MTL - I Wield a Sword at Hogwarts-Chapter 814

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Most likely, he is here to invite himself to Hogwarts.

There is less than a week left until the first project.

Chapter 822 The Arrival of the Witch King

Thinking of the chaotic scene he saw in the Hall of Thought, John couldn't help laughing.

"Hogwarts has also become lively."

He opened the letter and read it. Slughorn told John that he expected him to go to Hogwarts for his first game on November 9th.

Slughorn plans to invite different wizards to the three types of competitions in the school-level league.

For example, the Magic Star Cup will invite Krum, the best seeker today.

John looked at the other person on the list and couldn't help but sigh at Slughorn's brain circuit.

He actually invited Malfoy over. He was not afraid at all that Malfoy would be attacked by a group of people.

"A knowledge contest?"

John felt that if it were Hermione, she might be able to shine in it.

Unfortunately, there was no such competition when I was in school.

"I'm going to Hogwarts. Which of you wants to go with me?"

John looked at the two owls.

Riddle remained motionless. Basil glanced at Riddle and moved, but did not come down.

"Well, it seems you all prefer to be in the Magic Tower."

John shook his head helplessly. Tom came to his feet and circled. John touched the dog's head and said with a smile, "Then I have no choice but to take Tom."

Tom was very happy.

During this period, the Wizard City was completely stable.

The pace of expansion has not stopped, but the good news is that more than a hundred pairs of wizards have applied for marriage yesterday.

Some wizards hope to have polygamy or polyandry.

The staff at the Magic Marriage Registry had no choice but to tell the other party that if they didn’t want to be cursed, it was best to give up the idea.

Although the wizard claimed that he wanted to let more magical genes flow out and contribute to the magical society.

The Malfoy family cast a wide net in Britain and acquired many companies.

At the same time, the Delacour family performed the same operation. The wizard's family had a long heritage and the antiques were well preserved.

So you can quickly cash out antiques in exchange for funds.

Some families began to imitate them and conduct acquisitions in various countries.

Among them were Goyle and Crabbe.

Due to their low IQ, they almost caused the antique market to collapse due to the liquidation of too many antiques.

Being called back urgently, a review meeting was held in the ancient alliance.

Because of this incident, that country also issued a warning to the Magic Kingdom, hoping that the Magic Kingdom would restrain its wizards.

But having said that, some Muggles have flexible brains.

After they discovered that these wizards had precious historical relics, they began to try to get a wizard family's antique business.

Even if it is just the agency fee, this huge number of antiques is enough for those people to make a lot of money.

John knew the intelligence of Goyle and Crabbe. If there was no control, they would be selling antiques every minute.

So he suggested that the two families find an agent in the Muggle world to manage their wizarding estates.

This method was quickly used by various families. They only needed to provide money behind the scenes, and they could let Muggles help them use the money to continue to make more money.

Wizard agents were quickly born in various countries.

From the perspective of this group of agents, they are managing huge assets for a group of wealthy people with little common sense.

This kind of thing is almost like a financial manager.

The national level has noticed this, and they have implicitly reminded not to go too far with these things.

Foreign Minister Penello said that they will grasp the scale.

This makes the national level have no intention to stop it. They cannot prevent the money from coming to their country.

Just after a few years, they will begin to discover the amazing power of the wizarding industry that enters their world.

Waiting until you try to stop it will no longer help.

With daily processing and management, John’s time flies very quickly.

There is only one day left before the Hogwarts game.

During this time, Tom was always looking forward to seeing Yaya.

John also saw the big dog in Hagrid's hut.

It's just that Yaya started to move from a big dog to an old dog, and he didn't look so lively anymore.

John felt that Hagrid would be very sad if Fang died.

Just like Aragog, apart from the big spider, the one who has been with Hagrid the longest is Fang.

Slughorn was afraid that John would forget, so he sent another letter.

He made it clear again and again that he had no intention of urging, but was just here to report on his preparation progress.

In addition, he made a small mention about the vampire curse.

Slughorn asked Russ Snape to conduct research, and John could only say that there was a reason why Damo Alex had a bad reputation.

As a student of Slughorn, Damo Alex learned the essence from his teacher.

Both Slughorn and Damo Alex missed the days when they received medals while lying under John.

Slytherins are not lazy, and when they can take shortcuts, they are not like those stubborn fools.

The night comes, and a new dawn breaks through the darkness.

The starry sky disappears, and the warm sunshine is accompanied by the cold wind.

Tom was ready. He had two deep pockets filled with dog food.

As Yaya’s eldest sister, Tom will never forget his little brother’s taste.

It circled around John, waiting for John to wake up.

Finally, the sun fell on John, and the sleeping beauty opened his eyes leisurely.

Seeing Tom who was ready, John grinned, "Let's go and see Hogwarts."

The first school-level league, the Magic Knowledge Reserve Competition will begin today.

The principals of each school had already put on their own costumes and came to the guest seats of the competition venue that had been set up to sit down.

The Magic Knowledge Reserve Competition requires three students from each school to answer questions by firing sparks.

Divided into individual competition and team competition.

Every time you answer a question correctly, a gem will be added to the school hourglass.

The combined scores of the two games will become the key to victory in the final.

Slughorn told the rules that this competition will be conducted by Professor McGonagall, the vice-principal of Hogwarts, as the main examiner.

This excellent Hogwarts witch is very proficient in transfiguration or other arts.

Maybe there is no concept in saying this.

But it would be very convincing to say that the Witch King learned his transformation skills from Professor McGonagall.

Especially the students of Wagadu, each one looked at Professor McGonagall with admiring eyes, which made the Transfiguration Professor feel a little guilty.

"Are you sure the Witch King is coming?"

Babajid asked Slughorn.

The game is about to start, but John has not appeared yet.

Slughorn was also secretly worried. He had already said what he said out loud, wouldn't John forget it?

Just when he was hesitating to announce the start, a golden trace suddenly appeared in the sky.

Golden flames overflowed from it and turned into a fire dragon flying to the earth.

In everyone's horrified eyes, the fire dragon quickly fell towards the guest seats.

The flames dissipated, and John appeared in his place, chuckling: "I hope I'm not late."

The Witch King has arrived!

Chapter 823 Magic Knowledge Reserve Competition

The arrival of the Witch King brought the originally boring magic knowledge reserve competition to a climax.

With joy on his face, Slughorn announced the start of the game.

"The Magic Knowledge Reserve Competition has officially begun."

With Slughorn's order issued, the game began.

Professor McGonagall coughed twice, "Now let's start the first game, the team competition."

"Each team can use their wands to fire red sparks and hit the clock in the middle to answer the question. Each team will receive five points for each correct answer, and three points will be deducted for each incorrect answer."

After announcing the rules, Professor McGonagall looked at the many players.

Difficulty requires not only knowing the knowledge, but also hitting the middle bell.

The players were arranged in a circle, and the clock in the middle was twenty meters away from them.

This distance is somewhat difficult for the wizard's aim.

If you know the answer, it's useless if you can't hit it.

The players looked at Professor McGonagall nervously.

Professor McGonagall spoke, and her voice reached everyone's ears clearly.

On the clock, letters about the title also appear.

"What are the three heads of the rune snake called?"

When the question came up, Wagadu took the lead.

Tabor, who had met John, fired red sparks and hit the clock, and said loudly: "The head on the left is called the planner, responsible for where to go and what to do next, and the head in the middle is called the sleepwalker, indulging in brilliant longings. The middle, right side is called the critic, criticizing the left and middle heads.”

"The answer is correct and perfect." Professor McGonagall showed a satisfied smile, "Wagadu will increase by five points."

In the hourglass of Wagadu, five golden gems fell into it.

Wagadu's morale has been greatly boosted. As an expert in transfiguration, Wagadu has accumulated rich knowledge about magical animals and transfiguration.

The competition is still going on, and Mag continues to ask questions.

"If I were looking for a bezoar, where would I look?"

Banad's students took action and hit the bell first, shouting: "From the goat's stomach!"

"Quick and accurate, five points added to Benad." Professor McGonagall added points for him.

Read My Space-Time System
Read I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy
Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read The Last Adventurer

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