MTL - Illimitable Until Death-~ 224 contradictions directly suppressed

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"True pot...!?"

"what are you doing!?"

Seeing that the real pot Zhibao was pushed down by the Karuizawa, he fell to the ground, and the amaranth and the Yamashita Shahi, who had been staying in the real pot, kept screaming, and one of them quickly helped the real pot, a pair. Karuizawa was glaring at him.


Kazuo Karui himself did not seem to think that things would become like this. The only move was just a conditional reflex. When the reaction came, he had already pushed people down, and he could not help but feel weak.

However, Karuizawa has concealed this kind of cowardice very well, as if he has suppressed the inner shake, and opened his mouth to the amaranth and Yamashita Shahi.

"This is not my fault. It is obviously her first move."

This is a bit of a slap in the face.

It is true that it was indeed true that the pot was first seized by Karuizawa, but the other party just grabbed her. After all, the reaction of Karuizawa was too intense.

Moreover, if people are overthrown, even if they are not careful, they will apologize. Who will directly claim that they are right?

If Karuizawa Kazuyuki apologizes, there may be room for reversal.

However, Karuizawa’s claim that the strong words are arrogant is to anger the three-person group in class c.

Especially the real pot Zhibao.

"Not only bully the pear flower, but also do it to me, Karuizawa, you should not really think that I dare not take you?"

The voice of the real pot Zhibao began to become rough, and the eyes were carrying a bit of resentment.

Even for girls, these three people are still c class people.

The c class is generally violent under the horror of Long Yuanxiang.

After the anger, the three people of the real pot Zhibao, the leeks, and the Yamashita Shahi continued to approach Karuizawa.

Look at it, even if it doesn't work, I am afraid that I will never give up.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely bad.

As for the Kazui Karu, who was surrounded by the three people of the real pot, the 薮菜菜, and the Yamashita Shahi, they clenched their lips and tried to suppress the shake, but the petite body had already shivered slightly.

Fear has already occupied the eyes of Karuizawa.

Uneasy is to let the light tip of Karuizawa's nose penetrate into the sweat.

At this point, someone finally can't stand it.

"Okay, please stop here."

One of the sails stood up and came to the middle of the two sides.

“Everyone is a member of the same group, don’t let things get too bad.”

One of the sails waved with a clear voice, as if to plan to scatter the sinister atmosphere of the scene.

In the final analysis, this girl is also a good person who will not sit and watch the people who have difficulties. Otherwise, she will not be robbed by Jin Tianwu in the special examination of the uninhabited island, and the spy of the c class will be taken.

It is impossible to let a sneak peek at the violent incident.

"This will affect other people, so let's calm down for the time being."

One of the sails is very straightforward and has been persuaded in ways that are not annoying.

It is a pity that the real pot Zhibao burned in anger but did not stop thinking.

"This is a matter of class c and class d. Can you please don't worry about it?"

The real pot Zhibao made this extremely bad speech.

This makes the people in the d class finally have reason to stand up.

"Since it is a matter of class c and class d, then we can do more leisurely things?" Yukihiko Yukimura is very calm and said to the real pot Zhibao: "Still stop, it is too ugly."

From the point of view of Yukihiko Yukihiko, the reason why it will stand up is not for Karuizawa, but it is not to intensify the contradictions and make the exams later more difficult.

The problem is that Yukihiko’s statement is equally ugly.

“Do you want to be a fan of Karuizawa?” Shinji Shiho made an ironic speech to Yukimura, who said: “This woman is just a good looking person, but I have heard about it, you d The boys in the class are hated by her. No one wants to accept this kind of woman except Pingtian? Or do you only have to be cute when you are a boy, what else does it matter?"

In this case, the face of Yukimura’s Hui Yan has been sunk, and the look is not calm.

"I am not so superficial!"

Yukimura’s face is somewhat ugly and refuted.

"Who knows?"

The real pot Zhibao is not convinced, only the eyes have been firmly on the body of Karuizawa, obviously not yet intended to stop.

In the face of such a true pot Zhibao, Karuizawa is no longer strong in the past, and his face is not white.

Looking at such a Karuizawa, the Xiaolong Road Qinglong began to raise his brow.

It seems that Xiaolong Road Qinglong also noticed the abnormality of Karuizawa.

On the other hand, the class a, because of the unfamiliar relationship with Karuizawa, does not think that there is any problem with the performance of Karuizawa, but just watching it with cold eyes, even the b class is just following the sail of the sailor to play the personality of the old man. There is a tendency to persuade, but there is no feeling of deepening.

Even if it is with the real pot Zhibao, the leek dish, the Yamashita Shahi, the class I, I don’t want to get involved, just hold your chest and lean against the wall, like watching something boring. It looks extremely cold.

It is no wonder that I boast will be incompatible with the people in class c.

As the quarrel became more and more fierce, the situation seemed to be out of control.


"Are you enough?"

When such a calm voice sounded from the room, all the people who fell into the fierce quarrel seemed to feel a little cold, and the sound stopped abruptly, making the whole room silent.

Those who can achieve such an effect with one sentence need not know who they are.

"The seminar will be turned into a vegetable market. This is an ability. It is estimated that only class c can do it. It is really a class that is being raised by Longyuan."

Fang Li began to pay attention to this side as it is now, holding a mobile phone in his hand, his eyes turned to this side, and glanced at Karuizawa, and immediately looked at the real pot Zhibao.


Until now, the very strong Shincho Shiho has become somewhat retreating.

Of course, the same is true for the leek and the Yamashita Shahi.

For Fangli, these c-class people are still very afraid.

As soon as I thought that the Dragon Park Xiang was overwhelmed by the men in front of him, these students could not be afraid of the other side.

However, on the surface, the real pot Zhibao seems to be unwilling to accept the loss.

"This...this has nothing to do with you? We just want to get back to justice!"

The real pot Zhibao said this in a blunt tone.

There is no rebuttal in the party.

"Exactly, this has nothing to do with me."

The party seems to be no longer interested, taking back the line of sight and re-visiting the mobile phone in his hand, only the voice is ringing in the air.

"But if you continue to quarrel and cause commotion, then things will get a little trouble, and no one will think that the school will not monitor the situation here?"

In a word, everyone on the scene was dumb.

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