MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 65 Campus Heartthrob Crematorium 22

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Because of the efficacy of the medicine, Chi Ye is like a dragon that has lost its stiffness.

Killing and slaughtering is inhumane.

When Sang Jiuchi woke up, he felt that he couldn't move a finger.

When you are young you don't know how good a wolf dog is, but when you are old you know the waist of a male dog.

The curtains on the balcony were still tightly drawn, and the lights in the room had long since gone out, and only some stubborn sunlight penetrated through the curtains, making Sang Jiuchi recognize that it should be daytime.

He tried to move, put his hands on the bed, and finally put it down weakly.

Ah, this.

Just to die.

Is this little **** planning to kill him?

Sang Jiuchi felt that he had miscalculated. Although his natural dancing body gave him infinite extensibility, he also exercised his muscles very tight.

Everywhere is very tight.

Focus on everything.


Sang Jiuchi sighed and sank his consciousness into his mind, [F001, use plane points to help me repair my body, your host will be gone. 】

F001: [Look at your promising future. 】

Sang Jiuchi: [I don't want to breathe now, I just want to breathe out, how many plane points do I need? help yourself. 】

F001 checked it carefully, and replied: [1000 plane points are needed, the host. 】

Sang Jiuchi is very forthright, [Use it, use it now. 】

F001: [Ding! The following call 1000 points of plane points to repair the body. 】

As the voice of F001 fell, the warm heat flowed through the whole body along the blood. As the heat flowed, Sang Jiuchi could personally feel that his body strength was rapidly recovering.

Sang Jiuchi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately he was someone with a cheater.

After the body recovered, the originally tired cheeks regained their luster and became pink and round.

Sang Jiuchi turned his head slightly, Chi Ye was still asleep.

Sword eyebrows raised, facial features stretched, and the corners of his mouth smiled.

A look of contentment for a good meal.

It's not fair.

Why one thing, two endings?

My lover is only a low-level body now, and my body has been strengthened to S-level.

This is a bug.

Sang Jiuchi pursed his lips and frowned, reluctantly sinking his consciousness into the depths of his mind, and ran to the vending machine where the skills were exchanged.

Although the lover is a bug, but he also has a plug-in.

Consciousness swept around the exchange bar, and finally put his eyes on the chrysanthemum icon at the back.

He had asked the system before, where the enhanced icons corresponded.

He still has more than 40,000 points in his hand, not too much, not too little, just now he can exchange all the discounted skills.

If you don't succeed, you become benevolent.

The gambler Sang Jiuchi took out his last remaining points, and exchanged all the enhanced skills with lightning speed.

F001 didn't even have time to stop it.

A shallow light flashed several times in Sang Jiuchi, and the system's prompt sound followed: [Ding! Congrats on unlocking all Emotional Fun skills. Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the top ten artifacts in the world. Ding! Congrats to the host's stamina, which has been greatly improved! Ding! Congratulations to the host, the extension ability has been greatly improved! 】

Sang Jiuchi: […]



Top Ten Artifacts?

It just sounds awesome.

The soul that sank into the depths began to tremble like particles because of emotional fluctuations. F001 did not want to explain, and silently pretended to be dead.

Sang Jiuchi did not intend to let it go, [How many points do I have left? F001. 】

F001 coughed lightly, "I used 40,000 plane points just now, Lord host, you currently have 3,500 plane points left. 】

Yes, there is a little left over for a rainy day.

Sang Jiuchi brought his consciousness back to the real world, and saw that Chiye had opened his eyes at some point.

Chi Ye took a nap, refreshed, and dishonestly rubbed against Sang Jiuchi.

He put his chin on Sang Jiuchi's perfectly curvy shoulders with nostalgia, and his hoarse voice was wrapped in sweet pampering, "Senior, good morning."

Feeling Chi Ye's bulging waist, Sang Jiuchi's body froze slightly and refused, "No!"

Chi Ye laughed, even more loudly, with a coquettish voice, "I didn't think about it, I just rubbed it."

Man's mouth, liar ghost!

Sang Jiuchi took a deep breath, pushed Chiye away, and strode into the bathroom with his long, fair legs.

The bathroom door slammed shut, and the sound of running water immediately entered Chi Ye's ears.

Chi Ye looked at Sang Jiuchi's vigorous posture, and was stunned for a moment, then fell into self-doubt.

Doesn't it mean that you can't lift it up when you are usually tired?

And the more tired, the better the attack.

He is not self-taught, since he knew his feelings for Senior Sang, he registered as a member of the GAY circle forum. I read a lot of posts in it carefully.

Including how to make the feeling more comfortable.

How can I tell by Shou Shou's expression if he is really comfortable?

For example, you can get feedback from your own labor force through the situation after the fact.

The seniors in the forum are very straightforward, saying that a lover is usually very tired and needs to be taken care of.

When he was outside that day, Senior Sang was obviously very tired, so tired that he needed to help him.

But today's senior Sang went to the bathroom like a normal person, and he didn't need to help him by himself.

Are you not doing well enough?

Chi Ye tugged at the quilt regretfully, and the forum **** was right.

Lovers are duplicitous.

Don't, just want to.

He really should have been ruthless and didn't listen. As soon as Sang Jiuchi cried, his heart softened, and he didn't even use half of his strength.

Senior Sang Jiuchi's words and thoughts at that time must be the opposite.

How could he really listen?

The performance is not good this time, will Sang learn to make a difference for himself?

Chi Ye lifted the quilt, pulled out his clothes from the chaotic ground and put them on, and carefully tidied up the bed.

The sheets were wet and muddy, Chi Ye blushed and threw the sheets aside and took them off again.

After throwing the sheets and sheets in the corner, he took the quilts and mattresses out to dry on the balcony.

After doing this, he sneaked back to the dormitory and closed the door together with the balcony.

The smell of heather flowers was strong in the room, Chi Ye opened the window to the balcony a little, but did not open the curtains.

This teacher's apartment is a separate building, and there is no building opposite the balcony. But he was still worried about being seen. Senior Sang Jiuchi is still taking a bath, what if he just comes out when the curtains are opened?

Folding the sheets and sheets and putting them aside, Chi Ye sat down on the chair and stared blankly at the bathroom door.

Still have the strength to wash for so long.

Chi Ye frowned, bowing his head and pinching his muscles.

He has been exercising hard in the past few days, and he will definitely work harder next time.

Sang Jiuchi was taking a shower at the moment, and he had no idea what Chiye was thinking.

If he knew, even pretending, he would faint now.

At this moment, Sang Jiuchi was taking a shower while chatting with the system.

F001: [Master host, Zhou Ruoqing's love and regret values ​​for you have changed again. 】

Sang Jiuchi's hands kept moving: [How much? 】

F001: [Zhou Ruoqing's love value for you is 90, and his regret value is 80. Why isn't it full yet? What's next? Will this number drop again? 】

Sang Jiuchi used a bath ball to rub out bubbles and hit him on his body. The dense small bubbles covered the mottled traces, and the red color was looming.

Sang Jiuchi: [It's still a bit of a potion. 】

F001: [What kind of powerful medicine? 】

Sang Jiuchi was about to answer F001 when he heard a few knocks on the door from outside.

The hand rubbing the bubbles paused slightly, and Sang Jiuchi looked at the bathroom door, "What's wrong?"

His voice was hoarse, even more hazy and mysterious in the cramped, misty bathroom.

Chi Ye swallowed his saliva outside: "Senior, I..."

The voice paused, and then came again, "I want to go to the toilet."

This is a university dormitory. Because the room is small, the toilet, washstand, and bathroom are all together.

Sang Jiuchi continued to take a shower, "The door is unlocked, just come in."

After a few seconds, the door was slowly pushed open from the outside.

Chi Ye cautiously collapsed in.

Next to the door is the washstand, a little further inward is the toilet, and the innermost is the shower room. A curtain was pulled between the shower room and the toilet, and the light came down, casting the shadow of the shower room on the curtain.

Chi Ye didn't go out after urinating, but closed the toilet lid and sat on the toilet lid.

He looked sideways at the curtain, a hazy shadow imprinted on it. Although you can't see the people inside, you can completely guess what the people inside are doing through the shadows.

Chi Ye gritted his teeth and asked with determination, "Senior, are you tired?"

Sang Jiuchi paused slightly, then sneered.


I'm not tired, you don't know yet?


It was just okay!

Chi Ye felt a little panic in his heart, "You passed out last night."

Sang Jiuchi coughed awkwardly, "Really? Maybe it's too sleepy."

! ! Was it because he was so bored that he fell asleep? Instead of fainting? !

The technical flow must have passed the threshold, and the rest can only play emotional cards.

Chiye wanted to show his respect, "I heard that you will catch a cold if you keep it. After you fell asleep, I cleaned it up and wiped your body. Senior, are you feeling well today?"

Did you see my considerate aftermath, senior?

Sang Jiuchi lowered his head and looked at the muddy water.

Is this still cleaned up?

Do you still want a face? Chi wild.

Do you want me to die?

Chiye didn't know that Sang Jiuchi was scolding him, and continued: "I just dried the quilt and mattress outside. I will wash the quilt, bed sheet, pillow towel later, but it's cold in winter, and it's definitely not dry in one day. Senior, you still Are there replacement sheets and pillowcases? I'll change them for you."

Chi Ye tried his best to keep his voice down, "Also, it's almost noon, what do you want to eat? I'm going to buy food now."

Now it's as cute as a big golden retriever.

Still only the big golden retriever after making mistakes.

After flushing the foam off his body, Sang Jiuchi slammed the curtain, "Do you have a class this afternoon?"

Chiye's originally slumped back suddenly tightened, his eyes fixed on Sang Jiuchi, and he swallowed, "There is a class, but I can ask for leave!"

Sang Jiuchi walked over and flicked Chiye's forehead with his wet hand, "What kind of leave are you asking for! You're only a freshman and don't want to study anymore? Are there any classes in the evening?"

Chi Ye thought for a while, then shook his head, "Not at night."

He added graciously, "Tomorrow there will be no classes in the morning, two classes in the afternoon and one class in the evening."

Sang Jiuchi folded his arms across his chest and raised his eyebrows, "You go back first. There are still a few days before the competition, so go to the dance studio at night to continue rehearsing the pas de deux."

Chiye looked at Sang Jiuchi's business-like attitude, and his heart was pounding, "What are you dancing?"

Sang Jiuchi: "Dance "囍"."


Chi Ye's eyes widened, ""囍"?! Do you really want to dance this?"

"囍" is not an ordinary ancient wedding music, it is about ghost marriages.

There have been years of wars ahead, and once my fiancé joins the army, he leaves for three years.

The fiancée waited for three years, but the news came that the fiancé had died in battle. Everyone advised her to make plans early, but she insisted on having a ghost marriage with her fiancé, fulfilling her promise three years ago.

The song is not only the nostalgia for the lover and the grief for one's own destiny, but also the condemnation of the war.

This is a very layered piece of music, even more layered and deeper than "Above the River".

The background is also a time of war and chaos. "Above the River" is about the fierceness of the battle, while "囍" is about the cruel reality faced by ordinary people after the war.

Sang Jiuchi nodded, "I dance fiancee, you dance fiancé. The emotion in this song is deeper than "Above the Big River", and the dance moves are more complicated, so practice early. Yesterday, the competition party called me , let's determine the dance music, I've already reported my name to them. The competition team informed us that there will be a simple cut-scene rehearsal this Sunday, and the music will need to be handed over to them. I will give them more according to the results of our practice. Adjust the music, it's Thursday and time is tight."

I didn't expect that Sang Jiuchi had done so much before he knew it.

This game is related to Senior Sang's future, he must not be careless, he must not hold back Senior Sang.

Chi Ye quickly looked at Sang Jiuchi seriously: "I see, senior, I will definitely practice hard!"

He paused, but couldn't help but ask, "Senior, how was my performance was it?"

After he finished asking, he lowered his head, not daring to look at Sang Jiuchi again.

He lowered his head, and Sang Jiuchi didn't answer immediately.

Time seemed to stand still, Chi Ye's face flushed, and he couldn't hear anything except the sound of his own breathing.

I don't know how long it took before he heard Sang Jiuchi's faint voice: "It's not like the first time at all."

Chi Ye raised his head abruptly, staring straight at the young man in front of him, his eyes rekindled, "Really?!"

"You did a good job, I'm not injured..." Sang Jiuchi picked out a few suitable words, "and I'm also very comfortable."

Chi Ye's face bloomed with joy, "Then are you satisfied with my performance?! Are you disappointed?"

Hearing such a straightforward question, even Sang Jiuchi felt a little embarrassed. Sang Jiuchi coughed lightly and glanced to the side, "It's quite comfortable anyway. As for your level, I don't have a reference. Or do you want me to find a reference?"

"Don't, don't, don't!" Chi Ye smirked and stood up, "That's it, I'll wash the sheets and quilts for you now."

Sang Jiuchi interrupted him, "No need, put it here first. You go back today. You didn't go back last night. Your roommate is also worried. It's not too early, and I still have something to do."

Seeing Sang Jiuchi expelling people, Chiye couldn't stay any longer. He instructed Sang Jiuchi to remember to eat again, and then he turned around and left the dormitory building three steps at a time.

Sang Jiuchi got dressed and opened the curtains.

Suddenly, bright and warm sunlight shone into the bedroom.

Sang Jiuchi wrapped a white towel on his head. He wiped his hair, walked to the table, took out the original owner's diary, opened it, went to the back, and wrote a few words.

Then he leaned against the wall and looked at the door, as if waiting for someone.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Sang Jiuchi waited for another ten seconds before walking over to open the door. It was Zhou Ruoqing.

Not at all surprising.

Zhou Ruoqing's eyes were red, and his face was haggard, as if he had not slept all night.

Sang Jiuchi wiped his hair and glanced at him lightly: "Is something wrong?"

Zhou Ruoqing spent the night in the corridor last night. Maybe the sound insulation of Sang Jiuchi's room was so good that he couldn't hear the sound in his room at all, but he knew that Chiye had not left.

Two big men, Chi Ye was also drugged. What would happen when they were in the same room, it was easy to guess.

This wait, from noon to evening, and from evening to the present of the next day.

It wasn't until he saw Sang Jiuchi's room door being pushed open that he quickly hid.

Chi Ye walked out of the door with a spring breeze on his face, and his face was filled with joy and satisfaction that could not be hidden.

Why is he happy?

Why satisfy?

Isn't it obvious enough?

For a full 24 hours, the two of them stayed for a full 24 hours.

He wanted to see Sang Jiuchi, he wanted to talk to Sang Jiuchi to see what he was doing now.

He even deliberately waited for several minutes to give Sang Jiuchi enough time to get dressed before knocking on the door.

Sang Jiuchi opened the door for him, as if he had just taken a bath.

His hair was still wet, and his body was soaked with water vapor.

There is still a smell in the room that has not subsided, and the quilts and mattresses have disappeared.

Just by the smell he knew how crazy last night was.

Zhou Ruoqing's heart was full of five flavors. He looked at Sang Jiuchi with grievance and regret, "Sang Jiuchi, I..."

Sang Jiuchi just turned away slightly, "It's cold outside, come in and talk."

Unexpectedly, Sang Jiuchi would let himself in, Zhou Ruoqing was overjoyed and strode in.

After Sang Jiuchi wiped his head, he picked up the sheets, quilt and pillow towel, and left a sentence, "I'll go to the laundry room in the corridor to wash my clothes."

There is a laundry room on each floor of the dormitory building, and there are several washing machines in it. Just scan the code when doing laundry, and pick it up after a certain time.

Sang Jiuchi left by himself, leaving Zhou Ruoqing alone in the room.

Zhou Ruoqing carefully observed this room. It was the first time he entered Sang Jiuchi's room. Everything was neatly arranged, very Sang Jiuchi's style.

Looking around the room, Zhou Ruoqing saw the diary on the table at a glance.

He hesitated for a moment, but walked over.

Before Sang Jiuchi came, he just glanced at him.

With that said, he opened the diary.

Sang Jiuchi's words are very graceful, just like his people.

The front is the ordinary daily life, everything is so ordinary.

If it had been changed to before, Zhou Ruo would have scoffed at it early in the morning, laughing at why he could still write about such an ordinary thing.

But now, Sang Jiuchi's words seemed to have life, and they jumped in front of him.

The words form a picture, and it easily takes you to Sang Jiuchi's inner world.

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