MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 195 195

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Qin Zhou had slept for a long time, and when he woke up, it was just after dusk. He looked at the dim sun and suddenly felt abandoned.

He didn't get up until he saw the sun set, and went to the sink to wash up.

Then left the dormitory and walked towards the Student Union Office.

The office was noisy, there were many people, and the noise made Qin Zhou's brain aching.

However, it is normal to have a lot of people, and there are too many things to be solved.

Qin Zhou saw Ou Ying who was full of voices, and he walked over.

Others looked at Qin Zhou and then at Ou Ying, Ou Ying winked at everyone and motioned them to leave first.

Everyone left obediently. After the last person brought the door to the office, Ou Ying looked at Qin Zhou: "Brother Zhou."

"Yes." Qin Zhou replied, looking at the documents in his hand at a glance: "I will take over some of the work, you can sort it out."

Ou Ying said: "Don't you take a few more days off?"

Qin Zhou asked, "How many days did I rest?"

Ou Ying replied, "Three days."

Qin Zhou said lightly, "Is it not long before three days."

The president of the student union slept in the dormitory for three days and it was really willful. How dare any previous president of the student union dare to be like him. But the time when he came back to work was very wrong. After all, it was already night, and there was no night to hand over work.

Although Ou Ying could not fully empathize, she understood Qin Zhou's mental state at this time.

This is a very painful thing. After Luo Yi died, Ou Ying also experienced it. In fact, her whole person is in a bad state, but there is nothing she can do. She can't take leave to adjust her mood like other people. Their identities and responsibilities predestined them to suppress their personal emotions and keep walking toward the road that never ends.

Ou Ying lowered her head, and after a pause for about ten seconds, she began to organize, and put some of the sorted work on Qin Zhou's desk. "Actually, it's not too busy recently, mainly some reports of 0-1 clues, and 1-3 rules..."

Qin Zhou's hands froze, Ou Ying's voice was a little lower: "Countermeasures."

Qin Zhou does not hold a review meeting with the 1-3 rule, even if they know that Ren Li is still in the patrol team, they would not dare to hold a meeting without Qin Zhou's consent, but the 1-3 rule The world has always been the biggest threat in the campus code. Qin Zhou left the world of the 1-3 rule safely and celebrated with the school. But if the response measures are not announced for a long time, I am afraid how happy the celebration is now and how disappointed it will be in the future.

The other core members of the student union did not dare to look for Qin Zhou, so they could only come to Ou Ying, asking Ou Ying to persuade Qin Zhou. They understood Qin Zhou's hard work, but they couldn't understand that Qin Zhou kept silent about the 1-3 rule because he didn't dare to face the 1-3 rule world. In their hearts, their president Qin should not be like this.

-"Senior, you can't stay here with me."

-"You still have responsibilities."

-"There are still many people waiting for you, Sister Ou Ying, Team Wang."

Lin Yi's voice rang in Qin Zhou's ear, and then drifted away.

Qin Zhou put his hands in his hair, his forehead against his palms, showing weakness and exhaustion.

Lin Yi is right, he really can't stay in the 1-3 rule world, and he doesn't even dare to gamble with the lives of all the students in the school, Lin Yi will not become with those cannibals Monsters do respond without writing the 1-3 rule in the campus code.

He had to write, and the meeting had to be held. This was the high-profile 1-3 rule, and he couldn't digest it irresponsibly alone. Qin Zhou suppressed the tumultuous emotions in his heart and finally said, "Notify them that the review meeting will be held at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

After saying this, Qin Zhou was not relieved, but his reason was completely overwhelmed by emotions. He deeply realized that when the review meeting started, he himself broke the hope and belief in Lin Yi.

You can only continue to look at the documents to be processed at hand, which are sorted out by Ou Ying. During this period of time, the abnormal points of non-natural engineering universities, such as artificial lakes that are turbulent without wind, such as large Inexplicably, a dormitory has a smell that the source cannot be found. These clues are attached with the investigation results of the student union - the reason cannot be found at present.

Seeing Qin Zhou working hard, Ou Ying also took her seat.

As soon as she sat down, she heard Qin Zhou speak: "It's getting late."

It means to let Ou Ying go back to rest, Ou Ying thought about it and said, "Okay."

I know Qin Zhou's mood, but I also know that Qin Zhou is not a person who needs comfort from others. Ou Ying didn't deliberately stay to work overtime. She left the space for Qin Zhou and let Qin Zhou be alone.

Thousands of thoughts went up and down in my mind.

Lin Yi said that he was at least a thousand times stronger than the 2-6 monster, and the death rule in the 1-3 rule world could not kill him.

Then the 0-1 monster must be the same.

Such a result makes the efforts of the student union seem like a joke.

The Unnatural Engineering University will always exist, and their randomly selected food will be trapped here forever and ever for the monsters to choose and taste.

And Lin Yi's identity has the worst outcome, so what's the point of him looking for 0-1 monsters now? After coming out of the 1-3 rule world, do you go to the 0-1 rule world to die?

Qin Zhou took a deep breath, he realized that something was wrong with him, and his current situation was not suitable for dealing with work.

Opening the drawer, took out a pack of cigarettes, he took one out between his fingers, walked to the window and lowered his head to light it.

It is very late, and there are no other creatures in the non-natural engineering university except human beings. In summer, there will be no snakes in the dense grass, and there will be no thieves even in the dining hall where garbage is piled up. Eating mice.

The headaches of normal life are gone here, but it doesn't feel good. Because along with it, they can't hear cicadas in summer, birds can't slide by in the sky, and dragonflies and butterflies can't be seen playing by the pool.

The silence outside gave a creepy feeling.

Only when Qin Zhou pressed the lighter, the sound of the flames jumping up.

Lighting a cigarette, Qin Zhou looked out the window.

The document behind him was opened several pages by a gust of wind blowing in from the window.

Qin Zhou was not addicted to smoking before he was picked, and occasionally he only smoked one or two cigarettes handed over by others, which was considered to be selling face. After entering the University of Non-Natural Engineering, he gradually became addicted to various things. When he was irritable or his thoughts were confused, he took a single stroke, as if he could solve more than half of the problem.

He knows it's not good, smoking is harmful to health, even on the cigarette pack.

But no way.

In the annual purchase list of the purchasing department, cigarettes are the most purchased. Among the non-natural engineering universities, there are many people like him who use cigarettes to solve their mentality.

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A cigarette **** fell to the ground, two, three…

Soon, there were only a few cigarettes left in the pack.

"Cough cough—"

I smoked too much and my throat was uncomfortable.

Qin Zhou coughed a few times, but did not give up the cigarette in his hand. When he turned back to take another sip, the smoke went out.

He lit the lighter again, and a gust of wind blew in, and the flame of the lighter could not survive in the wind at all.

Pressed again, still the same.

He went back to the table and changed to a lighter.

When trying to replace the lighter to see if it worked, Qin Zhou clearly felt a gust of wind rubbing against his hand, heading towards the flame in his hand.


Qin Zhou suddenly raised his head.

What should the office look like, and only his solitary shadow was dragged on the floor by the light.

No more people or monsters than he wanted.

Not giving up, Qin Zhou said sharply: "Lin Yi!"

No response, not even the wind.

After that, he was deadlocked by himself. After an unknown amount of time, Qin Zhou looked down at the lighter in his hand. He actually wanted to try again to see if it could be ignited, but he was afraid that it would actually ignite, proving that it was only the simple cold wind in winter that blew the fire extinguisher, and nothing else.

Qin Zhou finally threw away the lighter and sat back in the chair. After he took a breath, he picked up the pen again and wrote down some key points of the city that never sleeps on the paper.

While writing, I was thinking about how to get Lin Yi out.

The review meeting is going to be held, but he does not intend to reveal the mystery of who the monster 1-3 is.

Lin Yi has always been a very popular patrol team member, everyone likes and respects him.

Qin Zhou wants to maintain the status quo, he doesn't want to hear any bad words from Lin Yi.

Writing and writing, the tip of the pen stopped.

-"Don't you want to leave the non-natural engineering university? There is always a way to leave. Isn't there a saying in human beings that "hard work pays off"?"

Qin Zhou remembered what Lin Yi said to him.

He was stinged by the word 'human', and only now recalled the meaning of the sentence.

Lin Yi seems to be comforting him as a human, and seems to imply that he is a human.

- 'Have you ever eaten human? ’

At that time, Qin Zhou asked Lin Yi.

Shouldn't ask, this is a question with a known answer, and it might as well say something else at the last minute.

Irritability and regret returned, Qin Zhou subconsciously wanted to touch the cigarette again, but he thought of something, and finally withdrew his hand.

The lights in the office were bright, and he continued to work at his desk.

Until the brightness of the light is weakened by the rising sun and finally merged with the sunlight, it indicates that an unobtrusive night in the winter of the non-natural engineering university has just passed.

At eight in the morning, there is still one hour before the meeting.

It was a working day, there was some noise outside the window, and the students came to the teaching building to start an ordinary and cautious day.

Qin Zhou put down the results of the night, and then he grabbed the lighter and pressed it.

'Clap', but no flames.

It was only then that he noticed that the lighter in his hand had no oil in it, and he took another lighter. This lighter had oil, but the fire power was adjusted too much, and the airflow moved too fast. Of course, the flames are extinguished in a flash in the middle of the winter night.

After pressing it several times, Qin Zhou threw off the lighter and washed his face with cold water, so that he could wake up from his fantasy.

The lighter couldn't be lit, for other reasons, not what he imagined, no one had come, and he was the only one in the huge office last night.

He has to accept this fact as soon as possible, the responsibility on him is destined that he can't be crazy because of missing.

The biting cold water made him sober a lot, and when he returned to the office, Ou Ying had already arrived.

Ou Ying carried the breakfast in her hand and said to Qin Zhou, "Have you closed your eyes all night? Have breakfast and go to rest."

Qin Zhou frowned and looked at her.

Ou Ying said: "I know what you are going to say, I have not forgotten the review meeting, but the review meeting of the 1-3 rule does not need to be held."

Qin Zhou took a quick breath: "What do you mean?"

Ou Ying opened the campus rules and handed it to Qin Zhou: "Just now Wang Feihang called me to tell me about it, you can take a look."

Qin Zhou looked down.

Rule 1-3: None (1-3 monsters stay).

Ou Ying said: "It's probably a provocation, but no matter what, it's good that the 1-3 rule is gone."

Qin Zhou stared at the 1-3 rule, hoarsely: "It's not a provocation."

Ou Ying didn't understand: "It's not provocation? What is that?"

It is the 1-3 monsters who are afraid that he will misunderstand that he is dead, and are reporting safety to him.

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