MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 204 204

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Qin Zhou and Zhang Wei looked at Xiao Jiangying, in the field of vision, Xiao Jiangying stood alone for a long time, as if time had frozen, his whole person was petrified into a statue, after a long time, Only then did he recover and murmured, "It's not like that."

Grandma told him that his parents were too busy with work, so they had no time to take care of him, and also said that there were no parents in the world who did not love their children, and it was the parents’ helpless move for him to stay in the compound .

Eavesdropping, that will cause more trouble.

As Xiao Jiang went back to the room, the courtyard fell silent again.

Zhang Wei noticed that Qin Zhou had been staring in the direction of Xiao Jiangxi, and wanted to ask what Qin Zhou was thinking, but was too embarrassed to ask.

Seeing Zhang Wei's hesitant expression, Qin Zhou said, "This is the real memory."

Zhang Wei nodded.

This is indeed a real memory, they have been completely materialized, Zhang Wei just accidentally stepped on a dead leaf on the ground, and the sole of the shoe smashed the dead leaf and made a sound.

Xiao Jiangying and other characters are still in human form, not like what I saw last time in fantasy memory, grandma's body swelled suddenly and turned into a terrifying beast in an instant.

Qin Zhou looked at Zhang Weiyi and continued, "Since it's a fantasy world over there, why don't you just imagine that your grades are better."

Only then did Zhang Wei react, "Yes, if you directly imagine that your grades are better, many things can be solved easily."

Judging from the quarrel and conversation between my aunt and my uncle, Xiao Jiang was abandoned by his parents because of intellectual problems, but since it is an illusion, why not directly imagine himself as a smart genius? Will his parents still despise him? Should be proud of him. Not to mention that the test paper could not be signed by anyone, the parents should be rushing to sign his test paper.

Including the memories they saw in the last star, Xiao Jiang, who can't eat bean curd, can completely imagine that his parents will appear when he is greedy, or he has enough money to buy Ordered bean curd, but Xiao Jiang only imagined that his grandmother would hold his hand to buy bean curd for the next night.

Qin Zhou said: "He doesn't want much of what he imagines."

Based on Qin Zhou's words, Zhang Wei had an idea: "It feels like his fantasy is more like a kind of self-comfort."

Xiao Jiang didn't want much, so he didn't get bean curd, so he imagined that grandma would take him by the hand and take him to buy bean curd.

Uncle and aunt signed his 20-point test paper, which represented that his parents had changed from parents to aunts and uncles, so Xiaojiang fantasized about signing by himself, so that his parents were still parents, not has changed.

He didn't even dare to imagine that his parents would come back to pick him up, that his parents would sign his test paper. Because Xiao Jiangying knew very well that his parents would not come back, and his aunt would not make up for him to buy him a beancurd for forgetting.

He just relies on this self-comforting imagination to solve the sadness that others have but he does not have.

Before the start of the 0-1 rule world, the teenager said a word to the involved, he said 'I often don't know what is true and what is false', now it seems that it is because he believes the comfort of his own fantasy. Jiang Bing was disappointed again and again in reality, comforted himself again and again in fantasy, and then disappointed again and again.

After becoming a 0-1 monster, it is indeed difficult to distinguish between real memory and fantasy memory.

Zhang Wei thought of something and asked, "President, are you worried about the final result?"

Monsters are born from evil, 0-1 monsters allow those involved to distinguish between true and false, when all memories are clearly distinguished, those fantasy memories used for self-comfort are eliminated, only The real memory is not good, and they have no idea what will happen to the 0-1 monster. The boy himself only gave them three days to distinguish the true from the false, but he never said whether he would let them go after three days.

Qin Zhou looked at Zhang Wei, but he did not answer.

In fact, he is not worried that the people involved can't leave the 0-1 rule world and can't leave the non-natural engineering university, he is just worried that their direction will be wrong.

Zhang Wei comforted: "But now I can only distinguish, I believe there must be a way to leave later."

"What you want to say is..." Qin Zhou looked at Zhang Wei: "The hard work pays off."

Zhang Wei nodded: "Yes."

He looked very calm, Qin Zhou didn't look at him again, looked up at Xiao Jiangxi's room, and waited for the memory to end and leave here.

The time moves forward a circle, another star.

After Cheng Yang and Ren Li came in, their ears were covered by the majestic and heavy rain.

Accumulated in the courtyard, the depth can be less than the ankle.

Ren Li was keenly aware that the courtyard they saw this time was different from the one they saw last time. Although it was raining heavily, it was obvious that the courtyard he saw this time would be newer , and several trees in the courtyard are not as sturdy as the last time I saw them.

Cheng Yang has run to the corridor and stood, although they will not be wet by the heavy rain, but such a heavy rain will still block their sight: "Ice, don't stick there. , come here!"

There was light in the room in front of Cheng Yang. Cheng Yang was clinging to the window and found something through the transparent glass window. He hurriedly called Ren Li: "Ice ice cubes."

Ren Li came over.

Cheng Yang pointed at a woman in the house and said, "We don't seem to have seen this last time."

Ren Li also looked into the house, as Cheng Yang said, there was no such woman in the Xingzi they went back to. The room where the woman was at this time was the little boy's room, but they didn't see the little boy.

Cheng Yang pointed to the woman's belly: "Ice cubes, **** it. The boy won't be still in her belly, right?"

Ren Li also discovered immediately that the woman's belly was bulging. Judging from the extent of the bulge, she was about seven months pregnant.

Not waiting for them to think of any way to make sure that the woman is the boy's biological mother, grandma walked to the door and knocked: "Song Qing, why didn't you sleep so late!"

Ren Li said: "It should be."

Grandma is also younger than the last time she remembered seeing her.

Grandma opened the door and looked at Song Qing angrily.

Song Qing fixed his eyes on the book and said, "I still have some topics left."

Know to sit soon."

"Mom!" Song Qing said with a smile, "sitting for a long time has no effect on the fetus. At most, there is edema in the lower limbs due to lack of blood circulation."

Grandma: "Isn't that affecting it?"

Song Qing said helplessly: "it's the impact on me, not the baby, and I don't feel any discomfort now. It's so late, you go to rest, you are here If you delay me, I have to stay up all night again."

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"I read too much and I think I'm babbling." Grandma snorted coldly, but she didn't want her daughter to stay up late, she still turned around to leave, walked to the door and turned back: "The school gives you a holiday just because Let you rest, what other subjects are you doing, I don't believe that without you in the school, students will not be able to study."

Song Qing didn't say anything, grandma muttered, "rest early."

Song Qing: "Got it."

After grandma left, Song Qing continued to bury her head in reading, and from time to time recorded something in the notebook.

Cheng Yang glanced at the book in her hand, "The words are beautiful."

Ren Li also took a look.

Song Qing's handwriting is beautiful and good. It can be seen that she is a person who likes to read and learn. In this era, many people are not necessarily literate.

Ren Li said: "Go for the water ripples first."

Cheng Yang nodded.

They searched around the courtyard and couldn't find the water ripples, and then went to the corridor to find them, but there were still no water ripples.

This situation is not very good, Cheng Yang said: "Would you like to go back and look for it?"

After all, they landed in the courtyard.

Ren Li: "Yes."

The two returned to the courtyard again. Before they could find the water ripples, there was some movement in Song Qing's room, like the sound of falling.

Cheng Yang: "Fuck, no."

It is very dangerous for pregnant women to fall.

The two hurried to Song Qing's room. As they heard, when Song Qing finished work and was about to stand up, his legs were swollen and weak due to sitting for a long time. At the same time, she grabbed something to stabilize her figure.

She grabbed the chair she was sitting on just now. How could the chair help her stabilize her figure? As Song Qing fell, the chair also fell violently towards her stomach.

Song Qing's face immediately showed a painful expression.

Cheng Yang "fucked": "Bleeding, she is bleeding!"

There was blood leaching near Song Qing's legs. There was only Song Qing in the room, but she didn't even have the strength to call for help. She tried to call someone several times, but she became weak because of the huge pain in her stomach.

Cheng Yang was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, Ren Li said, "Don't be anxious, it is useless to be anxious."

No matter what happened, here is the memory of 0-1 monsters, even if they have entities, there is no way to change the original plot in the memory.

Finally, my grandmother came to see if Song Qing was sleeping. She found Song Qing who had fainted from pain. The grandmother panicked. She was so frightened by the scene in front of her that her legs softened. It was her daughter. , Grandma still gritted her teeth and knocked on the door of my uncle and aunt's room.

After knocking for a while, my uncle opened the door and saw the ugly grandmother, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong?"

Grandma said: "Save your sister! Hurry up, hurry up."

Grandma and uncle rushed to Song Qing's room. Uncle saw this scene and hugged Song Qing quickly: "Mom, hurry up and find something to put on my sister. I'll borrow a car."

Grandma: "Good good!"

Cars were not popular in this era, and my uncle only borrowed a tricycle.

What grandma put on Song Qing was not a raincoat, but a snakeskin pocket. She held a black cloth umbrella and hit Song Qing on top of her head to prevent her from getting wet in the heavy rain.

The two hurried to the ambulance station.

Grandma scolded as she walked: "I told you that you didn't listen! It's alright now! I've been disobedient since I was a child! What's wrong with listening to me once!"

Uncle pedaled the car furiously.

When they arrived at the ambulance station, the two frantically called for doctors and nurses, and after sending Song Qing to the emergency room, they collapsed. Grandma kept rubbing her tears, and my uncle said, "Mom, you stand guard first. I'll go back and tell Xiaoyan, so that she won't worry."

Grandma answered.

A long time after my uncle left, the door of the emergency room opened, and the doctor came out with a small baby in his hand.

It's too small, like a palm.

Grandma hurried over, "Why doesn't the child cry or move, is he... still alive?"

The doctor said: "The umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck, and the fetus is suffocated."

grandmother doesn't quite understand this: "What... what do you mean?"

The doctor said: "The fetus is suffocated, and it is premature. The brain cells are damaged, and the body organs are not fully developed. It may not be able to live. You are ready."

grandma dizzy: "What about my daughter?"

"The pregnant woman is fine for the time being." The doctor handed the baby to the nurse to send it to the neonatal incubator. The grandmother breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Doctor, please save the baby."

The only thing the doctor can say is: "We try."

Grandma said: "You can spend as much as you want."

The doctor did not answer, turned around and entered the emergency room. Grandma waited outside and ran to the clinic where the baby was.

She went to the consultation room, grabbed a doctor and asked about the baby.

The doctor said: "We will try our best, but even if we survive, the child is likely to have heart and brain diseases. Premature babies are usually mentally retarded, and they are prone to cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Pay attention!"

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