MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 200

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Watching Magellan open his hands to release the venom, Hannibal rushed towards the third floor, took out the walkie-talkie, and informed all the jailers through the speakerphone on the fourth floor: "Everyone , Immediately withdraw from the fourth floor, now immediately!!"

After hearing Hannibal's announcement, all the jailers put down their work and immediately ran towards the third floor passage.

The jailers working here all know that something big must have happened now. It is estimated that Magellan is going to clear the scene, so he gave such an order.

They also all knew how powerful Magellan was in clearing the field. It is estimated that it will not be long before the entire fourth floor will become a **** of poison. If they leave later, it is estimated that they will all die in the hands of Magellan.

After feeling that the fourth floor had lost the breath of the jailers, Magellan took a deep breath and released the venom on his body with all his strength.

"Poison Dragon!!"

From Magellan's body, it seemed to be liquefied, and the liquid on his body began to climb upwards, slowly forming three poisonous dragons. After the three poisonous dragons appeared, they roared at the surroundings.

After the liquid on the poison dragon dripped on the ground, even the hard ashlar floor was corroded and rustled, and it was pitch black in a short while.

Magellan controlled the three poisonous dragons to spit venom around the fourth floor, starting from the passageway from the fifth floor into the fourth floor. It didn't take long for the entire fourth floor to be covered with venom, even those prisons holding prisoners. Did not let go.

The prisoners who were detained in the prison saw Magellan who was mad and went crazy. They kept begging Magellan and cursing Magellan, but to no avail.

Magellan also knew that he was sorry for those pirates, but who told him that the enemy he was about to face was Chenos, the strongest in the world. If he left a little gap for Chenos at this time, he would definitely become Chenos fleeing from the advance city. breakthrough.

He couldn't imagine that once Chenos escaped this time, they would have a chance to catch Chenos in the future.

Once Chenos escapes, what a devastating blow to the World Government and the Navy!

In comparison, if he sacrificed these sinful pirates to his death, his inner condemnation of himself would be a little less.

At this time, a figure walked to the entrance of the third floor and entered the fourth floor. He looked at Magellan, who was spewing venom on the fourth floor, and asked with some excitement: "Magellan, do you think these people deserve to die? already?"

"Xiliu, here you are, Chenos ran away, I'm blocking on the fourth floor, you block the passage on the third floor, don't let Chenos run away, if you can stop them, the fifth The criminals on the floor are at your disposal!"

After seeing Shiliu appear, the strings in Magellan's heart loosened a little.

Although the two have different philosophies, Shiliu believes that as long as the prisoners enter the advance city, they should die. Therefore, he often tortures and kills some prisoners.

And Magellan's idea is that these prisoners have sins, but they will be tortured in the advancing city for the rest of their lives to pay off their sins, and the managers of the advancing city should not kill these prisoners without permission.

For this reason, the two who were called pushing the city's iron wall often quarreled, and even made Magellan move the idea of ​​​​locking Shiliu to the sixth floor.

But now, Magellan didn't care so much anymore, and planned to use the fifth floor with the fewest prisoners in exchange for the combat power of Shiliu, and let Shiliu and him deal with Chenos and the others.

The strength of the two is similar, both have the combat power of the general level, coupled with his special fruit ability, the two may work together to keep Chenos.

Even if he can't keep Chenos, delaying Chenos for a few hours shouldn't be a big problem.

At this time, three figures walked to the entrance of the fourth floor, looking at the passage full of poisonous gas and venom, Chenos turned his head to look at the two of them.

"Which of the two of you shot?"

Waldo looked at the passage full of venom and Magellan with three poisonous dragons behind the passage, and his face was a little ugly.

"My fruit ability... is not suitable for dealing with such an opponent!"

Barrett looked at Waldo with even more disdain.

"Come on, this small trick can only deal with those weak people!"

When Barrett mentioned the weak, he gave Waldo a special glance, and the meaning could not be more obvious, that is, he was saying that Waldo was weak.

If it weren't for the value of Valdo's fruit ability, it is estimated that now Barrett wants to kill a useless guy like Valdo!

Chenos nodded, "Go, if you can't deal with it, call me!"

"Oh, if you need to be called to deal with these weaklings, then I will not be qualified to challenge you in the future!"

As Barrett said, he walked towards the channel excitedly, and while walking, countless black geometric shapes of liquid appeared on his body, rushing towards the venom in the channel.

Those venoms were directly decomposed and absorbed after encountering Barrett's ability to combine fruit, and integrated into Barrett's body. At the same time, a gas mask appeared on Barrett's face, so that he would not be eroded by those poisonous gases.

Magellan, who was able to restrain the vast majority of those with fruit abilities, was now restrained to death by Barrett.

Chapter 416 Barrett crushes Magellan

Looking at Barrett who kept walking towards the passage, but was not affected in any way, Magellan's face became solemn.

He also knew that venom and poison gas could not deal with the three of Chenos, but if he wanted to come, it should be no problem to delay for a while.

But what he didn't expect was that his poisonous **** didn't play any role at all, and he couldn't even stop them.

And after his venom was decomposed by Barrett's fruit ability, he lost control of those venoms. On the contrary, a set of liquid armor appeared on Barrett's body, which firmly protected him.

This increase and decrease also made the balance of victory in favor of Chenos before the battle began.

If we continue to expand the advantage of Chenos' side like this, then there is no need to fight.

Thinking of this, Magellan did not hesitate, and directly used his strongest move.

"The Giant Soldier of Poison: The Judgment of Hell!!"

Countless bright red venoms like blood poured out of Magellan's body, and these venoms quickly formed a skeleton giant.

Unlike the previous purple venom, the power of these bright red venoms is very terrifying. No matter what it is, as long as it comes into contact with these bright red venoms, it will be infected with virulent poison, and these virulent venoms will quickly spread to the objects it comes in contact with. It spreads upward until all the objects it touches are turned into poison.

After seeing the bright red venom skeleton appearing, Barrett also stopped for the first time, because he could feel that the bright red venom skeleton in front of him could threaten him.

"Hahaha, this is interesting, I hope you make me fight more happily!"

Having said that, Barrett fuses a lot of domineering with himself, and the whole person is like a ferocious devil.

His figure disappeared in an instant, and he appeared in front of Magellan the next second. Regardless of whether Magellan had poison that could kill people, he punched Magellan with a punch.

Barrett's speed was completely beyond Magellan's imagination, so that he didn't even have time to arrive, and was smashed and flew out.

The terrifying force smashed Magellan with blood all over his face. Barrett wanted to continue chasing Magellan, but at this time Magellan was wrapped by the venom skeleton behind him, and he also controlled the venom skeleton to slap Barre. Special shot.

Barrett's figure stagnated suddenly, he looked at the huge palm of the venom skeleton with a grin, wrapped his domineering on the liquid armor, and punched the venom skeleton with a punch.

The violent force erupted on Barrett's fist, and with one punch, the huge palm of the Venom skeleton exploded.

Barrett's attack didn't stop either, he jumped into the air quickly, waved afterimages with both hands, and bombarded the venom skeleton continuously. In less than a few seconds, the venom skeleton was already liquid-like by Barrett. All scattered in the surrounding buildings.

Without the protection of the Venom Skull, he rushed directly in front of Magellan, hit Magellan with an uppercut, and then another roundhouse kick, which kicked Magellan away.

The terrifying force on Barrett's feet kicked Magellan into several prison walls before he stopped.

He once again appeared in front of Magellan in a flash and stepped on Magellan's head.

"As the first opponent I was in, you disappointed me a bit. After losing the toxicity of the fruit ability, you were so weak, rubbish!"

Just as Barrett was about to smash Magellan's head with one foot, a thunder sounded from behind Barrett, causing Barrett to stop stepping on Magellan, turning around and punching a sword.

This swift and fierce sword skill only left a white mark on Barrett's fist, which he hastily responded to, and failed to break through Barrett's defense.

"Haha, it's interesting. I have never killed such a powerful opponent. I wonder if it will make me feel happier after killing it?"

After Shiliu finished speaking, the sword in his hand stabbed towards Barret like a torrential rain.

Seeing Shiliu's attack, Barrett became excited again, quickly waving his fists with both hands, swiping Shiliu's sword.

For a time, the sky was full of fists and swords, and the two became more and more excited.

"Hahaha, yes, finally there is one that can make me play to the fullest!"

Barrett fought against Shiliu for hundreds of times in a row, and he didn't feel tired at all. Instead, he felt that the blood on his body began to heat up, and his speed and strength were constantly improving.

On the other hand, Shiliu's side was different. With Barrett's speed of punching like a torrential rain, coupled with the huge force like a train crashing, Shiliu began to be unable to withstand Barrett's attack.

He knew that if he continued to fight like this, it would not be long before he stepped into Magellan's back and was knocked to the ground by Barrett.

This guy is terrifyingly strong, but such a powerful existence is still subservient to Chenos, how strong is Chenos, the world's number one powerhouse?

Shiliu glanced at Chenos who was putting his hands on his chest and looked at the two with boring eyes. Looking at the indifferent expression on Chenos, it was as if he saw a **** who ignored the lives of mortals. Make him feel cold all over.

"Boy, don't you know that you can't be distracted when fighting?"

Shiliu had just heard Barrett's voice, and then he was hit by Barrett's fist on the head, and a punch sent him flying to Magellan's side.

"Hmph, really, my blood is just heating up, you're such a spoiler, garbage!"

Barrett was about to kill two people with one punch, but heard Chenos say: "The poisonous fruit ability person stays, I still have some use!"

Barrett's fist stopped on Magellan's head, got up and put his foot on Shiliu's head, crushing his head with one foot.

"What's the use of this guy?"

"One of my subordinates is a scientist who is studying the bloodline factor. He has already researched that he can extract the devil fruit ability from the devil fruit person. This guy can take it back and let him experiment. If it is successful, he can use this guy As a template, create a robot army with the ability of poisonous fruit."

"Extracting devil fruit power from fruit power users?"

Barrett looked at Chenos in amazement. If there is such a technology, then in the future, Chenos will have as many Devil Fruit users as he wants, and if these Devil Fruit users are robots , can not form a real devil fruit army?

Chapter 417 Don't let him run away

After there was no obstacle, the three of them quickly came to the top of the advancing city. For those weak jailers and naval soldiers, Chenos and the others were not interested in doing anything. They directly released the overlord's domineering and stunned everyone. past.

When the three of them walked to the port of the advancing city, they saw the Sengoku coming at a very high speed.

It's just that the three of them seem to be very calm. They are old acquaintances with the Warring States. For example, Barrett was caught by the Warring States and entered the city.

However, at that time, Sengoku caught Barrett by working with Karp to subdue Barrett. Now it is a question whether he can defeat Barrett alone.

Valdo picked up a few pebbles from the ground and grabbed them in his hands. He laughed and said, "I didn't show anything inside just now. Now that I'm outside, let you guys see what I can do!"

He struggled to throw the stone in his hand towards the warship of the Warring States Period. The stone suddenly turned into a boulder of dozens of meters in the air, and smashed towards the warship at the speed of a bullet.

The Warring States on the warship looked at the galloping boulder, and suddenly remembered the memory of the past, the guy named World Destroyer came back.

The navy on the warship responded very quickly. When they saw the boulder, they did not panic, but began to adjust the muzzle and aim it at the boulder.


Countless cannonballs roared towards the boulder. When the cannonball hit the boulder, a violent explosion broke out, and the boulder was successfully blown into pieces.

Seeing this scene, Valdo laughed excitedly and rushed towards the warship, smashing stones and artillery shells from the warship along the way.

Barrett frowned. What's the fun in fighting these dead things?

He was about to take a shot to kill those navies, and then had a fight with the Warring States period, but was pulled by a hand!

"Let Valdo play with these trash fish. We can wait. It's estimated that Karp will come over soon!"

Hearing that Karp might be coming, Barrett stopped immediately.

If it's Garp, it's really worth his wait, and Garp's fighting style is very similar to him. Both of them like the type of punching to the flesh, and it will be more fun to fight. Fighting with Garp can only Let him experience the thrill of battle.

On the other side, Sengoku did not look at Valdo who was rushing over, but at Chenos and Barrett behind Valdo.

Although Valdo is tricky, he can deal with it alone, but Chenos and Barrett behind him, it is estimated that when Garp comes over, the two of them may not be able to beat each other together.

At this time, he didn't care that he would be reprimanded by Wu Laoxing, so he hurriedly called Wu Laoxing and the others for help.

"Warring States, you can arrange the execution of Chenos, you don't need to ask us..."

The Five Old Stars thought that the Warring States came to ask them how to execute Chenos. After all, all of Chenos' men were very terrifying.

It's just that Lord Yimu is intimidating, and it is estimated that those of Chenos' subordinates may not dare to be there. After all, Lord Yimu will personally come forward to watch Chenos' execution.

"Sir, it's not good, Chenos has just been imprisoned in the advance city, and I don't know what means he used, and now he has escaped from the prison.

Not only that, but Chenos also came out with Valdo, the world destroyer, and Barrett, the left hand of One Piece.

I'm blocking them now at the port of Advance City, and Garp will come in an hour later.

With just the two of us alone, I'm worried about letting Chenos run away again! "

The five old stars were stunned when they heard it. Just now, they were watching the live video of Chenos being detained in the Push City, but just after a while, Chenos actually ran out?

They also saw it just now that the Warring States was very careful to imprison Chenos' whole body with a special Hailou stone prison, almost sealing Chenos tightly, only showing a face.

When they were watching the live broadcast, they also laughed and said that the Warring States period was scared by Chenos. In fact, it was totally unnecessary. Just put the handcuffs of Shanghai Stones on Chenos. just waste.

However, they were all very satisfied with the arrangement of the Warring States. Although it was a waste, they could ensure that Chenos would not escape from prison and could only be executed obediently.

But it's just been a while, the Hailou stone prisoner that they thought that Chenos couldn't break free, but couldn't contain Chenos at all?

But now that Chenos ran out of the advance city has become a reality, the only thing they can do now is to trouble Lord Yim to run again and arrest Chenos.

Fortunately, the Holy Land Mariejoa is not far from the advance city, and it should be able to stop Chenos if you rush there now!

"No matter what method you use, do your best to restrain Chenos for me, and don't let him run away!"

After that, the five old stars couldn't sit still, and the five ran towards the palace together, asking Lord Yimu to deal with Chenos.

After hanging up the phone, Sengoku also breathed a sigh of relief. Although Chenos was strong, he was fortunately suppressed by Lord Yimu. When Lord Yimu came over, everything should be over.

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