints on the card.

"With the departure of true love, the precious photos have been stored in the disappearing studio. But there is a copper lock outside the door of the studio. The copper lock key is somewhere in this western building. Please find the key, open the studio, and take out the album. The key Keyword for location: narrow."

Sang Jiuchi: "This task has two points. First, find the disappearing studio, and second, find the key. Originally there were six people, we could act separately, but now there are only three people left. One finds another."

Sang Jiuchi didn't rush to the third floor, but took out the A4 piece of paper from his pocket, took out a pen and quickly began to draw.

Just 20 minutes after they went to the first floor, Sang Jiuchi read all the rooms and drew a plan of the first floor.

Now he was drawing the floor plan of the second floor, Yun Yi watched quietly, and saw that Sang Jiuchi put the paper on the bedside table, the tip of the pen was like a ruler, and a random drawing was a standard straight line.

The tip of the pen swam quickly on the paper, and in a short while, the layout of the second floor was all drawn.

After he finished painting, he said, "Let's go, go to the third floor to see."

Director Zhou watched Sang Jiuchi easily crack one game after another, and fell into deep suspicion.

The game that his team racked their brains to come up with was just broken?

Are they too naive or Sang Jiuchi is too strong?

Chi was suffocated.

Seeing that the game that was originally planned to be filmed for five hours was compressed into two hours, Director Zhou did not intend to be a human being.

He took out his cell phone and made a call.

Two minutes later, the loudspeaker in the building sounded again: "With the arrest of the explorer just now, the mysterious force has already known that someone has broken in. The difficulty of the game has been upgraded! From now on, the mysterious force will appear randomly, and the mysterious force will only be caught every time. One person, there is 10 minutes of safety time after one person is captured. Find the precious photo, you can lift the seal of the mysterious power and rescue the imprisoned companion."

The athlete frowned and looked at: "The director team suddenly increased the difficulty! Let's go."

Several people came to the stairs on the third floor, opened the iron door and walked up.

The third floor is much more empty than the second floor, except for the three rooms and a balcony.

The dim and beating light shadow Zhuo Zhuo fell, but it looked more terrifying than the darkness.

Yun Yi took a deep breath, and out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a white shadow disappearing into the corner.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

He has been wanting to talk to Sang Jiuchi since just now, but the other party doesn't care about himself.

The good feelings that had risen in an instant just disappeared slowly, and only resentment remained. Even if he is addicted to watching Sang Jiuchi, he is someone else's.

Now that Sang Jiuchi is paying, he and Sang Jiuchi are very similar in image, they are both young people, and many resources will overlap later.

He and Sang Jiuchi are destined to be rivals, not friends.

He knew that Sang Jiuchi had the potential to become popular, so he would kill him in the bud.

He remembered that Sang Jiuchi was most afraid of ghosts. He cried when he watched a ghost movie, and even nearly urinated.

If he makes a fool of himself in front of the audience, Sang Jiuchi will definitely become a laughing stock. Even if he can't completely kill his star path, it will definitely become a laughing stock for a long time.

The author has something to say: Sang Jiuchi: Wait for your pants to pee, Yun Yi!