MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 67 Campus Heartthrob Crematorium 24

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A few days later, at the citywide pas de deux dance competition, the song "囍" by Sang Jiuchi and Chiye shocked the entire internet.

This dance was originally a dance of one man and one woman. Sang Jiuchi did not dance in women's clothes, but chose to dance as a man.

In his male identity, he added another layer of obsession with the world to his condemnation of war.

At that time, homosexuality was also called Duanxiu and Longyang, from the emperor to the beggar, homosexuality was greatly despised.

Confronting the world and missing his lover, at the bottom of the valley, Sang Jiuchi jumped out of the despair and madness in the dance.

It was a ghostly feast.

"囍" was originally about a ghost marriage. Sang Jiuchi expressed it in a frenzied form, and with the original background music, it was unexpectedly just right.

Too much emotion is too much, and too little is too soft.

Especially during the duet dance between him and Chi Ye, nostalgia, resentment, despair, and feelings were stripped out layer by layer.

At the end of the dance, Sang Jiuchi slowly fell in front of his lover's tomb and closed his eyes forever.


This may be the most perfect ending of "囍".

A life that is not tolerated by the world, a secular world with prejudice and disaster.

He chose to fight with death, which is the cry and resistance of his soul.

I would rather die than live.

After Sang Jiuchi and Chi Ye danced over, the people at the game scene, including those in front of the screen, couldn't recover for a long time.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you crying?"

"You still say me, you are not the same. I am so sad, but I think this is the best ending for him."

"Wuwuwu, what kind of gods are these two people? This dance is too good to cry."

"After watching this dance, what I thought was that fortunately I live in an inclusive 21st century."

"The people of that era were so pitiful, I love my motherland so much now."

After a long time, people recovered from the dance.

Applause sounded like thunder.

Sang Jiuchi and Chi Ye left the stage and retreated to the locker room.

Today is the preliminary round, no one has privileges, and the players are all changing in a huge locker room.

The players either went to prepare, were already on stage, or changed their clothes and left. In short, when Sang Jiuchi and Chi Ye came, the locker room was empty.

As soon as the two entered the locker room, Chiye Huoran hugged Sang Jiuchi firmly in his arms from behind.

With a muffled sound of "coax", Chi Ye's back slumped heavily on the locker door, holding Sang Jiuchi tightly in his arms.

The kisses followed impatiently.

It's dense and hasty, with a little panic.

Sang Jiuchi was stunned for a second, then hugged Chiye's back with his back, patted his back to comfort him and responded to him.

For a long time, Chi Ye let go of Sang Jiuchi, staring at the young man in front of him with red eyes.

"When I was dancing just now, I almost thought you were really dead."

"I'm so scared, I hate that era."

"Fortunately, fortunately, we were not in that era."

The words were spoken one after another, and the voice trembled because of fear.

Sang Jiuchi comforted him, slender and long fingers slid lightly across his back one by one.

The fingertips were heavier and lighter, walking along the strong and powerful muscle texture of Chiye.

Sang Jiuchi's voice was a little hazy, "Don't worry, you are not the fiancé in this dance, and I am not that fragile fiancée. Even if we do go to the ancient world one day, this is definitely not our ending. HE's talent It's our end."

Chiye sniffed, then hugged Sang Jiuchi in his arms, resting his chin on Sang Jiuchi's shoulder, the smell of mint-flavored vanilla in Sang Jiuchi's hair in his nose.

The body leans against each other tightly.

Suddenly, Chi Ye's expression changed slightly.

He stiffly pulled his head out of Sang Jiuchi's shoulder, hesitant in his eyes, and his expression became a little subtle, "You, are you sick?"

Sang Jiuchi just wanted to cover his mouth now.

The grievance that his lover wanted to cry just now really stimulated him.

He was out of control.

Sang Jiuchi's lips were a little red and swollen, the pink at the end of his eyes began to deepen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was a warm water in his eyes.

Sang Jiuchi rubbed Chiye forward and looked up at the sincere and lovely big boy in front of him.

The former lovers had already completed the transformation from boys to men long before they came, and they were carrying their own responsibilities.

And the lover of this plane always makes him inexplicably throbbing.

Just make him want to bully.

Sang Jiuchi slid his fingers gently and came to Chiye's chin.

Five fingers gently rubbed the other's angular chin, Sang Jiuchi hooked his lips and chuckled, "I still want to kiss."

This sentence is like a switch command, Chi Ye received the command, and his eyes changed suddenly.

The previous red faded, replaced by the deep, surging waves.

The eagle on the cliff woke up from its slumber and spread its wings.

Chi Ye was about to kiss him when he heard a voice from outside.

The sound came from far and near, and it seemed to be coming here.

The two were stunned for a moment, and the voices became louder and louder, as if they were about to step into the dressing room in the next second.

And the way the two of them are now is not very suitable for meeting people.

When Chi Ye reacted, he had already subconsciously dragged Sang Jiuchi into the locker room.

The moment the locker room door was closed, four men walked in.

"Hey, I just really wanted to hear something moving inside."

"You heard it wrong, hey, I originally wanted to get a good result in this competition, but I didn't expect it to be all Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

"After the dance of "囍", I was completely dumbfounded. Did you see the shorter dancer? What's his name? Do you know him?"

"I know him. His name is Sang Jiuchi. He is a second-year graduate of Yida University. I heard that he used to dance solo. This is his first duet dance."

"Fuck, I've heard of it too. I used to think he didn't dance pas de deux because he wasn't good at pas de deux, for fear of being slapped in the face. Now I know that people don't dance pas de deux because they were afraid of being slapped in the face. He almost finished my dance. I cried, if I hadn’t danced and kept my makeup in the back, I would have cried a long time ago.”

"The one who partnered with him is also good. He can catch Sang Jiuchi's dance. He is also a master. Who is he, and he is also a great artist?"

"He's a freshman at Art University, and the first place in the college entrance examination."

"Genius with genius, so amazing!"

In the narrow locker room, Chi Ye listened carefully to the movement outside.

He was careful to keep it delicate, lest he make a slight movement to attract the attention of the outside world.

He was a little embarrassed.

If you don't come in at first, you just tidy up your clothes quickly, and no one else can see anything. It's normal for two men to change clothes.

But now they have hidden, and the content of the discussion is still the two of them. If I go out now, I will definitely be regarded as a pervert, and maybe it will be spread outside and posted on the school forum.

It doesn't matter if he is shameless, he can't implicate Senior Sang Jiuchi.

Chi Ye listened carefully, but at first he didn't notice Sang Jiuchi's movements.

It wasn't until Chi Ye realized that his waist was surrounded by a mass of fiery heat, he finally turned his eyes.

Immediately stupid.

The locker room is very narrow. When I came in, I was in a hurry. The two people were squeezed inside in an up and down posture.

Chi Ye clings tightly to one side, with his arms propped on the other side. And Sang Jiuchi slipped due to inertia, and turned into a half-sitting face to face with him, leaning against the wall.

Because of his height, Sang Jiuchi's forehead just touched Chi Ye's waist.

He lowered his head and saw Sang Jiuchi's eyes slanted upward, revealing a sly smile.

Chi Ye's eyes widened, his eyes filled with disbelief.

What are you going to do? !

Sang Jiuchi stretched out his hand and made a "shush" gesture.

In the next second, the stimulation suddenly spread all over Chi Ye's body, attacking his soul without warning.

Chi Ye almost roared out.

He gritted his teeth and propped himself against the wall of the locker room with one hand.

One hand was holding Sang Jiuchi's hair, and the other hand was tightly clasped against the wall.

The five fingers clasped to the wall were twisted and whitish from the force.

"That tall boy is only a freshman. He must have a bright future. He is in such a good shape, and his curves are exactly what I dreamed of."

"Cough cough, what more. When I saw him dancing and bending over just now, his waist bulged out."

"Hey, is it that strong?"

In the locker room, Chino gasped silently.

There are still people outside, maybe someone will find them in the next second.

He lowered his head and looked down at Sang Jiuchi. Sang Jiuchi's face was slightly deformed, and there was a slight light penetrating through the gap.

On them, a mottled light.

The end of Sang Jiuchi's eyes had completely turned red, and the corners of his eyes were stained with a gleaming color.

The dense warm breath rose slowly in this narrow dressing room, and soon filled every corner, eroding Chi Ye's perseverance and reason.

"I prefer Sang Jiuchi, Chiye is too wild, it looks very strong at first glance, and gives people a strong sense of oppression. Only people like Sang Jiuchi can suppress him. In contrast, Sang Jiuchi sees It's much softer, and if we cooperate, it shouldn't be too much of a show. I really hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with him in the future."

"I guess it's impossible. I just asked my classmates at Art University. Sang Jiuchi is a well-known aloof male **** in their school. Except for the pas de deux with Chi Ye, I never danced with anyone else. If it doesn't, it's even more illusory. Some people secretly gave him the title of Bai Yueguang, and I don't know how such a cold man will fall in love in the future, is he always so cold? "

Chiye's eyes were red, and he looked down at Sang Jiuchi hideously, and an indescribable joy suddenly rose in his heart.

The legendary high-cold male **** is actually very enthusiastic.

The high-cold male **** is cold to everyone, but to him.

He can see the side that you can't see, and this is the side that only belongs to him.

Sang Jiuchi is his own, he is only his own.

I'm afraid you don't know, Sang Jiuchi, who doesn't like to be close to people, is now crowded with him in this narrow space that is less than one square meter.

"I've changed." A figure came to the locker room where the two were hiding and stopped.

Chino looked outside warily while feeling the inhuman stimulation.

It's such a time, and Senior Sang still doesn't stop.

The hand reached out, as if to open the door.

Chi Ye clenched his hands tightly into fists, watching the approaching hand vigilantly.

If the other party pulls away, what will he do?

Is it okay to stun the opponent and take Senior Sang to escape?

"What are you doing there, isn't your locker next to me?"

A voice suddenly interrupted the movement of the figure outside the wardrobe. The person outside took back his hand, carefully looked at the wardrobe number, and patted his head, "I got it wrong, I'm number 69, I think it's number 96! I'll come here. Here it comes."

The figure outside the closet slowly walked away.

"I've packed up too, let's go."

"Okay, let's go and see other people's performances."

The voices of the four slowly diminished along with the footsteps, and finally disappeared.

In the huge locker room, only the sound of swallowing and heavy breathing remained.

After confirming that there was indeed no one outside, Chi Ye finally let out a low growl. He pushed the door hard, lifted Sang Jiuchi, and pressed it on the bench in the locker room.

He kissed the corner of each other's mouth fiercely, and immediately tasted the taste of seafood.

The kiss ends.

Sang Jiuchi's voice was soft and outrageous, "Is it exciting?"


Chi Ye blushed and answered honestly, "It's exciting."

Sang Jiuchi smiled sweetly, "But I can't enjoy myself, today is Saturday."

Chi Ye's eyes suddenly lit up, and the scorching light stared at Sang Jiuchi's red cheeks.

Sang Jiuchi laughed again, the corners of his mouth twitched, and a warm smile spread out on his face.

At that moment, Chi Ye seemed to see the lilies blooming in the garden.

Chi Ye's eyes became even hotter.

Sang Jiuchi continued: "Have you brought your ID card?"

Chi Ye swallowed heavily, his tail wagging into a fan behind him.

The last time Sang Jiuchi asked him to bring his ID card was last weekend, and that day was very special.

Since that time in the dormitory, he and Sang Jiuchi have been busy practicing dance every day during this time, and he has no intention of thinking about anything else.

Sang Jiuchi has not been sick for a long time, so long that he forgot that Sang Jiuchi still has this disease, so long that he thought that Sang Jiuchi's disease was cured.

Today, Sang Jiuchi suddenly fell ill, which he did not expect.

Chi Ye nodded heavily, in exchange for another smile from Sang Jiuchi.

Sang Jiuchi licked the smell from the corner of his mouth, stood up and tidied up his clothes, "Do you like to stay here to watch everyone's game or leave now?"

Chi Ye glanced at Sang Jiuchi's profile, "Where are you going?"

Sang Jiuchi turned his head to the side and smiled, "Go to a place where you need an ID card to live in."

Chi Ye only felt a heat wave pouring down all over his body, "This game is nothing to see, they are not as good as us, and watching another second is a waste of time! Let's go!"

Go, go now!


Sang Jiuchi glanced at Chiye's bulging waist, his warm eyes filled with a smile, "Then why don't you change your clothes quickly, someone else will come later."

After a few minutes, the two left the station.

The game was played at night, and the local stations have now kept pace with the times. They did not concentrate all their traffic on TV broadcasts. They also cooperated with online platforms to broadcast live broadcasts on the entire network at the same time as the game.

360 surround view shooting with 24 cameras will capture every movement of the dancers.

Sang Jiuchi took the passenger seat and opened the online platform.

It has only been ten minutes since they finished dancing "囍", and there is a separate edited version of them on the Internet, and the number of broadcasts is soaring exponentially.

But in just a few minutes, the playback volume has exceeded 3 million.

Sang Jiuchi danced very carefully, but he was immersed in it at the time, and now he still needs to watch the video after the specific replay.

Sang Jiuchi clicked the link to go in, and was immediately surrounded by a screen full of barrage.

[Fuck, what kind of fairy dance is this, I love it! 】

[Yi Da is immortal, these two are immortals! 】

[I watched the live broadcast just now, and I cried when I watched it. I wanted to cry across the screen, how shocking it would be if it were the scene. I love this dance so much, I started walking with three brushes. 】

[For the first time baby, I suggest that you keep tissues handy. 】

[Please remember that this dance is called "囍", please remember that the names of the two main dancers are Sang Jiuchi, Chiye, and YYDS. 】

Even F001, a professional flatterer, couldn't help but stutter.

Sang Jiuchi watched the barrage for a while, then closed the comment area and watched the dance seriously.

He read it once, pulled it back and read it again.

After reading it twice, Sang Jiuchi turned off the phone, grabbed Chi Ye's hand naturally, and asked, "When I died in love at the end, you got stuck, what's wrong?"

Chi Ye stepped on the accelerator and stopped for a moment, then quickly resumed driving normally, "I'm in the play. I thought you were really going to die in love at the time, and I was shocked."

Sang Jiuchi raised his eyebrows.

Chi Ye swallowed his saliva and continued, "Although I knew that death was the most correct choice for you at the time. But I didn't want to. I was your fiancé when I was dancing, only there is hope, fool. I will die. And whether it's my fiance or the real me, if something really happens, deep down in my heart, I never want and don't want to see you die for me. I subconsciously wanted to stand I got up to stop it, and the next second I suddenly realized that I was dancing, everything was fake, and I quickly corrected it."

"Don't worry, I won't die in love." Sang Jiuchi clenched Chiye's **** tightly, and his eyes were filled with unresolved persistence, "We will be together forever, and no one can separate us. If the world stops us , then I will change the world. If death organizes us, I will also pull you back from the underworld!"

Chi Ye's mind shook.

Sang Jiuchi is so confident, even exaggerated.

What he said would never happen in this world today. Now the world is very enlightened and will not stop the two of them from being together. And he will always be healthy and he will never allow himself to take a step earlier. He wants to be with Sang Jiuchi forever.

He always felt that what Sang Jiuchi said was not about the present, but more about promising something.

The words are exaggerated, but sincere.

Chi Ye's chest was hot, he nodded heavily, "Yeah! Me too!"

You promise me, and I return your promise.

Keep your promise, you will live forever.

If there is an afterlife, if there is any hardship in the future, for Sang Jiuchi, he will definitely remove all obstacles.

Chi Ye wanted to cry again, and he immediately changed the subject, "Senior, if this song "囍" gets to the finals, it must be a proper champion. Now it's just the preliminary round, will it be overkill?"

It's all pas de deux competition and I don't know that there is only one competition. Tonight is only a preliminary competition. Last Saturday was not only a rehearsal, but also a play-in competition. A total of 30 pairs of duet dancers were shortlisted, and 20 pairs were eliminated after the preliminary round.

The remaining 10 pairs play in the semifinals, and 7 pairs are eliminated.

The remaining three pairs go to the finals.

If you want to reach the finals, you need to prepare at least 3 tracks.

For a dance as difficult as "囍", most people will not take it out in the preliminary competition.

The outside has long been shrouded in darkness, and the stars in twos and threes hang alone in the sky, very lonely.

The bright street lights flashed backwards and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Sang Jiuchi looked sideways at the neon lights hanging high on the buildings outside. The dim yellow light came in from the car window and sprinkled on the soft white fluff on Sang Jiuchi's face, plated on his face. A touch of gold.

Sang Jiuchi: "To be famous."


Sang Jiuchi continued: "For dancers who are not well-known in the eyes of the public, if you want to attract their attention as quickly as possible, you must enter their hearts with the strongest attitude from the very beginning. He can sing a palace-level tenor when he opens his mouth, and this is the impact, and it is also the audience's initial understanding of this person - a hidden peasant tenor."

"The impact will make people know a person in the fastest and most shocking way. But you see, he sang more songs after that, and the one that was known to the world was the one that shocked the world in the first place. This shows that he The follow-up effort is not enough.”

"I chose "囍" at the beginning to let us walk into everyone's heart with the most shocking gesture. The fame is there, but it is not enough. We can't stop there, and we have to follow up, so our subsequent works are only will be better.”

"Our stage is not here, but higher and farther, here is just our pedal, but as long as we use it, this pedal will send us flying high."

Chi Ye listened, and his expression became serious.

Go to the world, take the dance of China out of the door, and shock the world.

This has always been his dream.

And now, his dream path is no longer alone.

Because he has Sang Jiuchi.

The red light in front came on, Chiye applied the brakes, turned to look at Sang Jiuchi, the enthusiasm and authenticity in his eyes were beyond words. He held Sang Jiuchi's hand with his backhand, intertwined with the soft and slender fingers, and promised word by word, "We will definitely succeed."

There is no suspense in the results of the game. Sang Jiuchi and Chiye entered the semi-finals and finals with the first place.

In the semi-finals, they danced "Green Snake and White Snake", while the characters danced "Chao Hua Xi Shi".

Each dance is given new life and meaning by them, and each dance is their famous work.

There is no so-called lack of skills, and there is no lack of successor to the bad news on the Internet.

They have proven their excellence time and time again.

The dances of Sang Jiuchi and Chi Ye have been on the top of the hot search list more than once. There are no scandals, no crematorium, and only one superb dance after another.

More and more people are paying attention to this pair of pas de deux dancers. The competition that was originally not very popular has quickly become the most popular show on the entire network because of their participation.

The TV station director and the online platform are all happy.

The citywide duet dance competition, which lasted for half a month, finally ended successfully. As expected, Sang Jiuchi and Chiye successfully won the championship with cliff-like high scores.

Next, they have to prepare for the National College Dance Competition.

Instructor Yang Hui has put pressure on the college by taking advantage of the good results of the two. Of course, the college also wants to make its reputation even better. Even if Yang Hui doesn't say it, they plan to send Chi Ye to participate in the competition together.

For a time, Sang Jiuchi and Chiye had the same scenery.

Lin Fu turned on the phone, and the first browsers were Sang Jiuchi and Chiye.

He turned off his mobile phone angrily and opened Weibo. The top search on Weibo was Sang Jiuchi and Chiye again. Everyone talks about them as if they are the focus of the world.

But he didn't want to see them, didn't want to see their success!

Lin v. Heavy closed Weibo and opened the video platform.

On the homepage of the video platform, there is another dance push of the two!

Lin Fu turned off the phone angrily and threw it heavily on the wall.

Why, why did Sang Jiuchi succeed again this time! Obviously he stopped him from the beginning.

The system's voice coldly sounded from the bottom of my heart, [Chi Ye's all thoughts are now on Sang Jiuchi, you have failed this mission. 】

Lin Fu was shocked, "What will happen if you fail? 】

System: [Master host, you will lose your succubus physique after failure, I have told you this before. 】

He said he did, but he didn't take it seriously!

Lin Fu still wanted to save it: [When will my succubus physique be taken away? ! Can you give me some more time? 】

System: [What are you talking about, Master Host. Isn't your succubus physique almost gone? Haven't you found out yet? 】

Lin Fu was stunned.

It's no wonder that Zhou Ruoqing and the others don't come to him anymore. It seems that overnight, Zhao Song and Li don't even want them anymore.

Since half a month ago, they have been lukewarm to themselves.

No matter how you call them, or even take the initiative to find them, all you get is their indifferent rejection.

Could it be that since then, his succubus physique has gradually disappeared?

Lin Fu's throat was a little dry. He took out his mobile phone and saw the last sentence Zhao Song sent him: "stay away from me, I don't want to see you again."

He turned the chat window to Li Lian's page again, "I'm sorry, I'm tired of playing now."

Wang Bo, what about Wang Bo?

Thinking of Wang Bo, Lin Fu's face turned white.

The system once said that when he has a succubus physique, these deceived people will subconsciously protect him, which is why he is still so reckless after Wang Bo was arrested.

Because he knew that Wang Bo would not confess himself.

But now it's different!

His succubus physique disappeared.

If Wang Bo confesses himself, he can reduce the crime.

Wang Bo has always been vicious and unscrupulous in doing things, he will definitely confess himself!

Maybe the police are already on their way!

The phone lit up and it was an unfamiliar phone number.

Is this the number the police called him? ! No, can't take it.

Lin Fu hurriedly pressed the phone, his finger accidentally touched the fingerprint button, the phone was unlocked, and Sang Jiuchi and Chi Ye suddenly came into view again.

The two looked at each other with smiles, making people jealous with happiness.

The bottom of the video is full of two people's licking dogs, and there is an endless stream of Chong Mei voices.

He is so jealous.

He was too jealous of Sang Jiuchi.

Why did Sang Jiuchi lose the secret help of four people in his life, and then exchange for a more powerful Chiye?

Why can he always get everything he wants easily.

After reliving the first life, he actually ended up with the fate of being imprisoned. It is better to break his leg directly in the first life.

His life was ruined again.

He subconsciously looked at the balcony.

If you die again, can your life come back again?

If he can do it all over again, he must attack Chiye before he knows Sang Jiuchi next time, and make Chiye his own.

The system saw what he was thinking, and advised him out of the host protection law, [Sir, please advise. There is only one chance to be reborn, and this time, if you die again, you need to bear all the consequences yourself. 】

In one sentence from the system, Lin Fu completely cut off the idea of ​​rebirth.

Lin Fu: [Have Wang Bo confessed to me? 】

System: [Not yet. 】

Lin Fu Chang breathed a sigh of relief, and then listened to the system continue to say, [But soon, because there is no effect of the succubus physique, he has now figured it out, and he has just made a report to the police. Police are now taking notes. 】

Lin Fu held his breath, his red eyes filled with tears.

He was devoured by the succubus physique.

When the system bound him, I reminded myself that the succubus' physique is easy to use, but if it disappears a little, it is easy to be attacked.

He just didn't expect the backlash to come so quickly.

He thought of Zhou Ruoqing and the three of them again.

He also used the three of them fiercely before. Before, they tolerated him so much because of their succubus physique, but now the succubus physique is gone.

Those four people were never good people.

Their viciousness has been seen in the last plane.

They will definitely kill him, more ruthlessly than the previous plane.

They broke his leg if it had nothing to do with the previous plane, and this plane used them over and over again, and he would definitely die miserably.

Lin Fu was overwhelmed by holding the phone, the system is only an auxiliary, it can't protect itself at a critical time.

In a panic, he opened the album and saw the composite video that Zhao Song sent him before.

When Zhou Ruoqing was eavesdropping on the balcony, he turned around and warned Zhao Song. Zhao Song immediately questioned him and dismissed the idea of ​​posting the video.

However, the video is now in my hands.

Moreover, Chi Ye still holds the handles of several of them, and even threatened himself. As long as the video dares to be released, the photos will also be released.

Lin Fu's eyes were filled with madness.

He has finished playing again in this life, but this life is different from the previous one.

In his last life, he had no ability to resist, and in this life he still holds the four of them famous.

The video is of course fake, but when it was sent out, no one knew about it. Now is the time when Sang Jiuchi is in full swing, the heat holds him up, and the heat can destroy him!

Sending out the video will destroy Sang Jiuchi, and along the way, it will destroy Chi Ye, who is ambiguous with Sang Jiuchi.

Sang Jiuchi in the video is so messed up, who is Chiye?

This kind of suspicion is the favorite of the Internet circle. They will frantically search for clues on the Internet to prove their guesses are correct.

You don't need to do it yourself, you only need a video to easily destroy those two people.

Next, Chi Ye will definitely be angry and take pictures of him and publish them.

He saw it that day, and there were many more photos, of him and each of them, and of many others.

It's a pity that the only thing missing is Zhou Ruoqing.

Zhou Ruoqing…

Lin Fu put the name in his mouth and chewed it, then suddenly smiled again.

He loves Sang Jiuchi deeply, but he can't get Sang Jiuchi. This is already the biggest punishment for him. What can be more painful than this?

As long as the photos were released, the images of Li Lian and Zhao Song's good students collapsed immediately, and they were completely finished.

I was born again, and I am no longer the idiot I was in my previous life.

If you want to destroy me, I will drag you to hell!

After playing with me, do you still want to get out?


Lin Fu thought so, and opened his account on Weibo.

He first uploaded the video to the resource cloud, and then opened Weibo to grab the popularity with the hot search topic.

Shocking revelation: [Watch Sang Jiuchi's **** video for free, resource cloud link: extraction code: 3234. 】

Every time he typed a word, his fingers trembled.

He was scared, but more excited.

If he has a bad life, then everyone should not think about it well.

After sending it, Lin Fu did not follow up, but leaned his body against the wall and gasped heavily.

When he relaxed, he realized that he was soaked all over.

The entanglement of fear and excitement made him sweat profusely, and sweat dripped from his forehead and hair.

His chest went up and down, and he exhaled the turbid air forcefully, suppressing the manic heartbeat.

But when he thought of his own move, he could pull down six or seven of the Heaven's Favorites at the same time, and the heart that had just been suppressed began to beat violently again.

I don't know when Wang Bo will confess himself, and I don't know if he will be able to see the shocked expressions on those people's faces before he is taken away by the police.

Even if he can't see it, he can make up his mind.

Lin Fu sneered twice, suddenly feeling very tired.

After doing such a big thing, of course, you will be tired. Lin Fu threw himself into the bed and fell asleep after a while.

I don't know how long it took, and when he woke up again, it was already dark outside.

Lin Fu picked up the phone, and his misty eyes immediately lit up.

It's a missed call, a lot of missed calls.

It was all from Li Lian and Zhao Song.

The phone had been muted just now, and Lin Fu didn't hear the phone ring at all. Lin Fu unlocked and entered the phone screen, and found that the message on WeChat also became 99+.

Lin Fu opened WeChat leisurely, and Zhao Song and Li Lian, who were on the top, sent dozens of messages.

Just thinking about it, he could come up with a picture of them being in a hurry. Lin Fu smiled and clicked on Zhao Song's WeChat.

—Is "Shocking Breaking News" your trumpet?

- Are you crazy? If you want to die, don't drag us, okay? !

—Lin Fu, you are a lunatic, you beast!

Followed by countless "madmen".

Look, how hard it is to scold.

But what I want to see most is not your frantic appearance, but Sang Jiuchi's.

Lin Fu closed the chat window with Zhao Song and opened Li Lian's.

- You are so arrogant, you are ruthless.

- I played with so many people, I didn't expect to be played in the end, I admit it.

- But are you crazy? You should go to a mental hospital, that's your home.

-You wait for me, I won't just let it go.

Knock knock, another angry man.

He exited the chat window and was stunned for a moment.

In his 99+ information, 99+ came from adding friends.

Lin Fu frowned, could it be that the seeds collapsed, and they asked themselves to add seeds? It's not right, how do they try to know their contact information?

Lin Fu clicked to add friends, all males.

-Remarks: Little thing, I heard that you lack a man, add one so that the Lord can satisfy you.

-Remarks: Your videos and photos are really cool, do you want to make an appointment?

- Remarks: Ask for an appointment.

The notes slipped down one after another, and Lin Fu's hands were shaking more and more.

Things seem to be different from what he thought!

Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2
Read Academy’s Genius Swordmaster
ActionAdventureFantasySchool Life
Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

a few seconds ago

Chapter 98

a few seconds ago
Read My Space-Time System
Read The God of Sky & Earth
XianxiaMartial ArtsHaremAdventure