MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 180

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Zheng Yi looked at Xiao Li with an expression mixed with sadness and sorrow.

Xiao Li was staring at a jealous spirit, he hesitated again and asked: "...what's wrong?"

Zheng Yi raised his hand and scratched his hair and looked away: "Then have you figured out how we will call you?"

……Why is it more and more like something not so good? What can you call it?

Xiao Li: "You can call it whatever you want."

Zheng Yi: "Oh... then I'll call you Sherlock, I'm used to this."

He still has a psychological barrier to the name "Moriarty". It feels like he hates someone for so long, only to find that he is the person he admires most.

Xiao Li nodded casually.

Tan Li had left Xiao Li's pocket. She hung on the window sill where the hydrangea was placed. She squatted down inside, stepping deeply into the flowers and admiring the doll's face deeply.

Xiao Li sits on the sofa in the middle, and Zheng Yi sits on the left. When he looks at Xiao Li, he can't help but scan the ancient painting hanging on the wall of the living room.

Compared with what it looked like in the future paradise, this ancient painting has changed its appearance.

Xiu Ji sat under the big tree, and the members of the court who had come to Xiao Li's house before appeared again, lying head down.

And the stickman Xiao Li added was shaking his scribbled head with interest, chasing the hand in front of him in the painting.

The hand that was taken out of the ghost painting was pointing down with five fingers, standing up, using the fingers as legs, trying to flee.

Zheng Yi, who feels like he has witnessed a certain absurd sketch: "………………"

He cleared his throat: "Did she bring the ghost hand back?"

Xiao Li followed Zheng Yi's gaze, "Yes."

Zheng Yi weakly complained: "Don't bring everything back, you."

Xiao Li: "She likes it, whatever she wants."

He doesn't care much about the ghosts who follow him, they do whatever they like, and treat this place as home.

The little black cat briskly jumped on the sofa, raised his hind feet and scratched the back of his ears, and then bent his feet and huddled together and stopped moving.

Zhou Ying in the phone saw that there was no phone, and opened the pesticide world again to start the next game; the eternal soul umbrella that was automatically retracted at the end of the world was placed on the table at the entrance like an ordinary umbrella; Xiao Huang Ben Then the whole book is spread out on the coffee table.

This house is not big, it is a thousand miles away from the luxurious Xiao family villa, but it is full of a kind of weird warmth.

——It also gave Zheng Yi a strange sense of security.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed the head of the little black cat. He just wanted to say something to reminisce about Xiao Li, and suddenly raised his head: "I almost forgot!"

Xiao Li was already half-spread on the sofa like a salted fish:?

Zheng Yi took out a beautiful invitation letter from his pocket: "My birthday, next Sunday, will you come?"

Inquiring about Xiao Li's identity can actually be done on the phone. Zheng Yi will come in such a hurry. In addition to being really excited and wanting to confront him, there is also a birthday invitation to Xiao Li by the way.

Zheng Yi didn't want to behave arbitrarily, but his mother forced it, and finally agreed to invite only a few of Zheng Yi's best classmates.

Xiao Li didn't answer at first: "I don't like this kind of occasion."

"I know, I want to try it," Zheng Yi smiled and rubbed over, "Really don't think about it? I promised to invite you to drink top coffee in the future paradise."

Xiao Li is the person he most wants to celebrate his birthday together.

Xiao Li glanced at him, and reluctantly revealed the birthday invitation: "...OK."

Think of it as a stroll.

Except for the reincarnation world and school, he has not been out for a long time.

When Zheng Yi saw this, he immediately raised his eyebrows: "See you next Sunday."

Xiao Li put the birthday invitation on the table casually, fell back, and continued to lie down.

The little black cat was almost crushed by him, and pushed it out with a grunting throat, and put the cat's head on Xiao Li's hand.


Time flies quickly, and after a few days of school, it will soon arrive at Zheng Yi's "next Sunday".

Zheng Yi’s birthday party was in a famous villa area, surrounded by mountains and beautiful scenery. Every family is a single-family villa with its own swimming pool.

Xiao Li didn't dress much, slipped a shirt from the closet and dangled over.

When he passed by, Zheng Yi had been waiting at the door for a long time.

Different from Xiao Li, Zheng Yi can be said to be dressed up, in a white suit, with a flower on his chest, and the spring breeze is waiting for Xiao Li triumphantly.

His mother stood behind him in a fitted dress and waited with him for the distinguished guest in Zheng Yi's mouth.

The owners of the Zheng family were at the door, and other guests were embarrassed to stay in the villa, so some took the opportunity to say hello and stayed at the door to see who made Zheng Yi so enthusiastic.

When Xiao Li's figure just appeared in his sight, Zheng Yi ran up again and again: "You are here."

"I... late?" Xiao Li glanced at his watch upon seeing this.

It's not late, it's ten minutes early.

"No no," Zheng Yi patted him affectionately on the shoulder, "Early, I didn't see you for a day like three autumns."

Xiao Li: "..."

Mrs. Zheng came over from behind Zheng Yi’s money, and she touched her son’s head: "A Yi has been telling me about you, how much you take care of him, how much he likes you, and she can count as seeing you today. Yes, it really shows talent."

Xiao Li pursed his lips.

He didn't speak, but Zheng Yi noticed that he looked at his mother twice.

Mrs. Zheng: "Since you are here, then I won't interrupt your young people's gatherings. I'll go ahead."

Before leaving, she rubbed her son's hair fondly.

Xiao Li paused, lowered his head in a disguised manner, and then said goodbye to Madam Zheng with an "um".

Madam Zheng got into the black car at the entrance of the villa and left the villa.

Zheng Yi immediately became lively. He took Xiao Li's arm and walked into the villa: "Come here, the coffee for you is ready. It is polished by hand. I specially invited someone back from abroad to make it."

His shirt was not buttoned to the top, and he opened it outwards. The boy's collarbone was exposed. He was slender and looked very difficult to approach, but he was very desirable.

In a short while, Zheng Yi’s childhood friend came over: "Zheng Yi, this is? Don’t introduce it?"

Zheng Yi observed Xiao Li’s face and found that the other party did not react impatiently before saying: "This is my current classmate, Xiao Li, is my best friend. Xiao Li, this is my former kindergarten classmate , Called Mu Si."

Mu Si was waiting to say a few more words to Xiao Li, Zheng Yi had already pulled Xiao Li to the bar in the hall.

Then Zheng Yi brought a cup of coffee and placed it in front of Xiao Li.

No need to explain, the fragrant coffee smell permeates the air.

Xiao Li took a sip of coffee. It was indeed different from the simple instant coffee outside. The taste was much more mellow, but Xiao Li didn't like coffee very much. He didn't like this kind of beverage very much.

But looking at Zheng Yi's expectant gaze, he still praised: "Not bad."

Zheng Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't drink coffee like Xiao Li, but sneaked around behind the bar and brought out a box of foreign wine from the cabinet.

Zheng Yi moved the box of foreign wine under the projector in the large living room, took three or five bottles from it and put them on the ground: "Xiao Li, are you coming?"

There is no reincarnation among his friends. It is too strange to call "Sherlock", so Zheng Yi uses his real name.

Zheng Yi originally thought that Xiao Li would not join this game. He expected that the other party's usual style would be to sit and smile at the clouds, but he did not expect Xiao Li to actually agree, and put the coffee cup on hold. The long legs are seated nearby.

"Come, come, how can it be called a birthday without drinking?" Mu Si also gathered around.

"It's boring to drink, you didn't even invite a few female classmates."

"A game? Drink if you lose?"

There are not many people invited by Zheng Yi, most of them are teenagers of the same age.

"What game to play? Truth or Dare?"

"Will it be a bit vulgar? How about a little exciting?"

"Forget it," Zheng Yi made the final word as the protagonist. "If you don't play for excitement, that's it. Don't be too tricky to tell you. You don't need to take a big risk. Drink if you lose. This is what I did without my mother. Don’t waste it."

"Turning the bottle, the person pointed at by the mouth of the bottle can ask the person facing the bottom of the bottle a question, if they don't want to answer, they have to drink."

The crowd formed a circle with twos and threes of wine bottles in the middle. Zheng Yi took a bottle of wine, placed it horizontally, and then twisted it firmly in the middle of the bottle. The bottle turned around, and finally the bottle head pointed to a small bottle. Fatty, the bottom of the bottle faced Mu Si.

"Fuck," the little fat man patted his thigh. He is Zheng Yi's cousin. He has a bad stomach and his eyes rolled. "Open the door, I'll give you some face and ask you to be more reserved."

Mu Si said, "The dog can't vomit ivory, what good questions can you ask?"

The little fat man went straight in: "Did you kiss your ex-girlfriend or your current girlfriend for the first time?"

Mu Si looked around, he did not bring his girlfriend: "...ex-girlfriend, don't tell Qianqian, she will kill me."

The little fat man sneered and turned the bottle again with his hand. Next time, the mouth of the bottle stopped on another young man who was still in the air, and the bottom of the bottle was facing Zheng Yi.

"Big birthday star, let me ask you, what is the most emotionally fluctuating thing recently?" the young man said.

Zheng Yi glanced at Xiao Li, and quickly finished in one breath: "The person I admire and the person I have been black are actually the same person, and the person who has been sprayed by me is another vest."

The young man was taken aback by this complicated relationship: "...Hey, did you play like this?"

He used his dirty thoughts to add to Zheng Yi's words without authorization, thinking of some strange role-playing.

"Hurry up, the next one." Zheng Yi waved his hand unhappily.

The young man shrugged and turned the bottle again. This time, by accident, the bottom of the bottle was facing Xiao Li, but the mouth of the bottle was facing Musi.

Mu Si eagerly asked: "New friend, I haven't seen you before, just ask the simplest question, do you have a partner?"

Zheng Yi: "What are you doing? In your next sentence, do you want to ask who is your target? You are so lenient?"

Mu Si said inexplicably: "What are you doing, concealed, are you his target?"

Zheng Yi: "..."

Not dare, not dare.

For Xiao Li, this question is actually very easy to answer, obviously not.

But he didn't know why, and remembered the way that person in the future paradise stood in front of him.

Xiao Li tilted his head, picked a bottle from the pile of wine bottles, opened the bottle cap directly, and poured it into his mouth.

Zheng Yi's family is rich, and this bottle of wine is also a good wine, not a strong wine, but it is still a bit of a degree. Jiu Jin is relatively large for people who do not like to drink.

Xiao Li didn't drink often. He took a lot of effort before swallowing. He controlled himself not to cough on the spot. He looked at the bottle in his hand and took another sip.

"It seems there is an article..." Mu thought, "Next time I will ask who you are with."

"Go on," Zheng Yi rolled his eyes at him, "Look at how you gossip."


They played for a few more rounds, but didn't turn to Xiao Li these few times. He sat watching them with his chin on the side, and the drunken spirit recoiled, and he took two more mouthfuls.

That wave of people was very happy, and on average everyone drank at least half a bottle.

Until Zheng Yi pushed his shoulder: "Xiao Li? Are you all right? Are you drunk?"

"It should be." Xiao Li measured the temperature of his cheek with the back of his hand. The wine was fast on his head, and his consciousness was half sober and half vague, "I have to go back."

Zheng Yi felt that he was a little drunk too. He supported Xiao Li: "I will ask the driver to take you back? Or don't go back at all. Sleep in my house. There are so many rooms in my house."

Xiao Li shook his head. He was a little unsteady, feeling that the world was spinning: "I don't like sleeping outside."

"...You don't need to send it, I can go back by myself." He continued.

"Look at you like this, why do you go back by yourself? I'm afraid that people will lose the ground than you."

Xiao Li thought for a while with a sense of chaos, and just gave him a car, and he could let Tan Li drive him...and she didn't drive it.


Or who else? No one will pick him up.

Others may have parents, but he does not.

A trace of tiredness appeared on Xiao Li's face and erased the emotions in his eyes. His slender eyelashes drooped, "Let me stay a while..."

"——Leave it to me, I'll take him home."

The young man didn't finish saying these words. A embrace took Zheng Yi from his hands and embraced him, and the young man's voice rang in his ears.

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